great work, are the new added additional Feature in the original code?Added an Additional Feature that should help identify the tops and bottoms, or when a stock is close to turning retracing.
Option to add price action color change or just leave on lower indicator
Thank You@crawford5002 yes it is
I have actually ported it to TradingView, but am having problems getting the results to line up exactly with ToS since there is no StochasticFull function in TradingView, so I have had to recreate this manually. I have been tinkering with this the last few days, but have not been able to get this to work perfectly. If you want to troubleshoot the code, let me know, and we can try to figure this out together. It might just be that I am not understanding the Stochastic calculation.Love it. Any plans to port it to tradingview?
No worries. Thanks!@egshih I wish I could help more with that. I actually have never even used trading view, I know nothing of how their script works. Sorry
input volumeAveragingLength = 20;
input volumePercentThreshold = 50;
def aVol = Average(volume, volumeAveragingLength);
def pVol = 100 * ((volume - aVol[1]) /aVol[1]);
def pDot = pVol >= volumePercentThreshold;
plot volumeStrength = if pDot and (Bull or Bear) then hl2 else Double.NaN;
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