ChatGPT, BARD, Other AI Scripts Which Can't Be Used In ThinkOrSwim


Staff member
90% of the members attempting chatGPT scripting; do not provide good detailed specifications.

Members know what end result that they want but lack the ability to tell chatGPT, the step-by-step logic required to code a script to achieve that end result.
This results in chatGPT providing poor code.

Here is a video on how to successfully have chatGPT create functional scripts.

The above video, explains the basics of providing good specifications to AI which results in better scripts.
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halcyonguy , The time code is not working correctly with Gold Futures, what could it be?

reply to 201 , 192

you didn't say anything about futures in your post.
it seems like RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) doesn't read the correct value with futures. i'm not sure why, i don't trade futures. i loaded the built in futures watchlist, and looked at some symbols. turn on extended hours.
i added this to put a colored bubble at the start and end of the trading period. it doesn't seem to work.
it does work with normal stocks, 9;30 to 4pm

def start = gettime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def end = gettime() == RegularTradingend(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;

addchartbubble(1, low,
start + " S\n" +
end + " E"
, (if start then else if end then else color.gray), no);
cross() isn't a valid function

i changed it to be a lower study

# chat_rsi_diverg_00

# post15

declare lower;

def na = double.nan;

# #15
#Code for Rsi divergence. Please help me to correct it

input price = close;
input length = 14;
input overbought = 70;
input oversold = 30;

def diff = price - price[1];
def up = if diff > 0 then diff else 0;
def down = if diff < 0 then -diff else 0;
def avgUp = ExpAverage(up, length);
def avgDown = ExpAverage(down, length);
def rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + avgUp / avgDown));

plot rsiLine = rsi;

def bullishDivergence = Crosses(rsi, oversold) and price > price[1];
def bearishDivergence = Crosses(overbought, rsi) and price < price[1];

#plot bullish = bullishDivergence;
plot bullish = if bullishDivergence then rsi else na;

#plot bearish = bearishDivergence;

plot bearish = if bearishDivergence then rsi else na;


Can you tell me what i am doing wrong to get this code to work?
I have both created a study, and strategy but nothing shows up on my chart. The study name is in red, and i'm having trouble troubleshooting to get this indicator to work. tia.
Can you tell me what i am doing wrong to get this code to work?
I have both created a study, and strategy but nothing shows up on my chart. The study name is in red, and i'm having trouble troubleshooting to get this indicator to work. tia.
No, it won't work in the strategy tab.
The strategy tab is ONLY for scripts with ADDORDER statements used in backtesting.

You did not include a screen grab, therefore it is not possible to say where you went astray.
1. Many times, it is a cut & paste error. Consider re-pasting the script into your study tab.
2. Click on the script in the study tab, scroll to the bottom, you will see your errors.
3. If you are still having issues, cut & paste your script into your post, so contributors can review it for syntax errors.
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Hi folks, can I get a little help making the script below work with tick timeframe. The script appears to work fine in all minute time frames. However, when I try to set it to 133 tick time frame nothing shows up. Doesn't seem to show up on any tick time frame. See screen shots below

1min chart:

3min chart:

133 Tick Chart:
133tick chart.png

declare lower;

input symbol1 = "SPY"; # SPY
input symbol2 = "UVXY"; # UVXY
input length = 14; # Normalization period length, adjust based on preference. Represents ticks in a tick chart.

# Fetching the closing price data for both symbols
def price1 = close(symbol1);
def price2 = close(symbol2);

# Normalizing the price data to make them comparable and centered around zero
def minPrice1 = Lowest(price1, length);
def maxPrice1 = Highest(price1, length);
def normalizedPrice1 = ((price1 - minPrice1) / (maxPrice1 - minPrice1)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

def minPrice2 = Lowest(price2, length);
def maxPrice2 = Highest(price2, length);
def normalizedPrice2 = ((price2 - minPrice2) / (maxPrice2 - minPrice2)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

# Plotting the normalized prices
plot NormPrice1 = normalizedPrice1;
plot NormPrice2 = normalizedPrice2;

# Plotting the zero line for reference
plot ZeroLine = 0;

# Setting the plot attributes for better visualization

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Hi folks, can I get a little help making the script below work with tick timeframe. Thanks.

declare lower;

input symbol1 = "SPY"; # SPY
input symbol2 = "UVXY"; # UVXY
input length = 14; # Normalization period length, adjust based on preference. Represents ticks in a tick chart.

# Fetching the closing price data for both symbols
def price1 = close(symbol1);
def price2 = close(symbol2);

# Normalizing the price data to make them comparable and centered around zero
def minPrice1 = Lowest(price1, length);
def maxPrice1 = Highest(price1, length);
def normalizedPrice1 = ((price1 - minPrice1) / (maxPrice1 - minPrice1)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

def minPrice2 = Lowest(price2, length);
def maxPrice2 = Highest(price2, length);
def normalizedPrice2 = ((price2 - minPrice2) / (maxPrice2 - minPrice2)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

# Plotting the normalized prices
plot NormPrice1 = normalizedPrice1;
plot NormPrice2 = normalizedPrice2;

# Plotting the zero line for reference
plot ZeroLine = 0;

# Setting the plot attributes for better visualization

go back and edit your post,

tell us what it does on a time chart and what it doesn't do on a tick chart.

never say 'it doesn't work'.
i'm not going to load it on different charts and guess at what the issue might be.
Hello team, I'm new to thinkscript world, so I asked ChatGPT: Write a ThinkScript for AddLabel for CurrentBar volume, with change LabelColor to Green when volume of the CurrentBar is greater than or equal to 100,000.


declare lower;

# Define the volume of the current bar
def currentVolume = volume;

# Define label color based on volume
def labelColor = if currentVolume >= 100000 then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY;

# Add a label displaying the volume of the current bar
AddLabel(yes, "Current Bar Volume: " + AsText(currentVolume), labelColor);

---but the script generated following errors:
Expected double at 7:5
Incompatible parameter: labelColor at 7:5
Expected class at 10:1
Expected double at 7:5
Incompatible parameter: labelColor at 7:5
Expected class at 10:1

I pasted the errors to ChatGPT, but it gave me another set of script with more errors, I'm sure this is an easy fix. Can you assist. Thanks in advanced guys.
Hello team, I'm new to thinkscript world, so I asked ChatGPT: Write a ThinkScript for AddLabel for CurrentBar volume, with change LabelColor to Green when volume of the CurrentBar is greater than or equal to 100,000.


declare lower;

# Define the volume of the current bar
def currentVolume = volume;

# Define label color based on volume
def labelColor = if currentVolume >= 100000 then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY;

# Add a label displaying the volume of the current bar
AddLabel(yes, "Current Bar Volume: " + AsText(currentVolume), labelColor);

---but the script generated following errors:
Expected double at 7:5
Incompatible parameter: labelColor at 7:5
Expected class at 10:1
Expected double at 7:5
Incompatible parameter: labelColor at 7:5
Expected class at 10:1

I pasted the errors to ChatGPT, but it gave me another set of script with more errors, I'm sure this is an easy fix. Can you assist. Thanks in advanced guys.

reply to 211

can't set a color to a variable.
have to put the color if-then formula inside the label.

don't need astext(currentVolume). it actually adds .00 to end of number
asprice() formats number with no commas
just use currentVolume as it is.

i removed declare lower, so it will appear in the volume chart.
need to turn on volume sub graph


#orac2920  3/11  #211
#AddLabel for CurrentBar volume, with change LabelColor to Green when volume of the CurrentBar is greater than or equal to 100,000.

# Define the volume of the current bar
def currentVolume = volume;

# Add a label displaying the volume of the current bar
#"Current Bar Volume: " + AsText(currentVolume), 
#"Current Bar Volume: " + Asprice(currentVolume), 
"Current Bar Volume: " + currentVolume, 
if currentVolume >= 100000 then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
Hi folks, can I get a little help making the script below work with tick timeframe. The script appears to work fine in all minute time frames. However, when I try to set it to 133 tick time frame nothing shows up. Doesn't seem to show up on any tick time frame. See screen shots below

1min chart:

3min chart:

133 Tick Chart:

declare lower;

input symbol1 = "SPY"; # SPY
input symbol2 = "UVXY"; # UVXY
input length = 14; # Normalization period length, adjust based on preference. Represents ticks in a tick chart.

# Fetching the closing price data for both symbols
def price1 = close(symbol1);
def price2 = close(symbol2);

# Normalizing the price data to make them comparable and centered around zero
def minPrice1 = Lowest(price1, length);
def maxPrice1 = Highest(price1, length);
def normalizedPrice1 = ((price1 - minPrice1) / (maxPrice1 - minPrice1)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

def minPrice2 = Lowest(price2, length);
def maxPrice2 = Highest(price2, length);
def normalizedPrice2 = ((price2 - minPrice2) / (maxPrice2 - minPrice2)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

# Plotting the normalized prices
plot NormPrice1 = normalizedPrice1;
plot NormPrice2 = normalizedPrice2;

# Plotting the zero line for reference
plot ZeroLine = 0;

# Setting the plot attributes for better visualization


reply to #208

thanks for reposting. i don't use tick charts so was hoping for more clues, because i had none.
after loading the study, it shows a ! in the top left corner. clicking on it says
can't use secondary periods less than 1 day on tick charts.

unfortunately, this doesn't help. TOS is good at creating useless error messages.

so... when something doesn't work, try simple things, then simplify it.

i tried changing the symbols. nothing.
i started at the end and started disabling code lines.

when i disabled this line
price1 = close(symbol1);
then something plotted

so i guess , tick charts don't like reading data from a different symbol...?

maybe @MerryDay can explain why this happens



#1min chart:

#3min chart:

# no chart
#133 Tick Chart:
#133tick chart.png

declare lower;

input symbol1 = "SPY"; # SPY
input symbol2 = "UVXY"; # UVXY
#input symbol2 = "WMT"; # UVXY

input length = 14; # Normalization period length, adjust based on preference. Represents ticks in a tick chart.

# Fetching the closing price data for both symbols
#def price1 = close(symbol1);
#def price2 = close(symbol2);

def price1 = close;

# Normalizing the price data to make them comparable and centered around zero
#def minPrice1 = Lowest(price1, length);
#def maxPrice1 = Highest(price1, length);
#def normalizedPrice1 = ((price1 - minPrice1) / (maxPrice1 - minPrice1)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

#def minPrice2 = Lowest(price2, length);
#def maxPrice2 = Highest(price2, length);
#def normalizedPrice2 = ((price2 - minPrice2) / (maxPrice2 - minPrice2)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

# Plotting the normalized prices
#plot NormPrice1 = normalizedPrice1;
#plot NormPrice2 = normalizedPrice2;

#plot NormPrice1 = minprice1;
#plot NormPrice2 = minprice2;

plot NormPrice1 = price1;
#plot NormPrice2 = price2;

# Plotting the zero line for reference
plot ZeroLine = 0;

# Setting the plot attributes for better visualization

Hello everyone,
I am no expert in script languages and converting languages into others. The goal to create this seemed simple until I was staying up all night(s). Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way thinking I can do it all by myself.
I'm trying to recreate an indicator I saw on TradingView and convert it into ThinkScript.

My definition: The indicator takes the company's EPS TTM and you multiply the EPS TTM by 15 (PE Ratio) to calculate the market price per share at 15 times earnings.

I do not know if he birthed this idea but Peter Lynch introduced me to idea and in all of his books that I have display that indicator overlapping the current trading price.

I've completed about one-third of the indicator and I am hoping that someone on these forums would help guide me to the finish line. Please, Thank you.


Original code:

Current code (Formatted by ChatGPT):
# Calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS) using financial data
def EPS = EarningsPerShareTTM();

#PERatio = input(15, title="P/E Ratio", step=1)
def PERatio = close / EarningsPerShareTTM();
input PE = 15;

# Calculate Fair Price based on EPS and P/E Ratio
#fairprice = EPS > 0 ? PERatio * EPS : na

# Calculate Earnings Estimate for the fiscal year
#earningestimate = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "EARNINGS_ESTIMATE", "FY")

# Calculate Fair Price Estimate based on Earnings Estimate and P/E Ratio
#fairpriceestimate = earningestimate > 0 ? PERatio * earningestimate : na

# Plot fairprice and fairpriceestimate on the chart.
reply to #208

thanks for reposting. i don't use tick charts so was hoping for more clues, because i had none.
after loading the study, it shows a ! in the top left corner. clicking on it says
can't use secondary periods less than 1 day on tick charts.

unfortunately, this doesn't help. TOS is good at creating useless error messages.

so... when something doesn't work, try simple things, then simplify it.

i tried changing the symbols. nothing.
i started at the end and started disabling code lines.

when i disabled this line
price1 = close(symbol1);
then something plotted

so i guess , tick charts don't like reading data from a different symbol...?

maybe @MerryDay can explain why this happens



#1min chart:

#3min chart:

# no chart
#133 Tick Chart:
#133tick chart.png

declare lower;

input symbol1 = "SPY"; # SPY
input symbol2 = "UVXY"; # UVXY
#input symbol2 = "WMT"; # UVXY

input length = 14; # Normalization period length, adjust based on preference. Represents ticks in a tick chart.

# Fetching the closing price data for both symbols
#def price1 = close(symbol1);
#def price2 = close(symbol2);

def price1 = close;

# Normalizing the price data to make them comparable and centered around zero
#def minPrice1 = Lowest(price1, length);
#def maxPrice1 = Highest(price1, length);
#def normalizedPrice1 = ((price1 - minPrice1) / (maxPrice1 - minPrice1)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

#def minPrice2 = Lowest(price2, length);
#def maxPrice2 = Highest(price2, length);
#def normalizedPrice2 = ((price2 - minPrice2) / (maxPrice2 - minPrice2)) - 0.5; # Centered around zero

# Plotting the normalized prices
#plot NormPrice1 = normalizedPrice1;
#plot NormPrice2 = normalizedPrice2;

#plot NormPrice1 = minprice1;
#plot NormPrice2 = minprice2;

plot NormPrice1 = price1;
#plot NormPrice2 = price2;

# Plotting the zero line for reference
plot ZeroLine = 0;

# Setting the plot attributes for better visualization


Why some scripts and some syntax works on tick charts and some don't; is one of those mysteries of the ages.

Support's canned answer:
The core of the ToS app is based on time-based charts. Tick Charts were introduced to provide real-time price action, however support of custom studies is limited.

The forum's canned answer:
We know that scripts that have any time-based calculations will, by default, not work on tick / range/ renko charts.
Beyond that, what works and doesn't work tends to be a crap shoot. It should be noted that members have reported having sporadic success with running custom studies on tick charts with extended hours enabled.

Hope this helps.
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I have been stalking this site for a while and took the leap in writing my first scanner code.

I have looked at posts about extended hours here but did not find any that adds both premarket and post market. I decided to write one.

My objective is to add up yesterday's post market and today's premarket volume to identify stocks that have volume greater than day before. I would run this scanner during post market and premarket.

I tested this code on the charts and found it to be working as expected but the scanner doesn't seem to produce the desired results. I am getting results for all stocks with extended hour volume instead of just ones with volume greater than day before. Any pointers in the right direction will be extremely helpful.

## Trading day for stock market cycles betweeen Pre (04:00-09:29EST), Regular (09:30-03:59EST) and Post trading hours (04:00-08:00)
### On July 3rd, Black Friday and December 24th, regular is (09:30-12:59EST) and post is (01:00-05:00EST) .
### Thinkorswim can have zero or more bars for Pre and post hours based on trades. There are missing bars during regular trading hour

def V =  volume;

# % change threshold (>) required from previous day
def minChange = 0;

# Returns the date of the current bar in the YYYYMMDD format. This date corresponds to the day whose trading session contains the current bar.
def date = GetYYYYMMDD();

# Returns the number of the current bar day in the CST timezone. The output is returned in the range from 1 through 365 (366 for leap years).
def day = GetDay();

# Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) for the begining of current bar.
def time = GetTime();

# Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) till the start of the regular trading hours on a given
# day for the current symbol. The trading day is to be specified using the YYYYMMDD format.
def RTHStart = RegularTradingStart(date);

# Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) till the end of the regular trading hours on a given
# day for the current symbol. The trading day is to be specified using the YYYYMMDD format.
def RTHEnd = RegularTradingEnd(date);

# The GetAggregationPeriod function returns the current aggregation period in milliseconds for time charts
def Agg = GetaggregationPeriod();

# Is it regular trading hours?
def isRTH =
    time >= RTHStart
    and time <= RTHEnd

# Is last bar of RTH?
def IsRTHEnd =
    time == (RTHEnd - Agg + 1) # For situations where there is a last bar in regular hours
    or isRTH and !isRTH[-1] # For situations where there is no last bar in regular hours
    or (isRTH and day != day[-1]); # For situations there is no last bar in regular hours and no extended hours;

# Extended Hour Volume
def extendedHourVolume =
    if IsRTHEnd[1] and isRTH then 0 # 1st bar after RTH is a new RTH means no extended, reset to 0
    else if IsRTHEnd[1] then V # 1st bar after RTH is extended hour, reset to current bar volume
    else if !isRTH then extendedHourVolume[1] + V # Extended hour bars, add current bar volume
    else extendedHourVolume[1] # RTH bars, carry over previous extended hour volume

# Previous day extended hour volume
def previousDayExtVolume =
    if IsRTHEnd[1] then extendedHourVolume[1] # RTH last bar, store previous extended hour volume
    else previousDayExtVolume[1] # All other bars, carry over previous day extended hour volume

# Scan condition
plot Scan =
    !isRTH and # This scan works only in extended hours
    (extendedHourVolume / previousDayExtVolume) - 1 > minChange # Extended hour volume so far is greater than yesterday's extended hour volume
Hey everyone, I'm in the process of teaching myself ThinkScript and figured it'd be helpful to use ChatGPT (version 4) as a kind of virtual tutor. I asked it a simple question about how to add arrows to a chart and this is the answer it gave me:
In ThinkScript, you can add arrows with text on your charts to highlight specific conditions or signals. Typically, you'd use this feature to mark important points on the price chart, like potential buy or sell signals. Here’s how you can do it:

Adding Arrows in ThinkScript​

To add arrows, you'll use the AddChartBubble or AddChartArrow function in your script. However, it's important to note that while you can add text labels to chart bubbles, arrows themselves cannot directly display text beside them. You'd typically use arrows to point out specific price points and use bubbles to add explanatory text.

Here's a basic example of how to use both:
script ShowSignal {
    input condition = yes;
    input price = close;
    input text = "Signal";
    def showBubble = condition;
    # Add arrow pointing up for a buy signal
    AddChartArrow(condition, price, "Up", Color.GREEN, yes);
    # Add text bubble near the arrow
    AddChartBubble(showBubble, price, text, Color.GREEN, yes);

# Example usage
ShowSignal(condition = close crosses above SMA(close, 20), price = low, text = "Buy Signal");

As far as I can tell however, the AddChartArrow function does not exist in ThinkScript and never has! Is this a legit LLM hallucination?

Hello everyone,
I am no expert in script languages and converting languages into others. The goal to create this seemed simple until I was staying up all night(s). Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way thinking I can do it all by myself.
I'm trying to recreate an indicator I saw on TradingView and convert it into ThinkScript.

My definition: The indicator takes the company's EPS TTM and you multiply the EPS TTM by 15 (PE Ratio) to calculate the market price per share at 15 times earnings.

I do not know if he birthed this idea but Peter Lynch introduced me to idea and in all of his books that I have display that indicator overlapping the current trading price.

I've completed about one-third of the indicator and I am hoping that someone on these forums would help guide me to the finish line. Please, Thank you.


Original code:

Current code (Formatted by ChatGPT):
# Calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS) using financial data
def EPS = EarningsPerShareTTM();

#PERatio = input(15, title="P/E Ratio", step=1)
def PERatio = close / EarningsPerShareTTM();
input PE = 15;

# Calculate Fair Price based on EPS and P/E Ratio
#fairprice = EPS > 0 ? PERatio * EPS : na

# Calculate Earnings Estimate for the fiscal year
#earningestimate = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "EARNINGS_ESTIMATE", "FY")

# Calculate Fair Price Estimate based on Earnings Estimate and P/E Ratio
#fairpriceestimate = earningestimate > 0 ? PERatio * earningestimate : na

# Plot fairprice and fairpriceestimate on the chart.

here is a lower study to experiment with.
it draws bubbles with some variable values

some financial functions have a value on just 1 bar out of 3 months. so you have to save the value till the next value comes along.


#Original code:

declare lower;

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

# Calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS) using financial data
def EPS = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if isnan(EarningsPerShareTTM()) then eps[1]
  else round(EarningsPerShareTTM(),2);

def PERatio = if eps != 0 then (close / Eps) else 0;

#PERatio = input(15, title="P/E Ratio", step=1)
input PE = 15;

# Calculate Fair Price based on EPS and P/E Ratio
#fairprice = EPS > 0 ? PERatio * EPS : na
def fairprice = if eps != 0 then peratio * eps
  else 0;

# Calculate Earnings Estimate for the fiscal year
#earningestimate = financial(syminfo.tickerid, "EARNINGS_ESTIMATE", "FY")
# earnings are on 1 bar in 3 months. the other bars are N/A. this will keep previous value
def earningestimate = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if isnan(GetEstimatedEarnings()) then earningestimate[1]
  else round(GetEstimatedEarnings(),2);

# Calculate Fair Price Estimate based on Earnings Estimate and P/E Ratio
#fairpriceestimate = earningestimate > 0 ? PERatio * earningestimate : na
def fairpriceestimate = if earningestimate > 0 then round(PERatio * earningestimate,2) else 0;

# Plot fairprice and fairpriceestimate on the chart.

plot z1 = if fairprice > 0 then fairprice else na;
plot z2 = if fairpriceestimate != 0 then fairpriceestimate else na;

plot z = if isnan(close) then na else 0;

addlabel(1, "Fair price: " + fairprice , z1.TakeValueColor());
addlabel(1, "Fair price estimate: " + fairpriceestimate, z2.TakeValueColor());

def epsen = !isnan(eps);
def epsdiff = eps != eps[1];

input test_bubble1 = yes;
addchartbubble(test_bubble1 and !isnan(close), 0,
eps + " EPS\n" +
fairprice + " fair\n" +
 earningestimate + " Est\n" +
fairpriceestimate + " f est"
, color.yellow, no);
#, (if !isnan(eps) then color.yellow else color.gray), no);
Hello everyone, I have little understanding of thinkscript programming. I am needing your help to debug a code that you gave me, in order to have a script that does a retrospective test of buying and selling operations, every time two Hull moving averages (10 and 20 periods respectively) cross each other and at the end sample the import in $ obtained (starting, for example, from an initial capital of $1,000).

I add the code below.-

# Get the symbol of the instrument on screen
symbol = symbol;

# Variables to store signals and data
buySignal = false;
sellSignal = false;
buyPrice = 0.0;
sellPrice = 0.0;
currentBalance = initialCapital;
totalProfit = 0.0;
totalTrades = 0;

# Calculate Hull moving averages
hullMA1 = hullMA(symbol, periodMA1);
hullMA2 = hullMA(symbol, periodMA2);

# Iterate through the defined time period
for (i = 0; i < barCount(symbol); i++) {
# Get the current data bar
bar = bar(symbol, i);

# Generate buy/sell signals
if (hullMA1 > hullMA2 and not buySignal) {
buySignal = true;
sellSignal = false;
buyPrice = bar.close;
log("Buy: " + bar.close + " - " +;
} else if (hullMA1 < hullMA2 and not sellSignal) {
buySignal = false;
sellSignal = true;
sellPrice = bar.close;
log("Sell: " + bar.close + " - " +;

# Calculate and record profit/loss
profit = sellPrice - buyPrice;
totalProfit += profit;

# Reinvest profit in the next buy
currentBalance += profit;
buyPrice = 0.0;

# Display results
plot("Hull MA1", hullMA1,;
plot("Hull MA2", hullMA2,;
plot("Close Price", bar.close,;

# Display trade summary
log("Final Balance: $" + currentBalance);
log("Total Profit: $" + totalProfit);
log("Total Trades: " + totalTrades);

# Display summary message
if (totalProfit > 0) {
alert("Congratulations! You made a total profit of $" + totalProfit + " in " + totalTrades + " trades.");
} else if (totalProfit < 0) {
alert("Sorry, you had a total loss of $" + totalProfit + " in " + totalTrades + " trades.");
} else {
alert("No profit or loss was made in " + totalTrades + " trades.");

# Adjust parameters
def periodMA1 = 10;
def periodMA2 = 20;
def initialCapital = 1000.0;

strategy(periodMA1, periodMA2, initialCapital);

I greatly appreciate your contributions.-
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Hey everyone, I'm in the process of teaching myself ThinkScript and figured it'd be helpful to use ChatGPT (version 4) as a kind of virtual tutor. I asked it a simple question about how to add arrows to a chart and this is the answer it gave me:

As far as I can tell however, the AddChartArrow function does not exist in ThinkScript and never has! Is this a legit LLM hallucination?

hello and welcome.
you have found out that chatgpt is worthless when it comes to thinkscript. it confused pine functions as thinkscript, or just makes up things.

the best way to learn is read the manual and type in the examples and change them to see what happens.


here is a code that draws arrows
it compares the current high to the high several bars ago. if higher then draw an arrow

the plot formula makes a comparison, then assigns a price level for the arrow

# test_arrow
input bars_back = 10;
# compare the current high to the high several bars ago. if higher then draw an arrow
plot z = if high > high[bars_back] then low else double.nan;
Hello everyone!! I am new to this and would like to request your help to
debug this script, so that it makes a profit and loss report, between two dates to be determined, in order to speed up the search for strategies. Thank you very much!!

# Initialize the capital
def capital = 10000
def initialcapital = capital
def current capital = capital
def start date=??
def finish date=??

# Initialize the number of shares
actions = 0

# Check the crossings and perform operations
if crossover(hullMA1, hullMA2)
# Make purchase
shares = currentcapital / close
currentcapital = 0

if crossunder(hullMA1, hullMA2)
# Make a sale
currentcapital = shares * close
actions = 0

# Calculate the accumulated money
accumulatedmoney = current capital + shares * close

# Show the report
AddLabel(yes, "Initial Capital: $" + InitialCapital + "\nCurrent Capital: $" + CurrentCapital + "\nAccumulatedMoney: $" + AccumulatedMoney)
Hello everyone, I have little understanding of thinkscript programming. I am needing your help to debug a code that you gave me, in order to have a script that does a retrospective test of buying and selling operations, every time two Hull moving averages (10 and 20 periods respectively) cross each other and at the end sample the import in $ obtained (starting, for example, from an initial capital of $1,000).

I add the code below.-

# Get the symbol of the instrument on screen
symbol = symbol;

# Variables to store signals and data
buySignal = false;
sellSignal = false;
buyPrice = 0.0;
sellPrice = 0.0;
currentBalance = initialCapital;
totalProfit = 0.0;
totalTrades = 0;

# Calculate Hull moving averages
hullMA1 = hullMA(symbol, periodMA1);
hullMA2 = hullMA(symbol, periodMA2);

# Iterate through the defined time period
for (i = 0; i < barCount(symbol); i++) {
# Get the current data bar
bar = bar(symbol, i);

# Generate buy/sell signals
if (hullMA1 > hullMA2 and not buySignal) {
buySignal = true;
sellSignal = false;
buyPrice = bar.close;
log("Buy: " + bar.close + " - " +;
} else if (hullMA1 < hullMA2 and not sellSignal) {
buySignal = false;
sellSignal = true;
sellPrice = bar.close;
log("Sell: " + bar.close + " - " +;

# Calculate and record profit/loss
profit = sellPrice - buyPrice;
totalProfit += profit;

# Reinvest profit in the next buy
currentBalance += profit;
buyPrice = 0.0;

# Display results
plot("Hull MA1", hullMA1,;
plot("Hull MA2", hullMA2,;
plot("Close Price", bar.close,;

# Display trade summary
log("Final Balance: $" + currentBalance);
log("Total Profit: $" + totalProfit);
log("Total Trades: " + totalTrades);

# Display summary message
if (totalProfit > 0) {
alert("Congratulations! You made a total profit of $" + totalProfit + " in " + totalTrades + " trades.");
} else if (totalProfit < 0) {
alert("Sorry, you had a total loss of $" + totalProfit + " in " + totalTrades + " trades.");
} else {
alert("No profit or loss was made in " + totalTrades + " trades.");

# Adjust parameters
def periodMA1 = 10;
def periodMA2 = 20;
def initialCapital = 1000.0;

strategy(periodMA1, periodMA2, initialCapital);

I greatly appreciate your contributions.-

nobody here gave you that code. it looks like tradingview pine.
everything is wrong with it, and it will have to be converted to thinkscript.

when asking about a code you found on this (or any) site, post a link to it. click on the post number in top right. then copy the web address.

what do you mean by 'import' ?


here is a strategy to experiment with



input Balance = 1000;

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();
def data = close;

#input avg1_type = AverageType.exponential;
input avg1_type = AverageType.hull;
input avg1_length = 10;
def avg1 = MovingAverage(avg1_type, data, avg1_length );

input avg2_type = AverageType.hull;
input avg2_length = 20;
def avg2 = MovingAverage(avg2_type, data, avg2_length );

input show_average_lines = yes;
plot zavg1 = if show_average_lines then avg1 else na;
plot zavg2 = if show_average_lines then avg2 else na;

def xup = avg1 crosses above avg2;
def xdwn = avg1 crosses below avg2;

def sellcnt = if bn == 1 then 0 else if xdwn then sellcnt[1] + 1 else sellcnt[1];

def buyprice;
def gain;
def total;
if bn == 1 then {
  buyprice = 0;
  gain = 0;
  total = balance;
} else if xup and buyprice[1] == 0 then {
  buyprice = open[-1];
  gain = 0;
  total = total[1];
} else if xdwn then {
  buyprice = 0;
  gain = open[-1] - buyprice[1];
  total = total[1] + gain;
} else {
  buyprice = 0;
  gain = balance;
  total = total[1];

def diff = round(total - balance,2);

addlabel(1, "start amt " + balance, color.white);
addlabel(1, "ending amt " + round(total,2), color.white);
addlabel(1, "gain " + diff, (if diff > 0 then else;
addlabel(1, "trade quantity " + sellcnt, color.white);

def buy = xup;
def sell = xdwn;
input tradesize = 1;

addorder(type = OrderType.buy_to_open, condition = buy, price = open[-1], tradesize = tradesize,  tickcolor =, arrowcolor =, name = "BUY");

AddOrder(type = OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, Condition = sell, price = open[-1], tradesize = tradesize, tickcolor = Color.yellow, arrowcolor = Color.yellow, name = "Sell");


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Hi all, new to this great site! i wrote a code....hum... my friend chat wrote a code where cyan arrows appear on a chart when the current volume is greater than the volume 10bar moving average. Same with price in magenta. The issue i am facing is that the arrows are on top of the price candles vs below pointing up (volume in cyan) or above pointing down - price in magenta (which i would prefer both of these requirements to happen.)
declare lower;

# Define input for moving average length
input maLength = 10;

# Define condition for green candle
def isGreenCandle = close > open;

# Calculate the volume
def volumeAvg = Average(volume, maLength);

# Plot arrows above candles when conditions are met
plot BullishArrow = if isGreenCandle and volume > volumeAvg then high + 1 else Double.NaN;


declare lower;

# Define input for moving average length
input maLength = 10;

# Define condition for green candle
def isGreenCandle = close > open;

# Calculate the price bar range (high-low)
def priceRange = high - low;

# Calculate the 10-bar moving average of the price bar range
def mvAvgPriceRange = MovingAverage(AverageType.SIMPLE, priceRange, maLength);

# Plot arrows above candles when conditions are met
plot BullishArrow = if isGreenCandle and priceRange > mvAvgPriceRange then high + 1 else Double.NaN;
any feedback on how to get these arrows to be adjusted? (cyan below pointing up) and (magenta above pointing down?)


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    Screenshot 2024-03-25 224009.png
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