ParabolicSAR - PSAR Moving Average Strategy For ThinkOrSwim

I'm using your strategy to trade but using other indicators to confirm trades.
So far so good? Im still papertrading atm. I can report amazing days and bad days.. Im working toward consistency. What other indicators do you like with this?

Here is a snippet of the logic I am developing totally in testing right now.

input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

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So far so good? Im still papertrading atm. I can report amazing days and bad days.. Im working toward consistency. What other indicators do you like with this?

Here is a snippet of the logic I am developing totally in testing right now.

input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;
Im using TTM Squeeze and another indicator created by a friend but I did modify a bit. I called it Kang Indicator named after a person who is a great trader. He uses the 34 and 89 moving averages with RSI. Posted below

declare lower;

input PoopieMALength = 20;
input PoopieAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input ShowLabel = yes;

def SMA_34 = MovAvgExponential(length=34);
def SMA_89 = MovAvgExponential(length = 89);

Plot momentum = (SMA_34 - SMA_89);

# plot the RSI Moving Average
def PoopiersiMA = MovingAverage(PoopieAverageType, momentum, PoopieMALength);
plot pooprsiMA = poopiersima;
pooprsima.AssignValueColor(if poopiersima > poopiersima[2] then Color.GREEN else if poopiersima < poopiersima[2] then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
So far so good? Im still papertrading atm. I can report amazing days and bad days.. Im working toward consistency. What other indicators do you like with this?

Here is a snippet of the logic I am developing totally in testing right now.

input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;
Can you please post complete code with these changes?
Its not perfect and if someone has a better way please advise
try this:
input simpleLabels = no;
AddLabel (simpleLabels,
if BuySignal  then  "         " else   "         ",
if BuySignal  then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels,
if BuyExit then  "         " else   "         ",
if BuyExit then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels,
if SellSignal then  "         " else   "         ",
if SellSignal then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels,
if SellExit then  "         " else   "         ",
if SellExit then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);
Thank You.
@SilverWolf thanks for the stragety. Would it be possilbe to add color labels for buy, sell and close for the strategy to auto trade on macro recorder. Thanks.
That’s a excellent idea, I was trying to do something with Ema 5 to a 1 minute chart are you able to write that code?
I was able to convert this code into python auto trading strategy over the weekend. I will test this week and will report back how good the results are. Even if they are half of what they are on TOS should be a profitable stragety.
Dear @HenryK, I have tried to make an auto strategy in Macro Recorder. It works well while waiting for the colour specified, clicks precisely the Buy, Flatten or Sell Button, but I was unable to make the strategy click only once per direction and to wait till the new color emerges. Can you share your auto trader script in Macro Recorder. Mine is shared, but it is not working as expected. Thank you in advance, Nelly
@NellyN , I haven’t had chance to load up macro recorder. I am not getting color coded buy, sell or close on tos chart as you see in my above post. So I am not able to use it yet with macro recorder. If you can share your tos code that gives color coded buy, sell and close label it would very helpful to me.

However, @dap711 has this .mrf file for macro recorder posted in other strategy that he had developed. I was gonna use it for this strategy. See if it helps you.

Good work. I spent time reviewing the results. Are the exits correct? They seem to be off by approx 4 to 6 ticks depending on the chart. If they are correct, what conditions have you coded for the exit?
I am trying to make a label that appears at the buy candle and disappears after that but it is not showing at all. Can anyone guide me? Thanks

AddLabel(BuySignal,  "     BUY      ", CreateColor(153, 255, 153));
AddLabel(BuyExit, "     CLOSE     ", CreateColor(102, 0, 0));
I have tried to modify and use it and @dap711 was kind and helpful. The strategy buys numerous times and sells. Even with a limitation to open 1 contract only and to work once. It opens one contract and immediately closes and loops.

Use for starting point one of the @dap711 strategies. The labels are part of the code of the strategies. Then modify the script. I used only mouse click and deleted the key combinations as the author suggested and also the Reverse signal. Nevertheless everything worked well, but the script buys and closes numerous times per minute. For the time being I do not see a working solution. When there is limitation to open only 1 contract, the script opens and closes 1 contract constantly.
You may also try the AHK algo trading script written by @SilverWolf. Good luck!
Thanks @NellyN for detailed explation. Sure Macro recorder is something new for me so will have to play around with it.
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So far so good? Im still papertrading atm. I can report amazing days and bad days.. Im working toward consistency. What other indicators do you like with this?

Here is a snippet of the logic I am developing totally in testing right now.

input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;
Hello @SilverWolf, I am new to this forum and also to day trading. This strategy is amazing. I have used it on SPY and it is very very useful. Looking forward to your upgrades. Big thanks for sharing.

If I may ask 1 question, please. What is the default settings you use and do you change it for different time frames. Please share your recommendations.
Improved/Corrected Entry and Exit orders. Works well on mobile too

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
#    with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
#    1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
#    2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
#        a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
#    3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;

#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};
input TradeSize = 1;

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
            if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
             if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    acc = accelerationFactor;
    extreme = high;
    SAR = low;
case short:
    if (SAR[1] < high)
    then {
        state = state.long;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        if (low < extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
    if (SAR[1] > low)
    then {
        state = state.short;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        if (high > extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG crosses above TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close)

then 1
else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG crosses below TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG > CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG < CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

input Price = close;#{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close");

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== EOF ===========================================================================
could you please share the import link and your chart settings? I use this code and i dont see anything

I'm using your strategy to trade but using other indicators to confirm trades.

Im using TTM Squeeze and another indicator created by a friend but I did modify a bit. I called it Kang Indicator named after a person who is a great trader. He uses the 34 and 89 moving averages with RSI. Posted below

declare lower;

input PoopieMALength = 20;
input PoopieAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input ShowLabel = yes;

def SMA_34 = MovAvgExponential(length=34);
def SMA_89 = MovAvgExponential(length = 89);

Plot momentum = (SMA_34 - SMA_89);

# plot the RSI Moving Average
def PoopiersiMA = MovingAverage(PoopieAverageType, momentum, PoopieMALength);
plot pooprsiMA = poopiersima;
pooprsima.AssignValueColor(if poopiersima > poopiersima[2] then Color.GREEN else if poopiersima < poopiersima[2] then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
can you provide shareable link for full indicator, i try to use this code but not worked and what time frame you use
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could you please share the import link and your chart settings? I use this code and i dont see anything

can you provide shareable link for full indicator, i try to use this code but not worked and what time frame you use
You can find TTM squeeze indicator in this forum, I have given the code for the other I use.
You can find TTM squeeze indicator in this forum, I have given the code for the other I use.
i see some error Invalid statement: momentum at 21:1
is it full code
# plot the RSI Moving Average
def PoopiersiMA = MovingAverage(PoopieAverageType, momentum, PoopieMALength);
plot pooprsiMA = poopiersima;
pooprsima.AssignValueColor(if poopiersima > poopiersima[2] then Color.GREEN else if poopiersima < poopiersima[2] then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
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I'm using your strategy to trade but using other indicators to confirm trades.
declare lower;

input PoopieMALength = 20;
input PoopieAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input ShowLabel = yes;

def SMA_34 = MovAvgExponential(length=34);
def SMA_89 = MovAvgExponential(length = 89);

Plot momentum = (SMA_34 - SMA_89);

# plot the RSI Moving Average
def PoopiersiMA = MovingAverage(PoopieAverageType, momentum, PoopieMALength);
plot pooprsiMA = poopiersima;
pooprsima.AssignValueColor(if poopiersima > poopiersima[2] then Color.GREEN else if poopiersima < poopiersima[2] then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
momentum.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
momentum.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.DARK_RED);
momentum.AssignValueColor(if momentum >= 0 then if momentum > momentum[1] then momentum.color("Positive and Up") else momentum.color("Positive and Down") else if momentum < momentum[1] then momentum.color("Negative and Down") else momentum.color("Negative and Up"));
plot line = 0;
#line.SetStyle (Curve.FIRM);

AddLabel(yes, "Momentum:" + Round(momentum,2) + " ",(if momentum > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED));
Hello @SilverWolf, I am new to this forum and also to day trading. This strategy is amazing. I have used it on SPY and it is very very useful. Looking forward to your upgrades. Big thanks for sharing.

If I may ask 1 question, please. What is the default settings you use and do you change it for different time frames. Please share your recommendations.
I tweak the settings every day. A lot of the times I keep the logic settings the same and just adjust the tick chart as well.

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