Found another great indicator but in TV.
@samer800 Would love to have this in TOS format. Help please! Thank you
//Bull Beear Power VOID Oscillator by @CoffeeShopCrypto
//2022 Coded from my Kitchen and a bit from the Coffeeshop down the sreet.
//This indicator is NOT complete. Its an ongoing project and it will only get better.
//Alerts, and LONG SHORT indicators to come shortly
indicator("Bull Bear Power Void", shorttitle="BBP-Void", overlay=false)
src = input(defval = close, title = "Source", group="Bull BeaR Settings")
BBPlengthInput =, title="Length", tooltip="Set to the level you want to break the most", group="Bull BeaR Settings")
bullPower = high - ta.ema(close, BBPlengthInput)
bearPower = low - ta.ema(close, BBPlengthInput)
//Calculate the Plot Range for Columns
//Moving Average Calculations inputs and plotting//
BullMA(source, length, type) =>
switch type
"SMA" => ta.sma(source, (length))
"EMA" => ta.ema(source, length)
"VWMA" => ta.vwma(source, length)
"VWAP" => ta.vwap(source)
BearMA(source, length, type) =>
switch type
"SMA" => ta.sma(source, (length))
"EMA" => ta.ema(source, length)
"VWMA" => ta.vwma(source, length)
"VWAP" => ta.vwap(source)
BullmaTypeInput = input.string("EMA", title="Moving Average Type", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA", "LSMA", "VWAP"], tooltip="Use the same Moving average as the one on your chart.", group="Bull Bear Moving Average")
BullmalengthInput =, title="Moving Average Length", group="Bull Bear Moving Average")
//input.string("SMA", title="MA Type", options=["SMA", "Bollinger Bands", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA", "LSMA", "VWAP"], tooltip="Smooths the HA candles.", group="RSI MA Settings")
//BearmaTypeInput = input.string("SMA", title="Bear MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA", "LSMA", "VWAP"], tooltip="Choose a moving average.", group="Bear Moving Average")
//BearmalengthInput =, title="BBP-MA", group="Bear Moving Average")
//Moving Average Calculations
Bullma = BullMA(bullPower - bearPower, BullmalengthInput, BullmaTypeInput)
Bearma = BearMA(bearPower - bullPower, BullmalengthInput, BullmaTypeInput)
//BBP Moving Average Plot
//plot(BBPmov, title="BBP MA", color=color.yellow, linewidth=1, offset=0)
//---Lets Plot the custom Column colors for Bull Bear Columns:
// Plot colors
bull_grow_above = input(#0f7c0fc9, "Above Growing strength", group="Bull Bear Color Settings", inline="Above")
bull_fall_above = input(#a3c9a5c9, "Above Losing strength", group="Bull Bear Color Settings", inline="Above")
bear_grow_below = input(#dfb3b8c9, "Below Losing strength", group="Bull Bear Color Settings", inline="Below")
bear_fall_below = input(#ce2121d3, "Below Growing strength", group="Bull Bear Color Settings", inline="Below")
histo = bullPower + bearPower
hline(0, "Middle Band",, 20))
//Lets Plot everything
//Plotting the Bull Bear Columns
//plot(bullPower + bearPower, title="BBPower Color / Columns", color=(histo>=0 ? (histo[1] < histo ? bull_grow_above : bull_fall_above) : (histo[1] < histo ? bear_grow_below : bear_fall_below)), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_columns, display=display.all)
//plot(Bullma, title="Bull Void MA", color=color.rgb(29, 102, 59, 60), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, offset=0)
//plot(Bearma, title="Bear Void MA", color=color.rgb(216, 60, 60, 60), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, offset=0)
//MACD Attempt
fast_length = input(title="Fast Length", defval=12, group="MACD Settings")
slow_length = input(title="Slow Length", defval=26, group="MACD Settings")
MACDsrc = input(title="Source", defval=close, group="MACD Settings")
signal_length ="Signal Smoothing", minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9, group="MACD Settings")
sma_source = input.string(title="Oscillator MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="MACD Settings")
sma_signal = input.string(title="Signal Line MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="MACD Settings")
// Plot colors
col_macd = input(#2962FF, "MACD Line", inline="MACD", group="MACD Settings")
col_signal = input(#FF6D00, "Signal Line", inline="Signal", group="MACD Settings")
// Calculating
fast_ma = sma_source == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, fast_length) : ta.ema(src, fast_length) * 10
slow_ma = sma_source == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, slow_length) : ta.ema(src, slow_length) * 10
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = sma_signal == "SMA" ? ta.sma(macd, signal_length) : ta.ema(macd, signal_length)
hist = macd - signal
//plot(hist, title="Histogram", style=plot.style_columns, color=(hist>=0 ? (hist[1] < hist ? col_grow_above : col_fall_above) : (hist[1] < hist ? col_grow_below : col_fall_below)))
//plot(macd, title="MACD", color=col_macd)
//plot(signal, title="Signal", color=col_signal)
///Trend Colors to make MACD Crosses more visible
float maxLine = Bearma
float minLine = Bullma
bool MACDBullish = macd > signal
color topColor = MACDBullish ?, 0) :, 0)
color botColor = MACDBullish ?, 0) :, 0)
float topLineValue = MACDBullish ? maxLine : maxLine
float botLineValue = MACDBullish ? minLine : minLine
//macdplot = plot(macd, title="MACD", color=col_macd)
//signalplot = plot(signal, title="Signal", color=col_signal)
//fill(macdplot, signalplot, topLineValue, botLineValue, topColor, botColor, title="MACD Trend Colors")
///End MACD Trend Colors
//Lets Plot everything
//Plotting the Bull Bear Columns
macdplot = plot(macd, title="MACD", color=col_macd, display=display.none)
signalplot = plot(signal, title="Signal", color=col_signal, display=display.none)
fill(macdplot, signalplot, topLineValue, botLineValue, topColor, botColor, title="MACD Trend Colors")
plot(bullPower + bearPower, title="BBPower Color / Columns", color=(histo>=0 ? (histo[1] < histo ? bull_grow_above : bull_fall_above) : (histo[1] < histo ? bear_grow_below : bear_fall_below)), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_columns, display=display.all)
plot(Bullma, title="Bull Void MA", color=color.rgb(29, 102, 59, 35), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, offset=0)
plot(Bearma, title="Bear Void MA", color=color.rgb(216, 60, 60, 35), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, offset=0)
//This indicator is NOT complete. Its an ongoing project and it will only get better.
//Alerts, and LONG SHORT indicators to come shortly