Improvement for me. Thank you.
Would you mind posting the script for the column please? The link posted here as "column" is coming up as a scanned watchlist.
I thinks it's in the thread, ..........
# Follow @KRose_TDA on twitter for updates to this and other scripts
# Thanks to Alan Burch for emoji enhancement
# Thumbs up = potential Bull Flag - Thumbs Down potential bear flag
# To use for scan place # signs before 2 Addlabel statements.
# For Bull Flag Scan change "def" before Bulltrigger statement to "plot"
# For Bear Flag scan change "def" before BearTrigger Statement to "Plot"
#Enter desired distance of flag by changing FlagDistance value
def FlagDistance = .75; #Percent of ATR from high/low
##############Bull Flag
def StockPrice = close>=10;
def FATR = ATR();
def trigATR = (highest(high,5)-close)> (FlagDistance*FATR); #flag slopping down
def PriceSma = close>simpleMovingAvg("length"=30); #Trend still in force
def trend = simpleMovingAvg("length"=30)> (simpleMovingAvg("length"=30)[5]);
def MacdLow = macdHistogram(8,17,9)[1]< macdHistogram(8,17,9)[2]and close[1]<close[2];
#def Momentum = macdHistogram(8,17,9) > macdHistogram(8,17,9)[1];
##############Bear Flag
def StockPriceBear = close>=10;
def trendBear = simpleMovingAvg("length"=30)< (simpleMovingAvg("length"=30)[5]);
def MacdHighBear = macdHistogram(8,17,9)[1]> macdHistogram(8,17,9)[2]and close[1]>close[2];
def BFATR = reference ATR();
def BtrigATR = (close-lowest(low,5))> (FlagDistance*FATR); #flag slopping up
def BPriceSma = close<simpleMovingAvg("length"=30); #Trend still in force
def Bulltrigger = trend and MacdLow and trigATR and PriceSma;
def BearTrigger = TrendBear and MacdHighBear and BtrigATR and BPriceSma ;
AssignBackgroundColor(if Bulltrigger then color.YELLOW else if bearTrigger then color.LIGHT_RED else color.WHITE);
AddLabel(yes, if Bulltrigger then "
" else if BearTrigger then "
" else " ", if BearTrigger then Color.dark_red else if Bulltrigger then Color.dark_GREEN else Color.ORANGE);