Trading Strategies Onenote Document

you're just gambling...i turned $30.00 into $700 last summer just buying Calls and Puts on USO (oil fund)...but I had my finger on the pulse of the oil traders study one or two assets obsessively, so they know what the underlying will do...that's my advice on how to utilize your "system" find an asset you it like it's a woman at a bar and you're in love. Then you can dabble in options. To reduce risk you can do debit spreads, your risk is defined and limited, but so is your return/reward. I have a "system" for my credit spread trading. If the underlying asset breaches and i exit, then the system is working....if you don't have that...then you don't have a "system", you're just gambling
If you consider a consistently profitable strategy "gambling" then I guess gambling is just the name of the game.
@Vince Field There is no point in having multiple "strategies" and "trading system" threads. I would keep them in here.
I didn't post a strategy to explain or demonstrate how it works, as is the purpose of the onenote document thread. I'm asking for advice on trading a system based on its results and my own capital limitations. They are different topics.
Ben, your micromanaging of my posts is doing a disservice. The threads you are moving them to don't deal directly with the topic, and the exposure to the moved post is greatly reduced. Do you do this with everyone's posts or just mine? It seems like you want only one thread for all of my posts and questions, regardless of how unrelated they are.
Ben, your micromanaging of my posts is doing a disservice. The threads you are moving them to don't deal directly with the topic, and the exposure to the moved post is greatly reduced. Do you do this with everyone's posts or just mine? It seems like you want only one thread for all of my posts and questions, regardless of how unrelated they are.
In defense of @BenTen, someone has to do housecleaning around here once in a while or these forums would be a disorganized mess... I used to have to do it all the time when moderating and/or administrating forums... You don't win many friends doing it, but it is a necessary evil... Nobody is singling you out... Perhaps you should think a bit longer before starting new topics for the sole purpose of pumping fellow members for ambiguous trading ideas and other such things... When you start such topics, and it appears that such a topic will dead-end in short order, it's entirely within managements right to move a topic... The best solution to the problem is to either hop into an existing topic or be specific with your questioning... I've read every post you've ever made because I read every post every day because that's just how I roll... Many of your topics may only be of interest to you but the rest of us still have to wade through them just the same... We would be doing you a disservice if we didn't... 💡
In defense of @BenTen, someone has to do housecleaning around here once in a while or these forums would be a disorganized mess... I used to have to do it all the time when moderating and/or administrating forums... You don't win many friends doing it, but it is a necessary evil... Nobody is singling you out... Perhaps you should think a bit longer before starting new topics for the sole purpose of pumping fellow members for ambiguous trading ideas and other such things... When you start such topics, and it appears that such a topic will dead-end in short order, it's entirely within managements right to move a topic... The best solution to the problem is to either hop into an existing topic or be specific with your questioning... I've read every post you've ever made because I read every post every day because that's just how I roll... Many of your topics may only be of interest to you but the rest of us still have to wade through them just the same... We would be doing you a disservice if we didn't... 💡
Ok, I'll think harder next time. How hard to I have to think to tap into the thoughts, experience and knowledge of strangers all over the world? I better start now, this might take a while.
@Vince Field Keep in mind that a majority of traders share nothing at all with anyone... Trading is a very personal and guarded thing for a majority of those investing in any type of financial instrument... Those of us willing to bond as a group are the exception rather than the rule... But there can be limits in how much each is willing to share... And, not to overlook one negative aspect is that the person you share with may end up being one of the people you'll be trading against tomorrow... And then there are those who very willingly and openly spew volumes to everybody, whether true or not... The proverbial expert... Yet when you give them 30 seconds to share everything they really know about actual trading/investing they end up with time to spare... You'll learn more through study and experience... When you have specific questions, to fill in that final blank, that's usually quick and easy enough for someone to help in a hurry... For each and every one of us this is an unending evolution... But I digress...
i gave you some heat on first meeting you, and your quote, unquote system...but man i gotta give you props for this journal, and your OneNote keeping track like that is great, if you keep looking at those you will start to see more indicators, missed information, clues into future indications....well done on that aspect. Still think you're just gambling ;) but at least you're doing it half right. kudos, good luck
I added some awesome strategies tonight from Oliver Velez. It was my first time checking out his youtube channel and he seems to be a good teacher. Plus his strategies are simple and appear to be effective. Check out the 20 MA Uptrend/Downtrend, Engulfing Bull/Bear 180 Candle, Small Candle Engulfing and the Bullish/Bearish Power Candle strategies.
Watch Velez teach, he's pretty good at emphasizing explanation to a child of your set up.
Today I added the strategies from Andrew Aziz's Advanced Strategies in Day Trading. If anyone doesn't know, he has a great youtube channel called Bear Bull Traders. They have playlists with member trade reviews in which various strategies are explained in detail, which I am also adding to the document. So far I have strategies from members William and Thor, although I'll be adding many others as well. Couldn't recommend that channel more, especially the trade reviews.
wow! you're doing an amazing job! please keep it update with what you find!
Watch Velez teach, he's pretty good at emphasizing explanation to a child of your set up.
So I've never heard of this guy but he's an amazing teacher. What strikes me as odd is he teaches the same strategy as Jarod Wesley from live traders. I started learning from Jarrod about a year ago but it seems as if Jarrod may have copied his 3 bar play from Oliver's RBI/GBI strategy.

People are crooks.
So I've never heard of this guy but he's an amazing teacher. What strikes me as odd is he teaches the same strategy as Jarod Wesley from live traders. I started learning from Jarrod about a year ago but it seems as if Jarrod may have copied his 3 bar play from Oliver's RBI/GBI strategy.

People are crooks.
Funny you mention that. I recently realized that Jared Wesley seems to have copied the content of T3 Live youtube channel. Their strategies and a lot of their terminology are almost identical. Too much is too similar for it to be coincidence. So I wouldn't be surprised if he has copied Oliver as well.
I'm creating a database of day trading strategies taken from trade reviews by successful traders. I plan on updating it daily with new strategies or examples of already covered strategies. You can access it here:!Ag3p10maeR_bjEr8zI1BRLgu1rUX?e=wf5foX

If anyone knows of any good traders who teach strategies or do trade reviews, feel free to share and I'll add them to the document.
Hello Vince - where can I access your strategies? I clicked on the link, but it gave an error. I am particularly interested in Oliver Velez's strategies.
Hello Vince - where can I access your strategies? I clicked on the link, but it gave an error. I am particularly interested in Oliver Velez's strategies.

Did you know that by clicking on a member's name, you can easily check when they were last seen on the uTS forum? It's a great way to keep track of who's been around recently, and who hasn't. Speaking of which, it looks like @Vince Field is no longer active. :(

The only thread about the Oliver Velez' strategies can be found:

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