For the non VIP people here is a possible alternative. Make sure to set the time agg to your chart time.
Cannot see the exhaustion code so no good idea how it compares.
1. Thanks for the share link - interesting code.
2. Where did get this Ema Cloud script?
3. Why did you say for non VIP members - try this - Is there something similar in the VIP section?
4. Did you intend for this cloud script to somehow replace the exhaustion code?
4. I took your code and made what I hope are some improvements.
# Found code at,
# Post #8, by Horserider.
# Original share link found was by Horserider =
# ===============================
# Notes.
# Suggested name = UTS_HorseRider_EmaCloud_1
# Rearraged code to flow better.
# Renamed vPeriod to be AggPeriod.
# Updated "Agg Period Choice Routine" - code by CG.
# Added chioce to turn off labels.
# Nice little code - TY horserider.
# ===============================
# Begin.
declare upper;
# -------------------------------------------
input Force_Study_To_Use_Chart_Agg = yes; # code by CG.
def fstuca = Force_Study_To_Use_Chart_Agg;
input SeectedAggPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def AggPeriod = if fstuca then GetAggregationPeriod() else SeectedAggPeriod;
# -------------------------------------------
input EMALength1 = 9; # default = 9.
input EMALength2 = 21; # default = 21.
input Display_Labels = yes;
input price = close;
input displace = 0;
def O = open (period = AggPeriod);
def H = high (period = AggPeriod);
def C = close (period = AggPeriod);
def L = low (period = AggPeriod);
def V = volume(period = AggPeriod);
# ===========================================
# It was nagging at me where I've seen this code routine that uses, V & HLC.
# It may be other placed too.
def SV = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
def BV = V * (C - L) / (H - L);
# ===========================================
def DL = if Display_Labels then 1 else 0;
AddLabel(yes * DL, "Buyer Vol Strong ", if high > high[1] and low > low[1] and BV*1.05 > SV then Color.GREEN else color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes * DL, "Seller Vol Strong", if high < high[1] and low < low[1] and SV*1.05 > BV then Color.MAGENTA else color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes * DL, "Price Strong ", if high > high[1] and high [1] > high[2] and low > low[1] and low[1] > low[2] then Color.GREEN else color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes * DL, "Price Weak", if high < high[1] and high[1] < high[2] and low < low[1] and low[1] < low[2] then Color.MAGENTA else color.GRAY);
plot upper = ExpAverage(data = price[-displace], length = EMALength1);
plot lower = ExpAverage(data = price[-displace], length = EMALength2);
AddCloud(upper, lower);
def iscolormeBuy = upper >= lower;
def iscolormeSell = upper <= lower;
AddLabel(iscolormeBuy * DL, " EMA9 IS STILL GREATER THAN EMA21 :" , if UPPER >= LOWER + .1 then Color.GREEN else Color.BLACK);
AddLabel(iscolormeSell * DL, " SELL SIGNAL EMA9 LESS THAN EMA21: ", if UPPER <= LOWER - .1 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.BLACK);
# Unused left over code in original -
#def iscolormeWaiting = high<=high[1] and low >= low[1];
#AddLabel(yes, Concat (if iscolormeBuy then " EMA9 > EMA21: " else "", COLOR.BLACK));
#AddLabel(yes, Concat (if iscolormeSell then " EMA9 < EMA21: " else"", COLOR.BLACK));
#AddLabel (iscolormeWaiting, " WAITING FOR BEST TIMING: ", if high <= high[1] OR low >= low[1] then Color.YELLOW else Color.BLUE);
#AddLabel (iscolormeWaiting, " WAITING FOR BEST TIMING: ", IF high <=high[1] and low >= low[1]then Color.GRAY else Color.YELLOW);
#def agg = getAggregationPeriod(); # Unused in original horserider code.
#input AggPeriod =; # original was hour;now unsed.
# END.