Here is the script I wrote for MTF (Multi Time Frame) Squeeze Pro Labels. Just to be clear, this is NOT the same as my MTF Squeeze HISTOGRAM Labels. These labels change colors based on the presence/absence of a squeeze. If there's an original squeeze, the label's red, if there's a "Pre-Squeeze" the label's orange, if there's an "Extra-Squeeze" the label's yellow, and if there's no squeeze, the label's green. Per a recent comment under my MTF Squeeze HISTOGRAM Labels thread, I have revised this script (1/5/2022). This script is more succinct with the Global Colors. More importantly, you are now able to turn on/off any time frames that you do not wish to be displayed on your chart(s). Enjoy!
##Global Variables
input length = 20;
def AlertLine = 1;
input nk = 1.5;
input nkHi = 2;
input nkLo = 1;
def nBB = 2;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def displace = 0;
input trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input MonthLabel = yes;
input WeekLabel = yes;
input FourDayLabel = yes;
input ThreeDayLabel = yes;
input TwoDayLabel = yes;
input DayLabel = yes;
input FourHourLabel = yes;
input TwoHourLabel = yes;
input HourLabel = yes;
input ThirtyMinLabel = yes;
input TwentyMinLabel = yes;
input FifteenMinLabel = yes;
input TenMinLabel = yes;
input FiveMinLabel = yes;
input FourMinLabel = yes;
input ThreeMinLabel = yes;
input TwoMinLabel = yes;
input OneMinLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("Squeeze", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("PreSqueeze", Color.ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("NO Squeeze", Color.DARK_GREEN);
## Month Aggregation Period Variables
def monthPrice;
def monthATR;
def monthSDev;
def monthDenom;
def monthDenomLo;
def monthDenomHi;
def monthBBSInd;
def monthBBSIndLo;
def monthBBSIndHi;
def monthSqueeze;
def monthPreSqueeze;
def monthExtraSqueeze;
def monthAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.MONTH {
monthPrice = close(period = "Month");
monthATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "Month"), close(period = "Month"), low(period = "Month")), length);
monthSDev = StDev(monthPrice, length);
monthDenom = (nk * monthATR);
monthDenomLo = (nkLo * monthATR);
monthDenomHi = (nkHi * monthATR);
monthBBSInd = If (monthDenom <> 0, ((nBB * monthSDev) / monthDenom), 0);
monthBBSIndLo = If (monthDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * monthSDev) / monthDenomLo), 0);
monthBBSIndHi = If (monthDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * monthSDev) / monthDenomHi), 0);
monthSqueeze = if monthBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
monthPreSqueeze = if monthBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
monthExtraSqueeze = if monthBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
monthAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
monthPrice = 0;
monthATR = 0;
monthSDev = 0;
monthDenom = 0;
monthDenomLo = 0;
monthDenomHi = 0;
monthBBSInd = 0;
monthBBSIndLo = 0;
monthBBSIndHi = 0;
monthSqueeze = 0;
monthPreSqueeze = 0;
monthExtraSqueeze = 0;
monthAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(MonthLabel and monthAggregationPeriod, "M", if monthSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if monthExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if monthPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def weekPrice;
def weekATR;
def weekSDev;
def weekDenom;
def weekDenomLo;
def weekDenomHi;
def weekBBSInd;
def weekBBSIndLo;
def weekBBSIndHi;
def weekSqueeze;
def weekPreSqueeze;
def weekExtraSqueeze;
def WeekAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.WEEK {
weekPrice = close(period = "week");
weekATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "week"), close(period = "week"), low(period = "week")), length);
weekSDev = StDev(weekPrice, length);
weekDenom = (nk * weekATR);
weekDenomLo = (nkLo * weekATR);
weekDenomHi = (nkHi * weekATR);
weekBBSInd = If (weekDenom <> 0, ((nBB * weekSDev) / weekDenom), 0);
weekBBSIndLo = If (weekDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * weekSDev) / weekDenomLo), 0);
weekBBSIndHi = If (weekDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * weekSDev) / weekDenomHi), 0);
weekSqueeze = if weekBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
weekPreSqueeze = if weekBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
weekExtraSqueeze = if weekBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
WeekAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
weekPrice = 0;
weekATR = 0;
weekSDev = 0;
weekDenom = 0;
weekDenomLo = 0;
weekDenomHi = 0;
weekBBSInd = 0;
weekBBSIndLo = 0;
weekBBSIndHi = 0;
weekSqueeze = 0;
weekPreSqueeze = 0;
weekExtraSqueeze = 0;
WeekAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(WeekLabel and WeekAggregationPeriod, "W", if weekSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if weekExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if weekPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
# AddLabel(weekExtraSqueeze and weekAggregationPeriod, "W", globalColor("week Squeeze"));
# AddLabel(!weekSqueeze and weekAggregationPeriod,"W", globalColor("NO week Squeeze"));
def four_daysPrice;
def four_daysATR;
def four_daysSDev;
def four_daysDenom;
def four_daysDenomLo;
def four_daysDenomHi;
def four_daysBBSInd;
def four_daysBBSIndLo;
def four_daysBBSIndHi;
def four_daysSqueeze;
def four_daysPreSqueeze;
def four_daysExtraSqueeze;
def Four_DayMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_DAYS {
four_daysPrice = close(period = "4 Days");
four_daysATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "4 Days"), close(period = "4 Days"), low(period = "4 Days")), length);
four_daysSDev = StDev(four_daysPrice, length);
four_daysDenom = (nk * four_daysATR);
four_daysDenomLo = (nkLo * four_daysATR);
four_daysDenomHi = (nkHi * four_daysATR);
four_daysBBSInd = If (four_daysDenom <> 0, ((nBB * four_daysSDev) / four_daysDenom), 0);
four_daysBBSIndLo = If (four_daysDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * four_daysSDev) / four_daysDenomLo), 0);
four_daysBBSIndHi = If (four_daysDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * four_daysSDev) / four_daysDenomHi), 0);
four_daysSqueeze = if four_daysBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_daysPreSqueeze = if four_daysBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_daysExtraSqueeze = if four_daysBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Four_DayMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
four_daysPrice = 0;
four_daysATR = 0;
four_daysSDev = 0;
four_daysDenom = 0;
four_daysDenomLo = 0;
four_daysDenomHi = 0;
four_daysBBSInd = 0;
four_daysBBSIndLo = 0;
four_daysBBSIndHi = 0;
four_daysSqueeze = 0;
four_daysPreSqueeze = 0;
four_daysExtraSqueeze = 0;
Four_DayMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(FourDayLabel and Four_DayMinAggregationPeriod, "4D", if four_daysSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if four_daysExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if four_daysPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
# AddLabel(four_daysExtraSqueeze and four_daysAggregationPeriod, "W", globalColor("four_days Squeeze"));
# AddLabel(!four_daysSqueeze and four_daysAggregationPeriod,"W", globalColor("NO four_days Squeeze"));
def three_daysPrice;
def three_daysATR;
def three_daysSDev;
def three_daysDenom;
def three_daysDenomLo;
def three_daysDenomHi;
def three_daysBBSInd;
def three_daysBBSIndLo;
def three_daysBBSIndHi;
def three_daysSqueeze;
def three_daysPreSqueeze;
def three_daysExtraSqueeze;
def three_dayMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.THREE_DAYS {
three_daysPrice = close(period = "3 Days");
three_daysATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "3 Days"), close(period = "3 Days"), low(period = "3 Days")), length);
three_daysSDev = StDev(three_daysPrice, length);
three_daysDenom = (nk * three_daysATR);
three_daysDenomLo = (nkLo * three_daysATR);
three_daysDenomHi = (nkHi * three_daysATR);
three_daysBBSInd = If (three_daysDenom <> 0, ((nBB * three_daysSDev) / three_daysDenom), 0);
three_daysBBSIndLo = If (three_daysDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * three_daysSDev) / three_daysDenomLo), 0);
three_daysBBSIndHi = If (three_daysDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * three_daysSDev) / three_daysDenomHi), 0);
three_daysSqueeze = if three_daysBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_daysPreSqueeze = if three_daysBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_daysExtraSqueeze = if three_daysBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_dayMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
three_daysPrice = 0;
three_daysATR = 0;
three_daysSDev = 0;
three_daysDenom = 0;
three_daysDenomLo = 0;
three_daysDenomHi = 0;
three_daysBBSInd = 0;
three_daysBBSIndLo = 0;
three_daysBBSIndHi = 0;
three_daysSqueeze = 0;
three_daysPreSqueeze = 0;
three_daysExtraSqueeze = 0;
three_dayMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(ThreeDayLabel and three_dayMinAggregationPeriod, "3D", if three_daysSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if three_daysExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if three_daysPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def two_daysPrice;
def two_daysATR;
def two_daysSDev;
def two_daysDenom;
def two_daysDenomLo;
def two_daysDenomHi;
def two_daysBBSInd;
def two_daysBBSIndLo;
def two_daysBBSIndHi;
def two_daysSqueeze;
def two_daysPreSqueeze;
def two_daysExtraSqueeze;
def two_dayMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.TWO_DAYS {
two_daysPrice = close(period = "2 Days");
two_daysATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "2 Days"), close(period = "2 Days"), low(period = "2 Days")), length);
two_daysSDev = StDev(two_daysPrice, length);
two_daysDenom = (nk * two_daysATR);
two_daysDenomLo = (nkLo * two_daysATR);
two_daysDenomHi = (nkHi * two_daysATR);
two_daysBBSInd = If (two_daysDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_daysSDev) / two_daysDenom), 0);
two_daysBBSIndLo = If (two_daysDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * two_daysSDev) / two_daysDenomLo), 0);
two_daysBBSIndHi = If (two_daysDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * two_daysSDev) / two_daysDenomHi), 0);
two_daysSqueeze = if two_daysBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_daysPreSqueeze = if two_daysBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_daysExtraSqueeze = if two_daysBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_dayMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
two_daysPrice = 0;
two_daysATR = 0;
two_daysSDev = 0;
two_daysDenom = 0;
two_daysDenomLo = 0;
two_daysDenomHi = 0;
two_daysBBSInd = 0;
two_daysBBSIndLo = 0;
two_daysBBSIndHi = 0;
two_daysSqueeze = 0;
two_daysPreSqueeze = 0;
two_daysExtraSqueeze = 0;
two_dayMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(TwoDayLabel and two_dayMinAggregationPeriod, "2D", if two_daysSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if two_daysExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if two_daysPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def dayPrice;
def dayATR;
def daySDev;
def dayDenom;
def dayDenomLo;
def dayDenomHi;
def dayBBSInd;
def dayBBSIndLo;
def dayBBSIndHi;
def daySqueeze;
def dayPreSqueeze;
def dayExtraSqueeze;
def dayMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.DAY {
dayPrice = close(period = "Day");
dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "Day"), close(period = "Day"), low(period = "Day")), length);
daySDev = StDev(dayPrice, length);
dayDenom = (nk * dayATR);
dayDenomLo = (nkLo * dayATR);
dayDenomHi = (nkHi * dayATR);
dayBBSInd = If (dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * daySDev) / dayDenom), 0);
dayBBSIndLo = If (dayDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * daySDev) / dayDenomLo), 0);
dayBBSIndHi = If (dayDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * daySDev) / dayDenomHi), 0);
daySqueeze = if dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
dayPreSqueeze = if dayBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
dayExtraSqueeze = if dayBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
dayMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
dayPrice = 0;
dayATR = 0;
daySDev = 0;
dayDenom = 0;
dayDenomLo = 0;
dayDenomHi = 0;
dayBBSInd = 0;
dayBBSIndLo = 0;
dayBBSIndHi = 0;
daySqueeze = 0;
dayPreSqueeze = 0;
dayExtraSqueeze = 0;
dayMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(DayLabel and dayMinAggregationPeriod, "D", if daySqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if dayExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if dayPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def four_hoursPrice;
def four_hoursATR;
def four_hoursSDev;
def four_hoursDenom;
def four_hoursDenomLo;
def four_hoursDenomHi;
def four_hoursBBSInd;
def four_hoursBBSIndLo;
def four_hoursBBSIndHi;
def four_hoursSqueeze;
def four_hoursPreSqueeze;
def four_hoursExtraSqueeze;
def FourHourMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS {
four_hoursPrice = close(period = "4 Hours");
four_hoursATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "4 Hours"), close(period = "4 Hours"), low(period = "4 Hours")), length);
four_hoursSDev = StDev(four_hoursPrice, length);
four_hoursDenom = (nk * four_hoursATR);
four_hoursDenomLo = (nkLo * four_hoursATR);
four_hoursDenomHi = (nkHi * four_hoursATR);
four_hoursBBSInd = If (four_hoursDenom <> 0, ((nBB * four_hoursSDev) / four_hoursDenom), 0);
four_hoursBBSIndLo = If (four_hoursDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * four_hoursSDev) / four_hoursDenomLo), 0);
four_hoursBBSIndHi = If (four_hoursDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * four_hoursSDev) / four_hoursDenomHi), 0);
four_hoursSqueeze = if four_hoursBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_hoursPreSqueeze = if four_hoursBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_hoursExtraSqueeze = if four_hoursBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
FourHourMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
four_hoursPrice = 0;
four_hoursATR = 0;
four_hoursSDev = 0;
four_hoursDenom = 0;
four_hoursDenomLo = 0;
four_hoursDenomHi = 0;
four_hoursBBSInd = 0;
four_hoursBBSIndLo = 0;
four_hoursBBSIndHi = 0;
four_hoursSqueeze = 0;
four_hoursPreSqueeze = 0;
four_hoursExtraSqueeze = 0;
FourHourMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(FourHourLabel and FourHourMinAggregationPeriod, "4h", if four_hoursSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if four_hoursPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else if four_hoursExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def two_hoursPrice;
def two_hoursATR;
def two_hoursSDev;
def two_hoursDenom;
def two_hoursDenomLo;
def two_hoursDenomHi;
def two_hoursBBSInd;
def two_hoursBBSIndLo;
def two_hoursBBSIndHi;
def two_hoursSqueeze;
def two_hoursPreSqueeze;
def two_hoursExtraSqueeze;
def two_hoursMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.TWO_HOURS {
two_hoursPrice = close(period = "2 Hours");
two_hoursATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "2 Hours"), close(period = "2 Hours"), low(period = "2 Hours")), length);
two_hoursSDev = StDev(two_hoursPrice, length);
two_hoursDenom = (nk * two_hoursATR);
two_hoursDenomLo = (nkLo * two_hoursATR);
two_hoursDenomHi = (nkHi * two_hoursATR);
two_hoursBBSInd = If (two_hoursDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_hoursSDev) / two_hoursDenom), 0);
two_hoursBBSIndLo = If (two_hoursDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * two_hoursSDev) / two_hoursDenomLo), 0);
two_hoursBBSIndHi = If (two_hoursDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * two_hoursSDev) / two_hoursDenomHi), 0);
two_hoursSqueeze = if two_hoursBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_hoursPreSqueeze = if two_hoursBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_hoursExtraSqueeze = if two_hoursBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_hoursMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
two_hoursPrice = 0;
two_hoursATR = 0;
two_hoursSDev = 0;
two_hoursDenom = 0;
two_hoursDenomLo = 0;
two_hoursDenomHi = 0;
two_hoursBBSInd = 0;
two_hoursBBSIndLo = 0;
two_hoursBBSIndHi = 0;
two_hoursSqueeze = 0;
two_hoursPreSqueeze = 0;
two_hoursExtraSqueeze = 0;
two_hoursMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(TwoHourLabel and two_hoursMinAggregationPeriod, "2h", if two_hoursPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else if two_hoursSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze" ) else if two_hoursExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else GlobalColor("NO Squeeze"));
def hourPrice;
def hourATR;
def hourSDev;
def hourDenom;
def hourDenomLo;
def hourDenomHi;
def hourBBSInd;
def hourBBSIndLo;
def hourBBSIndHi;
def hourSqueeze;
def hourPreSqueeze;
def hourExtraSqueeze;
def HourMinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.HOUR {
hourPrice = close(period = "1 Hour");
hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "1 Hour"), close(period = "1 Hour"), low(period = "1 Hour")), length);
hourSDev = StDev(hourPrice, length);
hourDenom = (nk * hourATR);
hourDenomLo = (nkLo * hourATR);
hourDenomHi = (nkHi * hourATR);
hourBBSInd = If (hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * hourSDev) / hourDenom), 0);
hourBBSIndLo = If (hourDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * hourSDev) / hourDenomLo), 0);
hourBBSIndHi = If (hourDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * hourSDev) / hourDenomHi), 0);
hourSqueeze = if hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
hourPreSqueeze = if hourBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
hourExtraSqueeze = if hourBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
HourMinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
hourPrice = 0;
hourATR = 0;
hourSDev = 0;
hourDenom = 0;
hourDenomLo = 0;
hourDenomHi = 0;
hourBBSInd = 0;
hourBBSIndLo = 0;
hourBBSIndHi = 0;
hourSqueeze = 0;
hourPreSqueeze = 0;
hourExtraSqueeze = 0;
HourMinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(HourLabel and HourMinAggregationPeriod, "1h", if hourPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else if hourSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze" ) else if hourExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else GlobalColor("NO Squeeze"));
def Thirty_MinPrice;
def Thirty_MinATR;
def Thirty_MinSDev;
def Thirty_MinDenom;
def Thirty_MinDenomLo;
def Thirty_MinDenomHi;
def Thirty_MinBBSInd;
def Thirty_MinBBSIndLo;
def Thirty_MinBBSIndHi;
def Thirty_MinSqueeze;
def Thirty_MinPreSqueeze;
def Thirty_MinExtraSqueeze;
def Thirty_MinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN {
Thirty_MinPrice = close(period = "30 Min");
Thirty_MinATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "30 Min"), close(period = "30 Min"), low(period = "30 Min")), length);
Thirty_MinSDev = StDev(Thirty_MinPrice, length);
Thirty_MinDenom = (nk * Thirty_MinATR);
Thirty_MinDenomLo = (nkLo * Thirty_MinATR);
Thirty_MinDenomHi = (nkHi * Thirty_MinATR);
Thirty_MinBBSInd = If (Thirty_MinDenom <> 0, ((nBB * Thirty_MinSDev) / Thirty_MinDenom), 0);
Thirty_MinBBSIndLo = If (Thirty_MinDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * Thirty_MinSDev) / Thirty_MinDenomLo), 0);
Thirty_MinBBSIndHi = If (Thirty_MinDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * Thirty_MinSDev) / Thirty_MinDenomHi), 0);
Thirty_MinSqueeze = if Thirty_MinBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Thirty_MinPreSqueeze = if Thirty_MinBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Thirty_MinExtraSqueeze = if Thirty_MinBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Thirty_MinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
Thirty_MinPrice = 0;
Thirty_MinATR = 0;
Thirty_MinSDev = 0;
Thirty_MinDenom = 0;
Thirty_MinDenomLo = 0;
Thirty_MinDenomHi = 0;
Thirty_MinBBSInd = 0;
Thirty_MinBBSIndLo = 0;
Thirty_MinBBSIndHi = 0;
Thirty_MinSqueeze = 0;
Thirty_MinPreSqueeze = 0;
Thirty_MinExtraSqueeze = 0;
Thirty_MinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(ThirtyMinLabel and Thirty_MinAggregationPeriod, "30m", if Thirty_MinSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if Thirty_MinExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if Thirty_MinPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def Twenty_MinPrice;
def Twenty_MinATR;
def Twenty_MinSDev;
def Twenty_MinDenom;
def Twenty_MinDenomLo;
def Twenty_MinDenomHi;
def Twenty_MinBBSInd;
def Twenty_MinBBSIndLo;
def Twenty_MinBBSIndHi;
def Twenty_MinSqueeze;
def Twenty_MinPreSqueeze;
def Twenty_MinExtraSqueeze;
def Twenty_MinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.TWENTY_MIN {
Twenty_MinPrice = close(period = "20 Min");
Twenty_MinATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "20 Min"), close(period = "20 Min"), low(period = "20 Min")), length);
Twenty_MinSDev = StDev(Twenty_MinPrice, length);
Twenty_MinDenom = (nk * Twenty_MinATR);
Twenty_MinDenomLo = (nkLo * Twenty_MinATR);
Twenty_MinDenomHi = (nkHi * Twenty_MinATR);
Twenty_MinBBSInd = If (Twenty_MinDenom <> 0, ((nBB * Twenty_MinSDev) / Twenty_MinDenom), 0);
Twenty_MinBBSIndLo = If (Twenty_MinDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * Twenty_MinSDev) / Twenty_MinDenomLo), 0);
Twenty_MinBBSIndHi = If (Twenty_MinDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * Twenty_MinSDev) / Twenty_MinDenomHi), 0);
Twenty_MinSqueeze = if Twenty_MinBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Twenty_MinPreSqueeze = if Twenty_MinBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Twenty_MinExtraSqueeze = if Twenty_MinBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Twenty_MinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
Twenty_MinPrice = 0;
Twenty_MinATR = 0;
Twenty_MinSDev = 0;
Twenty_MinDenom = 0;
Twenty_MinDenomLo = 0;
Twenty_MinDenomHi = 0;
Twenty_MinBBSInd = 0;
Twenty_MinBBSIndLo = 0;
Twenty_MinBBSIndHi = 0;
Twenty_MinSqueeze = 0;
Twenty_MinPreSqueeze = 0;
Twenty_MinExtraSqueeze = 0;
Twenty_MinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(TwentyMinLabel and Twenty_MinAggregationPeriod, "20m", if Twenty_MinSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if Twenty_MinExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if Twenty_MinPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def Fifteen_MinPrice;
def Fifteen_MinATR;
def Fifteen_MinSDev;
def Fifteen_MinDenom;
def Fifteen_MinDenomLo;
def Fifteen_MinDenomHi;
def Fifteen_MinBBSInd;
def Fifteen_MinBBSIndLo;
def Fifteen_MinBBSIndHi;
def Fifteen_MinSqueeze;
def Fifteen_MinPreSqueeze;
def Fifteen_MinExtraSqueeze;
def Fifteen_MinAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN {
Fifteen_MinPrice = close(period = "15 Min");
Fifteen_MinATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "15 Min"), close(period = "15 Min"), low(period = "15 Min")), length);
Fifteen_MinSDev = StDev(Fifteen_MinPrice, length);
Fifteen_MinDenom = (nk * Fifteen_MinATR);
Fifteen_MinDenomLo = (nkLo * Fifteen_MinATR);
Fifteen_MinDenomHi = (nkHi * Fifteen_MinATR);
Fifteen_MinBBSInd = If (Fifteen_MinDenom <> 0, ((nBB * Fifteen_MinSDev) / Fifteen_MinDenom), 0);
Fifteen_MinBBSIndLo = If (Fifteen_MinDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * Fifteen_MinSDev) / Fifteen_MinDenomLo), 0);
Fifteen_MinBBSIndHi = If (Fifteen_MinDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * Fifteen_MinSDev) / Fifteen_MinDenomHi), 0);
Fifteen_MinSqueeze = if Fifteen_MinBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Fifteen_MinPreSqueeze = if Fifteen_MinBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Fifteen_MinExtraSqueeze = if Fifteen_MinBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
Fifteen_MinAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
Fifteen_MinPrice = 0;
Fifteen_MinATR = 0;
Fifteen_MinSDev = 0;
Fifteen_MinDenom = 0;
Fifteen_MinDenomLo = 0;
Fifteen_MinDenomHi = 0;
Fifteen_MinBBSInd = 0;
Fifteen_MinBBSIndLo = 0;
Fifteen_MinBBSIndHi = 0;
Fifteen_MinSqueeze = 0;
Fifteen_MinPreSqueeze = 0;
Fifteen_MinExtraSqueeze = 0;
Fifteen_MinAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(FifteenMinLabel and Fifteen_MinAggregationPeriod, "15m", if Fifteen_MinSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if Fifteen_MinExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if Fifteen_MinPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def ten_minPrice;
def ten_minATR;
def ten_minSDev;
def ten_minDenom;
def ten_minDenomLo;
def ten_minDenomHi;
def ten_minBBSInd;
def ten_minBBSIndLo;
def ten_minBBSIndHi;
def ten_minSqueeze;
def ten_minPreSqueeze;
def ten_minExtraSqueeze;
def ten_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN {
ten_minPrice = close(period = "10 Min");
ten_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "10 Min"), close(period = "10 Min"), low(period = "10 Min")), length);
ten_minSDev = StDev(ten_minPrice, length);
ten_minDenom = (nk * ten_minATR);
ten_minDenomLo = (nkLo * ten_minATR);
ten_minDenomHi = (nkHi * ten_minATR);
ten_minBBSInd = If (ten_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * ten_minSDev) / ten_minDenom), 0);
ten_minBBSIndLo = If (ten_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * ten_minSDev) / ten_minDenomLo), 0);
ten_minBBSIndHi = If (ten_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * ten_minSDev) / ten_minDenomHi), 0);
ten_minSqueeze = if ten_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
ten_minPreSqueeze = if ten_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
ten_minExtraSqueeze = if ten_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
ten_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
ten_minPrice = 0;
ten_minATR = 0;
ten_minSDev = 0;
ten_minDenom = 0;
ten_minDenomLo = 0;
ten_minDenomHi = 0;
ten_minBBSInd = 0;
ten_minBBSIndLo = 0;
ten_minBBSIndHi = 0;
ten_minSqueeze = 0;
ten_minPreSqueeze = 0;
ten_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
ten_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(TenMinLabel and ten_minAggregationPeriod, "10m", if ten_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if ten_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if ten_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def five_minPrice;
def five_minATR;
def five_minSDev;
def five_minDenom;
def five_minDenomLo;
def five_minDenomHi;
def five_minBBSInd;
def five_minBBSIndLo;
def five_minBBSIndHi;
def five_minSqueeze;
def five_minPreSqueeze;
def five_minExtraSqueeze;
def five_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN {
five_minPrice = close(period = "5 Min");
five_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "5 Min"), close(period = "5 Min"), low(period = "5 Min")), length);
five_minSDev = StDev(five_minPrice, length);
five_minDenom = (nk * five_minATR);
five_minDenomLo = (nkLo * five_minATR);
five_minDenomHi = (nkHi * five_minATR);
five_minBBSInd = If (five_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * five_minSDev) / five_minDenom), 0);
five_minBBSIndLo = If (five_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * five_minSDev) / five_minDenomLo), 0);
five_minBBSIndHi = If (five_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * five_minSDev) / five_minDenomHi), 0);
five_minSqueeze = if five_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
five_minPreSqueeze = if five_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
five_minExtraSqueeze = if five_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
five_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
five_minPrice = 0;
five_minATR = 0;
five_minSDev = 0;
five_minDenom = 0;
five_minDenomLo = 0;
five_minDenomHi = 0;
five_minBBSInd = 0;
five_minBBSIndLo = 0;
five_minBBSIndHi = 0;
five_minSqueeze = 0;
five_minPreSqueeze = 0;
five_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
five_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(FiveMinLabel and five_minAggregationPeriod, "5m", if five_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if five_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if five_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def four_minPrice;
def four_minATR;
def four_minSDev;
def four_minDenom;
def four_minDenomLo;
def four_minDenomHi;
def four_minBBSInd;
def four_minBBSIndLo;
def four_minBBSIndHi;
def four_minSqueeze;
def four_minPreSqueeze;
def four_minExtraSqueeze;
def four_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_MIN {
four_minPrice = close(period = "4 Min");
four_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "4 Min"), close(period = "4 Min"), low(period = "4 Min")), length);
four_minSDev = StDev(four_minPrice, length);
four_minDenom = (nk * four_minATR);
four_minDenomLo = (nkLo * four_minATR);
four_minDenomHi = (nkHi * four_minATR);
four_minBBSInd = If (four_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * four_minSDev) / four_minDenom), 0);
four_minBBSIndLo = If (four_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * four_minSDev) / four_minDenomLo), 0);
four_minBBSIndHi = If (four_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * four_minSDev) / four_minDenomHi), 0);
four_minSqueeze = if four_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_minPreSqueeze = if four_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_minExtraSqueeze = if four_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
four_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
four_minPrice = 0;
four_minATR = 0;
four_minSDev = 0;
four_minDenom = 0;
four_minDenomLo = 0;
four_minDenomHi = 0;
four_minBBSInd = 0;
four_minBBSIndLo = 0;
four_minBBSIndHi = 0;
four_minSqueeze = 0;
four_minPreSqueeze = 0;
four_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
four_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(FourMinLabel and four_minAggregationPeriod, "4m", if four_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if four_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if four_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def three_minPrice;
def three_minATR;
def three_minSDev;
def three_minDenom;
def three_minDenomLo;
def three_minDenomHi;
def three_minBBSInd;
def three_minBBSIndLo;
def three_minBBSIndHi;
def three_minSqueeze;
def three_minPreSqueeze;
def three_minExtraSqueeze;
def three_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN {
three_minPrice = close(period = "3 Min");
three_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "3 Min"), close(period = "3 Min"), low(period = "3 Min")), length);
three_minSDev = StDev(three_minPrice, length);
three_minDenom = (nk * three_minATR);
three_minDenomLo = (nkLo * three_minATR);
three_minDenomHi = (nkHi * three_minATR);
three_minBBSInd = If (three_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * three_minSDev) / three_minDenom), 0);
three_minBBSIndLo = If (three_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * three_minSDev) / three_minDenomLo), 0);
three_minBBSIndHi = If (three_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * three_minSDev) / three_minDenomHi), 0);
three_minSqueeze = if three_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_minPreSqueeze = if three_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_minExtraSqueeze = if three_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
three_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
three_minPrice = 0;
three_minATR = 0;
three_minSDev = 0;
three_minDenom = 0;
three_minDenomLo = 0;
three_minDenomHi = 0;
three_minBBSInd = 0;
three_minBBSIndLo = 0;
three_minBBSIndHi = 0;
three_minSqueeze = 0;
three_minPreSqueeze = 0;
three_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
three_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(ThreeMinLabel and three_minAggregationPeriod, "3m", if three_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if three_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if three_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def two_minPrice;
def two_minATR;
def two_minSDev;
def two_minDenom;
def two_minDenomLo;
def two_minDenomHi;
def two_minBBSInd;
def two_minBBSIndLo;
def two_minBBSIndHi;
def two_minSqueeze;
def two_minPreSqueeze;
def two_minExtraSqueeze;
def two_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN {
two_minPrice = close(period = "2 Min");
two_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "2 Min"), close(period = "2 Min"), low(period = "2 Min")), length);
two_minSDev = StDev(two_minPrice, length);
two_minDenom = (nk * two_minATR);
two_minDenomLo = (nkLo * two_minATR);
two_minDenomHi = (nkHi * two_minATR);
two_minBBSInd = If (two_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_minSDev) / two_minDenom), 0);
two_minBBSIndLo = If (two_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * two_minSDev) / two_minDenomLo), 0);
two_minBBSIndHi = If (two_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * two_minSDev) / two_minDenomHi), 0);
two_minSqueeze = if two_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_minPreSqueeze = if two_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_minExtraSqueeze = if two_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
two_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
two_minPrice = 0;
two_minATR = 0;
two_minSDev = 0;
two_minDenom = 0;
two_minDenomLo = 0;
two_minDenomHi = 0;
two_minBBSInd = 0;
two_minBBSIndLo = 0;
two_minBBSIndHi = 0;
two_minSqueeze = 0;
two_minPreSqueeze = 0;
two_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
two_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(TwoMinLabel and two_minAggregationPeriod, "2m", if two_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if two_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if two_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
def one_minPrice;
def one_minATR;
def one_minSDev;
def one_minDenom;
def one_minDenomLo;
def one_minDenomHi;
def one_minBBSInd;
def one_minBBSIndLo;
def one_minBBSIndHi;
def one_minSqueeze;
def one_minPreSqueeze;
def one_minExtraSqueeze;
def one_minAggregationPeriod;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.MIN {
one_minPrice = close(period = "1 Min");
one_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period = "1 Min"), close(period = "1 Min"), low(period = "1 Min")), length);
one_minSDev = StDev(one_minPrice, length);
one_minDenom = (nk * one_minATR);
one_minDenomLo = (nkLo * one_minATR);
one_minDenomHi = (nkHi * one_minATR);
one_minBBSInd = If (one_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * one_minSDev) / one_minDenom), 0);
one_minBBSIndLo = If (one_minDenomLo <> 0, ((nBB * one_minSDev) / one_minDenomLo), 0);
one_minBBSIndHi = If (one_minDenomHi <> 0, ((nBB * one_minSDev) / one_minDenomHi), 0);
one_minSqueeze = if one_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
one_minPreSqueeze = if one_minBBSIndHi < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
one_minExtraSqueeze = if one_minBBSIndLo < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
one_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
else {
one_minPrice = 0;
one_minATR = 0;
one_minSDev = 0;
one_minDenom = 0;
one_minDenomLo = 0;
one_minDenomHi = 0;
one_minBBSInd = 0;
one_minBBSIndLo = 0;
one_minBBSIndHi = 0;
one_minSqueeze = 0;
one_minPreSqueeze = 0;
one_minExtraSqueeze = 0;
one_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
AddLabel(OneMinLabel and one_minAggregationPeriod, "1m", if one_minSqueeze then GlobalColor("Squeeze") else if one_minExtraSqueeze then GlobalColor("ExtraSqueeze") else if one_minPreSqueeze then GlobalColor("PreSqueeze") else GlobalColor("No Squeeze"));
Last edited: