Hi FateOwnzYou..... I loaded this study but can't seem to get separate red lines and the cyan lines to show-up on the chart like in your screenshot on Discord..... I have the "MTF" set to Yes, the "Current TF" set to Yes..... and the "Time Frame" set to 3-Min...... all that show-up on the 3-minute chart are the red lines (upper, middle that changes to yellow, and lower)... When I change "MFT" to No and "Current TF" to Yes.... I only get cyan lines on the 3-minute chart..... I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong... What the heck does "MTF" stand for? ______ Time Frame...EDIT: I have also just added a full upper version for the reversals on price action. When approaching the outer walls could be nearing a reversal.
It has the option for the high volume (as requested) and will be displayed by changing the color of the midline.
Also has multi-Timeframe capabilities with option to turn off or on if desired
(This script will be posted in the end of the Original Post)
Input Price_Color = yes;
Input Sensitivity = 1;
Def S1 = Max(-100, Min(100, (StochasticFull(KPeriod = 8, slowing_period = 5, averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL))) - 50) / 50.01;
Def S2 = Max(-100, Min(100, (StochasticFull(KPeriod = 17, slowing_period = 5, averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL))) - 50) / 50.01;
Def S3 = Max(-100, Min(100, reference RSI(2)) - 50) / 50.01;
def Bull =(expAverage((S1 + S2 + S3)/3,Sensitivity))*10;
Def SpdChng = if Bull < 1.5 then ((movingAverage(averageType.Weighted, Bull, 20))-1.5) else ((movingAverage(averageType.Weighted, Bull, 10))-1.5) ;
def Bear = (SpdChng - Bull);
plot uparrw = bull crosses above bear;
plot dwnarrw = bull crosses below bear;
alert(bull crosses above bear,"bullish",Alert.bar,Sound.ring);
alert(bull crosses below bear,"bearish",Alert.bar,Sound.ring);
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