RSI Laguerre Indicator without Fractal Energy, Red/Green


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Does anyone have thinkScript code for the RSI Laguerre Indicator without Fractal Energy that will turn red when it crosses below the .80 line and turn green when it crosses above the .20 line? Please note: I am not sure if there is any other criteria other than crossing the signal lines that should make the RSI Laguerre Indicator turn red and green.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

This is an experiment by JQ to remove the yellow gamma line


## OneNote Archive Name: RSI in Laguerre Time Self Adjusting With Fractal Energy _Mobius_JQ
## Archive Section: Momentum
## Suggested Tos Name: RSI_LaguerreTime_v20180919_Mobius_JQvisuals
## Archive Date: 5.15.2018
## Archive Notes:
## "##" indicates an addition or adjustment by the OneNote Archivist
## Modified Code Follows:
## 5.15.2018  JQ added code to permit user to disable bull and or bear alerts
## 5.19.2018  JQ added AddChartBubbble code on FE plot
## 9.19.2018  JQ added color to RSI Line
## 8.26.2019  JQ Added Gamma.Hide at row 97 or 98.  Please Comment Out (#) if you want gamma back

# TheoTrade RSI in Laguerre Time Self Adjusting With Fractal Energy
# Mobius
# V03.06.15.2016
#combine with:
# RSI in Laguerre Time Self Adjusting With Fractal Energy
# Mobius
# V02.07.2014
# V03.06.15.2016
# Both Fractal Energy and RSI are plotted. RSI in cyan and FE in yellow. Look for trend exhaustion in the FE and a reversal of RSI or Price compression in FE and an RSI reversal.

# Lounge Notes

#15:51 Mobius©: Short trade setup I look for with RSI Laguerre adjusted with FE.
#1) Polarity Change - Equity has gone from making higher highs and higher lows to making a lower high and lower low and is now putting in another lower high
#2) RSI Laguerre is above .8 and descending from 1
#3) Fractal Energy is below .38 and nose down or above .6 and rolling over. In the first case, below .38, FE is indicating trend exahustion and RSI is likely showing as a peak and not running across pegged at 1. In the second case Price has risen to a lower resistance and has been rolling slowly over building energy.

#Mobius©: I use a very simple method – RSI Laguerre and Fractal Energy on a list of very liquid stocks. I look for polarity change and trade when both RSI and FE are in “confluence”. If volatility is high enough I sell spreads if not I buy them. Other than hedging (which I do a lot of) that's it. I like it simple.

#The typical base setting I like to use for the FE is a length of 8. If I'm trading options I like to look at it about the length of time I'm buying or selling the option for. I want to know if it's reverting and where the energy is so I'll use a longer length for reversion and a shorter length to see if energy is building or waning.

#If RSI Laguerre is descending and FE over .6, that tells me something is changing and I'm already looking at an equity I've determined is about to make a polarity change. So the worse case that happens is that the security grinds sideways for a few days.

#A reading of the FE over .6 is an indication that energy has been built up. If the FE is high (over .6) and RSI LaGuerre is breaking lower FE will follow suit. If RSI reverses and goes above .8 I'm outa there, with the assumption I have a short position.

#FE is a gauge of both mean reverting and linearity. Descending readings indicate a trend is on.
#A reading below .3 indicates exhaustion in trend or near exhaustion.
#A reading above .6 indicates moving sideways with rapid reversion and energy building for a move again.
#Above .6 - Think price compression or squeeze
#Below .3 - Think running out of gas

#Here's an example:

#FE at 60 periods is oscillating around .5 tightly while FE at 8 periods is over .6. Zscore is over 2 and is starting to roll over. That is a good short to the mean.
#Short trade setup I look for with RSI Laguerre adjusted with FE.

#1) Polarity Change - Equity has gone from making higher highs and higher lows to making a lower high and lower low and is now putting in another lower high
#2) RSI Laguerre is above .8 and descending from 1
#3) Fractal Energy is below .38 and nose down or above .6 and rolling over. In the first case, below .38, FE is indicating trend exhustion and RSI is likely showing as a peak and not running across pegged at 1. In the second case price has risen to a lower resistance and has been rolling slowly over building energy.

#Code Start

declare lower;

input RSI_BullishTrigger = .2;
input RSI_BearishTrigger = .8;
input soundBullAlerts = no; ## 5.15.2018 new code
input soundBearAlerts = no; ## 5.15.2018 new code
input nFE = 13;#hint nFE: length for Fractal Energy calculation.

# Variables:
def o;
def h;
def l;
def c;
def CU1;
def CU2;
def CU;
def CD1;
def CD2;
def CD;
def L0;
def L1;
def L2;
def L3;
plot RSI;
plot OS;
plot OB;

# Calculations

o = (open + close[1]) / 2;
h = Max(high, close[1]);
l = Min(low, close[1]);
c = (o + h + l + close) / 4;

plot gamma = Log(Sum((Max(high, close[1]) - Min(low, close[1])), nFE) /

        (Highest(high, nFE) - Lowest(low, nFE)))

            / Log(nFE);
gamma.hide(); #Comment out Gamma.Hide it you want it to show.#

L0 = (1 – gamma) * c + gamma * L0[1];
L1 = -gamma * L0 + L0[1] + gamma * L1[1];
L2 = -gamma * L1 + L1[1] + gamma * L2[1];
L3 = -gamma * L2 + L2[1] + gamma * L3[1];
if L0 >= L1

then {

    CU1 = L0 - L1;

    CD1 = 0;

} else {

    CD1 = L1 - L0;

    CU1 = 0;


if L1 >= L2

then {

    CU2 = CU1 + L1 - L2;

    CD2 = CD1;

} else {

    CD2 = CD1 + L2 - L1;

    CU2 = CU1;


if L2 >= L3

then {

    CU = CU2 + L2 - L3;

    CD = CD2;

} else {

    CU = CU2;

    CD = CD2 + L3 - L2;


RSI = if CU + CD <> 0 then CU / (CU + CD) else 0;

# RSI.SetDefaultColor(Color.Cyan);  #JQ Mobius original code
# RSI Painting code by JQ 2018.07.30


        if (RSI > RSI_BearishTrigger) or ((RSI >= RSI[1]) and (RSI > RSI_BullishTrigger))

            then Color.GREEN

        else if (RSI < RSI_BUllishTrigger) or ((RSI < RSI[1]) and (RSI < RSI_BearishTrigger))

            then Color.RED

        else Color.white);


OS = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0.2;

OB = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0.8;

plot FEh = if isNaN(close) then double.nan else .618;

plot FEl = if isNaN(close) then double.nan else .382;

AddCloud(0, OS, Color.Red, Color.Red);
AddCloud(OB, 1, Color.Green, Color.Green);

Alert(soundBearAlerts and RSI crosses below .8, "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding); ## 5.15.2018 JQ added Boolean
Alert(soundBullAlerts and RSI crosses above .2, "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding) ;## 5.15.2018 JQ added Boolean

#  Labels below added by Johnny Quotron based on zztop notes above  2018-04-11

def FE = gamma;

#addlabel (FE < .382, " FE is Linear (Price Trending) = " + FE, Color.light_GREEN);
#addlabel (FE > .618, " FE is Non-Linear/Random (Trendless) = " + FE, Color.Light_GRAY);
#addlabel (FE <= .618 and FE >= .382, " FE is transitioning = " + FE, Color.Light_orange);

#AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]), FE, if FE < .382 then "Trending" else "Not Trending", Color.WHITE, yes);

#AddChartBubble(!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]), FE, if FE < .382 then "Trending" else if FE < .618 then "Transitioning" else "Building Energy", gamma.#takeValueColor(), yes); ## 5.19.2018 JQ

# End Code RSI_LaguerreTime_v20180919_Mobius_JQvisuals
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Is that what you wanted to see?


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@horserider Beautiful, that's what I wanted to see. Thank you for helping me. 🙏

@David45 Try this indicator out. Remember that you need to watch price action when polarity changes in the middle of the study. It carries little weight when compared to the line making a complete move. This will work on any time frame. :)
any way to get this in a column when rsi is overbought or oversold
Type "Universe" in the search bar or go there in tutorials. Review the manuals and examples that are there. See what you can come up with.
It is not suggested, but try it if you wish.

Is that what you wanted to see?
Yes horserider, exactly! Thank you for sharing. Can you do the same thing for the True Momentum Oscillator? Although with TMO I guess it would be .90 line and .10 line or +10 and -10....I'm not sure.
@horserider Beautiful, that's what I wanted to see. Thank you for helping me. 🙏

@David45 Try this indicator out. Remember that you need to watch price action when polarity changes in the middle of the study. It carries little weight when compared to the line making a complete move. This will work on any time frame. :)
I'll try this one for sure! Thank you Markos!
Yes horserider, exactly! Thank you for sharing. Can you do the same thing for the True Momentum Oscillator? Although with TMO I guess it would be .90 line and .10 line or +10 and -10....I'm not sure.
@David45 The TMO already does this. Making a change to the TMO would be bastardizing a perfectly good indicator.
From what you have told me, I believe you are going down the wrong road.
Try using a plain weekly chart with a 17 and 43 week EMA, and a plain monthly chart with a 6 and 10 month EMA. Look at the crossovers.
That is a good, simple system for your needs.
@David45 Agree with Markos on this one. Originally you asked for a simple setup for long term trading. A number of those were given. Best to use moving averages and maybe a long length MACD or RSI or TMO. Possibly add a standard deviation channel just to watch out for extreme levels. Not sure why you are complicating it and trying to tweak the studies for long term trading, it is not necessary.
@markos, @horserider, Good advice gentlemen. Thank you both very much for all the help you have given me. Very much appreciated!
@David45 sorry to have lead you off the path.
Please give the MA suggestions above a chance and as @horserider says, maybe put a LONG term indicator of your choice on it.
With long term trading, you may not need the indicators as much as the MAs.
Try both SMA and EMA, then take your pick. You may find that on a weekly or monthly chart that they are all you need to get the lion's share of the trend. If using EMA, use 17 & 43, SMA on monthly use 6 & 10 month and wait for the cross.
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@Rojo Grande Welcome to useThinkscript!
Please be a little more specific on what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it.
That way I can better help you.
@Rojo Grande Welcome to useThinkscript!
Please be a little more specific on what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it.
That way I can better help you.
@Rojo Grande Welcome to useThinkscript!
Please be a little more specific on what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it.
That way I can better help you.
I track the Nasdaq Composite on a TOS chart, the symbol for it is COMP. When I add the script above (or any RSI-Laguerre script) I get the study, but there is no tracking line in the box. It works on all other symbols I have tried it on, just not COMP.
It is because it is a pure index. Volume is needed for the RSI Laguerre to work properly.

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