Hi everyone, is there a version of supertrend that has the auto buy and sell with the profit/loss floating box , so you can backtest the strategy and see the outcome?
So, from the first post, this is what the script would look like.
input showSignals = yes;
input showLabels = yes;
input showBubbles = yes;
input useStops = no;
## Create Signals - FILL IN THIS SECTION
input AtrMult = 1.0;
input nATR = 4;
input AvgType = AverageType.HULL;
input PaintBars = yes;
def ATR = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(high, close, low), nATR);
def UP = HL2 + (AtrMult * ATR);
def DN = HL2 + (-AtrMult * ATR);
def ST = if close < ST[1] then UP else DN;
plot SuperTrend = ST;
SuperTrend.AssignValueColor(if close < ST then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);
AssignPriceColor(if PaintBars and close < ST
then Color.RED
else if PaintBars and close > ST
then Color.GREEN
else Color.CURRENT);
def BuySignal = close crosses above ST ; # insert condition to create long position
def SellSignal = close crosses below ST; # insert condition to create short position
def BuyStop = if !useStops then 0 else 0 ; # insert condition to stop in place of the 0 after else
def SellStop = if !useStops then 0 else 0 ; # insert condition to stop in place of the 0 after else
## Maintain the position of trades
def CurrentPosition; # holds whether flat = 0 long = 1 short = -1
if (BarNumber()==1) OR isNaN(CurrentPosition[1]) {
CurrentPosition = 0;
if CurrentPosition[1] == 0 { # FLAT
if (BuySignal) {
CurrentPosition = 1;
} else if (SellSignal){
CurrentPosition = -1;
} else {
CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition[1];
} else if CurrentPosition[1] == 1 { # LONG
if (SellSignal){
CurrentPosition = -1;
} else if (BuyStop){
CurrentPosition = 0;
} else {
CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition[1];
} else if CurrentPosition[1] == -1 { # SHORT
if (BuySignal){
CurrentPosition = 1;
} else if (SellStop){
CurrentPosition = 0;
} else {
CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition[1];
} else {
CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition[1];
def isLong = if CurrentPosition == 1 then 1 else 0;
def isShort = if CurrentPosition == -1 then 1 else 0;
def isFlat = if CurrentPosition == 0 then 1 else 0;
## Plot the Signals
Plot BuySig = if (!isLong[1] and BuySignal and showSignals) then 1 else 0;
Plot SellSig = if (!isShort[1] and SellSignal and showSignals) then 1 else 0;
Plot BuyStpSig = if (BuyStop and isLong[1] and showSignals) then 1 else 0;
Plot SellStpSig = if (SellStop and isShort[1] and showSignals) then 1 else 0;
## Orders
def isOrder = if CurrentPosition == CurrentPosition[1] then 0 else 1; # Status changed so it's a new order
def orderPrice = if (isOrder and (BuySignal or SellSignal)) then open[-1] else orderPrice[1];
## Price and Profit
def profitLoss;
if (!isOrder){
profitLoss = 0;
} else if ((isOrder and isLong[1]) and (SellSig or BuyStpSig)){
profitLoss = close - orderPrice[1];
} else if ((isOrder and isShort[1]) and (BuySig or SellStpSig)) {
profitLoss = orderPrice[1] - close;
} else {
profitLoss = 0;
def profitLossSum = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then profitLossSum[1] + profitLoss else profitLossSum[1], 0);
def profitWinners = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder and profitLoss > 0 then profitWinners[1] + 1 else profitWinners[1], 0);
def profitLosers = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder and profitLoss < 0 then profitLosers[1] + 1 else profitLosers[1], 0);
def profitPush = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder and profitLoss == 0 then profitPush[1] + 1 else profitPush[1], 0);
def TradePL = If isLong then Round(((close - orderprice)/TickSize())*TickValue()) else if isShort then Round(((orderPrice - close)/TickSize())*TickValue()) else 0; # current trade p/l
def dollarProfitLoss = round((profitLoss/Ticksize())*Tickvalue()); # per trade for chart bubbles
def biggestWin = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder and (dollarProfitLoss > 0) and (dollarProfitLoss > biggestWin[1]) then dollarProfitLoss else biggestWin[1], 0);
def biggestLoss = compoundValue(1, if isNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder and (dollarProfitLoss < 0) and (dollarProfitLoss < biggestLoss[1]) then dollarProfitLoss else biggestLoss[1], 0);
def orderCount = (profitWinners+profitLosers+profitPush);
def PCTWin = round((profitWinners/orderCount)*100,2);
## Create Labels
AddLabel(yes, GetSymbol()+" Tick Size: "+TickSize()+" Value: "+TickValue(), color.white);
AddLabel(showSignals and showLabels, "Orders: " + orderCount + " P/L: " + AsDollars(profitLossSum), if profitLossSum > 0 then Color.GREEN else if profitLossSum < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Winners: "+ PCTWin +"%",if PCTWin > 50 then color.green else if PCTWin > 40 then color.yellow else color.gray);
AddLabel(yes, "MaxUp: "+ AsDollars(biggestWin) +" MaxDown: "+AsDollars(biggestLoss), color.white);
AddLabel(if !IsNan(CurrentPosition) then 1 else 0, "Current: "+ (If isLong then "Bought" else "Sold") + " @ "+orderPrice, color.white);
AddLabel(if !IsNan(orderPrice) then 1 else 0, "Trade P/L: "+ AsDollars(TradePL), if (TradePL > 0) then color.green else if (TradePl < 0) then color.red else color.gray);
## Chart Bubbles for Profit/Loss
AddChartBubble(showSignals and showBubbles and isOrder and isLong[1], low, "$"+dollarProfitLoss, if dollarProfitLoss == 0 then Color.LIGHT_GRAY else if dollarProfitLoss > 0 then Color.GREEN else color.Red, 1);
AddChartBubble(showSignals and showBubbles and isOrder and isShort[1], high, "$"+dollarProfitLoss, if dollarProfitLoss == 0 then Color.LIGHT_GRAY else if dollarProfitLoss > 0 then Color.GREEN else color.Red, 0);
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