ChatGPT, BARD, Other AI Scripts Which Can't Be Used In ThinkOrSwim


Staff member
90% of the members attempting chatGPT scripting; do not provide good detailed specifications.

Members know what end result that they want but lack the ability to tell chatGPT, the step-by-step logic required to code a script to achieve that end result.
This results in chatGPT providing poor code.

Here is a video on how to successfully have chatGPT create functional scripts.

The above video, explains the basics of providing good specifications to AI which results in better scripts.
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Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

I'm trying to write a study where when I put the top of a rectangle drawing at where I want to get in at one point and the bottom of the rectangle for my stop loss at another point on the chart it will give me the number of shares I would need to buy risking x amount of money. I tried to use ChatGPT but I keep getting an error message for the first two lines of code. Here's the code:

study(title="Risk Calculator", shorttitle="Risk Calculator")

input riskAmount = 1000;
input commission = 5;

def entryPrice = draw.getSelectedRectangle().upper;
def stopPrice = draw.getSelectedRectangle().lower;

def totalCost = (entryPrice - stopPrice) * (1 + (commission / entryPrice));
def shares = riskAmount / totalCost;

plot data = shares;
I'm trying to write a study where when I put the top of a rectangle drawing at where I want to get in at one point and the bottom of the rectangle for my stop loss at another point on the chart it will give me the number of shares I would need to buy risking x amount of money. I tried to use ChatGPT but I keep getting an error message for the first two lines of code. Here's the code:

study(title="Risk Calculator", shorttitle="Risk Calculator")

input riskAmount = 1000;
input commission = 5;

def entryPrice = draw.getSelectedRectangle().upper;
def stopPrice = draw.getSelectedRectangle().lower;

def totalCost = (entryPrice - stopPrice) * (1 + (commission / entryPrice));
def shares = riskAmount / totalCost;

plot data = shares;

there are several things wrong with your question.

there is no draw function.
there is no study function.

learn some of the basic functions in thinkscript, then you will have an idea of what is possible.

thinkscript can't read data points from objects manually drawn on a chart. i assume that is what you want to have happen, since you didn't provide any rules or conditions, to define the start and stop times of the rectangle.

if you define your buy conditions, they might be able to be added to one of these studies.

or search for risk reward
or position size
I asked ChatGPT to write a code that could identify what core sector etf is out performing and what one is underperforming. This is what I got. The code loaded without errors, but there was no functional input. Can anyone make this code work?

Sector performance script

# # Sources:




# debug

declare lower;

declare once_per_bar;

input open_time = 930;

input ConsumerStaples = 5.88; #XLP

input Utilities = 2.5; #XLU

input Communications = 10.16; #XLC

input Financials = 10.69; #XLF

input Materials = 2.56; #XLB

input Industrials = 7.77; #XLI

input Energy = 2.67; #XLE

input RealEstate = 2.77; #XLRE

input HealthCare = 13.29; #XLV

input InformationTechnology = 29.17; #XLK

input ConsumerDiscretionary = 12.54; #XLY

input sticker = "SPX";

def SectorCount = 11;

def NewDay = SecondsFromTime(open_time) < SecondsFromTime(open_time)[1];

def xlkWeight = InformationTechnology;

def xlvWeight = HealthCare;

def xlyWeight = ConsumerDiscretionary;

def xlfWeight = Financials;

def xlcWeight = Communications;

def xliWeight = Industrials;

def xlpWeight = ConsumerStaples;

def xleWeight = Energy;

def xlreWeight = RealEstate;

def xlbWeight = Materials;

def xluWeight = Utilities;

def xlk = close("XLK");

def xlv = close("XLV");

def xly = close("XLY");

def xlf = close("XLF");

def xlc = close("XLC");

def xli = close("XLI");

def xlp = close("XLP");

def xle = close("XLE");

def xlre = close("XLRE");

def xlb = close("XLB");

def xlu = close("XLU");

def xlkprice = open("XLK");

def xlvprice = open("XLV");

def xlyprice = open("XLY");

def xlfprice = open("XLF");

def xlcprice = open("XLC");

def xliprice = open("XLI");

def xlpprice = open("XLP");

def xleprice = open("XLE");

def xlreprice = open("XLRE");

def xlbprice = open("XLB");

def xluprice = open("XLU");

def xlkChangePercent = (xlk - xlkprice) / xlkprice;

def xlvChangePercent = (xlv - xlvprice) / xlvprice;

def xlyChangePercent = (xly - xlyprice) / xlyprice;

def xlfChangePercent = (xlf - xlfprice) / xlfprice;

def xlcChangePercent = (xlc - xlcprice) / xlcprice;

def xliChangePercent = (xli - xliprice)
I asked ChatGPT to write a code that could identify what core sector etf is out performing and what one is underperforming. This is what I got. The code loaded without errors, but there was no functional input. Can anyone make this code work?
You "seem" to have lots of functional input.
Perhaps what you are trying to say, is that you don't have any functional output.

Output in ToS is defined by PLOT statements.
You are correct, you have no PLOT statements.

You did not say what you want your functional output to look like:
1. Are you trying to create chart output? If so what do you want to plot on your chart?
Something like this:​
or perhaps labels:​
2. Perhaps you are attempting to create a scanner.
What are the definitions of your filters?​
You "seem" to have lots of functional input.
Perhaps what you are trying to say, is that you don't have any functional output.

Output in ToS is defined by PLOT statements.
You are correct, you have no PLOT statements.

You did not say what you want your functional output to look like:
1. Are you trying to create chart output? If so what do you want to plot on your chart?
Something like this:​
or perhaps labels:​
2. Perhaps you are attempting to create a scanner.
What are the definitions of your filters?​
Thanks for the reply, I was looking for something that could give me what sector is out performing, and under performing in real time, on any timeframe. I went to the links you gave me and copied the scripts. I’ll try them out this week. I was also hoping that ChatGPT could write a functional script for me, since I can’t code myself. My hats off to all of you on this site who can. Your much appreciated
Hello kind forum. I am trying to write my first thinkscript and got the code from ChatGPT after describing what I wanted. Yet pasting it into the thinkScript editor gives me an error I don't know how to fix. My wife is a software engineer who is trying to assist and she's a little stumped as well. She suggested finding a forum of thinkScript experts so here I am.

I'm trying to write a study which I want to add as a column to a watchlist. The objective is to calculate the CAGR from a particular date that I can change. Here is the code:

input startDate = "2010-01-01";

def start = startDate;
def end = GetYYYYMMDD();
def days = DaysBetween(start, end);
def years = days / 365.0;
def lowPrice = low(start, start + 1);
def closePrice = close;

def cagr = if (closePrice / lowPrice > 0) then (closePrice / lowPrice)^(1/years) - 1 else 0;

def lastCAGR = if IsNaN(cagr[1]) then 0 else cagr[1];

def color = if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED;

AddLabel(yes, "CAGR: " + Round(lastCAGR, 10), color = color);

def CalculateCAGR = lastCAGR;

RTD("tos.rtd", "LastCAGR", CalculateCAGR);

The error message in the editor is "Invalid statement: def at 10:1". That's the def cagr . . . line
My wife has tried rewriting this various ways but we're stuck! Any pointers would be so much appreciated. Thanks!
Hello kind forum. I am trying to write my first thinkscript and got the code from ChatGPT after describing what I wanted. Yet pasting it into the thinkScript editor gives me an error I don't know how to fix. My wife is a software engineer who is trying to assist and she's a little stumped as well. She suggested finding a forum of thinkScript experts so here I am.

I'm trying to write a study which I want to add as a column to a watchlist. The objective is to calculate the CAGR from a particular date that I can change. Here is the code:

input startDate = "2010-01-01";

def start = startDate;
def end = GetYYYYMMDD();
def days = DaysBetween(start, end);
def years = days / 365.0;
def lowPrice = low(start, start + 1);
def closePrice = close;

def cagr = if (closePrice / lowPrice > 0) then (closePrice / lowPrice)^(1/years) - 1 else 0;

def lastCAGR = if IsNaN(cagr[1]) then 0 else cagr[1];

def color = if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED;

AddLabel(yes, "CAGR: " + Round(lastCAGR, 10), color = color);

def CalculateCAGR = lastCAGR;

RTD("tos.rtd", "LastCAGR", CalculateCAGR);

The error message in the editor is "Invalid statement: def at 10:1". That's the def cagr . . . line
My wife has tried rewriting this various ways but we're stuck! Any pointers would be so much appreciated. Thanks!

i started typing my response on my cell after a quick glance....
i should have waited and loaded this code, there are several things wrong...

please make another post and explain what a cagr is.

here are some fixes, but there are too many things wrong to spend any more time on this before i understand the task.
thinkscript won't highlight every error at first. it may find one and highlight it red. after you fix that, another could pop up. then another and....


this is wrong. dashed date text won't be recognized.
input startDate = "2010-01-01";

should be a number , in yyyymmdd format.
input startDate = 20100101;

and make sure it is a date that has data... not a weekend.


this is wrong
def lowPrice = low(start, start + 1);

do you want to find the lowest of 2 values?
could use min(a,b)
to read a value on a specific date, will require an if then to compare dates then assign low to a variable.


the color formula is wrong.
generally only numbers can be assigned with def. there is an exception with bracketed data. def x = { default a, b, c};

def color = if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED;

have to put the color formula inside the label

AddLabel(yes, "CAGR: " + Round(lastCAGR, 10), (if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));

the last line is not thinkscript.
rtd() is an excel function.

here is a link to a function in the online manual. click on 3 lines top left and search for others

in a column, use this to change the color of the cell

^ isn't valid, use power()

next time, search this site for your topic. good chance someone already thought of it

oh, and hello and welcome.
as you will find out, chatgpt is not all it's hyped up to be. it may be able to create small code snippets , but the user should have knowledge of the code.
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I wanted to see if Chat GPT would create a study that alerted me once the price closed above the daily high OR below the daily low on the 5 minute chart. I wanted an orange arrow to point at the candle that closed above the daily high, or below the daily low. I asked Chat GPT to only plot this arrow after 10am. Here's the script/code it created for me. I'm getting error messages for "input color = createColor(255, 165, 0);" that's on the 3rd line and for the "if" that starts the 7th line. Any idea why?

input startTime = 1015;
input endTime = 1600;
input color = createColor(255, 165, 0);

def dayHigh = high(period = "day");
def dayLow = low(period = "day");

def barTime = secondsFromTime(timeOfDay());

if (barTime >= secondsFromTime(startTime) and barTime <= secondsFromTime(endTime)) {
    plot ArrowAbove = if close > dayHigh and barNumber() != 0 then dayHigh else double.nan;

    plot ArrowBelow = if close < dayLow and barNumber() != 0 then dayLow else double.nan;
i started typing my response on my cell after a quick glance....
i should have waited and loaded this code, there are several things wrong...

please make another post and explain what a cagr is.

here are some fixes, but there are too many things wrong to spend any more time on this before i understand the task.
thinkscript won't highlight every error at first. it may find one and highlight it red. after you fix that, another could pop up. then another and....


this is wrong. dashed date text won't be recognized.
input startDate = "2010-01-01";

should be a number , in yyyymmdd format.
input startDate = 20100101;

and make sure it is a date that has data... not a weekend.


this is wrong
def lowPrice = low(start, start + 1);

do you want to find the lowest of 2 values?
could use min(a,b)
to read a value on a specific date, will require an if then to compare dates then assign low to a variable.


the color formula is wrong.
generally only numbers can be assigned with def. there is an exception with bracketed data. def x = { default a, b, c};

def color = if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED;

have to put the color formula inside the label

AddLabel(yes, "CAGR: " + Round(lastCAGR, 10), (if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));

the last line is not thinkscript.
rtd() is an excel function.

here is a link to a function in the online manual. click on 3 lines top left and search for others

in a column, use this to change the color of the cell

^ isn't valid, use power()

next time, search this site for your topic. good chance someone already thought of it

oh, and hello and welcome.
as you will find out, chatgpt is not all it's hyped up to be. it may be able to create small code snippets , but the user should have knowledge of the code.

Thank you so, so much for taking the time to provide such great feedback! I knew that code it might be a .
i started typing my response on my cell after a quick glance....
i should have waited and loaded this code, there are several things wrong...

please make another post and explain what a cagr is.

here are some fixes, but there are too many things wrong to spend any more time on this before i understand the task.
thinkscript won't highlight every error at first. it may find one and highlight it red. after you fix that, another could pop up. then another and....


this is wrong. dashed date text won't be recognized.
input startDate = "2010-01-01";

should be a number , in yyyymmdd format.
input startDate = 20100101;

and make sure it is a date that has data... not a weekend.


this is wrong
def lowPrice = low(start, start + 1);

do you want to find the lowest of 2 values?
could use min(a,b)
to read a value on a specific date, will require an if then to compare dates then assign low to a variable.


the color formula is wrong.
generally only numbers can be assigned with def. there is an exception with bracketed data. def x = { default a, b, c};

def color = if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED;

have to put the color formula inside the label

AddLabel(yes, "CAGR: " + Round(lastCAGR, 10), (if lastCAGR >= 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));

the last line is not thinkscript.
rtd() is an excel function.

here is a link to a function in the online manual. click on 3 lines top left and search for others

in a column, use this to change the color of the cell

^ isn't valid, use power()

next time, search this site for your topic. good chance someone already thought of it

oh, and hello and welcome.
as you will find out, chatgpt is not all it's hyped up to be. it may be able to create small code snippets , but the user should have knowledge of the code.

Thank you so, so very much for taking the time to dissect this! Your answers definitely point me to all the areas I need to study further. I admit, as a non-developer there are basic foundational principles I just don't have yet and your answer shows me what to dig further into. Thank you so much! I did try searching initially but probably didn't know what words to use and didn't turn up anything that looked similar. Will continue to improve! Thanks again.
I appreciate any help, Im just trying to create a super simple script that counts 1 day back and finds any 1 minute candles that have a range of more than $1.99 (for example, say there were 16 one minute candles with a range of more than $1.99, then the result SHOULD show as "16"). But instead its only showing the result as "YES" in red, and thats only if I hover my mouse over it. If I move my mouse away, it just says "NO".

It's just not working how I want. Please help!

]Im super new to thinkscript and am hoping there is a veteran who can help me point out what im doing wrong, cause as far as i know, the syntax and everything should be fine right?
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I appreciate any help, Im just trying to create a super simple script that counts 1 day back and finds any 1 minute candles that have a range of more than $1.99 (for example, say there were 16 one minute candles with a range of more than $1.99, then the result SHOULD show as "16"). But instead its only showing the result as "YES" in red, and thats only if I hover my mouse over it. If I move my mouse away, it just says "NO".

It's just not working how I want. Please help!

]Im super new to thinkscript and am hoping there is a veteran who can help me point out what im doing wrong, cause as far as i know, the syntax and everything should be fine right?

in the future, don't post images of code. (unless you are showing some red highlighted errors)
please post the code , as text, in a code window.
in a new post, click on </> in the header.

compare bar heights to, dollars or a percent

if height is > than the minimum, a cyan arrow is drawn.
counts the big ranges each day and display the count in a bubble on last bar.

# min_bar_ht_00


def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

def newday = getday() != getday()[1];
def dayend = getday() != getday()[-1];

def rng = (high - low);
def avg = average(close, 10);

input min_rng_dollar = 1.99;
input min_rng_percent = 1.3;

def minrng;
input range_type = { default dollar , percent};
switch (range_type) {
case dollar:
 minrng = min_rng_dollar;
case percent:
 minrng = avg * (min_rng_percent/100);

def rngx = (rng > minrng);

def rngxcnt = if bn == 1 then 0
 else if newday and rngx then 1
 else if newday then 0
 else if rngx then rngxcnt[1] + 1
 else rngxcnt[1];

plot z = if rngx then low*0.999 else na;

input rng_cnt = yes;
addchartbubble(rng_cnt and dayend, high*1.001,
, (if rngxcnt > 0 then color.yellow else color.gray), yes);

input test2 = no;
addchartbubble(test2, low*0.99,
(100 * rng / close)
, color.yellow, no);
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Is there a way to get A.I. to write custom code using thinkscript language?

from a few examples i have seen,
yes and no.
it seems to be able to create a program with some valid thinkscript functions.
but tends to include invalid functions also.
so, the output will probably not run as is, it will need fixing.
there is a saying, garbage in, garbage out. the more detailed the statement is, that is fed into AI, the better chances of something useful coming out.
Code for Rsi divergence. Please help me to correct it

input price = close;
input length = 14;
input overbought = 70;
input oversold = 30;

def diff = price - price[1];
def up = if diff > 0 then diff else 0;
def down = if diff < 0 then -diff else 0;
def avgUp = ExpAverage(up, length);
def avgDown = ExpAverage(down, length);
def rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + avgUp / avgDown));

plot rsiLine = rsi;

def bullishDivergence = Cross(rsi, oversold) and price > price[1];
def bearishDivergence = Cross(overbought, rsi) and price < price[1];

plot bullish = bullishDivergence;

plot bearish = bearishDivergence;
Code for Rsi divergence. Please help me to correct it

input price = close;
input length = 14;
input overbought = 70;
input oversold = 30;

def diff = price - price[1];
def up = if diff > 0 then diff else 0;
def down = if diff < 0 then -diff else 0;
def avgUp = ExpAverage(up, length);
def avgDown = ExpAverage(down, length);
def rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + avgUp / avgDown));

plot rsiLine = rsi;

def bullishDivergence = Cross(rsi, oversold) and price > price[1];
def bearishDivergence = Cross(overbought, rsi) and price < price[1];

plot bullish = bullishDivergence;

plot bearish = bearishDivergence;

cross() isn't a valid function

i changed it to be a lower study

# chat_rsi_diverg_00

# post15

declare lower;

def na = double.nan;

# #15
#Code for Rsi divergence. Please help me to correct it

input price = close;
input length = 14;
input overbought = 70;
input oversold = 30;

def diff = price - price[1];
def up = if diff > 0 then diff else 0;
def down = if diff < 0 then -diff else 0;
def avgUp = ExpAverage(up, length);
def avgDown = ExpAverage(down, length);
def rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + avgUp / avgDown));

plot rsiLine = rsi;

def bullishDivergence = Crosses(rsi, oversold) and price > price[1];
def bearishDivergence = Crosses(overbought, rsi) and price < price[1];

#plot bullish = bullishDivergence;
plot bullish = if bullishDivergence then rsi else na;

#plot bearish = bearishDivergence;

plot bearish = if bearishDivergence then rsi else na;



Any script we have in TOS to get these details in Optin chain.

Getting error as below

Invalid statement: for at 26:5
Invalid statement: } at 32:5

# Open Interest Script

# Define the inputs
input symbol = "AAPL";
input expiration = 0;
input show_all_expirations = no;

# Determine the current date and time
def current_time = GetYYYYMMDD() * 10000 + GetTime() / 100;

# Get the option chain for the specified symbol and expiration date
def chain = OptionChain(symbol, expiration);

# Define the aggregation period
def aggregation_period = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

# Determine whether to use all expirations or just the specified one
def expirations = if show_all_expirations then GetExpirations(symbol) else expiration;

# Loop over each expiration date and display the open interest for each option
for exp in expirations do {
    # Get the options for the current expiration date
    def options = chain.GetOptions(exp, OptionClass.ALL);

    # Loop over each option and display the open interest
    for option in options do {
        # Get the open interest for the current option
        def oi = option.GetOpenInterest(aggregation_period);

        # Display the open interest in a label on the chart
        AddLabel(yes, "OI: " + oi, if current_time == option.GetExpirationDate() then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY);


Any other way who can help to modify this, do we need to check in discord?

on a given particular day I am looking for any indication or line where we have high open interest on puts and call options
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