John Carter's Squeeze Pro Indicator for ThinkorSwim (FREE)

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Has anyone converted the lower squeeze pro oscillator to color the upper chart candles (four color) to match lower trend colors?

John Carter's Squeeze Pro Indicator for ThinkorSwim (FREE)
I derived John Carter's Pro Squeeze indicator. All it looks like he does is add in more conditional rules on whether BBs are inside a larger and smaller range. The code is actually pretty simple just added a few Keltner ranges and added in Mobius's derivation of the original TTM Squeeze's momentum function.

Dark_orange is the pre-squeeze, yellow signals the original, and red is one step above actual i.e., extreme compression.

View attachment 8145



declare lower;

##Assembled by TheBewb using existing Mobius Squeeze Momentum coding and "squeeze" concept made popular by John Carter.

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input displace = 0;
def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
def MidLineBB = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);
def LowerBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_up * sDev;
input factorhigh = 1.0;
input factormid = 1.5;
input factorlow = 2.0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def shifthigh = factorhigh * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftMid = factormid * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftlow = factorlow * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def average = MovingAverage(averageType, price, length);

def Avg = average[-displace];

def UpperBandKCLow = average[-displace] + shiftlow[-displace];
def LowerBandKCLow = average[-displace] - shiftlow[-displace];

def UpperBandKCMid = average[-displace] + shiftMid[-displace];
def LowerBandKCMid = average[-displace] - shiftMid[-displace];

def UpperBandKCHigh = average[-displace] + shifthigh[-displace];
def LowerBandKCHigh = average[-displace] - shifthigh[-displace];

def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
def momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);

def pos         = momo>= 0;
def neg         = momo< 0;
def up         = momo >= momo[1];
def dn         = momo < momo[1];

def presqueeze      = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCLow and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCLow;
def originalSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCMid and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCMid;
def ExtrSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCHigh and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCHigh;

def PosUp = pos and up;
def PosDn = pos and dn;
def NegDn = neg and dn;
def NegUp = neg and up;

plot squeezeline = 0;
squeezeline.AssignValueColor(if ExtrSqueeze then Color.RED else if originalSqueeze  then Color.YELLOW else if presqueeze then Color.DARK_ORANGE else Color.GRAY);

plot momentum = momo;
momentum.AssignValueColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
Has anyone been able to convert this to show the chart candles in the same colors
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Has anyone converted the lower squeeze pro oscillator to color the upper chart candles (four color) to match lower trend colors?

Has anyone been able to convert this to show the chart candles in the same colors

Basically, to paint candles,
you copy everything after the AssignValueColor statement in a script (which colors the plot)
AssignValueColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
and stick it in an AssignPriceColor statement (which colors the candles)
AssignPriceColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
and voilà, you have painted candles.

Here is the completed candle painting script:
# upper candle painting study only
##Assembled by TheBewb using existing Mobius Squeeze Momentum coding and "squeeze" concept made popular by John Carter.

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input displace = 0;
def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
def MidLineBB = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);
def LowerBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_up * sDev;
input factorhigh = 1.0;
input factormid = 1.5;
input factorlow = 2.0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def shifthigh = factorhigh * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftMid = factormid * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftlow = factorlow * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def average = MovingAverage(averageType, price, length);

def Avg = average[-displace];

def UpperBandKCLow = average[-displace] + shiftlow[-displace];
def LowerBandKCLow = average[-displace] - shiftlow[-displace];

def UpperBandKCMid = average[-displace] + shiftMid[-displace];
def LowerBandKCMid = average[-displace] - shiftMid[-displace];

def UpperBandKCHigh = average[-displace] + shifthigh[-displace];
def LowerBandKCHigh = average[-displace] - shifthigh[-displace];

def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
def momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);

def pos         = momo>= 0;
def neg         = momo< 0;
def up         = momo >= momo[1];
def dn         = momo < momo[1];

def presqueeze      = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCLow and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCLow;
def originalSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCMid and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCMid;
def ExtrSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCHigh and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCHigh;

def PosUp = pos and up;
def PosDn = pos and dn;
def NegDn = neg and dn;
def NegUp = neg and up;

AssignPriceColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
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Basically, to paint candles,
you copy everything after the AssignValueColor statement in a script

and stick it in an AssignPriceColor statement

and voilà, you have painted candles.

Here is the completed candle painting script:
# upper candle painting study only
##Assembled by TheBewb using existing Mobius Squeeze Momentum coding and "squeeze" concept made popular by John Carter.

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input displace = 0;
def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
def MidLineBB = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);
def LowerBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_up * sDev;
input factorhigh = 1.0;
input factormid = 1.5;
input factorlow = 2.0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def shifthigh = factorhigh * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftMid = factormid * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftlow = factorlow * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def average = MovingAverage(averageType, price, length);

def Avg = average[-displace];

def UpperBandKCLow = average[-displace] + shiftlow[-displace];
def LowerBandKCLow = average[-displace] - shiftlow[-displace];

def UpperBandKCMid = average[-displace] + shiftMid[-displace];
def LowerBandKCMid = average[-displace] - shiftMid[-displace];

def UpperBandKCHigh = average[-displace] + shifthigh[-displace];
def LowerBandKCHigh = average[-displace] - shifthigh[-displace];

def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
def momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);

def pos         = momo>= 0;
def neg         = momo< 0;
def up         = momo >= momo[1];
def dn         = momo < momo[1];

def presqueeze      = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCLow and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCLow;
def originalSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCMid and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCMid;
def ExtrSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCHigh and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCHigh;

def PosUp = pos and up;
def PosDn = pos and dn;
def NegDn = neg and dn;
def NegUp = neg and up;

AssignPriceColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
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could you elaborate on it--ZScore, how to decide?!

How do you use it to determine direction sqz will fire??
Z-score oscillator
measures how far a data point is from the mean, displaying whether it's above or below the average.

It helps you assess whether a stock's price is unusually high or low compared to its historical average.
If the z-score is positive, the stock may be overvalued, and if it's negative, it may be undervalued.

If the squeeze happens when the z-score is negative, the OP is opining that it is more likely to signal an upward move.
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Hello everyone, I'm wondering if any of you can provide the code for the John Carter's TTM SQUEEZE PRO WITH SCANNER?
looking for 30 minute, 1hr a watchlist code for this

declare lower;

##Assembled by TheBewb using existing Mobius Squeeze Momentum coding and "squeeze" concept made popular by John Carter.

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input displace = 0;
def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
def MidLineBB = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);
def LowerBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_up * sDev;
input factorhigh = 1.0;
input factormid = 1.5;
input factorlow = 2.0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def shifthigh = factorhigh * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftMid = factormid * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftlow = factorlow * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def average = MovingAverage(averageType, price, length);

def Avg = average[-displace];

def UpperBandKCLow = average[-displace] + shiftlow[-displace];
def LowerBandKCLow = average[-displace] - shiftlow[-displace];

def UpperBandKCMid = average[-displace] + shiftMid[-displace];
def LowerBandKCMid = average[-displace] - shiftMid[-displace];

def UpperBandKCHigh = average[-displace] + shifthigh[-displace];
def LowerBandKCHigh = average[-displace] - shifthigh[-displace];

def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
def momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);

def pos = momo >= 0;
def neg = momo < 0;
def up = momo >= momo[1];
def dn = momo < momo[1];

def presqueeze = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCLow and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCLow;
def originalSqueeze = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCMid and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCMid;
def ExtrSqueeze = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCHigh and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCHigh;

def PosUp = pos and up;
def PosDn = pos and dn;
def NegDn = neg and dn;
def NegUp = neg and up;

plot squeezeline = 0;
squeezeline.AssignValueColor(if ExtrSqueeze then Color.yellow else if originalSqueeze then Color.RED else if presqueeze then Color.GRAY else Color.GREEN);

plot momentum = momo;
momentum.AssignValueColor( if PosUp then Color.CYAN else if PosDn then Color.BLUE else if NegDn then Color.RED else if NegUp then Color.YELLOW else Color.YELLOW);
While in squeeze, SchaffTrend break above .382 and Ichimoku Kumo Cloud and Kijun under price will make you bank and get you in early.
hi there....i am testing this strategy but i cannot change the level from 25 to .382 but i think i have to edit the level in the code somehow....i am assuming this is for bullish setup? what would be the level for bearish? also what is the settings for STC indicator? thanks !
Hi All - this is great - but is there a way to make the dots bigger? They are tiny on the histogram - I've noticed that on other charts they are about 3x larger - very difficult to see on this. I checked the TOS painting strategy docs, but not seeing a solution there.

Has anyone ever coded this into a squeeze counter custom watchlist field similar to what Mobius did for the TTM_Squeeze? Thanks
Basically, to paint candles,
you copy everything after the AssignValueColor statement in a script (which colors the plot)

and stick it in an AssignPriceColor statement (which colors the candles)

and voilà, you have painted candles.

Here is the completed candle painting script:
# upper candle painting study only
##Assembled by TheBewb using existing Mobius Squeeze Momentum coding and "squeeze" concept made popular by John Carter.

input price = close;
input length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input displace = 0;
def sDev = StDev(data = price[-displace], length = length);
def MidLineBB = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = length);
def LowerBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBandBB = MidLineBB + Num_Dev_up * sDev;
input factorhigh = 1.0;
input factormid = 1.5;
input factorlow = 2.0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def shifthigh = factorhigh * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftMid = factormid * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def shiftlow = factorlow * MovingAverage(trueRangeAverageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def average = MovingAverage(averageType, price, length);

def Avg = average[-displace];

def UpperBandKCLow = average[-displace] + shiftlow[-displace];
def LowerBandKCLow = average[-displace] - shiftlow[-displace];

def UpperBandKCMid = average[-displace] + shiftMid[-displace];
def LowerBandKCMid = average[-displace] - shiftMid[-displace];

def UpperBandKCHigh = average[-displace] + shifthigh[-displace];
def LowerBandKCHigh = average[-displace] - shifthigh[-displace];

def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
def momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);

def pos         = momo>= 0;
def neg         = momo< 0;
def up         = momo >= momo[1];
def dn         = momo < momo[1];

def presqueeze      = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCLow and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCLow;
def originalSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCMid and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCMid;
def ExtrSqueeze     = LowerBandBB > LowerBandKCHigh and UpperBandBB < UpperBandKCHigh;

def PosUp = pos and up;
def PosDn = pos and dn;
def NegDn = neg and dn;
def NegUp = neg and up;

AssignPriceColor( if PosUp then else if PosDn then Color.dark_green else if NegDn then Color.dark_orange else if NegUp then Color.yellow else Color.YELLOW);
Is anyone able to add Up and down arrows to this study when either PosUP or PosDN? Thanks in advance.
Is anyone able to add Up and down arrows to this study when either PosUP or PosDN? Thanks in advance.

Add this code snippet to the bottom of your study
plot UpArrow=  if  PosUP and !PosUP[1] then 0 else Double.NaN;
UpArrow.SetDefaultColor(color.cyan) ;
UpArrow.HideBubble() ; UpArrow.HideTitle() ;

plot DnArrow=  if PosDN and !posDN[1] then momo else Double.NaN;
DnArrow.SetDefaultColor( ;
DnArrow.HideBubble() ; DnArrow.HideTitle() ;
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Add this code snippet to the bottom of your study
plot UpArrow=  if  PosUP and !PosUP[1] then momo else Double.NaN;
UpArrow.SetDefaultColor(color.cyan) ;
UpArrow.HideBubble() ; UpArrow.HideTitle() ;

plot DnArrow=  if PosDN and !posDN[1] then momo else Double.NaN;
DnArrow.SetDefaultColor( ;
DnArrow.HideBubble() ; DnArrow.HideTitle() ;
Thank you so much for the code. When applied to the end of the existing code, it does not show any arrows. Is there something I could do differently?
Thank you so much for the code. When applied to the end of the existing code, it does not show any arrows. Is there something I could do differently?

You did not provide enough information to say where you went astray.
Perhaps you need to zoom in or out to see the arrows?

Here is a shared chart link that contains the study with the arrows applied.
shared chart link:!M6TAydi0 MUST follow these instructions for loading shared links.
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