Stacked Moving Averages For ThinkOrSwim

@abestinkin8 That 'looks' exactly right. That is the exact logic that I explained to you. To make a stacked EMA. The moving averages have to be daisy-chained together. Your original post was missing the averages that connected the last one w/ the next one.

The logic seems right. I am not in front of my app so I can't check for syntax errors. Give it a roll. Congrats!

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I did some more work and came up with a second watchlist column that would be green/red depending on whether the EMA5 and EMA89 were within a certain percentage of one another. (Because the scripts would be stacked, I think that those would be the only 2 that matter).

The following script lights up Dark Green if EMA5 and EMA 89 are within .1 of each other. It lights up Dark Red if they are more than 1 of teacher other. It's Gray the rest of the time. I'm not exactly sure what the .1 / 1 measure, but it seems to track where the closer the number is to 0, the more consolidated the trend lines become. I'm posting this in the hopes that other people might shed light on what the numbers mean, and if there are better metrics to use than .1 / 1.

input lookback = 5; # past N minutes

Def a = MovAvgExponential(“length” = 5);
Def b = MovAvgExponential(“length” = 89);
Def d = a-b;
Plot p = (d / b) * 100;

Def Good = p <= .1 && p >= -.1;
Def Bad1 = p >= 1;
Def Bad2 = p <= -1;

AssignBackgroundColor(if Good then color.darK_GREEN
else if Bad1 then color.dark_RED else if Bad2 then color.dark_RED
else color.gray);
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here is my EMA_x5_Stack script...

#Created by rad14733 for
#v1.0 2021-01-02
#NOTE: EMA crossovers can be set to only paint based on long term trends.
#      When configured, EMA crossovers will only paint when filtered by longer term trends (ema1 <> ema5).
# EMA Length's
input ema1Length = 8;
input ema2Length = 21;
input ema3Length = 34;
input ema4Length = 55;
input ema5Length = 89;
input showXovers = yes;

# Display EMA's Stacked Label
input show_stacked_label = yes;
input show_ema_label = yes;

# Conditionally Plot EMA's
plot ema1 = ExpAverage(close, ema1Length);
plot ema2 = ExpAverage(close, ema2Length);
plot ema3 = ExpAverage(close, ema3Length);
plot ema4 = ExpAverage(close, ema4Length);
plot ema5 = ExpAverage(close, ema5Length);

# Calculate EMA Crossovers
plot x1a2 = showXovers and ema1 crosses above ema2;
plot x1b2 = showXovers and ema1 crosses below ema2;
# Define Global Colors For Clouds
# Crosses Above
DefineGlobalCOlor("x1a2", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x2a3", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x3a4", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x4a5", Color.WHITE);
# Crosses Below
DefineGlobalCOlor("x1b2", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x2b3", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x3b4", Color.MAGENTA);
DefineGlobalCOlor("x4b5", Color.BLUE);

# Paint Clouds
input showClouds = yes;
AddCloud(if showClouds then ema1 else Double.NaN, if showClouds then ema2 else Double.NaN, GlobalColor("x1a2"), GlobalColor("x1b2"));
AddCloud(ema2, ema3, GlobalColor("x2a3"), GlobalColor("x2b3"));
AddCloud(ema3, ema4, GlobalColor("x3a4"), GlobalColor("x3b4"));
AddCloud(ema4, ema5, GlobalColor("x4a5"), GlobalColor("x4b5"));

# Create Chart Label to signify that EMA's are Stacked
def stackedUp = ema1 > ema2 and ema2 > ema3 and ema3 > ema4 and ema4 > ema5;
def stackedDn = ema1 < ema2 and ema2 < ema3 and ema3 < ema4 and ema4 < ema5;
AddLabel(show_ema_label, "" + ema1Length + "|" + ema2Length + "|" + ema3Length + "|" + ema4Length + "|" + ema5Length + "|" + "EMAs", if stackedUp then Color.GREEN else if stackedDn then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(show_stacked_label, "EMAs Stacked", if stackedUp then Color.GREEN else if stackedDn then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
# END EMA_5_Stack
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This is a simple plot on a lower study showing the color condition of short term EMAs.
However, I do not know the code to keep it from plotting cyan dots into the expansion area.
Can someone correct it for me?
Thanks for any reply!

declare lower;
def EMA5 = ExpAverage(close, 5);
def EMA8 = ExpAverage(close, 8);
def EMA13 = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def cond1 = (EMA5 > EMA8) and (EMA8 > EMA13);
def cond2 = (EMA5 < EMA8) and (EMA8 < EMA13);

plot dot = 1;
dot.AssignValueColor(if cond1 then Color.GREEN
else if cond2 then Color.RED
else color.YELLOW);
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Can someone help me with making this code into a label? The text on the label can be the number 5. The label should turn colors base on the criteria below.

input price = close;

AddLabel (yes, if ma5 >= ma5[1] and ma5>ma100
then color.Green else if ma5 < ma5[1] and ma5>ma100
then color.Blue else if ma5<= ma5[1] and ma5 <ma100
then else if ma5 >= ma5[1] and ma5 < ma100
then color.Blue else color.gray);
@Branch Something like this...??? You were very close... Note that I didn't verify your logic...

def ma5 = Average(close, 5);
def ma100 = Average(close, 100);

AddLabel (yes, "MA5",
  if ma5 >= ma5[1] and ma5 > ma100 then Color.GREEN
  else if ma5 < ma5[1] and ma5 > ma100 then Color.BLUE
  else if ma5 <= ma5[1] and ma5 < ma100 then Color.RED
  else if ma5 >= ma5[1] and ma5 < ma100 then Color.BLUE
  else Color.GRAY
New to the forum, I'm looking to implement a scan to filter only instruments where the moving averages are above each other, meaning 20EMA>40EMA>50SMA... (uptrend) and use in ToS to create scans in different timeframes, 1D, 1W, 1M.....

Appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction, perhaps a similar script original script already exists and I can adapt ?....not an expert by any means but I can handle modifications

New to the forum, I'm looking to implement a scan to filter only instruments where the moving averages are above each other, meaning 20EMA>40EMA>50SMA... (uptrend) and use in ToS to create scans in different timeframes, 1D, 1W, 1M.....

Appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction, perhaps a similar script original script already exists and I can adapt ?....not an expert by any means but I can handle modifications

This should help
def ema20 = ExpAverage(close, 20);
def ema40 = ExpAverage(close, 40);
def sma50 = SimpleMovingAvg(close, 50);
plot scan = ema20 > ema40 and ema40 > sma50;
Thanks, found out the ToS stock hacker/condition wizard allows building "stacked" filters...this filters securities with all classic moving averages aligned on top of each other...

the GUI

the code
MovAvgExponential("length" = 20)."AvgExp" is greater than or equal to MovAvgExponential("length" = 40)."AvgExp" and MovAvgExponential("length" = 40)."AvgExp" is greater than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 50)."SMA" and SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 50)."SMA" is greater than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 100)."SMA" and SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 100)."SMA" is greater than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 150)."SMA" and SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 150)."SMA" is greater than or equal to SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 200)."SMA"
I'm not a coder, (and have only been trading for 3 weeks) but this change made more sense to me... I also commented out "AddLabel(!bullish and !bearish, " ", Color.BLACK);" because I didn't know what it did (don't know the TOS syntax yet).

I assume the black color is for a neutral position. Does the "!" mean "Not"... so the code would read NOT bullish AND NOT bearish then have no text and paint the box black Seemed like too much code, so I took it out.

Again, I last coded 35 years ago, so be nice :)

PS: Thanks for everyone writing all this fantastic code. I really appreciate you guys/gals :)

def EMA8 = ExpAverage(close, 8);
def EMA13 = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def EMA21 = ExpAverage(close, 21);
def EMA34 = ExpAverage(close, 34);
def bullish = EMA8 > EMA13 and EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34;
def bearish = EMA8 < EMA13 and EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34;

# Changed "Stacked MAs" to "Stacked EMAs" when they actually stacked and to "Unstacked EMAs" when they are not stacked.
# Now there is visual and written confirmation (change "Unstacked" to "Crossed" if you wish)
# Also commented out the background color change so the entire screen didn't get changed

AddLabel(bullish, “Stacked EMAs”, Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(bearish, “UnStacked EMAs”, Color.RED);

#AddLabel(!bullish and !bearish, " ", Color.BLACK); Is this needed?

#AssignbackgroundColor(if EMA8 > EMA13 and EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34 then else if EMA8 < EMA13 and EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34 then else;
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@Some Random Alien
  • Yes the explanation mark ! denotes NOT in Thinkscript (y)
  • Yes the last two lines of the script should be commented out if adding this study as labels to a chart
However, do not comment out the lines when using the script in a watchlist.
Adding the AssignbackgroundColor makes the labels into a stoplight that pops!
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I created this code to account for John Carter's EMA setup. NOT tested. Noob... don't know how to back test yet.

1. Changed Plum to Yellow (easier to read and Yellow means caution, duh)
2. Added EMA 55 and 89, ala JC. Hope you find thus useful :)
3. Added padding to text displayed in boxes (I hate crowded text :) )
4. Added a catch-all in case the lines are not completely Bull or Bear (Changing EMAs)

def EMA8 = ExpAverage(close, 8);
def EMA13 = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def EMA21 = ExpAverage(close, 21);
def EMA34 = ExpAverage(close, 34);

#---------Below is John Carter EMA setup-------------
def EMA55 = ExpAverage(close, 55);
def EMA89 = ExpAverage(close, 89);

def bullish = EMA8 > EMA13 and EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34 and EMA55 > EMA89;

def bearish = EMA8 < EMA13 and EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34 and EMA55 < EMA89;

AddLabel(bullish, “  Stacked EMAs  ”, Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(bearish, “  UnStacked EMAs  ”, Color.RED);
AddLabel(!bullish and !bearish, "  Changing EMAs  ", Color.YELLOW);

#AssignbackgroundColor(if EMA8 > EMA13 and EMA13 > EMA21 and EMA21 > EMA34 then else if EMA8 < EMA13 and EMA13 < EMA21 and EMA21 < EMA34 then else;
Here is my actual Watchlist Column code... It's almost identical to the code above... I just use colors without text because I need the screen real estate for other things... Green = StackedUp, Red = StackedDown, Gray = NotStacked...

#Used to indicate that 8, 21, 34, 55, 89  EMA's are ALL stacked trend-wise
#Created by rad14733 for
#v1.0 2021-01-02

def stackedUp = MovAvgExponential("length" = 8)."AvgExp" is greater than MovAvgExponential("length" = 21)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 21)."AvgExp" is greater than MovAvgExponential("length" = 34)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 34)."AvgExp" is greater than MovAvgExponential("length" = 55)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 55)."AvgExp" is greater than MovAvgExponential("length" = 89)."AvgExp";

def stackedDn = MovAvgExponential("length" = 8)."AvgExp is less than MovAvgExponential("length" = 21)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 21)."AvgExp" is less than MovAvgExponential("length" = 34)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 34)."AvgExp" is less than MovAvgExponential("length" = 55)."AvgExp"
and MovAvgExponential("length" = 55)."AvgExp" is less than MovAvgExponential("length" = 89)."AvgExp";

def state = if stackedUp then 1 else if stackedDn then -1 else 0;

AddLabel(yes, state, if stackedUp then Color.DARK_GREEN else if stackedDn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.DARK_GRAY);

AssignBackgroundColor(if stackedUp then Color.DARK_GREEN else if stackedDn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.DARK_GRAY);

Hello, this watchlist study is very useful . I have it plotted on 3 different time frames: T1<T2<T3 .
What lines should we add to have a single watchlist study that displays a green / red only when all 3 timeframes
are stackedup / stackeddn please ? Hope it's an usefull idea for others, too.
(optional - white when T1 and T2 have same direction ;
grey when T2 and T3 have same direction).
Hello, this watchlist study is very useful . I have it plotted on 3 different time frames: T1<T2<T3 .
What lines should we add to have a single watchlist study that displays a green / red only when all 3 timeframes
are stackedup / stackeddn please ? Hope it's an usefull idea for others, too.
(optional - white when T1 and T2 have same direction ;
grey when T2 and T3 have same direction).
Multiple aggregations can't be used in watchlists :( I REDID it...turns out.. and you all can correct me if I'm wrong...but it looks like thinkscript does not like to make serial I had to split up the comparisons of the lows as well as the moving averages...

Looks something like this

def run=movAvgExponential() is greater than MovAvgExponential(length = 50) and MovAvgExponential(length = 50) is greater than MovAvgExponential(length = 200);
def runs=open is greater than low[1] and low [1] is greater than low[2] and low[2] is greater than low[3];
def grow=open>open[8]*1.05;
plot scan=run and runs;

works pretty good!!

Actually...I feel like my other Studies have been working the other way, but now I wonder...Any input would be appreciated. I REDID it...turns out.. and you all can correct me if I'm wrong...but it looks like thinkscript does not like to make serial I had to split up the comparisons of the lows as well as the moving averages...

Looks something like this

def run=movAvgExponential() is greater than MovAvgExponential(length = 50) and MovAvgExponential(length = 50) is greater than MovAvgExponential(length = 200);
def runs=open is greater than low[1] and low [1] is greater than low[2] and low[2] is greater than low[3];
def grow=open>open[8]*1.05;
plot scan=run and runs;

works pretty good!!

Actually...I feel like my other Studies have been working the other way, but now I wonder...Any input would be appreciated.
looks MUCH better! I moved your post to this thread. Read through it for even more ideas.
Where can I find the updated version of the label "stack" for EMAs ?

Does any one have chart label of EMA (8, 21, 50, 200) of Daily chart that show UP on 5 min chart??
Where can I find the updated version of the label "stack" for EMAs ?

Does any one have chart label of EMA (8, 21, 50, 200) of Daily chart that show UP on 5 min chart??
I moved your post here as there are 4 pages of stacked averages examples.
  1. choose one
  2. change the lengths to meet your requirements
  3. make it a daily aggregation that will plot on a 5min chart, follow these instructions:
Hello. I tried out the DailySMA but I need the EMA. Is there a study out there for this already? if not, should i attempt to modify the DailySMA script to be the DailyEMA? I have never written a script but I'm willing to learn. Would it be easier to modify or start from scratch?

The end goal: Daily: 20 EMA, 100 SMA & 200 SMA all plotted on my 1min, 5min & tick charts. I assume I can use/apply 2 different scripts to my charts. One being the DailySMA currently found in the studies and the other the "DailyEMA" if i can find one.

Thank You, John.

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