Custom watchlist added into OP, of course adjust your "Reversal_Warning" and "Sensitivity" settings to your likings.
Displays the Bullish line value for bullish or bearish sentiment, along with displaying if its soon for a reversal
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make sure both your timeframe AND your watchlist are on same timeframe, along with extended hours checked on or off on both. should be the sameFate, nice work on the oscillator studies. I do have a question, let's say that I am using the lower study, and the watch list study on a hourly time frame, shouldn't the bull values be the same?
Just click on the settings and change "Price Color" to No....How do I just add the study without it affecting the color of my candles ?
declare lower;
Input Price_Color = yes;
Input Sensitivity = 1;
Input Reversal_Candle = yes;
Def S1 = Max(-100, Min(100, (StochasticFull(KPeriod = 8, slowing_period = 5, averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL))) - 50) / 50.01;
Def S2 = Max(-100, Min(100, (StochasticFull(KPeriod = 17, slowing_period = 5, averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL))) - 50) / 50.01;
Def S3 = Max(-100, Min(100, reference RSI(2)) - 50) / 50.01;
def Bull =(expAverage((S1 + S2 + S3)/3,Sensitivity))*10;
Def SpdChng = if Bull < 1.5 then ((movingAverage(averageType.Weighted, Bull, 20))-1.5) else ((movingAverage(averageType.Weighted, Bull, 10))-1.5);
def Bear = (SpdChng - Bull);
Plot Zero = 0;
plot line = bull - bear;
addLabel(yes, if line > 3.5 then "Bullish" else if line <-3.5 then "Bearish" else "Consolidating", if line > 3.5 then Color.Green else if line < -3.5 then else color.white);
assignpriceColor(if Price_Color and line > 0 then else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if Price_Color and line < 0 then else color.current);
assignpricecolor(if bull > 8.35 and Reversal_Candle or bull < -8 and Reversal_Candle then color.cyan else color.current);
addcloud(11, 13, color.yellow, color.yellow);
addcloud(-11, -13, color.yellow, color.yellow);
addcloud(3.5, -3.5, color.gray, color.gray);
@FateOwnzYou Thanks! Is there any way to repost it? The link seems to have been taken down...Tradingview conversion done by @Ozia
@Accelox I know you asked about this earlier
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// Assembled by [USER=2840]@FateOwnzYou[/USER] on
// Link:
// Modified for TradingView by Ozia
study(title="Savage Oscillator", shorttitle="SVG", format=format.price, precision=2, resolution="")
//Input Paramater
RSI_length = input(2)
Reversal_Warning_Candle = input(title = "Reversal_Warning Candle", type=input.bool, defval=false)
Reversal_Warning = input(8)
Sensitivity = input(1)
HighVolume = input(title = "HighVolume", type=input.bool, defval=true)
VolumeAveragingLength = input(20)
VolumePercentThreshold = input(60)
up = rma(max(change(close), 0), RSI_length)
down = rma(-min(change(close), 0), RSI_length)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
_High1 = hline(10.0)
_High2 = hline(8.0)
_Low1 = hline(-8)
_Low2 = hline(-10)
zero = hline(0)
//Upper and Lower Zone
fill(_High1, _High2, color=color.yellow)
fill(_Low1, _Low2, color=color.yellow)
k1 = ema(stoch(close, high, low, 8), 5)
k2 = ema(stoch(close, high, low, 17), 5)
mins1 = (k1 < 100 ? k1 : 100) -50
mins2 = (k2 < 100 ? k2 : 100) -50
mins3 = (rsi < 100 ? rsi : 100) -50
maxs1 = mins1 > -100 ? mins1 : -100
maxs2 = mins2 > -100 ? mins2 : -100
maxs3 = mins3 > -100 ? mins3 : -100
s1 = maxs1 / 50.01
s2 = maxs2 / 50.01
s3 = maxs3 /50.01
bull = (ema((s1 + s2 + s3)/3, Sensitivity)) * 10
wa20 = wma(bull, 20)
wa10 = wma(bull, 10)
SpdChng = bull < 1.5 ? wa20 - 1.5 : wa10 - 1.5
bear = SpdChng - bull
middle = ((bull - bear)/2)+ bear
//High Volume
aVol = rma(volume,VolumeAveragingLength)
pVol = 100 * ((volume - aVol[1])/ aVol[1])
pDot() => pVol >= VolumePercentThreshold
plot(bull, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,
plot(bear, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,
plot(middle, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=1, color=color.gray)
DReversal_Warning() => bull > Reversal_Warning
UReversal_Warning() => bull < Reversal_Warning * -1
barcolor(Reversal_Warning_Candle and DReversal_Warning() ? : UReversal_Warning() ? : na)
barcolor(Reversal_Warning_Candle and UReversal_Warning() ? : UReversal_Warning() ? : na)
plotshape(pDot() and HighVolume ? true : na,, color=color.aqua, location=location.absolute, transp = 0, size = size.tiny)
plotshape(DReversal_Warning(),,,,, transp = 0, size = size.tiny)
plotshape(UReversal_Warning() ,,, location=location.bottom,, transp = 0, size = size.tiny)
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