Repaints Moxie for ThinkorSwim

@Mosd If you have the Omnitrader code, if you are legally allowed to share the Omnitrader code and if you can interpret the code then theoretically you have the mathematical logic to write the thinkscript yourself. Scripts in TOS are pretty standard in their logic. You may have to reach out for support of this board if you hit a wall on a more complex syntax issue. The basic issue is that someone has to have the legal right and have the ability to translate the OmniTrader script.

I have to tell you, I think the OmniTrader wave theory 3 is fish oil. It looks slimy, it feels slimy and is portrayed slimy (no offense)
ZigZag (wave) indicators repaint Read About Repainting Indicators. They always look perfect and sometimes they even get it right but when they get it wrong, it can wipe out all your profits. Also, they call this being powered by Fractals. BUT fractals don't work the way that they describe. You can search this forum for Fractals to learn more. But please note, fractals are an advanced investing concept they are NOT an up/down, buy now/sell now indicator which is why the wave theory 3 feels scam-my. IMHO

Otherwise, if your heart is set on a repainting indicator, most of the ZigZags on this forum seem to look similar to wave theory 3. You could try the one in this thread or one of the others on this forum.

PS: NONE of this applies to OmniTrader's Elliot Waves which they describe at the end of their brochure. I know nothing about their product specifically but well-written Elliot Waves (which require deep analysis and interpretation) are an awesome all-around indicator. The only Elliot Waves available on TOS must be bought. But for the advanced research technical swing trader, they are a great weapon to have in a toolbox. AGAIN, is NOT a mindless up/down, buy/sell indicator and run from anyone that says that it is.
Last edited:

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The code that @netarchitech linked is quite old. I have since developed better methods.

I'll give an example below.

For this example, we will be projecting the low point of the last few 10 bar swing low points. We will start with this code to identify those points.

# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);
# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.LIME else Color.DARK_GRAY);


# identify the very last swing low point
def lowPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow then bn else 0);
def lowPointOneValue = if bn == lowPointOneBarNumber then low else lowPointOneValue[1];
plot low1 = if bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointOneValue;


# identify the 2nd to last swing low point
def lowPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTwoValue = if bn == lowPointTwoBarNumber then low else lowPointTwoValue[1];
plot low2 = if bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTwoValue;


#  +------------------------------------------------------------+
#  |  Example: How to extend levels to the right of the chart   |
#  |                        Robert Payne                        |
#  |                    |
#  +------------------------------------------------------------+
# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);

# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.LIME else Color.DARK_GRAY);

# identify the very last swing low point
def lowPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow then bn else 0);
def lowPointOneValue = if bn == lowPointOneBarNumber then low else lowPointOneValue[1];
plot low1 = if bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointOneValue;

# identify the 2nd to last swing low point
def lowPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTwoValue = if bn == lowPointTwoBarNumber then low else lowPointTwoValue[1];
plot low2 = if bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTwoValue;

# just keep doing ths for as many lines as you want to add to the chart
def lowPointThreeBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointThreeValue = if bn == lowPointThreeBarNumber then low else lowPointThreeValue[1];
plot low3 = if bn < lowPointThreeBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointThreeValue;

what code do i need to make the chart look like that. i see too many codes thanks for any help.

Totally agree with you. The reason i'm very hesitant in buying the Wave trader 3 is that im also getting "fish oil" feeling. Other products they sell is a vwap for 395 bucks...and then they charge 99 bucks for data.

My friend has bought the wave trader and are using it in a very systematical way in a small niche of stocks. Seems to be working awesome there but im sure they are just using a regular indicator and putting a fancy name on it.
hi, can anyone help with scripts for price labels for swing highs and lows for candles like in stock pls help
hi, can anyone help with scripts for price labels for swing highs and lows for candles like in stock pls help
See if this Code works for hi lo labels:

input timeFrame = {default day};
input showOnlyToday = no;

def day = GetDay();
def lastday = GetLastDay();
def isToday = If(day >= lastday, 1, 0);

def shouldPlot = If(showOnlyToday and isToday, 1, If(!showOnlyToday, 1, 0));
#input paintBars = yes;
plot UpperVolatility = isToday;
plot LowerVolatility = !isToday;

#( today bars )
DefineGlobalColor("up", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("dwn", Color.RED);

# ( not today bars )
DefineGlobalColor("invisi", Color.BLACK);

# if not paint bars then paint normal ... if condition1 then bullish scheme ... if condition2 then bearish scheme ... else normal
if !showOnlyToday
then Color.CURRENT

# ( is today then normal paint )
if UpperVolatility
if close > open then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dwn")
#globalColor( "up"winking smiley

# ( is not today then black)
if LowerVolatility
then GlobalColor( "invisi")
else Color.CURRENT);

def today = GetDay() == GetLastDay();
plot dailyHigh = if !today then Double.NaN else high(period = "day" );
plot dailyLow = if !today then Double.NaN else low(period = "day" );
# ___________________________________________________________
# ________________  DAY/ HI-LOW / VOLUME ____________________
# ___________________________________________________________

input show_label = yes;
input show_bubble = no;

def period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end - begin;
def PctChg = (end / begin) - 1;
def DayVolume = volume(period = "DAY");

#AddLabel(show_label, "Open: " + Open + "  High: " + High + "  Low: " + Low +  "   Last: "
#+ close + "  " + " Volume: " + DayVolume + "  " , if #NetChg > 0 then CreateColor( 165, 105, 189 )
#else if NetChg < 0 then CREATEColor( 46, 204, 113 ) else Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

#AddLabel(show_label, " Volume: " + DayVolume + "  ");

AddLabel(show_label, " Volume: " + DayVolume + "  " , if  DayVolume > 0 then CreateColor( 224, 224, 224)
else if  DayVolume == 0 then CreateColor(224, 224, 224) else Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

def bar = if IsNaN(close)
             then if yes
                     then bar[1]
                     else Double.NaN
             else BarNumber();
def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
def barCount   = if bar == ThisBar
                 then close
                 else Double.NaN;
Here is my attempt/compiled code for a Broadening Pattern. I am new to thinkscript but not new to programming. Please see if this can help you. Also, I would appreciate it if you can review/test and provide comments. Reminded me of middle school/high school math :)

Rich (BB code):
#Broadening Pattern
#Multiple Sources
# Fun with thinkscript:,2258,page=31
# UseThinkScript:
# Idea source:

# 20201019 Raj B, initial code upto calculating peaks/valleys, getting barNumbers , checking if broadening pattern conditions exist
# 20201020 Raj B. Added ability for separate left/right threshold to allow indepedent values
# 20201020 Raj B. Added initial column/watchlist alerts, needs testing
# TODO complete alert part

# Inputs

input LeftBarsThreshold = 5;
input RightBarsThreshold = 5;
input isAlertSetup = no;
input debug = yes;

# Setup
def bn = BarNumber();

# Calculate values for peaks
def peak = high > Highest(high[1], LeftBarsThreshold) and high >= Highest(high[-RightBarsThreshold], RightBarsThreshold);
plot peakBoolean = peak;

def peakValue = if peak then high else peakValue[1];
def peakBar = if peak then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;

# Calculate barNumbers for previous 2 peaks

def lastPeakBarNumber = HighestAll(if peak then bn else 0);
def prevPeakBarNumber = HighestAll(if peak and bn < lastPeakBarNumber then bn else 0);

# Get values for previous 2 peaks
def lastPeakValue = GetValue(high, bn - HighestAll(peakBar));
def prevPeakValue = GetValue(peakValue[1], bn - HighestAll(peakBar));

#  Calculate values for valleys/low points
def valley = low < Lowest(low[1], LeftBarsThreshold) and low <= Lowest(low[-RightBarsThreshold], RightBarsThreshold);
plot valleyBoolean = valley;

def valleyValue = if valley then low else valleyValue[1];
def valleyBar = if valley then BarNumber() else Double.NaN;

# Get barNumbers for previous 2 valleys
def lastValleyBarNumber = HighestAll(if valley then bn else 0);
def prevValleyBarNumber = HighestAll(if valley and bn < lastValleyBarNumber then bn else 0);

# Get values for previous 2 valleys
def lastValleyValue = GetValue(low, bn - HighestAll(valleyBar));
def prevValleyValue = GetValue(valleyValue[1], bn - HighestAll(valleyBar));

# Do we have valid values for peaks/valleys and
# are they  increasing peaks and decreasing valleys
def areLast2PeaksIncreasing =  !IsNaN(lastPeakValue) and !IsNaN(prevPeakValue) and lastPeakValue > prevPeakValue;
def areLast2ValleysDecreasing = !IsNaN(lastValleyValue) and !IsNaN(prevValleyValue) and lastValleyValue < prevValleyValue;

# Do we have interlaced peaks/valleys
def peaksValleysInterlaced = (prevValleyBarNumber > prevPeakBarNumber and prevValleyBarNumber < lastPeakBarNumber)
                              (prevPeakBarNumber > prevValleyBarNumber and prevPeakBarNumber < lastValleyBarNumber);

def  inBroadeningPattern = areLast2PeaksIncreasing and areLast2ValleysDecreasing and peaksValleysInterlaced;

# if we have a broadening pattern, get last 2 values and draw a line with extension

# get scaling factor for high side, low side
# initial line is drawn using last 2 peaks/valleys
# However, after those 2 points, we need to use scaling factors to extend the line y=mx+c
# Thank you to my middle school math teachers in India :)
# Expect valleyScalePerBar to be negative number

def peakScalePerBar = (lastPeakValue - prevPeakValue) / (lastPeakBarNumber - prevPeakBarNumber );
def valleyScalePerBar = (lastValleyValue - prevValleyValue) / (lastValleyBarNumber - prevValleyBarNumber );

def peakExtendedValue = lastPeakValue + (bn - lastPeakBarNumber) * peakScalePerBar;
def valleyExtendedValue = lastValleyValue + (bn - lastValleyBarNumber) * valleyScalePerBar;

#Draw UpperLine, initial with 2 points, then extend with scaling factor
plot upperLine = if !isAlertSetup and inBroadeningPattern and bn > lastPeakBarNumber
                 then peakExtendedValue
                 else if inBroadeningPattern and peak and bn >= prevPeakBarNumber
                 then high
                 else Double.NaN;

plot lowerLine = if !isAlertSetup and inBroadeningPattern and bn > lastValleyBarNumber
                 then valleyExtendedValue
                 else if inBroadeningPattern and valley and bn >= prevValleyBarNumber
                 then low
                 else Double.NaN;


# alert when crosses over/above line?

#get highestPrice after last peak

#def highValueAfterLastPeak = Highest(high[-(bn-lastPeakBarNumber)], RightBarsThreshold);

# scantype=1; for price cross above upper line
#def scantype_1 = inBroadeningPattern and high >

# scantype=2; for price cross below lower line
# scantype=3; for price is below lower line
def scantype_3 = inBroadeningPattern and high > peakExtendedValue;
# scantype=4; for price is above upper line
def scantype_4 = inBroadeningPattern and low < valleyExtendedValue;
# scantype=5; for price is inside two lines.
def scantype_5 = inBroadeningPattern and high < peakExtendedValue
                                     and low  > valleyExtendedValue;

# getDisplayValue for alerts/scans

AddLabel(scantype_3, "Above BF", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(scantype_4, "Below BF", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(scantype_5, "Between BF", Color.CYAN);

AddLabel(debug, "BarNumber:" + bn, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "lastpeakbar:" + lastPeakBarNumber, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "prevPeakGetValue:" + prevPeakBarNumber, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "lastpeakvalue:" + lastPeakValue, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "previouspeakvalue:" + prevPeakValue, Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(debug, "lastvalleybar:" + lastValleyBarNumber, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(debug, "prevValleyGetValue:" + prevValleyBarNumber, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(debug, "lastvalleyvalue:" + lastValleyValue, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(debug, "previousvalleyvalue:" + prevValleyValue, Color.YELLOW);

AddLabel(debug, "IncPeaks?:" + areLast2PeaksIncreasing, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "DecPeaks?:" + areLast2ValleysDecreasing, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "ValuesInterlaced?:" + peaksValleysInterlaced, Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(debug, "BroadPattern?:" + inBroadeningPattern, if inBroadeningPattern then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);

AddLabel(debug, "peakSideScaleFactor:" + peakScalePerBar, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(debug, "valleySideScaleFactor:" + valleyScalePerBar, Color.YELLOW);

AddLabel(debug, "peakExtendedValue:" + peakExtendedValue, Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(debug, "valleyExtendedValue:" + valleyExtendedValue, Color.YELLOW);

#AddLabel(debug, "LastPrice:" + last, Color.YELLOW);
@RajB , thanks for the Broadening script! I'm no programmer, is there an easy way to modify the code to include historical swings for backtesting purposes? Thanks!
@ext99k yes, it repaints.
If you look at a script and if there is a fold operation using highest and/or lowest that is the indication that it repaints.
Fold is a recursive operation that keeps redefining the highest and lowest and redrawing them.
can someone one help me please
i need to add alerts for these 2 indicators

indicator 1 :
# Swing High and Swing Low
# tomsk
# 11.18.2019
# As requested by chillc15 I have modified @RobertPayne code to include SwingHigh
# points which are now plotted in CYAN with the swing high points painted in PINK.
# So now you have both swing high and low on your charts
# +------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Example: How to extend levels to the right of the chart |
# | Robert Payne |
# | |
# +------------------------------------------------------------+
# define swing low points
input length = 10;
def bn = BarNumber();
def lastBar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);
def offset = Min(length - 1, lastBar - bn);
def swingLow = low < Lowest(low[1], length - 1) and low == GetValue(Lowest(low, length), -offset);
# identify the very last swing low point
def lowPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow then bn else 0);
def lowPointOneValue = if bn == lowPointOneBarNumber then low else lowPointOneValue[1];
plot low1 = if bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointOneValue;
# identify the 2nd to last swing low point
def lowPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTwoValue = if bn == lowPointTwoBarNumber then low else lowPointTwoValue[1];
plot low2 = if bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTwoValue;
# just keep doing ths for as many lines as you want to add to the chart
# identify then 3rd to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointThreeBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointTwoBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointThreeValue = if bn == lowPointThreeBarNumber then low else lowPointThreeValue[1];
plot low3 = if bn < lowPointThreeBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointThreeValue;
# identify then 4th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointFourBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointThreeBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointFourValue = if bn == lowPointFourBarNumber then low else lowPointFourValue[1];
plot low4 = if bn < lowPointFourBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointFourValue;
# identify then 5th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointFiveBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointFourBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointFiveValue = if bn == lowPointFiveBarNumber then low else lowPointFiveValue[1];
plot low5 = if bn < lowPointFiveBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointFiveValue;
# identify then 6th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointSixBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointFiveBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointSixValue = if bn == lowPointSixBarNumber then low else lowPointSixValue[1];
plot low6 = if bn < lowPointSixBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointSixValue;
# identify then 7th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointSevenBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointSixBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointSevenValue = if bn == lowPointSevenBarNumber then low else lowPointSevenValue[1];
plot low7 = if bn < lowPointSevenBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointSevenValue;
# identify then 8th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointEightBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointSevenBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointEightValue = if bn == lowPointEightBarNumber then low else lowPointEightValue[1];
plot low8 = if bn < lowPointEightBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointEightValue;
# identify then 9th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointNineBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointEightBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointNineValue = if bn == lowPointNineBarNumber then low else lowPointNineValue[1];
plot low9 = if bn < lowPointNineBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointNineValue;
# identify then 10th to last swingHigh point low
def lowPointTenBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingLow and bn < lowPointNineBarNumber then bn else 0);
def lowPointTenValue = if bn == lowPointTenBarNumber then low else lowPointTenValue[1];
plot low10 = if bn < lowPointTenBarNumber then Double.NaN else lowPointTenValue;

# define swing high points
def swingHigh = high > Highest(high[1], length - 1) and high == GetValue(Highest(high, length), -offset);
# identify the very last swing high point
def highPointOneBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh then bn else 0);
def highPointOneValue = if bn == highPointOneBarNumber then high else highPointOneValue[1];
plot high1 = if bn < highPointOneBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointOneValue;
# identify the 2nd to last swing high point
def highPointTwoBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointOneBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointTwoValue = if bn == highPointTwoBarNumber then high else highPointTwoValue[1];
plot high2 = if bn < highPointTwoBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointTwoValue;
# just keep doing ths for as many lines as you want to add to the chart
def highPointThreeBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointTwoBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointThreeValue = if bn == highPointThreeBarNumber then high else highPointThreeValue[1];
plot high3 = if bn < highPointThreeBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointThreeValue;
def highPointFourBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointThreeBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointFourValue = if bn == highPointFourBarNumber then high else highPointFourValue[1];
plot high4 = if bn < highPointFourBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointFourValue;
def highPointFiveBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointFourBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointFiveValue = if bn == highPointFiveBarNumber then high else highPointFiveValue[1];
plot high5 = if bn < highPointFiveBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointFiveValue;
def highPointSixBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointFiveBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointSixValue = if bn == highPointSixBarNumber then high else highPointSixValue[1];
plot high6 = if bn < highPointsixBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointsixValue;
def highPointSevenBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointSixBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointSevenValue = if bn == highPointSevenBarNumber then high else highPointSevenValue[1];
plot high7 = if bn < highPointSevenBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointSevenValue;
def highPointEightBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointSevenBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointEightValue = if bn == highPointEightBarNumber then high else highPointEightValue[1];
plot high8 = if bn < highPointEightBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointEightValue;
def highPointNineBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointEightBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointNineValue = if bn == highPointNineBarNumber then high else highPointNineValue[1];
plot high9 = if bn < highPointNineBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointNineValue;
def highPointTenBarNumber = HighestAll(if swingHigh and bn < highPointNineBarNumber then bn else 0);
def highPointTenValue = if bn == highPointTenBarNumber then high else highPointTenValue[1];
plot high10 = if bn < highPointTenBarNumber then Double.NaN else highPointTenValue;

# change candle colors just to make it easier to see what we are working with
AssignPriceColor(if swingLow then Color.cyan else if swingHigh then Color.mageNTA else Color.current);
# End Swing High and Swing Low

indicator 2:
# used to switch between "zigzag based on high/low of price" and "zigzag based on then high/low of moving averages"
input method = {default average, high_low};

# data for the built-in zigzag indicator which is referenced in the study. To see the ZigZagHighLow() code, look for it in the built-in TOS studies
def bubbleoffset = .0005;
def percentamount = .01;
def revAmount = .05;
def atrreversal = 2.0;
def atrlength = 5;

# data for the moving averages
def pricehigh = high;
def pricelow = low;
def averagelength = 5;
def averagetype = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

# here are the moving averages used for the signals - changed to plots and given colors
plot mah = MovingAverage(averagetype, pricehigh, averagelength);
plot mal = MovingAverage(averagetype, pricelow, averagelength);

# continues the switch between the two different zigzag data points
def priceh = if method == method.high_low then pricehigh else mah;
def pricel = if method == method.high_low then pricelow else mal;

# references the built-in zigzag indicator
def EI = ZigZagHighLow("price h" = priceh, "price l" = pricel, "percentage reversal" = percentamount, "absolute reversal" = revAmount, "atr length" = atrlength, "atr reversal" = atrreversal);

# not very clear on how this exactly works - but the end result is to plot the zigzag lines
def reversalAmount = if (close * percentamount / 100) > Max(revAmount < atrreversal * reference ATR(atrlength), revAmount) then (close * percentamount / 100) else if revAmount < atrreversal * reference ATR(atrlength) then atrreversal * reference ATR(atrlength) else revAmount;
rec EISave = if !IsNaN(EI) then EI else GetValue(EISave, 1);
def chg = (if EISave == priceh then priceh else pricel) - GetValue(EISave, 1);
def isUp = chg >= 0;
rec isConf = AbsValue(chg) >= reversalAmount or (IsNaN(GetValue(EI, 1)) and GetValue(isConf, 1));
def EId = if isUp then 1 else 0;

# zigzag plot and colors
plot EnhancedLines = if EId <= 1 then EI else Double.NaN;
EnhancedLines.AssignValueColor(if EId == 1 then Color.GREEN else if EId == 0 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_ORANGE);

# calculates and plots the arrows
def EIL = if !IsNaN(EI) and !isUp then pricel else GetValue(EIL, 1);
def EIH = if !IsNaN(EI) and isUp then priceh else GetValue(EIH, 1);
def dir = CompoundValue(1, if EIL != EIL[1] or pricel == EIL[1] and pricel == EISave then 1 else if EIH != EIH[1] or priceh == EIH[1] and priceh == EISave then -1 else dir[1], 0);
def signal = CompoundValue(1, if dir > 0 and pricel > EIL then if signal[1] <= 0 then 1 else signal[1] else if dir < 0 and priceh < EIH then if signal[1] >= 0 then -1 else signal[1] else signal[1], 0);
def showarrows = yes;
plot U1 = showarrows and signal > 0 and signal[1] <= 0;
plot D1 = showarrows and signal < 0 and signal[1] >= 0;

Last edited by a moderator:
@VJET @mirage6006 The above studies repaint.
They do not just repaint the last candle. It is NOT a case of waiting for the last candle to close. This does not solve the repainting issue.

These studies can go back and repaint candles from long past data points. They have to, otherwise, those perfect swings and zigzags wouldn't be perfect. That is how they look lovely on a chart.

Some traders, who know the equities that they are trading very well, keep them on their charts to see emerging trendlines, knowing to take the information w/ a grain of salt. However, even experienced scalpers do not use these types of indicators as their determination for entering a trade.

Read more here -->
Last edited:
i m sorry, i think i made a mistake,
what i meant to say is that i need to have a notification alert buy email or mobile app

sorry for the confusion

Thanks for clarifying... The only way to get those Phone/Email Alerts is by referencing those Studies from within the Scanner and having it fire off Alerts based on Conditions being met... They cannot be sent from the Chart Studies themselves...
Thanks for clarifying... The only way to get those Phone/Email Alerts is by referencing those Studies from within the Scanner and having it fire off Alerts based on Conditions being met... They cannot be sent from the Chart Studies themselves...
any idea how to do that ?

i tried to do it from within but the notification did not work

it seams that im doing something wrong
@mirage6006 Currently, there are not any mobile version of these indicators or any mobile alerts. They wouldn't be useful. As traders would not use repainting indicators to initiate trades.
In reference to the code in post #21, is there a way to paint the candlesticks RED when the swingHigh signal appears and continue to paint all subsequent candlesticks RED until a swingLow signal appears? At which point the candlesticks would paint GREEN and continue to paint all subsequent candlesticks GREEN until a swingLow signal appears?

Thanks very much for any assistance with this!
In reference to the code in post #21, is there a way to paint the candlesticks RED when the swingHigh signal appears and continue to paint all subsequent candlesticks RED until a swingLow signal appears? At which point the candlesticks would paint GREEN and continue to paint all subsequent candlesticks GREEN until a swingLow signal appears?

Thanks very much for any assistance with this!

As the code in post #21 is not producing a zigzag pattern (for example, there can be multiple swinglows after a swinghigh and vice versa), the coloring using that code may not be what you are expecting.

The following code can be added to the bottom of the code in post #21.

def slow=if lowarrow then 1 else if slow[1]>=1 and !higharrow then 1 else 0;
assignpriceColor(if slow==1 then else;

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What is useThinkScript?

useThinkScript is the #1 community of stock market investors using indicators and other tools to power their trading strategies. Traders of all skill levels use our forums to learn about scripting and indicators, help each other, and discover new ways to gain an edge in the markets.

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