Here are some of the indicators I use every day

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thank you! does your watchlist dynamically update with your scanner results? Mine doesn't update dynamically and it's taking 10-15 minutes and by the time i get it on my watchlist i cannot enter the trade. @J007RMC @Esvee/SV
Have not been looking on watch list, but I see the scanner is keep updating the results, I will recheck it tomorrow.....

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Yea, I only use the swing hi/lo waves for the pivots and the swing short waves for the alerts I uncheck everything else.
The swing wave script is extremely helpful as a stand-alone- Really just one upper depending on your time frames and the securities you trade BA is a good example, something that moves. Do some research to pair this with a waves script and life becomes better.

Do they repaint or have bar delay?
Yes, practically everything repaints with price movement but really really once the hi-low price sets and the reversal happens, there you go...patience is 95% of the game. I don't believe absolute indicators exist without reversal. 5 wave counts are a good rule for me.
Well, the major wave completion then followed by intermediate wave counts/minors I mean.
Time to put this thread to rest. I'm going to take this 1 step further my only interests here are to turn you guys onto a killer system but you have to do the research to find the missing piece of the puzzle. I've added major/minor lines, basic swing waves high script, and projection pivots scripts.

How do I trade the waves?

Always watch the pre-market I leave my setting on.
At what point is the ending/beginning wave pe-open
At what point is the ending/beginning wave at close
Can be used with any time frame
I prefer watching my charts on 30 min time frame and enter/exit 2-5min
I trade the beginning and end of the minor/major wave sets.

Of course, the minor-major waves are based on resistance/support levels GL :sneaky:

Basic Script:

Chart for illustrated purposes not duplicable/transferable.

@Esvee/SV Unfortunately, can't code for that indicator any longer. but the basic logic for what you are asking is here. you just have to change the condition to what you need.
Hi Surya... tried my level best, but coding is above my head and not able to make it up :(
but wondering to check the specific reason why the restriction on coding - on this specific indicator.. Any help on this is highly appreciated... /Srini
Well, it's been a while since I last posted to the thread. I'm posting a chart of public domain indicators for your enjoyment folks try em' out.

Could This Study be change into a long study?


input n = 5;#hint n: For pivot and standard deviation
input addAtPercentStDev = 75;#hint addAtPercentStDev: Add at this percent of standard deviation below previous low
input initialLots = 4;#hint initialLots: Set to preference
input lotsToAdd = 2;#hint lotsToAdd: Number of lots to add on a pull back
input stDevMult = 2.0;#hint stDevMult: trail stop multiplier
input labels = no;

def openingLots = Max(4, initialLots);
def addedlots = Max(2, lotsToAdd);
AddLabel(initialLots < openingLots, " Error: Initial lots must be 4 or more ", Color.Cyan);
AddLabel(lotsToAdd < addedLots, " Error: Lots to add must be 2 or more ", Color.Cyan);
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def nan = Double.NaN;
def tick = TickSize();
def x = BarNumber();
def stDev = CompoundValue(1, StDev(c, n), nan);
def hh = h == Highest(h, n);
def LPx = if hh then x else nan;
def LP_low = if !IsNaN(LPx) then l else LP_Low[1];
def LP_High = if !IsNaN(LPx) then h else LP_High[1];
def confirmation_count = if hh then 0 else
if c crosses below LP_Low
then confirmation_count[1] + 1
else confirmation_count[1];
def confirmationX = if confirmation_count crosses above 0
then x else nan;
def confirmed = confirmation_count crosses above 0;

def ro;
def stc;
def trail;
def retrace;
if confirmed {
ro = Round((c - (LP_High - c) / (openingLots - 2)) / tick, 0) * tick;
stc = LP_High;
trail = LP_High;
retrace = LP_High;
ro = CompoundValue(1, ro[1], nan);
stc = stc[1];
trail = Round(Min(trail[1], h[1] + stDev[1] * stDevMult) / tick, 0) * tick;
retrace = Round(Min(retrace[1], h[1] + StDev[1] * addAtPercentStDev / 100) / tick, 0) * tick;

def ro_reached = if confirmed then 0 else
if l < ro then 1 else ro_reached[1];
def added = if confirmed then 0 else
if h crosses above retrace then 1 else added[1];
def trail_hit = if confirmed then 0 else
if c > trail then 1 else trail_hit[1];
def stop_hit = if confirmed then 0 else
if h > stc then 1 else stop_hit[1];

PivotConfirmed = confirmed;

BuyToOpen = if confirmed then c else nan;

SellToClose = if !stop_hit or stop_hit crosses above 0 then stc else nan;

TrailingStop = if ! trail_hit or trail_hit crosses above 0 then trail else nan;

Add = if !added or added crosses above 0 then retrace else nan;

RiskOut = if !ro_reached or ro_reached crosses above 0 then ro else nan;
RiskOut.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(215, 215, 215));

AddLabel(labels and BuyToOpen, " BTO "+ openingLots +" = " + BuyToOpen + " ", Color.Light_Green);
Addlabel(labels and BuyToOpen, " ", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));
AddLabel(labels and ro_reached and Add, " Add "+ addedlots +" at = " + Add + " ", Color.Dark_Green);
AddLabel(labels and ro_reached and Add, " ", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));
AddLabel(labels and RiskOut, " Sell " + (openingLots - 2) + " = " + ro + " ", CreateColor(215, 215, 215));
AddLabel(labels and RiskOut, " ", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));
AddLabel(labels and ro_reached and TrailingStop, " Sell "+(1+addedLots-1)+" at = "+trail+" ", Color.Pink);
Addlabel(labels and ro_reached and TrailingStop, " ", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));
AddLabel(labels and SellToClose, " Sell All = " + stc + " ", Color.Red);
Addlabel(labels and SellToClose, " ", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));

#f/ Pivot Confirmation With Trading Levels

#For long,
Alert(confirmed or l crosses below stc, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);

#For short,
Alert(confirmed or h crosses above stc, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);
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