Hey @SleepyZ
In addition to the chartlabel, can you also help me with the code for a chartbubble for the 5min alert above?
I tried myself by adding the code below but it doesn´t seem to work
Code:AddChartBubble(istime(1155), "5 min ", color.red);
Ruby:#declare lower; #Plot Vertical Lines at specified time script IsTime { input time = 0000; plot IsTime = SecondsFromTime(time)[1] < 0 and SecondsFromTime(time) >= 0; } input time1 = 0700; input time2 = 0930; input time3 = 1155; input time4 = 1400; DefineGlobalColor("Time1", GetColor(1)); DefineGlobalColor("Time2", GetColor(1)); DefineGlobalColor("Time3", GetColor(5)); DefineGlobalColor("Time4", GetColor(5)); AddVerticalLine(IsTime(time1), Floor(time1 / 100) + ":" + AsText(time1 % 100, "%02.0f"), GlobalColor("Time1")); AddVerticalLine(IsTime(time2), Floor(time2 / 100) + ":" + AsText(time2 % 100, "%02.0f"), GlobalColor("Time2")); AddVerticalLine(IsTime(time3), Floor(time3 / 100) + ":" + AsText(time3 % 100, "%02.0f"), GlobalColor("Time3")); AddVerticalLine(IsTime(time4), Floor(time4 / 100) + ":" + AsText(time4 % 100, "%02.0f"), GlobalColor("Time4")); AddChartBubble(istime(time3), low, "5 min ", Color.RED, up = No);
Thank you!I modified your time3 definition and had this bubble display on the upper price panel.
All great studies, but is it possible to display vertical lines on a given X time day chart. I would like to set x as a changeable number of day bars. These would match the Kihon Suchi series of numbers 9, 17, 26, 33, 42, 65, 76, 129, 172, 200, 257. These are use along with ichimoku to plot time price cycles. Thanks in advanced
# kijun_numbers_vertlines_0
# AddVerticalLine for Start and End Times in thinkScript
# Branch Dec 23, 2019
# https://usethinkscript.com/threads/addverticalline-for-start-and-end-times-in-thinkscript.1346/page-2#post-87941
# HDP Jan 17, 2022 post#38
# is it possible to display vertical lines on a given X time day chart.
# I would like to set x as a changeable number of day bars.
# These would match the Kijun Suchi series of numbers 9, 17, 26, 33, 42, 65, 76, 129, 172, 200, 257.
# These are use along with ichimoku to plot time price cycles.
# https://2ndskiesforex.com/forex-strategies/ichimoku-number-theory-an-introduction/
# The 10 Numbers
# Although there were 3 basic numbers which underlie the entire set of Ichimoku numbers, there were 10 in all. They are listed below;
# 9, 17, 26, 33, 42, 65, 76, 129, 172, 200, 257
def bn = barnumber();
input start_bar = 1;
def sb = start_bar;
input number_factor = 1;
def fac = number_factor;
input show_barnumbers = no;
def sbn = show_barnumbers;
addlabel(1, "start bar " + sb, color.yellow);
addlabel(1, "Factor " + fac, color.yellow);
def n1 = 9; #9
def n2 = 17; #17
def n3 = n1+n2; #26
def n4 = n2*2-1; #33
def n5 = n1+n4; #42
def n6 = n4*2-1; #65
def n7 = n4+n5+1; #76
def n8 = n6*2-1; #129
def n9 = n5+n8+1; #172
def n10 = 200; #200
def n11 = 257; #257
def x1 = (bn == ((n1*fac)+sb -1));
def x2 = (bn == ((n2*fac)+sb -1));
def x3 = (bn == ((n3*fac)+sb -1));
def x4 = (bn == ((n4*fac)+sb -1));
def x5 = (bn == ((n5*fac)+sb -1));
def x6 = (bn == ((n6*fac)+sb -1));
def x7 = (bn == ((n7*fac)+sb -1));
def x8 = (bn == ((n8*fac)+sb -1));
def x9 = (bn == ((n9*fac)+sb -1));
def x10 = (bn == ((n10*fac)+sb -1));
def x11 = (bn == ((n11*fac)+sb -1));
# (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "")
input lines1 = no;
addverticalline(lines1 and x1, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n1, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x2, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n2, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x3, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n3, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x4, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n4, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x5, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n5, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x6, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n6, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x7, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n7, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x8, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n8, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x9, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n9, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x10, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n10, color.cyan);
addverticalline(lines1 and x11, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n11, color.cyan);
# -------------------------------------------
# alt method of drawing lines
#def x = if (
#bn == ((n1*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n2*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n3*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n4*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n5*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n6*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n7*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n8*fac)+sb -1) or
#bn == ((n9*fac)+sb -1)
#) then 1 else 0;
#def bn_n = if x then (bn + 1 - sb)/fac else 0;
# ((n1*fac)+sb -1)
#addverticalline(x, " " + bn_n , color.cyan);
Thank you!
I noticed the bubble stays on the screen, can this be modified so that it only stays visible during the 5min from trigger to new 5min candle open?
Just like the chartlabel does in your previous code
Ruby:def x = if SecondsFromTime(time3) == 0 then BarNumber() else Double.NaN; def y = if SecondsFromTime(time4) == 0 then BarNumber() - 1 else Double.NaN; def last = if !IsNaN(close[-1]) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN; AddChartBubble(istime(time3), if Between(HighestAll(last + 1), HighestAll(x), HighestAll(y)) then low else Double.NaN, "5 min ", Color.RED, up = no);
sorry for the long delay, I total forgot about it since my ideal was reject for not available. your study is pretty close. I just wanted a study to be at equal on the chart at X number of bars apart and that they would get all the same distance. But the distance could be changed in the setting, So say the Kihon Suchi patterns would start out with 9 bars apart, and then later in the day it would change to 26 bars apart, The pattern would be of the same number of bars until bar pattern wide or shorten in distance. I could then reset the bars to be 26 bars apart. That prior Bars is not important just the current setting forward in time until the pattern changes again. Thanks for your help and work on thisnot quite sure what you are asking for. is this close ?
draw vertical blue lines,
when the barnumber equals a,
kijun number with a factor and offset applied to it.
((n1*fac)+ offset -1)
Code:# kijun_numbers_vertlines_0 # AddVerticalLine for Start and End Times in thinkScript # Branch Dec 23, 2019 # https://usethinkscript.com/threads/addverticalline-for-start-and-end-times-in-thinkscript.1346/page-2#post-87941 # HDP Jan 17, 2022 post#38 # is it possible to display vertical lines on a given X time day chart. # I would like to set x as a changeable number of day bars. # These would match the Kijun Suchi series of numbers 9, 17, 26, 33, 42, 65, 76, 129, 172, 200, 257. # These are use along with ichimoku to plot time price cycles. # https://2ndskiesforex.com/forex-strategies/ichimoku-number-theory-an-introduction/ # The 10 Numbers # Although there were 3 basic numbers which underlie the entire set of Ichimoku numbers, there were 10 in all. They are listed below; # 9, 17, 26, 33, 42, 65, 76, 129, 172, 200, 257 def bn = barnumber(); input start_bar = 1; def sb = start_bar; input number_factor = 1; def fac = number_factor; input show_barnumbers = no; def sbn = show_barnumbers; addlabel(1, "start bar " + sb, color.yellow); addlabel(1, "Factor " + fac, color.yellow); def n1 = 9; #9 def n2 = 17; #17 def n3 = n1+n2; #26 def n4 = n2*2-1; #33 def n5 = n1+n4; #42 def n6 = n4*2-1; #65 def n7 = n4+n5+1; #76 def n8 = n6*2-1; #129 def n9 = n5+n8+1; #172 def n10 = 200; #200 def n11 = 257; #257 def x1 = (bn == ((n1*fac)+sb -1)); def x2 = (bn == ((n2*fac)+sb -1)); def x3 = (bn == ((n3*fac)+sb -1)); def x4 = (bn == ((n4*fac)+sb -1)); def x5 = (bn == ((n5*fac)+sb -1)); def x6 = (bn == ((n6*fac)+sb -1)); def x7 = (bn == ((n7*fac)+sb -1)); def x8 = (bn == ((n8*fac)+sb -1)); def x9 = (bn == ((n9*fac)+sb -1)); def x10 = (bn == ((n10*fac)+sb -1)); def x11 = (bn == ((n11*fac)+sb -1)); # (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") input lines1 = no; addverticalline(lines1 and x1, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n1, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x2, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n2, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x3, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n3, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x4, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n4, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x5, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n5, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x6, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n6, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x7, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n7, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x8, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n8, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x9, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n9, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x10, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n10, color.cyan); addverticalline(lines1 and x11, (if sbn then ("Bn " + bn) else "") + " K-" + n11, color.cyan); # ------------------------------------------- # alt method of drawing lines #def x = if ( #bn == ((n1*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n2*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n3*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n4*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n5*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n6*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n7*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n8*fac)+sb -1) or #bn == ((n9*fac)+sb -1) #) then 1 else 0; #def bn_n = if x then (bn + 1 - sb)/fac else 0; # ((n1*fac)+sb -1) #addverticalline(x, " " + bn_n , color.cyan); #
Hey @SleepyZ
In addition to the chartlabel, can you also help me with the code for a chartbubble for the 5min alert above?
I tried myself by adding the code below but it doesn´t seem to work
Code:AddChartBubble(istime(1155), "5 min ", color.red);
Ruby:declare lower; #Plot Vertical Lines at specified time script IsTime { input time = 0000; plot IsTime = SecondsFromTime(time)[1] < 0 and SecondsFromTime(time) >= 0; } addverticalLine(istime(1155), "11:55"); AddChartBubble(istime(1155), 0, "5 min ", color.red, up = No);
Ruby:AddChartBubble(istime(1155), high, "5 min ", color.red, up = No);
Has anyone created any ICT Killzones script which basically highlights Asia, London, NY sessions. I have seen one in Trading View - https://www.tradingview.com/script/nW5oGfdO-ICT-Killzones-Pivots-TFO/. Anyone have a similar version for TOS?
Has anyone created any ICT Killzones script which basically highlights Asia, London, NY sessions. I have seen one in Trading View - https://www.tradingview.com/script/nW5oGfdO-ICT-Killzones-Pivots-TFO/. Anyone have a similar version for TOS?
@samer800 Have you created any ICT Killzones script which basically highlights Asia, London, NY sessions. I have seen one in Trading View - https://www.tradingview.com/script/nW5oGfdO-ICT-Killzones-Pivots-TFO/. Wondering if you or anyone created a similar version for TOS?
input showlabels = yes;
AddLabel(showlabels and SecondsFromTime(2000) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(0000) > 0, "Zone 1", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(showlabels and SecondsFromTime(0200) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(0500) > 0, "Zone 2", Color.DARK_GRAY);
AddLabel(showlabels and SecondsFromTime(0800) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(1100) > 0, "Zone 3", Color.DARK_GRAY);
#London Silver Bullet
#AddLabel(showlabels and SecondsFromTime(0245) >= 0 and #SecondsTillTime(0330) > 0, "Zone 4", Color.GRAY);
input showverticals = yes;
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(2000) == 0, "Asian", Color.GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(0000) == 0, "End", Color.GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(0200) == 0, "London", Color.DARK_GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(0500) == 0, "Emd", Color.DARK_GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(0800) == 0, "NYC", Color.GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(showverticals and SecondsFromTime(1200) == 0, "End", Color.GRAY);
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