A number of thinkScript features are known to have issues on the mobile apps
Feel free to call the super secret phone number for help if you get stuck. Most of those people are on top of things.
- Different time aggregations
- Bubbles
- Labels
- Plots between days
- Extension area
How to Fix Indicators Not Working on ThinkorSwim App
For Mobile: You must first create the study on TOS desktop. Use a text editor like Notepad++ or other .txt file creator and copy - paste the script at the top of the page. The # symbol is used at the front of each line to "comment out" those lines that won't work. Do same in Thinkscript editor if you would rather. Comment out everything but the bare necessities. Save that as your "StudyName_Mobile" file. The rest is trial and error from my vantage point. Load it on your mobile phone and the settings that should work aught to be on the mobile study set up page.Feel free to call the super secret phone number for help if you get stuck. Most of those people are on top of things.
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