ParabolicSAR - PSAR Moving Average Strategy For ThinkOrSwim

Sure can! Great trade
Even though stragety is into the trade wait for the TTM to fire off. Once the trade is taken wait for the next time the TTM fire offs again to get into another trade. Too bad we don't have direct chat. They do have Discord for this but you have to be a VIP member to be on it. Im sure they have to pay lot of money to maintain this website. I congratulate those who do. wealth of info here. I went from nothing knowing any of this stuff to writing my own stargeties.
Interesting. I did turn the ADX on and off and still got some of the random triggers. This is the ADX indicator I use:

Also, I notice that a lot of coders put in an open and close time. What is the main purpose of that? Is it to just weed out the after market data?


declare lower;

input length = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

plot ADX = DMI(length, averageType).ADX;

plot line = 25;

AddCloud(ADX, 25,,;
When I get home I can load yours up with the settings and see if I can see that anomaly. Open close is for exactly that. Low volume price action can have its own rules.

Looks like that was it... That feature is totally not needed unless you want to tweak and test the idea.
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Okay. I did mess around with the feature quite a bit to see if I could get better results. I will just turn it off for now. I did however, like the chart you showed where it worked in the chop ( You referred to it as ADX Logic 2. How did you get that to work
There is a lot that goes into this but briefly.. I would load up the adx lower and change the settings to match the price action. What you want is the adx to be below the mom(filter). Using the color bars on the adx can help you get this part right. once those settings are determined. put those in the strategy settings and turn on adxLogic. I trade /es. Interesting note this process has to be tweaked constantly.. what worked two days ago might not work today.. Volume has a lot to do with it and so does timing. If you can find a better way to tell the strat when the price action is trending sideway or consolidating PLEASE let me know.
Sorry for all of the questions. When you refer to color bar on, do you mean the setting in the strategy?

What does mom actually stand for/mean? I have not seen that reference before. I did mess with it but have no idea what I am adjusting.
Yeah, it is a bit of a pain to adjust the setting every day. It would be awesome if there was a way to automate the best settings but that is a pipe dream. One thing I have noticed though, is when I make all of the adjustments to get the Floating P/L to the best I can, I have noticed that the entries and exits don't really change enough to make a huge difference. Enlighten me please if you have any input about this.
Also, What is Blink? How does it apply?

Mom is kinda referring to momentum... over the filter line means there is momentum. Blink will change the color of the Title label on every new bar. I doesnt do anything to trading
I used the ASAP with better success but also had some bad days so I was really waiting to see if it could be optimized. The one I am using now is the Parabolic SARS by @SilverWolf and I have had really good success with it. It is a work in progress. At the moment I am hoping someone will help out with the labels so they will work with the Macro Recorder. It has Buy, Sell, Close Labels but they stay "Lit" and MR will just keep buying. I made 1700.00 profit on Friday using it scalping SPX. I did have a loss of 630.00 but it was really my fault as I did not focus on my other indicators that I use for confirmation. I use a few different lower indicators in order to confirm/weed out bad trades. It does trigger incorrectly at times in choppy zones but that is to be expected for most all strategies.

First hearing of the SARS Parabolic by SilverWolf. Thank you for sharing, just found the thread. Mind sharing your layout as to what you are using to trade the SARS strategy ?

I think I am close to finishing logic that will allow MR to trade multiple assets at once. Will share when test is complete.

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Hey all. I am new here. This looks like a really interesting indicator. Have you guys used it live trading? If so, How did it work? Is there a time frame that it works best on?
I don't know coding but wanting to learn it one day. Can anyone help to fix a label to change a color back to WHITE after a buy/sell/Flatten button has been clicked. See codes below

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
# with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
# 1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
# 2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
# a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
# 3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;

#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};
input TradeSize = 1;

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = low;
case short:
if (SAR[1] < high)
then {
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.short;
if (low < extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
if (SAR[1] > low)
then {
state = state.short;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.long;
if (high > extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses above CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses below CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

input Price = close;#{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close");

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
then Color.CURRENT
else if SAR < close
then Color.GREEN
else if SAR > close
then Color.RED
else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input LabelsOn = Yes;
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) or Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

#Buy Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) or Closer == 2 and (low < TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) or Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

#Sell Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) or Closer == 2 and (low > TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========
I am having the exact same issue. My labels stay painted long after the close of the candle.

I changed the Signal code see below the last line on each to "else 0" instead of double.nan. Try that out.. If I am understanding was the label going black and disappearing? Please describe if not.
@ConCac and @METAL

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
# with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
# 1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
# 2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
# a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
# 3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;

#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};
input TradeSize = 1;

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = low;
case short:
if (SAR[1] < high)
then {
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.short;
if (low < extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
if (SAR[1] > low)
then {
state = state.short;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.long;
if (high > extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses above CrossingAVG)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses below CrossingAVG)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

input Price = close;#{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close");

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
then Color.CURRENT
else if SAR < close
then Color.GREEN
else if SAR > close
then Color.RED
else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input LabelsOn = Yes;
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) or Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

#Buy Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) or Closer == 2 and (low < TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) or Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

#Sell Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) or Closer == 2 and (low > TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========
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This is another testing version. I have made changes that allow me to use this with another project. You can disable the labels in the settings. I am currently testing this on a /ES 4tick Renko Range chart. Finding the right chart for consistency and matching the settings is quite a challenge. Some days have a amazing results others are no good. I also have played around with the built in StopLossLX/SX and TakeProfitLX/SX strategies to incorporate stops lately with good results. As always if you have any modifications or corrections.. go for it. I share this so you can enjoy. Have fun and good luck

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy
# ParabolicSAR_Trendy_Strategy_02_04

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
#    with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
#    1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
#    2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
#        a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
#    3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;
#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input TradeSize = 1;
input open_time = 930;
input closing_time = 1645;
def RTH = Secondsfromtime(open_time) >= 0 and secondstillTime(closing_time) >= 0;
input SarBars = 3;
input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
            if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
             if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    acc = accelerationFactor;
    extreme = high;
    SAR = low;
case short:
    if (SAR[1] < high)
    then {
        state = state.long;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        if (low < extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
    if (SAR[1] > low)
    then {
        state = state.short;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        if (high > extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== ADX ===========================================================================

input ADXlength = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input mom = 20;

def hiDiff = high - high[1];
def loDiff = low[1] - low;

def plusDM = if hiDiff > loDiff and hiDiff > 0 then hiDiff else 0;
def minusDM =  if loDiff > hiDiff and loDiff > 0 then loDiff else 0;

def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), ADXlength);
def "DI+" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, plusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;
def "DI-" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, minusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;

def DX = if ("DI+" + "DI-" > 0) then 100 * AbsValue("DI+" - "DI-") / ("DI+" + "DI-") else 0;
def ADX = MovingAverage(averageType, DX, ADXlength);

#======== Logic =========================================================================
input adxLogic = no;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

input UseDiTrends = no;

def TrendingUp = if UseDiTrends and "DI-" < ADX and "DI+" > ADX

then 1

else if !UseDiTrends

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def TrendingDown = if UseDiTrends and "DI-" > ADX and "DI+" < ADX

then 1

else if !UseDiTrends

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal =

     if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars and TrendingUp

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars and (SAR crosses below close) and TrendingUp

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars and TrendingDown

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars and TrendingDown

then 1

else 0;

def SellSignal =
     if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars and TrendingDown

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars and (SAR crosses above close) and TrendingDown

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars and TrendingUp

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars and (SAR crosses below close) and TrendingUp

then 1

else 0;

def BuyExit =
      if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if adxLogic and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else 0;

def SellExit =
     if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if adxLogic and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else 0;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

def VolStrength = Lg(volume[1]) - Lg(SimpleMovingAvg(volume[1], 2000));
def HighPrice = high;
def LowPrice = low;
#input Price = close; #{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal and RTH, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long L" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close L" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal and RTH, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short L" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close L" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
    then Color.CURRENT
    else if SAR < close
        then Color.GREEN
        else if  SAR > close
            then Color.RED
            else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input simpleLabels = yes;

AddLabel(SimpleLabels, "                                                                     ParabolicSAR Strategy Version 02.04                                                                                                     ",  Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, "         ",
if BuySignal >= 1 and RTH then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, "         ",
if BuyExit >= 1 and RTH then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, "         ",
if SellSignal >= 1 and RTH then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, "         ",
if SellExit >= 1 and RTH then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (ADXLogic and simpleLabels,
if Logic == 2 then "  Modified Logic  " else "   Normal Logic   ", Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========================================================================
@SilverWolf Here is the version I am using. I just changed the names of the triggers from Long to "Buy"
# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy
# ParabolicSAR_Trendy_Strategy_1_18

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
#    with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
#    1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
#    2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
#        a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
#    3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;
#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input TradeSize = 1;
input SarBars = 1;
input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
            if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
             if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    acc = accelerationFactor;
    extreme = high;
    SAR = low;
case short:
    if (SAR[1] < high)
    then {
        state = state.long;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        if (low < extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
    if (SAR[1] > low)
    then {
        state = state.short;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        if (high > extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== ADX ===========================================================================

input ADXlength = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input mom = 20;

def hiDiff = high - high[1];
def loDiff = low[1] - low;

def plusDM = if hiDiff > loDiff and hiDiff > 0 then hiDiff else 0;
def minusDM =  if loDiff > hiDiff and loDiff > 0 then loDiff else 0;

def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), ADXlength);
def "DI+" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, plusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;
def "DI-" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, minusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;

def DX = if ("DI+" + "DI-" > 0) then 100 * AbsValue("DI+" - "DI-") / ("DI+" + "DI-") else 0;
def ADX = MovingAverage(averageType, DX, ADXlength);

#======== Logic =========================================================================
input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

def VolStrength = Lg(volume[1]) - Lg(SimpleMovingAvg(volume[1], 2000));
def HighPrice = high;
def LowPrice = low;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Buy" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close B" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Sell" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close S" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
    then Color.CURRENT
    else if SAR < close
        then Color.GREEN
        else if  SAR > close
            then Color.RED
            else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input blink = no;
input AdvLabelsOn = no;
input simpleLabels = no;

def NewBar = if close[1] != close[2] or high[1] != high[2] or low[1] != low[2] then yes else Double.NaN;
def Clock = if !IsNaN(NewBar) and Clock[1] == 1 then 0 else if !IsNaN(NewBar) and Clock[1] == 0 then 1 else Clock[1];

AddLabel(blink and AdvLabelsOn or SimpleLabels, "", if Clock == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(!blink and AdvLabelsOn or SimpleLabels, "",  Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and  Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and  Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR> close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, if BuySignal within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if BuySignal >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if BuyExit within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if BuyExit >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if SellSignal within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if SellSignal >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if SellExit within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if SellExit >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (AdvLabelsOn or simpleLabels,
if Logic == 2 then "  Modified Logic  " else "   Normal Logic   ", Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========================================================================

My setup is a mess at the moment.. I dont want to confuse anyone if I were to post the latest version. Let me look over and I can post my latest testing version. PLEASE remember I am testing and not a super pro thinkscript programmer.
BTW, I used this strategy to scalp SPX on Friday and I profited 1,700.00 by just buying option buys and puts at the 2nd sar dot. I did lose 630.00 on one trade because I was stupid and did not keep track of the other confirmations I use. I use a chop lower indicator that told me not to buy when I did. I FOMO'd in and paid for it. The 1700.00 was the final profit on the day. I think I got the labels to work but still having issues with them staying "lit". I eventually would like to test and possibly use this strat for auto trading with Macro Recorder so I need for the labels to trigger and then go white until the close trigger. Rinse and repeat. The way that @dap711 set up the labels in this thread ( ) works awesome for the Macro Recorder.

One other note, I do get quite a bit of random trigger in various areas that don't seem to make since. Maybe, I do not understand the actual reason. This would not work with an auto trade feature. Thank you for this strat!

Looks like you do have the adxLogic setting set to yes. In the input settings change that to no and it wont change the logic. If you load adx lower indicator it will make more sense.
Interesting. I did turn the ADX on and off and still got some of the random triggers. This is the ADX indicator I use:

Also, I notice that a lot of coders put in an open and close time. What is the main purpose of that? Is it to just weed out the after market data?


declare lower;

input length = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

plot ADX = DMI(length, averageType).ADX;

plot line = 25;

AddCloud(ADX, 25,,;

I use TTM Squeeze with this stragety and the damn thing works so good Im making profit everyday. I use it on CL 1min and NQ 1min. I use 1min to take trades on SPX. Wait for the TTM Squeeze to fire in the direction of the trade. I have no idea how to insert images here. Tried dopy and pasting.
You have to use to upload image and then press the 3 dots and select forum code to add images. I would like too compare your settings to mine. I also use the 1m TF but have been testing th 3 and it is quite impressive. I am not sure why the link isn't working. it is imgur(dot)com/Upload

When I get home I can load yours up with the settings and see if I can see that anomaly. Open close is for exactly that. Low volume price action can have its own rules.

Looks like that was it... That feature is totally not needed unless you want to tweak and test the idea.
Okay. I did mess around with the feature quite a bit to see if I could get better results. I will just turn it off for now. I did however, like the chart you showed where it worked in the chop ( You referred to it as ADX Logic 2. How did you get that to work?

There is a lot that goes into this but briefly.. I would load up the adx lower and change the settings to match the price action. What you want is the adx to be below the mom(filter). Using the color bars on the adx can help you get this part right. once those settings are determined. put those in the strategy settings and turn on adxLogic. I trade /es. Interesting note this process has to be tweaked constantly.. what worked two days ago might not work today.. Volume has a lot to do with it and so does timing. If you can find a better way to tell the strat when the price action is trending sideway or consolidating PLEASE let me know.
Sorry for all of the questions. When you refer to color bar on, do you mean the setting in the strategy?

What does mom actually stand for/mean? I have not seen that reference before. I did mess with it but have no idea what I am adjusting.
Yeah, it is a bit of a pain to adjust the setting every day. It would be awesome if there was a way to automate the best settings but that is a pipe dream. One thing I have noticed though, is when I make all of the adjustments to get the Floating P/L to the best I can, I have noticed that the entries and exits don't really change enough to make a huge difference. Enlighten me please if you have any input about this.
Also, What is Blink? How does it apply?

What do you think about the ADX filter or any other filter keeping the order trigger even occurring?

Mom is kinda referring to momentum... over the filter line means there is momentum. Blink will change the color of the Title label on every new bar. I doesnt do anything to trading
Hmm. Is there a way to just make the labels change color when triggered but then go back to white. So far, I have noticed they just stay there color for a while. I am trying to test this with Macro Recorder and the issue is that it will keep placing orders as long as the label is "Lit". Hopefully, someone can assist with this.

@METAL @dap711 - with quite a few variations of Dap711 work out there, would love to hear which one of these you are seeing produce most consistent results. I continue to test the ASAP original with my morning grid set up (mentioned above) and find tight 1 penny bid/ask spreads stocks to deploy it on. Last week was hit and miss with a few chop days, but overall the ASAP OG strategy is producing good results.

Have you guys tried to program MR to run multiple assets at once ?
@dap711 - have you played around with the Option Alpha Bots service at all? Is it possible to recreate your work via their Bot service ?

Would love to hear your progress.
I used the ASAP with better success but also had some bad days so I was really waiting to see if it could be optimized. The one I am using now is the Parabolic SARS by @SilverWolf and I have had really good success with it. It is a work in progress. At the moment I am hoping someone will help out with the labels so they will work with the Macro Recorder. It has Buy, Sell, Close Labels but they stay "Lit" and MR will just keep buying. I made 1700.00 profit on Friday using it scalping SPX. I did have a loss of 630.00 but it was really my fault as I did not focus on my other indicators that I use for confirmation. I use a few different lower indicators in order to confirm/weed out bad trades. It does trigger incorrectly at times in choppy zones but that is to be expected for most all strategies.

I don't know coding but wanting to learn it one day. Can anyone help to fix a label to change a color back to WHITE after a buy/sell/Flatten button has been clicked. See codes below

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
# with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
# 1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
# 2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
# a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
# 3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;

#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};
input TradeSize = 1;

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = low;
case short:
if (SAR[1] < high)
then {
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.short;
if (low < extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
if (SAR[1] > low)
then {
state = state.short;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.long;
if (high > extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses above CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses below CrossingAVG)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

input Price = close;#{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close");

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
then Color.CURRENT
else if SAR < close
then Color.GREEN
else if SAR > close
then Color.RED
else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input LabelsOn = Yes;
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) or Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

#Buy Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) or Closer == 2 and (low < TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) or Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

#Sell Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) or Closer == 2 and (low > TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========
I am having the exact same issue. My labels stay painted long after the close of the candle.

I changed the Signal code see below the last line on each to "else 0" instead of double.nan. Try that out.. If I am understanding was the label going black and disappearing? Please describe if not.
@ConCac and @METAL

# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
# with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
# 1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
# 2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
# a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
# 3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;

#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};
input TradeSize = 1;

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high;
SAR = low;
case short:
if (SAR[1] < high)
then {
state = state.long;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.short;
if (low < extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
if (SAR[1] > low)
then {
state = state.short;
acc = accelerationFactor;
extreme = low - extremeoffset;
SAR = extreme[1];
} else {
state = state.long;
if (high > extreme[1])
then {
acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
extreme = high + extremeoffset;
} else {
acc = acc[1];
extreme = extreme[1];
SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses above CrossingAVG)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR[-1])

then 1

else if Closer == 2 and (TriggerAVG crosses below CrossingAVG)

then 1

else 0;
#else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

input Price = close;#{default Close, Open, high[1] + low[1]/2};

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Long");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close");

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, Price[1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Short");

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, Price[0], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close");

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
then SAR
else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
then Color.CURRENT
else if SAR < close
then Color.GREEN
else if SAR > close
then Color.RED
else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input LabelsOn = Yes;
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) or Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR < close) then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

#Buy Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) or Closer == 2 and (low < TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) or Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR > close) then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

#Sell Close
AddLabel(LabelsOn, " ", if Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) or Closer == 2 and (low > TriggerAVG) then Color.YELLOW else Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========
Thanks for working on this. That is getting close. Unless there is an issue testing with OnDemand, the labels are still staying triggered. In order to use them with Macro Recorder they will need to work simiolar to this video provided by @dap711,

I suspect Ondemand as well. If you look at the signal code I used "this crossed that" That should only be true briefly.
I will test live and let you know how it works. Thanks(y)
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Can you please share your chart ? i am not able to see any dots or arrows or buys ..with this code ..i do not see any sar plotted.

it works on mobile ..but for desktop its not working..
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@SilverWolf Here is the version I am using. I just changed the names of the triggers from Long to "Buy"
# Parabolic_SAR_Moving_Average_Trading_Strategy
# ParabolicSAR_Trendy_Strategy_1_18

# by BabyTrader using the following article: Parabolic SAR Moving Average Trading Strategy


# ParabolicSAR_withAlerts_JQ
# 2018-04-15 Mods by Johnny Quotron
#    with a very helpful kickstart from DMonkey
# Mods include
#    1. splitting the PSAR into two visible plots so that they can be colored seperately
#    2. adding alert arrows at the PSAR to enhance visibility
#        a. original alert arrows remain available but are hidden by default
#    3. add ability to color color alert arrows

# Combined/Modified/Altered by SilverWolf

declare upper;
#======== Inputs ==============================================================================

input TradeSize = 1;
input SarBars = 1;
input accelerationFactor = 0.012;
input accelerationLimit = 0.2;
input extremeoffset = 0.0;

input MovAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input MovAvgTrendMethod = {default "SINGLE", "CROSSING"};
input CrossingAvgLength = 9;
input TrendTriggerAvgLength = 21;

input TradeClosingMethod = {default "SAR", "MOVAVG"};

def Trend = if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."SINGLE" then 1 else
            if MovAvgTrendMethod == MovAvgTrendMethod."CROSSING" then 2 else 0;

def PlotCross = if Trend == 2 then yes else no;

def Closer = if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."SAR" then 1 else
             if TradeClosingMethod == TradeClosingMethod."MOVAVG" then 2 else 0;

#======== Moving Averages ======================================================================

plot TriggerAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, TrendTriggerAvgLength);

plot CrossingAVG = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, close, CrossingAvgLength);

#======== ParabolicSAR =========================================================================

Assert(accelerationFactor > 0, "'acceleration factor' must be positive: " + accelerationFactor);
Assert(accelerationLimit >= accelerationFactor, "'acceleration limit' (" + accelerationLimit + ") must be greater than or equal to 'acceleration factor' (" + accelerationFactor + ")");

def state = {default init, long, short};
def extreme;
def SAR;
def acc;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    acc = accelerationFactor;
    extreme = high;
    SAR = low;
case short:
    if (SAR[1] < high)
    then {
        state = state.long;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.short;
        if (low < extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Max(Max(high, high[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));
case long:
    if (SAR[1] > low)
    then {
        state = state.short;
        acc = accelerationFactor;
        extreme = low - extremeoffset;
        SAR = extreme[1];
    } else {
        state = state.long;
        if (high > extreme[1])
        then {
            acc = Min(acc[1] + accelerationFactor, accelerationLimit);
            extreme = high + extremeoffset;
        } else {
            acc = acc[1];
            extreme = extreme[1];
        SAR = Min(Min(low, low[1]), SAR[1] + acc * (extreme - SAR[1]));

#======== ADX ===========================================================================

input ADXlength = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input mom = 20;

def hiDiff = high - high[1];
def loDiff = low[1] - low;

def plusDM = if hiDiff > loDiff and hiDiff > 0 then hiDiff else 0;
def minusDM =  if loDiff > hiDiff and loDiff > 0 then loDiff else 0;

def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), ADXlength);
def "DI+" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, plusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;
def "DI-" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, minusDM, ADXlength) / ATR;

def DX = if ("DI+" + "DI-" > 0) then 100 * AbsValue("DI+" - "DI-") / ("DI+" + "DI-") else 0;
def ADX = MovingAverage(averageType, DX, ADXlength);

#======== Logic =========================================================================
input adxLogic = yes;

def Logic = if adxLogic and ADX > mom

then 1

else if adxLogic and ADX < mom

then 2

else if !adxLogic

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== SIGNALS =========================================================================

def BuySignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellSignal = if Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def BuyExit = if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

def SellExit = if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses above SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses above TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (close crosses below SAR)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close crosses below TriggerAVG)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else if Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses mom)

then 1

else Double.NaN;

#======== STRATEGY ORDERS ===================================================================

def VolStrength = Lg(volume[1]) - Lg(SimpleMovingAvg(volume[1], 2000));
def HighPrice = high;
def LowPrice = low;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, BuySignal, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN, name = "Buy" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, BuyExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED, name = "Close B" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_OPEN, SellSignal, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.ORANGE, Color.ORANGE, name = "Sell" + Logic + " T" + Trend);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, SellExit, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, name = "Close S" + Logic + " C" + Closer);

#======== PLOTS ============================================================================

plot BullPSAR = if SAR < close then SAR else Double.NaN;

plot BearPSAR = if SAR > close then SAR else Double.NaN;


def BullSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.BELOW);
plot BullSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses above SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;

def BearSignalAtCandle = Crosses(SAR, close, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);
plot BearSignalAtPSAR = if close crosses below SAR
                     then SAR
                     else Double.NaN;


plot LongEntrySignal = if BuySignal then BuySignal else Double.NaN;

plot ShortEntrySignal = if SellSignal then SellSignal else Double.NaN;

plot LongExitSignal = if BuyExit then BuyExit else Double.NaN;

plot ShortExitSignal = if SellExit then SellExit else Double.NaN;

#======== ALERTS ===========================================================================

input AlertsOn = No;
Alert(AlertsOn and BullSignalAtCandle, "Bullish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BearSignalAtCandle, "Bearish PSAR", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and BuySignal, "Bullish PSAR above AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(AlertsOn and SellSignal, "Bullish PSAR below AVG", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);

#======== Paint Bars =======================================================================

input paintBars = No;
AssignPriceColor(if !paintBars
    then Color.CURRENT
    else if SAR < close
        then Color.GREEN
        else if  SAR > close
            then Color.RED
            else Color.CURRENT);

#======== Labels ===========================================================================

input blink = no;
input AdvLabelsOn = no;
input simpleLabels = no;

def NewBar = if close[1] != close[2] or high[1] != high[2] or low[1] != low[2] then yes else Double.NaN;
def Clock = if !IsNaN(NewBar) and Clock[1] == 1 then 0 else if !IsNaN(NewBar) and Clock[1] == 0 then 1 else Clock[1];

AddLabel(blink and AdvLabelsOn or SimpleLabels, "", if Clock == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(!blink and AdvLabelsOn or SimpleLabels, "",  Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG ) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and  Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and  Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Trend == 1 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Trend == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG < TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses above close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 1 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Trend == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) and (CrossingAVG > TriggerAVG) and (SAR crosses below close) within SarBars bars then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR > close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars then "         " else "         ",

if  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (SAR < close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (close > TriggerAVG) within SarBars bars
or Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (SAR> close) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (close < TriggerAVG)
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 1 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses below mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 1 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars
or  Logic == 2 and Closer == 2 and (adx crosses above mom) within SarBars bars then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (simpleLabels, if BuySignal within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if BuySignal >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.GREEN else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if BuyExit within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if BuyExit >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.MAGENTA else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if SellSignal within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if SellSignal >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (simpleLabels, if SellExit within SarBars bars then  "         " else   "         ", if SellExit >= 1 within SarBars bars then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel (AdvLabelsOn or simpleLabels,
if Logic == 2 then "  Modified Logic  " else "   Normal Logic   ", Color.WHITE);

#======== EOF =========================================================================

BTW, I used this strategy to scalp SPX on Friday and I profited 1,700.00 by just buying option buys and puts at the 2nd sar dot. I did lose 630.00 on one trade because I was stupid and did not keep track of the other confirmations I use. I use a chop lower indicator that told me not to buy when I did. I FOMO'd in and paid for it. The 1700.00 was the final profit on the day. I think I got the labels to work but still having issues with them staying "lit". I eventually would like to test and possibly use this strat for auto trading with Macro Recorder so I need for the labels to trigger and then go white until the close trigger. Rinse and repeat. The way that @dap711 set up the labels in this thread ( ) works awesome for the Macro Recorder.

One other note, I do get quite a bit of random trigger in various areas that don't seem to make since. Maybe, I do not understand the actual reason. This would not work with an auto trade feature. Thank you for this strat!

Interesting. I did turn the ADX on and off and still got some of the random triggers. This is the ADX indicator I use:

Also, I notice that a lot of coders put in an open and close time. What is the main purpose of that? Is it to just weed out the after market data?


declare lower;

input length = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

plot ADX = DMI(length, averageType).ADX;

plot line = 25;

AddCloud(ADX, 25,,;

You have to use to upload image and then press the 3 dots and select forum code to add images. I would like too compare your settings to mine. I also use the 1m TF but have been testing th 3 and it is quite impressive. I am not sure why the link isn't working. it is imgur(dot)com/Upload

Okay. I did mess around with the feature quite a bit to see if I could get better results. I will just turn it off for now. I did however, like the chart you showed where it worked in the chop ( You referred to it as ADX Logic 2. How did you get that to work?

Sorry for all of the questions. When you refer to color bar on, do you mean the setting in the strategy?

What does mom actually stand for/mean? I have not seen that reference before. I did mess with it but have no idea what I am adjusting.
Yeah, it is a bit of a pain to adjust the setting every day. It would be awesome if there was a way to automate the best settings but that is a pipe dream. One thing I have noticed though, is when I make all of the adjustments to get the Floating P/L to the best I can, I have noticed that the entries and exits don't really change enough to make a huge difference. Enlighten me please if you have any input about this.
Also, What is Blink? How does it apply?

What do you think about the ADX filter or any other filter keeping the order trigger even occurring?

Hmm. Is there a way to just make the labels change color when triggered but then go back to white. So far, I have noticed they just stay there color for a while. I am trying to test this with Macro Recorder and the issue is that it will keep placing orders as long as the label is "Lit". Hopefully, someone can assist with this.

I used the ASAP with better success but also had some bad days so I was really waiting to see if it could be optimized. The one I am using now is the Parabolic SARS by @SilverWolf and I have had really good success with it. It is a work in progress. At the moment I am hoping someone will help out with the labels so they will work with the Macro Recorder. It has Buy, Sell, Close Labels but they stay "Lit" and MR will just keep buying. I made 1700.00 profit on Friday using it scalping SPX. I did have a loss of 630.00 but it was really my fault as I did not focus on my other indicators that I use for confirmation. I use a few different lower indicators in order to confirm/weed out bad trades. It does trigger incorrectly at times in choppy zones but that is to be expected for most all strategies.

I am having the exact same issue. My labels stay painted long after the close of the candle.

Thanks for working on this. That is getting close. Unless there is an issue testing with OnDemand, the labels are still staying triggered. In order to use them with Macro Recorder they will need to work simiolar to this video provided by @dap711,

I will test live and let you know how it works. Thanks(y)
@SilverWolf Thank you for adding the labels. I tried it on a real time trading and the BuyClose/SellClose labels are still remain triggered. It should turn off after the next bar.

Oop ! There's another script in this channel that I have not tested. Let me try that first.
Last edited:

Hey, how's your progress in using this indicator?

Could you share with us your progress?

What timeframe/stock do you use ?

How do you use it ?

Any juicy pieces of information for us

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