Indicators Not Working in ThinkorSwim Mobile App

Thanks @BenTen , you really know this tool well. after almost 1 year of usage, I never really paid attention to that option. In fact, I still don't understand for sure what that means concretely, but you are right, it has quite an impact on the value of indicator.

Now, I am thinking.....When defining scan there a way to tell if this option should be on or off? I don't find any.
@kryptoniken It's not about the device or its maker, more so about the specific indicator that you're loading onto the ToS mobile app. Some indicators will not work on the app regardless of the phone's manufacturer or its operating system.
Hi, i have these two plots that works well in TOS desktop but I am unable to get the same plot ie EMA change colour in the Mobile TOS?
Request any advice how to configure the mobile TOS to show the same plot as the desktop. Thank you

plot Trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 10);
Trend1.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot Trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 30);
Trend2.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend2 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
So I use the "Pivot Points" study on tos, but it isn't available on mobile. I tried to get the script from tos to try and make it mobile, but no go on that either according to Mobius. Is it possible to write a script to recognize the pivot levels the study puts out, and automatically plot price levels at the same point that will show on mobile? I can modify existing scripts to work to what I need, but when it comes to writing them from scratch I'm lost. Thanks.
I had been trying to find the same for the pivot points with trend lines study. I found this one works on mobile. just change the lookback period to match whatever your accustomed to. It does not plot trendlines but will plot your support/resistance lines on mobile. i believe its under support and resistance indicators and called dynamic support and resistance but on the thread its called something different. anyways, it works on mobile it its similar to what your wanting.
Hi, i have these two plots that works well in TOS desktop but I am unable to get the same plot ie EMA change colour in the Mobile TOS?
Request any advice how to configure the mobile TOS to show the same plot as the desktop. Thank you

plot Trend1 = MovAvgExponential(close, 10);
Trend1.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot Trend2 = MovAvgExponential(close, 30);
Trend2.AssignValueColor(if close > Trend2 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
Hi @Nick The only thing that will help you on mobile will be up or down arrows. They will change color for me. It might be sloppy, but, load the Slim Ribbons study found on this site. The arrows are already baked in. You will have to comment out a lot of code on desktop, but I know it will work because it uses 3 EMA crosses. Good luck and Happy New Year!
Are you able to use any of these scripts on mobiles the ones posted say yes on mobile. I cant figure out out to import them in. Thanks for any help in advance.
Hello Folks,

Got a weird problem.. for some reason for daily aggregation .. the OPEN or DAILY_OPEN command does not get the proper open value for the symbol.

Say on Mar 3rd (today) at 6.30 AM... the symbol MTB got opened at 154.98 but the command gives 156.16.

The only thing i can see is , it's getting the last price of 6.30 AM PST , closed at 156.16. ... but that is not the open price...

Any idea please

I meant the 6.30 AM , 1 min the last price was 156.16 but the open for the 1 min was 154.98 ... but the DAILY period shows 156.16... instead of 154.98

Hello all, so I use the standard deviation channel study a lot on the TOS software, but I can’t find it on the mobile app, am I missing something or is there perhaps a script to be written in order to have it on the mobile app. Thanks
Hello all, so I use the standard deviation channel study a lot on the TOS software, but I can’t find it on the mobile app, am I missing something or is there perhaps a script to be written in order to have it on the mobile app. Thanks

Did you add the indicator to your mobile app? If you did and it doesn't work, then that's just the limitation of the app. Not much we can do.
I would like to scan for inside 60min bars, which is a bar that is completely within the previous bar's range. However, my strategy involves hiding extended hours trading and also ensuring that start aggregations at market open is enabled.

That last one is causing me a problem Setting up the scan, setting the aggregation period, and then unchecking the EXT option for extended hours works well, but the aggregation does not match up correctly. Basically my 60min bars begin at 9:30 and close hourly after that.

Here's my script example:

high[1] <= high[2] and low[1] >= low[2]

Is there a way that I can use that custom script in the scanner to find tickers that satisfy my search while start aggregations at market open is enabled?
I have a prior day open and a prior day high/low indicator but they don’t work in mobile. They show as trend lines. Anyone have anything that works?

And please don’t tell me to not trade on mobile. I don’t. I just like chart reviewing on mobile when my dog takes a dump outside. Lol

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