# HarmonicsAndFractals_v03_Mcdon # name by JQ
#hint select either showpatterns or gilmores to declutter.
#============== Syracusepro Harmonics and Fractals ==============#
#===== This program was made with the intention of educational #
#===== purposes. It contains fractal and harmonic patterns. #
#===== On the zigzags, the Fibonacci sequence numbers are also #
#===== included, and shows what makes each patterns valid with #
#===== their correct names. #
#=========== I hope people interested can make a great program #
#=========== out of this material. Thanks. ======================#
#---------------- Total of 12 Harmonic Patterns -----------------#
#================= Http://www.thinkscriptcode.com ===============#
#===== Irregular fractals function =====#
###### ###### mcdon030 addded tolerance per Larry Pesavento and 19 more patterns
###### mcdon030 7 more patterns, elliot waves, head and shoulders and bg 90% reversal
###### notes: DUST ETF daily confluence wave4 and hns
script isRegularFractal {
input mode = 0;
plot ret = if mode == 1 then high[4] < high[3] and high[3] < high[2] and high[2] > high[1] and high[1] > high[0] else if mode == -1 then low[4] > low[3] and low[3] > low[2] and low[2] < low[1] and low[1] < low[0] else 0;
#===== BWilliams fractals function =====#
script isBWFractal {
input mode = 0;
plot ret = if mode == 1 then high[4] < high[2] and high[3] <= high[2] and high[2] >= high[1] and high[2] > high[0] else if mode == -1 then low[4] > low[2] and low[3] >= low[2] and low[2] <= low[1] and low[2] < low[0] else 0;
input showgilmore = Yes;
input showPatterns = Yes;
input showBarColors = No;
input filterBW = No;
input ShowHHLL = No;
input ShowTimeFractals1 = No;
input showArrows = No;
input tolerance = .06;
input showchannel1 = No;
input showchannel2 = No;
input showchannel3 = No;
input showZigZag = Yes;
def bn = BarNumber();
def h2 = high[2];
def l2 = low[2];
def filteredtopf = if filterBW then isRegularFractal(1) else isBWFractal(1);
def filteredbotf = if filterBW then isRegularFractal(-1) else isBWFractal(-1);
plot TopFractals = filteredtopf[-2];
plot BottomFractals = filteredbotf[-2];
BottomFractals.SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN );
def b1_0 = if bn == 0 then -1 else if filteredtopf == 0 then 0 else if b1_0[1] > -1 then b1_0[1] + 1 else -1;
def b1_1 = b1_0 + GetValue(b1_0, b1_0 + 1, 0) + 1;
def b1_2 = b1_1 + GetValue(b1_0, b1_1 + 1, 0) + 1;
def b2_0 = if bn == 0 then -1 else if filteredbotf == 0 then 0 else if b2_0[1] > -1 then b2_0[1] + 1 else -1;
def b2_1 = b2_0 + GetValue(b2_0, b2_0 + 1, 0) + 1;
def b2_2 = b2_1 + GetValue(b2_0, b1_1 + 1, 0) + 1;
def higherhigh = if filteredtopf == 0 or b1_2 == b1_1 then 0 else GetValue(high[2], b1_1, 0) < GetValue(high[2], b1_0, 0) and GetValue(high[2], b1_2, 0) < GetValue(high[2], b1_0, 0);
def lowerhigh = if filteredtopf == 0 or b1_2 == b1_1 then 0 else GetValue(high[2], b1_1, 0) > GetValue(high[2], b1_0, 0) and GetValue(high[2], b1_2, 0) > GetValue(high[2], b1_0, 0);
def higherlow = if filteredbotf == 0 or b2_2 == b2_1 then 0 else GetValue(low[2], b2_1, 0) < GetValue(low[2], b2_0, 0) and GetValue(low[2], b2_2, 0) < GetValue(low[2], b2_0, 0);
def lowerlow = if filteredbotf == 0 or b2_2 == b2_1 then 0 else GetValue(low[2], b2_1, 0) > GetValue(low[2], b2_0, 0) and GetValue(low[2], b2_2, 0) > GetValue(low[2], b2_0, 0);
AddChartBubble(ShowHHLL and higherhigh, high[-2], "[HH]", Color.CYAN, yes);
AddChartBubble(ShowHHLL and lowerhigh, high[-2], "[LH]", Color.CYAN, yes);
AddChartBubble(ShowHHLL and higherlow, low[-2], "[HL]", Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(ShowHHLL and lowerlow, low[-2], "[LL]", Color.GREEN);
def hh = if bn == 0 then -1 else if higherhigh == 1 then 0 else if hh[1] > -1 then hh[1] + 1 else -1;
def ll = if bn == 0 then -1 else if lowerlow == 1 then 0 else if ll[1] > -1 then ll[1] + 1 else -1;
def higherhhigh = if higherhigh == 0 or hh == -1 then 0 else GetValue(high[2], hh, 0) >= high(period = timeframe1) ;
def lowerllow = if lowerlow == 0 or ll == -1 then 0 else GetValue(low[2], ll, 0) <= low(period = timeframe1);
AddChartBubble(ShowTimeFractals1 and higherhhigh , high[-2], "[TL]", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(ShowTimeFractals1 and lowerllow, low[-2], "[TL]", Color.GREEN);
plot TopChannel1 = if showchannel1 and filteredtopf then h2[-2] else Double.NaN;
plot BottomChannel1 = if showchannel1 and filteredbotf then l2[-2] else Double.NaN;
plot TopChannel2 = if showchannel2 and higherhigh then h2[-2] else Double.NaN;
plot BottomChannel2 = if showchannel2 and lowerlow then l2[-2] else Double.NaN;
plot TopChannel3 = if showchannel3 and higherhhigh then h2[-2] else Double.NaN;
plot BottomChannel3 = if showchannel3 and lowerllow then l2[-2] else Double.NaN;
AddCloud(TopChannel3, BottomChannel3, Color.GREEN, Color.RED);
def istop = if ShowTimeFractals1 then (if higherhhigh then 1 else 0) else (if filteredtopf then 1 else 0);
def isbot = if ShowTimeFractals1 then (if lowerllow then 1 else 0) else (if filteredbotf then 1 else 0);
def topcount0 = if istop then bn else topcount0[1];
def botcount0 = if isbot then bn else botcount0[1];
def topcount = bn - topcount0;
def botcount = bn - botcount0;
def zigzag = if istop and topcount[1] > botcount[1] then h2 else if isbot and topcount[1] < botcount[1] then l2 else Double.NaN;
##def zigzag = if istop and topcount[1] > botcount[1] && istop>isbot[1] then h2 else if isbot and topcount[1] < botcount[1] && isbot<istop[1] then l2 else Double.NaN;
plot zz = if showZigZag then zigzag[-2] else Double.NaN;
AssignPriceColor(if showBarColors and IsNaN(zigzag) == 0 then (if h2 == zigzag then Color.BLUE else if l2 == zigzag then Color.CYAN else Color.CURRENT) else Color.CURRENT);
def z_0 = if bn == 0 then -1 else if IsNaN(zigzag) == 0 then 0 else if z_0[1] > -1 then z_0[1] + 1 else -1;
def z_1 = z_0 + GetValue(z_0, z_0 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_2 = z_1 + GetValue(z_0, z_1 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_3 = z_2 + GetValue(z_0, z_2 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_4 = z_3 + GetValue(z_0, z_3 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_5 = z_4 + GetValue(z_0, z_4 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_6= z_5 + GetValue(z_0, z_5+ 1, 0) + 1;
def z_7 = z_6 + GetValue(z_0, z_6 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_8 = z_7+ GetValue(z_0, z_7 + 1, 0) + 1;
def z_9 = z_8+ GetValue(z_0, z_8 + 1, 0) + 1;
#======= Preparing the XABCD Patterns =======#
def x1_ = GetValue(zigzag, z_5, 0); #mcdon
def x = GetValue(zigzag, z_4, 0);
def a = GetValue(zigzag, z_3, 0);
def b = GetValue(zigzag, z_2, 0);
def c = GetValue(zigzag, z_1, 0);
def d = GetValue(zigzag, z_0, 0);
#====== Combination to create the patterns ======#
def xab = (AbsValue(b - a) / AbsValue(x - a));
def xad = (AbsValue(a - d) / AbsValue(x - a));
def abc = (AbsValue(b - c) / AbsValue(a - b));
def bcd = (AbsValue(c - d) / AbsValue(b - c));
def xabc = (AbsValue(b - c) / AbsValue(x - a));
################ mcdons additions
def x1xcd = (AbsValue(d - c) / AbsValue(x1_ - x));## wave5
def x1xab = (AbsValue(b - a) / AbsValue(x1_ - x));## wave3
def x1xxa = (AbsValue(x - a) / AbsValue(x1_ - x));## wave2
def xabbxd = (AbsValue(bcd ) / AbsValue(xab));
def dcxab = (AbsValue(xab) / AbsValue(bcd ));
def xababc = (AbsValue(xab) / AbsValue(abc));
### time measures
def currentBar = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(c)
then bn
else double.nan);
def cp2 = if a then currentBar-bn else cp2[1];
def cp3 = if b then currentBar-bn else cp3[1];
def cp4 = if c then currentBar-bn else cp4[1];
def cp5 = if d then currentBar-bn else cp5[1];
def tp3u =if b then currentBar-cp2 else tp3u[1];
def tp4u = if c then currentBar-cp3 else tp4u[1] ;
def tp5u = if d then currentBar-cp4 else tp5u[1] ;
def tp25u = if d then currentBar-cp2 else tp25u [1] ;
#===== Checking to see if there is a pattern functions =====#
#======== Bat Pattern Function =========#
script isBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
def _xad = xad <= 0.886;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#==== Alternate Bat Pattern Function ===#
script isAltBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab <= 0.382;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618;
def _xad = xad <= 1.13;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#= ==== Butterfly Pattern Function =====#
script isButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab <= 0.786;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
def _xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#======== ABCD Pattern Function ========#
script isABCD {
input _mode = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
plot ret = _abc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#====== Gartley Pattern Function =======#
script isGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
def _xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#======== Crab Pattern Function ========#
script isCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.75 and xab <= 0.875;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618;
def _xad = xad >= 1.5 and xad <= 1.625;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#======== Shark Pattern Function =======#
script isShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.875;
def _abc = abc >= 1.13 and abc <= 1.618;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 2.24;
def _xad = xad >= 0.88 and xad <= 1.13;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#========= 5-0 Pattern Function ========#
script is5o {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618;
def _abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625;
def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#======= Wolfe Pattern Function ========#
script isWolf {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618;
def _abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618;
def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Head And Shoulders Pattern Function =====#
script isHnS {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10;
def _abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88;
def _xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Con Triangle Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isConTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618;
def _xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Exp Triangle Pattern Function =====#
script isExpTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618;
def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000;
def _xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#############################33333333333333 MCDON's Additions ##########################
#===== Symmetry Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isSymm {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input xabbxd = 0;
input dcxab = 0;
input xababc = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .382 and xab <= 4.236;
def _abc = abc >= .1 and abc <= 1000;
def _bcd = bcd >= .1 and bcd <= 1000;
def _xad = xad >= .1 and xad <= 1000;
def _xabbxd = xabbxd >= .50 and xabbxd <= 1.272;
def _dcxab = dcxab >= .50 and dcxab <= 1.272;
def _xababc = xababc >= .50 and xababc <= 1.272;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and _xabbxd and _dcxab and _xababc and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#------------------------------------ -----#
#===== Cypher Pattern Function =====#
script isCyph {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .382 and xab <= 0.618;
def _abc = abc >= 1.13 and abc <= 1.414;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.272 and bcd <= 2.000;
def _xad = xad >= .786 and xad <= .786;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== ABCD Reciprocal Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isABCDR {
input _mode = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _abc = abc >= 1.13 and abc <= 0.786;
def _bcd = bcd >= .382 and bcd <= .886;
plot ret = _abc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#=====GarFly Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isGfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .618 and xab <= 0.618 ;
def _abc = abc >= 0.318 and abc <= .886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.24;
def _xad = xad >= 1.272 and xad <= 1.272;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#=====One Two One Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isOTO {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .50 and xab <= .786 ;
def _abc = abc >= 1.128 and abc <= 3.618;
def _bcd = bcd >= .382 and bcd <= .786;
def _xad = xad >= .382 and xad <= .786 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#=====Black Swan Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isBS {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.382 and xab <= 2.618 ;
def _abc = abc >= 0.236 and abc <= .50;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.128 and bcd <= 2.00;
def _xad = xad >= 1.128 and xad <= 2.618 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#=====Rectangle Harmonic Pattern Function =====##### check ratios
script isRect {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .318 and xab <= .618 ;
def _abc = abc >= 0.88 and abc <= 1.12;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.88 and bcd <= 1.12;
def _xad = xad >= 0.318 and xad <= 0.618 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Ascending and Descending or "wedge" Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isADsc {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .50 and xab <= .786;
def _abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.50 and bcd <= .786;
def _xad = xad >= .50 and xad <= 100;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== ThreeDrives Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script is3d {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618 ;
def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 1.618;
def _xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Strong Henry Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isSHen {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 0.128 and xab <= 261.8 ;
def _abc = abc >= 0.444 and abc <= 0.618;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.618 and bcd <= .886;
def _xad = xad >= .618 and xad <= 1.618 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Contracting Triangle Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isContr {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .318 and xab <= .886;
def _abc = abc >= .618 and abc <= .886;
def _bcd = bcd >= .618 and bcd <= .886 ;
def _xad = xad >= .12 and xad <= .886 ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Crab 1.618 Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isCrab1618 {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = (xab >= 0.382 - tolerance) and (xab <= 0.382 + tolerance) ;
def _abc = ( abc >= 0.382 - tolerance) and (abc <= 0.618 + tolerance);
def _bcd = ( bcd >= 2.24 - tolerance) and (bcd <= 3.618 + tolerance);
def _xad = ( xad >= 1.618 - tolerance) and (xad <= 1.618 + tolerance) ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Crab deep Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isCrabd {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = (xab >= 0.886 - tolerance) and (xab <= 0.886 + tolerance) ;
def _abc = ( abc >= 0.382 - tolerance) and (abc <= 0.886 + tolerance);
def _bcd = ( bcd >= 2.618 - tolerance) and (bcd <= 3.618 + tolerance);
def _xad = ( xad >= 1.618 - tolerance) and (xad <= 1.618 + tolerance) ;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Butterfly 1 Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isBut1 {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = (xab >= 0.786 - tolerance) and (xab >= 0.786 + tolerance) ;
def _abc = (abc >= 0.382 - tolerance) and ( abc <= 0.886 + tolerance);
def _bcd = (bcd >= 1.618 - tolerance) and (bcd <= 2.618 + tolerance);
def _xad = (xad >= 1.27 - tolerance) and (xad <= 1.618 + tolerance);
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Butterfly 1113 Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isBut2 {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = (xab >= 0.786 - tolerance) and (xab <= 2.00 + tolerance);
def _abc = (abc >= .618 - tolerance) and (abc <= 1.00 + tolerance);
def _bcd = ( bcd >= 1.218 - tolerance) and (bcd <= 1.218 + tolerance) ;
def _xad = (xad >= 1.272 - tolerance) and (xad <= 1.272 + tolerance);
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Butterfly alt Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isButalt {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = (xab >= 0.382 - tolerance) and (xab <= .618 + tolerance) ;
def _abc = (abc >= 1.218 - tolerance) and (abc <= 2.618 + tolerance) ;
def _bcd = (bcd >= 1.272 - tolerance) and (bcd <= 1.272 + tolerance) ;
def _xad = (xad >= .618 - tolerance) and (xad <= .786 + tolerance);
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Head And Shoulders Pattern Function =====#
script isHNS1 {
input _mode = 0;
input tolerance = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1000;
def _abc = abc >= .01 and abc <= 1000;
def _bcd = bcd >= .01 and bcd <= .98;
def _xad = xad >= .886 and xad <= 1.12;
plot ret = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#===== Head And Shoulders2 Pattern Function =====#
##added bulkowski strength measures aren't working so just educational
script isHNS3 {
input _mode = 0;
input tol = 0;
input x1 = 0;
input x = 0;
input a = 0;
input b = 0;
input c = 0;
input d = 0;
input tp3u = 0;
input tp5u = 0;
input istop =0.0;
input isbot =0.0;
def xxa = between(Round((AbsValue(a - x)/ AbsValue(x - x1)),2),(.218 - tol),(.88 + tol)) ;
def xab = between(Round((AbsValue(b - a)/ AbsValue(a - x)),2),(1.18 - tol),(100 + tol)) ;
def abc = between(Round((AbsValue(c - b)/ AbsValue(b - a)),2), (.88 - tol),(1.12 + tol)) ;
def xd = between(Round((AbsValue(d-x) / AbsValue(x)),2),(.001 - tol),(1.005 +tol));
def bcd = between(Round((AbsValue(d - c) / AbsValue(c - b)),2),(.12 - tol), (.88 + tol)) ;
def xad = between(Round((AbsValue(d - a) / AbsValue(a - x)),2),(.88 - tol), (1.12 + tol)) ;
def time = (AbsValue(tp5u) / AbsValue(tp3u));
def reslope = linearRegressionSlope(vwap);
def high52w = if d then GetValue(close, GetMaxValueOffset(high, 364), 364 - 1) else high52w[1];##
def low52w = if d then GetValue(close, GetMinValueOffset(low, 364), 364 - 1) else low52w[1];
def bullhl = if max(a,c)<=high52w and min(x,b)<= low52w then 1 else 0;
def bearhl = if max(a,c)>=high52w and min(x,b)>= low52w then 1 else 0;
def strength1 = (max(a,c)/absvalue((max(a,c)-b)))>=.19 ; # 20% drop
def strength2 = (a && istop && a>b) or( a&&isbot &&a<b); # left shoulder greater then right
def strength3 = between(Round((AbsValue(d - c) / AbsValue(b - a)),2),(.0 - tol), (.05 + tol)) or
Between(time,(1-tol),(1+tol)) ; # symmetry
def strength4 = reslope<0; # downward sloping volume n/a
plot strength = strength1 or strength2 or strength3 or strength4 or (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
plot ret = xxa and xab and abc and xd and bcd and xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
def e_hns3str = yes and isHNS3(-1, tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d, tp3u,tp5u,istop,isbot).strength and isHNS3(-1,tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d, tp3u,tp5u,istop,isbot).strength[1] == 0;
def e_hns3 = yes and isHNS3(-1, tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d, tp3u,tp5u,istop,isbot).ret and isHNS3(-1,tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d, tp3u,tp5u,istop,isbot).ret[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(e_hns3[-2] , high, "Bear Head and Shoulders v3"+ if e_hns3str then "Strength : yes" else " Strength: no", Color.RED, yes);
def u_hns3 = yes and isHNS3(1,tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d, tp3u,tp5u).ret and isHNS3(1,tolerance, x1_,x,a,b,c, d ,tp3u,tp5u).ret[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_hns3[-2] , low, "Bull Head and Shoulders v3 ", Color.GREEN, no);
#= ====Gilmore 90% reversal variation with alma Pattern Function =====#
script isGilmoreReversal {
input _mode = 0;
input x = 0;
input a = 0;
input b = 0;
input c = 0;
input d = 0;
input tol = 0;
input tp3u = 0;
input tp4u = 0 ;
input tp5u = 0;
input tp25u = 0 ;
def Data = close;
def Window = 9;
def Sigma = 6;
def Offset = 0.85;
def nRSI = 6;
def m = (Offset * (Window - 1));
def s = Window / Sigma;
def SumVectorData = fold y = 0 to Window with WS do WS + Exp(-(Sqr(y - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s))) * GetValue(Data, (Window - 1) - y);
def SumVector = fold z = 0 to Window with CW do CW + Exp(-(Sqr(z - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s)));
def almav = SumVectorData / SumVector;
def NetChgAvg = (almav- almav[1]);
def TotChgAvg = (AbsValue(almav- almav[1]));
def ChgRatio = if TotChgAvg != 0 then NetChgAvg / TotChgAvg else 0;
def RSI = Round(50 * (ChgRatio + 1), 2);
def fullk = reference StochasticFull().Fullk;
def fullD = reference StochasticFull().FullD;
def ratio = (AbsValue(tp25u) / AbsValue(tp4u));
def ratio1 = (AbsValue(d-a) / AbsValue(c-b));
def ratio2 = (AbsValue(tp5u) / AbsValue(tp3u));
def ratio3 = (AbsValue(d-c) / AbsValue(b-x));
def RVentryt = Between(ratio,(1.618-tol),(1.618+tol)) or Between(ratio,(2-tol),(2+tol)) or Between(ratio,(3-tol),(3+tol));
def RVentryp = Between(ratio1,(1.618-tol),(1.618+tol)) or Between(ratio1,(2-tol),(2+tol)) or Between(ratio1,(3-tol),(3+tol));
def cdabl = Between(ratio2,(1-tol),(1+tol))or Between(ratio3,(1-tol),(1+tol)) ;## length & price degree
def certainbuy = (RVentryt or RVentryp and cdabl) ;
def condi1 = ( certainbuy and RSI <= 5) or (certainbuy and fullk <= 20 ) or (certainbuy and fulld <= 20) ;
def condi2 =( certainbuy and RSI>= 94) or (certainbuy and fullk>= 80 ) or (certainbuy and fulld >= 80) ;
def condi3 =(certainbuy and RSI >= 94) or (certainbuy[1] and fullk<= 18.5) or (certainbuy[1] and fulld <= 18.5) ;
plot ret = condi1 and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
plot ret1 = condi2 and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
# gilmore strength measures need cd=xa or bc=xa in time or price and crosses, such as falsebreak, reverse, inside , outside and double.
################### redefine values for complex Elliot waves ###########################
def x1 = z_0 + GetValue(z_0, z_0 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x2 = z_1 + GetValue(z_0, z_1 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x3 = z_2 + GetValue(z_0, z_2 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x4 = z_3 + GetValue(z_0, z_3 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x5 = z_4 + GetValue(z_0, z_4 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x6= z_5 + GetValue(z_0, z_5+ 1, 0) + 1;
def x7 = z_6 + GetValue(z_0, z_6 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x8 = z_7+ GetValue(z_0, z_7 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x9 = z_8+ GetValue(z_0, z_8 + 1, 0) + 1;
def x10 = z_9+ GetValue(z_0, z_9 + 1, 0) + 1;
#=====Elliot Wave 5 Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isEW5 {
input _mode = 0;
input x1xxa = 0;
input x1xab = 0;
input abc = 0;
input x1xcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _x1xxa = x1xxa >= .318 and x1xxa <= .618 ;
def _x1xab = x1xab >= 1.00 and x1xab <= 4.236;
def _abc = abc >= 0.318 and abc <= 618;
def _x1xcd = x1xcd >= 1.00 and x1xcd <= 2.62 ;
plot ret = _x1xxa and _x1xab and _abc and _x1xcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#=====Elliot Wave 4 Harmonic Pattern Function =====#
script isEW4 {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xabc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = 0;
input c = 0;
def _xab = xab >= .318 and xab <= .618 ;
def _xabc = xabc >= 1.00 and xabc <= 4.236;
def _bcd = bcd >= 0.318 and bcd <= 618;
plot ret = _xab and _xabc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
#======== EW 5 abc or greater cycle 2 Structure Pattern Function =========#
script isEW {
input _mode = 0;
input tol = 0;
input x1 = 0;
input x2 = 0;
input x3 = 0;
input x4 = 0;
input x5 = 0;
input x6 = 0;
input x7 = 0;
input x8 = 0;
input x9 = 0;
def uwcr = Round((AbsValue(x1 - x2) / AbsValue(x3 - x4)),2);
def uwbr = Round((AbsValue(x2 - x3) / AbsValue(x3 - x4)),2);
def uwar = Round((AbsValue(x3 - x4) / AbsValue(x4 - x9)),2);
def uw5r = Round((AbsValue(x4 - x5) / AbsValue(x8 - x9)),2);
def uw4r = Round((AbsValue(x5 - x6) / AbsValue(x6 - x7)),2);
def uw3r = Round((AbsValue(x6 - x7) / AbsValue(x8 - x9)),2);
def uw2r = Round((AbsValue(x7 - x8) / AbsValue(x8 - x9)),2);
def _uwcr = Between(uwcr, (.50-tol), (2.618+tol)) ;
def _uwbr = Between(uwbr,(.382-tol), (1.236+tol)) and uwar<=(.99) ;
def _uw5r = Between(uw5r, (1.14-tol), (4.236+tol));
def _uw4r = Between(uw4r,(.24-tol), (.886+tol)) ;
def _uw3r = Between(uw3r, (1.14-tol), (4.23+tol)) ;
def _uw2r = Between(uw2r, (.24-tol), (0.854+tol));
plot ret = _uwcr and _uwbr and _uw5r and _uw4r and _uw3r and _uw2r and (if _mode == 1 then x1 < x2 else x1> x2);
#======== EW 5 wave 4 correction is abc Structure Pattern Function =========#
script isEW4abc {
input _mode = 0;
input tol = 0;
input x1 = 0;
input x2 = 0;
input x3 = 0;
input x4 = 0;
input x5 = 0;
input x6 = 0;
input x7 = 0;
input x8 = 0;
input x9 = 0;
def we45 = Round((AbsValue(x1 - x2) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def we4c = Round((AbsValue(x2 - x3) / AbsValue(x4 - x5)),2);
def we4b = Round((AbsValue(x3 - x4) / AbsValue(x4 - x5)),2);
def we44 = Round((AbsValue(x2 - x5) / AbsValue(x5 - x6)),2);
def we43 = Round((AbsValue(x5 - x6) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def we42 = Round((AbsValue(x6 - x7) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def _we45 =Between(we45, (1-tol), (4.236+tol)) ;
def _we4c = Between(we4c,(.50-tol), (2.618+tol));
def _we4b = Between(we4b, (.382-tol), (1.236+tol));
def _we44 = Between( we44,(.24-tol), (.886+tol)) ;
def _we43= Between(we43, (1.14-tol), (4.23+tol)) ;
def _we42 = Between(we42, (.24-tol), (0.854+tol));;
plot ret = _we45 and _we4c and _we4b and _we44 and _we43 and _we42 and (if _mode == 1 then x1 < x2 else x1> x2);
#======== EW 5 wave 3 is extension Structure Pattern Function =========#
script isEW5ext3 {
input _mode = 0;
input tol = 0;
input x1 = 0;
input x2 = 0;
input x3 = 0;
input x4 = 0;
input x5 = 0;
input x6 = 0;
input x7 = 0;
input x8 = 0;
input x9 = 0;
input x10 = 0;
def w5er = Round((AbsValue(x1 - x2) / AbsValue(x9 - x10)),2);
def w4er = Round((AbsValue(x2 - x3) / AbsValue(x3 - x8)),2);
def w3er = Round((AbsValue(x3 - x8) / AbsValue(x9 - x10)),2);
def w35er = Round((AbsValue(x3 - x4) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def w34er = Round((AbsValue(x4 - x5) / AbsValue(x5 - x6)),2);
def w33er = Round((AbsValue(x5 - x6) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def w32er = Round((AbsValue(x6 - x7) / AbsValue(x7 - x8)),2);
def w2er = Round((AbsValue(x8 - x9) / AbsValue(x9 - x10)),2);
def _w5er =Between(w5er, (1-tol), (4.236+tol)) ;
def _w4er= Between( w4er,(.24-tol), (.886+tol));
def _w3er = Between(w3er, (1.14-tol), (4.236+tol));
def _w35er = Between(w35er,(1-tol), (4.236+tol));
def _w34er= Between(w34er, (.24-tol), (.854+tol));
def _w33er = Between(w33er, (1.14-tol), (4.236+tol));
def _w32er = Between(w32er, (.24-tol), (.618+tol));
def _w2er =Between(w2er , (.24-tol), (0.854+tol));
plot ret = _w5er and _w4er and _w3er and _w35er and _w34er and _w33er and _w32er and _w2er and (if _mode == 1 then x1 < x2 else x1> x2);
def u_abcd1 = showPatterns and isABCD(-1, abc, bcd, d, c) and isABCD(-1, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abcd1[-2] , high, "Bear ABCD", Color.RED, yes);
def u_bat1 = showPatterns and isBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bat1[-2] , high, "Bear Bat",Color.rED, yes);
def u_abat1 = showPatterns and isAltBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isAltBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abat1[-2] , high, "Bear Alt Bat", Color.RED, yes);
def u_bfly1 = showPatterns and isButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bfly1[-2] , high, "Bear Butterfly", Color.RED, yes);
def u_gley1 = showPatterns and isGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_gley1[-2] , high, "Bear Gartley", Color.RED, yes);
def u_crb1 = showPatterns and isCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crb1[-2] , high, "Bear Crab", Color.RED, yes);
def u_shrk1 = showPatterns and isShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_shrk1[-2] , high, "Bear Shark",Color.RED, yes);
def u_5o1 = showPatterns and is5o(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and is5o(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_5o1[-2] , high, "Bear 5-O", Color.RED, yes);
def u_wlf1 = showPatterns and isWolf(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isWolf(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_wlf1[-2] , high, "Bear Wolf Wave",Color.RED, yes);
def u_hns1 = showPatterns and isHns(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isHns(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_hns1[-2] , high, "Bear Head and Shoulders",Color.RED, yes);
def u_ctr1 = showPatterns and isConTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isConTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ctr1[-2] , high, "Bear Contracting Triangle",Color.RED, yes);
def u_exp1 = showPatterns and isExpTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isExpTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_exp1[-2] , high, "Bear Expanding Triangle",Color.RED, yes);
###MCDONS Additions
def u_abcdr1 = showPatterns and isABCDR(-1, abc, bcd, d, c) and isABCDR(-1, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abcdr1[-2] , high, "Bear Reciprocal",Color.RED, yes);
def u_gf1 = showPatterns and isGfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isGfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_gf1[-2] , high, "Bear 121",Color.RED, yes);
def u_oto1 = showPatterns and isOTO (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isOTO(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_oto1[-2] , high, "Bear 121",Color.RED, yes);
def u_bs1 = showPatterns and isBS (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBS(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bs1[-2] , high, "Bear BlackSwan",Color.RED, yes);
def u_rect1 = showPatterns and isRect (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isRect (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_rect1[-2] , high, "Bear Rectangle", Color.RED, yes);
def u_ad1 = showPatterns and isADsc (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isADsc (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ad1[-2] , high, "Bear AscDsc Triangle",Color.RED, yes);
def u_3d1 = showPatterns and is3d (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and is3d (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_3d1[-2] , high, "Bear Three drives", Color.RED, yes);
def u_sh1 = showPatterns and isSHen (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isSHen (-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_sh1[-2] , high, "Bear Strong Henry",Color.RED, yes);
def u_con1 = showPatterns and isContr(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isContr(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_con1[-2] , high, "Bear Contracting Tri", Color.RED, yes);
def u_crabd1 = showPatterns and isCrabd(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrabd(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crabd1[-2] , high, "Bear Crab Deep", Color.RED, yes);
def u_crab16181 = showPatterns and isCrab1618(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrab1618(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crab16181[-2] , high, "Bear Crab 1.618", Color.RED, yes);
def u_but1 = showPatterns and isBut1(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBut1(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_but1[-2] , high, "Bear Butterfly",Color.RED, yes);
def u_but21 = showPatterns and isBut2(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBut2(-1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_but21[-2] , high, "Bear Butterfly 113",Color.RED, yes);
def u_hns11 = showPatterns and isHNS1(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isHNS1(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_hns11[-2] , high, "Bear Head and Shoulders",Color.RED, yes);
def u_isSymm1 = showPatterns and isSymm(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, xabbxd, dcxab, xababc, d, c) and isSymm(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, xabbxd, dcxab, xababc, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isSymm1[-2] , high, "bear Symmetry",Color.RED, yes);
def u_isCyph1 = showPatterns and isCyph(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCyph(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isCyph1[-2] , high, "bear Cypher", Color.RED, yes);
def e_isGilmoreReversal = showgilmore and isGilmoreReversal (-1, x, a, b, c, d,tolerance, tp3u,tp4u,tp5u,tp25u).ret1 and isGilmoreReversal (-1, x, a, b, c, d,tolerance, tp3u,tp4u,tp5u,tp25u).ret1[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(e_isGilmoreReversal[-2] , high, " bear isGilmoreReversal ", Color.RED, yes);
def u_ew51 = showPatterns and isEW5(-1, x1xxa, x1xab , abc, x1xcd, d, c) and isEW5 (-1, x1xxa, x1xab , abc, x1xcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ew51[-2] , high, "Bear Elliot Wave 5", Color.RED, yes);
def u_ew1 = showPatterns and isEW4(-1, xab, xabc, bcd, d, c) and isEW4 (-1, xab, xabc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ew1[-2] , high, "Bear Elliot Wave 4", Color.RED, yes);
def u_isEW1 = showgilmore and isEW(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) and isEW(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isEW1[-2],high, "bear Elliot 5 abc ", Color.red, no);
def u_isEW4abc1 = showgilmore and isEW4abc(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) and isEW4abc(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isEW4abc1[-2] ,high, "bear Elliot 5 wv4= abc ", Color.red, no);
def u_isEW5ext31 = showgilmore and isEW5ext3(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10) and isEW5ext3(-1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isEW5ext31[-2] ,high, "bear Elliot 5 extend wave 3 ", Color.red, no);
def u_abcd2 = showPatterns and isABCD(1, abc, bcd, d, c) and isABCD(1, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abcd2[-2] , low, "Bull ABCD" , Color.GREEN, no);
def u_bat2 = showPatterns and isBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bat2[-2], low , "Bull Bat", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_abat2 = showPatterns and isAltBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isAltBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abat2[-2] , low, "Bull Alt Bat", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_bfly2 = showPatterns and isButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bfly2[-2] , low, "Bull Butterfly", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_gley2 = showPatterns and isGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_gley2[-2] , low, "Bull Gartley", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_crb2 = showPatterns and isCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crb2[-2] , low, "Bull Crab", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_shrk2 = showPatterns and isShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_shrk2[-2] , low, "Bull Shark", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_5o2 = showPatterns and is5o(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and is5o(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_5o2[-2] , low, "Bull 5-O", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_wlf2 = showPatterns and isWolf(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isWolf(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_wlf2[-2] , low, "Bull Wolf Wave", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_hns2 = showPatterns and isHns(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isHns(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_hns2[-2] , low, "Bull Head and Shoulders", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_ctr2 = showPatterns and isConTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isConTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ctr2[-2] , low, "Bull Contracting Triangle", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_exp2 = showPatterns and isExpTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isExpTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_exp2[-2] , low, "Bull Expanding Triangle", Color.GREEN, no);
###MCDONS Additions
def u_abcdr2 = showPatterns and isABCDR(1, abc, bcd, d, c) and isABCDR(1, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_abcdr2[-2] , low, "Bull ABCD Reciprocal", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_ew52 = showgilmore and isEW5(1, x1xxa, x1xab , abc, x1xcd, d, c) and isEW5(1, x1xxa, x1xab , abc, x1xcd, d, c) [1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ew52[-2] , low, "Bull Elliot Wave 5", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_ew2 = showgilmore and isEW4(1, xab, xabc, bcd, d, c) and isEW4 (1, xab, xabc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ew2[-2] , low, "Bull Elliot Wave 4", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_gf2 = showPatterns and isGfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isGfly (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_gf2[-2] , low, "Bull 121", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_oto2 = showPatterns and isOTO(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isOTO (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_oto2[-2] , low, "Bull 121", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_bs2 = showPatterns and isBS(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBS (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_bs2[-2] , low, "Bull BlackSwan", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_rect2 = showgilmore and isRect (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isRect (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_rect2[-2] , low, "Bull Rectangle", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_ad2 = showPatterns and isADsc (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isADsc (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_ad2[-2] , low, "Bull AscDsc Triangle", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_3d2 = showPatterns and is3d (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and is3d (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_3d2[-2] , low, "Bull ThreeDrives", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_sh2 = showPatterns and isSHen (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isSHen (1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_sh2[-2] , low, "Bull Strong Henry", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_con2 = showPatterns and isContr(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isContr(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_con2[-2] , low, "Bull Contracting Try", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_crab16182 = showPatterns and isCrab1618(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrab1618(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crab16182[-2] , low, "Bull Crab 1.1618", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_crabd2 = showPatterns and isCrabd(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCrabd(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_crabd2[-2] , low, "Bull Crab Deep", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_but2 = showPatterns and isBut1(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBut1(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_but2[-2] , low, "Bull Butterfly", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_but22 = showPatterns and isBut2(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isBut2(1, tolerance, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_but22[-2] , low, "Bull Butterfly 113", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_hns12 = showPatterns and isHNS1(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isHNS1(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_hns12[-2] , low, "Bull Head and Shoulders", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_isSymm2 = showPatterns and isSymm(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, xabbxd, dcxab, xababc, d, c) and isSymm(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, xabbxd, dcxab, xababc, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isSymm2[-2] , low, "bull Symmetry " , Color.GREEN, no);
def u_isCyph2 = showPatterns and isCyph(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c) and isCyph(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isCyph2[-2] , low, "bull Cypher" , Color.GREEN, no);
def u_isGilmoreReversal = showgilmore and isGilmoreReversal(1, x, a, b, c, d,tolerance, tp3u,tp4u,tp5u,tp25u ) and isGilmoreReversal(1, x, a, b, c, d,tolerance, tp3u,tp4u,tp5u,tp25u)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble(u_isGilmoreReversal[-2] , low, " bull isGilmoreReversal", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_isEW4abc2 = showgilmore and isEW4abc(1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9) and isEW4abc(1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble( u_isEW4abc2[-2] , low, "bull Elliot 5 wv4 = abc ", Color.GREEN, no);
def u_isEW5ext32 = showgilmore and isEW5ext3(1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10) and isEW5ext3(1,tolerance,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10)[1] == 0;
AddChartBubble( u_isEW5ext32[-2] , low, "bull Elliot 5 extend wave 3 ", Color.GREEN, no);
#============ End Syracusepro Harmonics and Fractals ============#