Having a inventory of strategies is a great achievement, and it is helpful for anyone that has a strategy in mind and just needs to put that strategy into a code. My advice for anyone that is early in the game, though, is to first decide on what type of trader you are going to be based on your experience, abilities and time to devote. Are you going to be a day trader glued to the screen all day, a swing trader looking for short to intermediate entries, are you looking to feed a long term / retirement account for years? Compiling a database of indicators is helpful, but this site,
@BenTen "usethinkscript" is also a wonderful compendium of various strategies, abilities, talents, coders, traders and investors. It doesn't hurt for the user of these sites to tinker with dozens of strategies, but that can be time consuming if you evaluate each idea thoroughly as you should. It is better to have an idea of which direction you going first. Thanks
@Vince Field for your work. (you touched a soft spot in my heart as I used to be - still am? - the ultimate collector
