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# Inverse CM_Williams_Vix_Fix Study
# by Jaime Pinto
# Aug/25/2016
# Candle Colors added by Horserider 11/8/2019
declare lower;
input pd = 22; # title="LookBack Period Standard Deviation High")
input bbl = 20; # title="Bolinger Band Length")
input mult = 2.0; # , minval=1, maxval=5, title="Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up")
input lookBack = 50; # title="Look Back Period Percentile High")
input ph = .85; # title="Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
#input pl = 1.01; # title="Lowest Percentile - 1.10=90%, 1.05=95%, 1.01=99%")
def hp = no; # title="Show High Range - Based on Percentile and LookBack Period?")
def sd = no; # title="Show Standard Deviation Line?")
def WVF_buy = (Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd)) * 100;
plot Inv_WVF_buy = -WVF_buy;
def WVF_sell = (Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd)) * 100;
plot Inv_WVF_sell = -WVF_sell;
def sDev_buy = mult * StDev(WVF_buy, bbl);
def MidLine_buy = Average(WVF_buy, bbl);
def sDev_sell = mult * StDev(WVF_sell, bbl);
def MidLine_sell = Average(WVF_sell, bbl);
def UpperBand = MidLine_buy + sDev_buy;
def LowerBand = MidLine_sell - sDev_sell;
plot UB = if sd then UpperBand else Double.NaN;
plot LB = if sd then LowerBand else Double.NaN;
def rangeHigh = (Highest(WVF_buy, lookBack)) * ph;
plot rH = if hp then rangeHigh else Double.NaN;
def rangeLow = (Lowest(WVF_sell, lookBack)) * ph;
plot rL = if hp then rangeLow else Double.NaN;
def buy = WVF_buy >= UpperBand or WVF_buy >= rangeHigh;
def sell = WVF_sell <= LowerBand or WVF_sell <= rangeLow;
Inv_WVF_buy.AssignValueColor(if buy then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
Inv_WVF_sell.AssignValueColor(if sell then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
plot BULL = if buy[1] + buy[2] + buy[3] >= 3 and buy == 0 then -WVF_buy else Double.NaN;
plot BEAR = if sell[1] + sell[2] + sell[3] >= 3 and sell == 0 then -WVF_sell else Double.NaN;
plot zeroLine = 0;
input colorCandles = yes; #hint Color Candles
AssignPriceColor(if buy then Color.RED else if sell then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
I think BT's asking what conditions you want exactly? have you not decided yet?I prefer to use it intraday on a single chart and would like to get alerts once conditions are triggered
I was thinking about the static amount bit, the problem is that the scale is different for every stock/fund. One thing I noticed is that you wont see the reversal hint until the VF tops out and starts coming back down. Just going up to "overbought" doesnt mean it wont go up more. Eyeballing the move above or below the average though, doesn't look too terribly helpfulPerhaps a screenshot is in order -basically 2 possible alerts, one is when the WVF crosses above/below the mean and another is a possible cross above/below a user-defined static amount (refer to the horizontal line in the screenshot as an example).
# V1.0 - 052816 - Dilbert - 1st code cut
# VixFix is a pretty close approximation to the standard VIX or implied volatility. It can be used on intraday chart aggregations, and on symbols that do not have options. When VixFIX spikes high it provides some pretty good buy signals.
input OverSold = .1; # .1 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input OverBought = .01; # .01 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input LengthVF = 22;
input LengthMA = 20;
input percentilelength = 252;
declare lower;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def VixFix = (Highest (C, LengthVF) - L) / (Highest (C, LengthVF)) * 100;
def agg= getaggregationPeriod();
#plot OS = OverSold;
#plot OB = OverBought;
Alert(VixFix crosses above OverSold, "VixFIX crosses above OverSold", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
#Alert(VixFix > OverSold, "VixFIX > OverSold", Alert.TICK, Sound.Ring);
plot range = round((vixfix/highest(vixfix,percentilelength)) * 100,0);
Yessir. I also threw in color function inputs so that you can set high and low threshold to change the label color. The default colors are that if the vf is higher than 70% = green and if its below 30% its red. Just based those off of the common goals for option selling.@wtf_dude I meant the range value
# V1.0 - 052816 - Dilbert - 1st code cut
# VixFix is a pretty close approximation to the standard VIX or implied volatility. It can be used on intraday chart aggregations, and on symbols that do not have options. When VixFIX spikes high it provides some pretty good buy signals.
input OverSold = .1; # .1 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input OverBought = .01; # .01 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input LengthVF = 22;
input LengthMA = 20;
input percentilelength = 252;
input avg_length= 5;
declare lower;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def VixFix = (Highest (C, LengthVF) - L) / (Highest (C, LengthVF)) * 100;
def agg= getaggregationPeriod();
#plot OS = OverSold;
#plot OB = OverBought;
Alert(VixFix crosses above OverSold, "VixFIX crosses above OverSold", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
#Alert(VixFix > OverSold, "VixFIX > OverSold", Alert.TICK, Sound.Ring);
plot range = round((vixfix/highest(vixfix,percentilelength)) * 100,0);
plot avg = simplemovingavg(range,avg_length);
# BollingerBands code
#input ShowBollingerBands = No;
#input displace = 0;
#input BBlength = 20;
#input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
#input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
#input averageType = AverageType.Simple;
#def sDev = stdev(data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);
#def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);
#def LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
#def UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
#plot LB = if ShowBollingerBands then LowerBand else Double.NaN;
#plot UB = if ShowBollingerBands then UpperBand else Double.NaN;
#VixFix.AssignValueColor(if VixFix > UpperBand then Color.Green else Color.Red);
input corrLength = 20;
def correlationWith = ImpVolatility();
def CorrelationIV = correlation(VixFix, correlationWith, corrLength);
addlabel(yes, "Correlation w IV: "+ correlationIV,color.light_gray);
input high_VF = 70;
input low_VF = 30;
addlabel(yes, "VixFix: "+ aspercent(range/100),if range>=high_vf then else if range<= low_vf then color.downtick else color.light_gray);
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