Unusual Volume For ThinkOrSwim

@BenTen I’m trying to add something like this to a pattern thinkscript for a scan

the goal is to have the 1st bar of the pattern to show a 300% or more increase in volume relative to previous volume as part of validating the pattern

but ONLY the first bar

any insight into how to add this to a pattern scan script?

and also where would I put it so it applies to ONLY the first bar?
@Billiebanks By default, your scanner will look for results within the first (latest) bar. There is no need to change anything unless you want to look further back, but that's not your goal.
I’m currently working on creating a pattern scan that will detect a 3 bar play pattern specifically

The pattern is described as an unusually long candle body, followed by one or two resting candle bodies

I was formulating based in catching the long igniting bar and the resting bar/bars in between BEFORE the breakout

(Breakout should be followed by a third/fourth long body)

Some of what I’ve worked on so far in pattern thinkscript editor

Sorry I don’t have my laptop with me but

1st bar: up bar - I need to detect the 3x or more volume on this bar only *

2nd bar : multiple bar - where I set parameters
(Low of #1 < open #2)
(Low of #1 < close #2)
(High of #1 greater or equal high #2)
(Open #1 < low #2)
(Low of #1 < low #2)
(Close of #1 greater or equal close #2)
(Open of #1 < open #2)
(Close of #1 greater than or equal high #2)

So I think all I need is the volume identified in the first bar of the pattern as +3x and a possible alert when the last bar breaks the previous high right?

here is the scan so far...

def IsUp = close > open;
def IsDown = close < open;
def IsDoji = IsDoji();
def avgRange = 0.05 * Average(high - low, 20);
plot PatternPlot =
    IsUp[2] and
    ((Sum(IsUp, 2)[0] >= 0)) and
    high[2] >= Highest(high[0], 2) and
    open[2] < open[1] and
    close[2] >= close[0] and
    close[2] >= Highest(high[0], 2) and
    low[2] < Lowest(low[0], 2) and
    low[2] < close[0] and
    low[2] < open[1] and
    open[2] < Lowest(low[0], 2);

1. i need to get the volume of the bar that STARTS this pattern to be specified as 200-300% volume compared to the previous 20-50-100 bars/ticks
( i would like to be able to change the volume increase percentage and ammt of time its looking back)

2. i would like to make sure the candles that come AFTER the high volume bar do not retrace more than 65% of that first high volume bar if possible
(i would like to be able to adjust retracement %)

and that should prob do it

been trying to get like you @BenTen

here is the pattern scan so far... sorry for spamming im new to this channel

def IsUp = close > open;
def IsDown = close < open;
def IsDoji = IsDoji();
def avgRange = 0.05 * Average(high - low, 20);
plot PatternPlot =
IsUp[2] and
((Sum(IsUp, 2)[0] >= 0)) and
high[2] >= Highest(high[0], 2) and
open[2] < open[1] and
close[2] >= close[0] and
close[2] >= Highest(high[0], 2) and
low[2] < Lowest(low[0], 2) and
low[2] < close[0] and
low[2] < open[1] and
open[2] < Lowest(low[0], 2);
  1. i need to get the volume of the bar that STARTS this pattern to be specified as 200-300% volume compared to the previous 20-50-100 bars/ticks
    ( i would like to be able to change the volume increase percentage and ammt of time its looking back)
  2. i would like to make sure the candles that come AFTER the high volume bar do not retrace more than 65% of that beginning bar if possible, that would filter out alot of the false positives
    (i would like to be able to adjust retracement % if possible)
  3. seems to be only bringing up patterns that have 2 resting bars, i haven't seen any patterns that have only 1 resting bar i would like it to make sure BOTH 1 and 2 resting bar patterns show in the scan
I have paired that with the increased volume scan to attempt to get the result I'm looking for..

but i would prefer something that can track the candle that starts the pattern above only

Here is that code, i just tweaked to make sure only bullish signals but i like how i can interchange percent and length. how do i get that on the beginning candle of the pattern above????



input price = volume;

input choice = {default increased, decreased};

input percent = 300;

input length = 200;

def avg = average(price, length)[1];

def chg = 100 * (price/avg -1);

plot scan;

switch (choice) {

case increased:

scan = chg >= percent;

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How can I set this up in a scanner on thinkorswim
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Here is an extreme volume scanner based on a standard deviation envelope

# Extreme Volume Scan
# Set to Daily Aggregation

# This script picks up abnormal volume over a period of time. Much more likely to be a large trader taking a position

def v = if isNaN(volume) then v[1] else volume;
def norm = Average(volume, 50);
def SD = StDev(v, 50);
def Upper = norm + SD;
def Lower = norm - SD;
def Extreme = (v - Lower) / (Upper - Lower) * 100;
plot cond = if Extreme > 100 then 1 else 0;
how many days does this look back? Can we limit it to the last 3 days?
Hello everyone Can knowledgeable people tell you whether it is possible to create a scanner that will show stacks with requests to buyers and sellers say the size of more than 1% of the average daily volume ? Big bid and ask
Good day. Can anyone help me with background color for watchlist indicator "unusual volume", code is below:

#Wizard input: price
#Wizard text: is at least
#Wizard input: percent
#Wizard text: %
#Wizard input: Choice
#Wizard text: than
#Wizard input: length
#Wizard text: bars ago

input price = volume;
input percent = 50;
input Choice = {default greater, less};
input length = 1;

def x = 100*(price / price[length]-1);
plot scan;

switch (Choice){
case greater:
    scan = x >= percent;
case less:
    scan = x <= -percent;
Going to break it down into two separate columns because you have greater than and less than.

Greater than column

input price = volume;
input percent = 50;
#input Choice = {default greater, less};
input length = 1;

def x = 100*(price / price[length]-1);
plot data = x;
AssignBackgroundColor(if x >= percent then color.dark_green else color.gray);

Less than column

input price = volume;
input percent = 50;
#input Choice = {default greater, less};
input length = 1;

def x = 100*(price / price[length]-1);
plot data = x;
AssignBackgroundColor(if x <= -percent then color.dark_red else color.gray);
Hi Ben, I've been using the unusual volume scanner. Thanks! Quick question, is there a way to set up a scan for stocks that have touched their lower bollinger band on the daily with let's say a 3 day look back? Been searching the forums and only found one with a close below. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Ben, I've been using the unusual volume scanner. Thanks! Quick question, is there a way to set up a scan for stocks that have touched their lower bollinger band on the daily with let's say a 3 day look back? Been searching the forums and only found one with a close below. Thanks for all you do!
A 3 day lookback in what timeframe...??? Remember, lookbacks go by bars, not time itself... Therefore you would need to know how many bars back you need to look for that "touch" or crossover...
Hi Ben. Is it possible modify "unusual vol" for scanning ONLY post/pre-markets bar volumes. the idea is compare last and previous post/premarket volumes, and choose shares where is total volume for last bigger than volume on previous?

If this is impossible, may be just count post/pre-market bars, and compare last with previous post/pre-market?


Here is example, as we can see, on last post/premarket we have 5 bars, and only 3 bar on previous. So, is it possible to create scanner which will compare and choose shares where last post/premarket bars will more than on previous? 9:00 bar is not including to calculation
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I am looking a high time frame scan, on the weekly chart. Having a bit trouble, hoping someone can help. I am using the IBD Style chart setting from @markos IBD Chart

Wanting to scan for stocks that have higher then normal volume using the Weekly time frame (for both bars and Volume Average).

How can I set this up in a scanner on thinkorswim

keep in mind TOS only updates scans about once every 3-7 minutes depending on server load. As a "workaround" I would advise if you want to have better results to make it scan winthin the the last 2 bars which would be 10 minutes that would cover the 3-7 min TD Ameritrade scan delay.
be sure to set for 5 minute aggregation in the scanner
Volume in the last 5 minutes is atleast 2000% of the average 50 bars
#Unusual volume scanner by XeoNoX
#Via usethinkscript.com
#Volume in the last 5 minutes is atleast 2000% of the average 50 bars
#set for 5 minute agreggation
#raw percent value
def percentage = 2000;
#percent in decimal format
def percent_as_decimal = 2000*.01;
#average of last 50 bars
def avgvol =  average(volume,50);
#total volume of last 5 bars
def last5mins = (volume);
#average volume multiplied by desired percentage
def percent_of_avg = avgvol*percent_as_decimal;
# scans for volume is greater than than then 50 minute average by over 2000%
plot scan = last5mins>percent_of_avg;
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@XeoNoX Thank you really appreciate it I will keep you posted.

Thank you once again, is there any way to add this into a custom column on a watch list ? for whatever time frame and that shows the percentage of volume?
@crawford5002 Try replacing:

plot scan = last5mins>percent_of_avg;


plot scan = if last5mins>percent_of_avg then 1 else 0;

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