Volume Stats Format, Watchlist, Scan, Label for ThinkOrSwim


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2019 Donor
This custom Thinkscript indicator shows you important volume data on your ThinkOrSwim charts. This includes Current Volume, Average 30 Day Volume, Percentage of Current Volume to Average Daily Volume, Average 30 Bar Volume and Current Bar Volume. Volume stats change colors to indicate when the volume reaches the average daily volume level as well as a customizable unusual volume level. This allows you to easily see critical changes in volume levels which are important for all types of trading.

The Script:

# Box Volume Stats
# Version 1.0
# Created by: Enigma
# Created: 05/18/17

declare lower;

input Show30DayAvg = yes;
input ShowTodayVolume =  yes;
input ShowPercentOf30DayAvg = yes;
input UnusualVolumePercent = 200;
input Show30BarAvg = yes;
input ShowCurrentBar = yes;

#Volume Data
def volLast30DayAvg = (volume(period = "DAY")[1] + volume(period = "DAY")[2] + volume(period = "DAY")[3] + volume(period = "DAY")[4] + volume(period = "DAY")[5] + volume(period = "DAY")[6] + volume(period = "DAY")[7] + volume(period = "DAY")[8] + volume(period = "DAY")[9] + volume(period = "DAY")[10] + volume(period = "DAY")[11] + volume(period = "DAY")[12] + volume(period = "DAY")[13] + volume(period = "DAY")[14] + volume(period = "DAY")[15] + volume(period = "DAY")[16] + volume(period = "DAY")[17] + volume(period = "DAY")[18] + volume(period = "DAY")[19] + volume(period = "DAY")[20] + volume(period = "DAY")[21] + volume(period = "DAY")[22] + volume(period = "DAY")[23] + volume(period = "DAY")[24] + volume(period = "DAY")[25] + volume(period = "DAY")[26] + volume(period = "DAY")[27] + volume(period = "DAY")[28] + volume(period = "DAY")[29] + volume(period = "DAY")[30]) / 30;
def today = volume(period = "DAY");
def percentOf30Day = Round((today / volLast30DayAvg) * 100, 0);
#def avg30Bars = VolumeAvg(30).VolAvg;
def avg30Bars = (volume[1] + volume[2] + volume[3] + volume[4] + volume[5] + volume[6] + volume[7] + volume[8] + volume[9] + volume[10] + volume[11] + volume[12] + volume[13] + volume[14] + volume[15] + volume[16] + volume[17] + volume[18] + volume[19] + volume[20] + volume[21] + volume[22] + volume[23] + volume[24] + volume[25] + volume[26] + volume[27] + volume[28] + volume[29] + volume[30]) / 30;
def curVolume = volume;

# Labels
AddLabel(Show30DayAvg, "Daily Avg: " + Round(volLast30DayAvg, 0), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowTodayVolume, "Today: " + today, (if percentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if percentOf30Day >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
AddLabel(ShowPercentOf30DayAvg, percentOf30Day + "%", (if percentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if percentOf30Day >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.WHITE) );
AddLabel(Show30BarAvg, "Avg 30 Bars: " + Round(avg30Bars, 0), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentBar, "Cur Bar: " + curVolume, (if curVolume >= avg30Bars then Color.GREEN else Color.ORANGE));

Shared link: https://tos.mx/rSGwbW


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Hi, im newbie with coding.
Can somebody help me with label that shows first 30 min volume of today session?
Thank you for your time.
@przinho Here's a label for the first 30 mins of volume as requested. Run this on an intraday chart

# Volume RTH First 30 Mins
# tomsk
# 11.5.2019

declare hide_on_daily;

input startTime = 0930;
input endTime = 1000;

def Active = SecondsFromTime(startTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(endTime) >= 0;
def Vol30Mins = if Active and !Active[1] then volume
                else if Active then Vol30Mins[1] + volume
                else Vol30Mins[1];
AddLabel(1, "Volume First 30 Mins = " + Vol30Mins, Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume RTH First 30 Mins
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As it stands now the volume stats populate the same box as volume in the lower part of the chart. What I want is to have the volume stats at the top of the chart under the area where the chart name, date, O-H_L_C is. I don't want to have the volume box on. Hope that helps explain.
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Gotcha, from your decription, you'd like to turn off the volume subgraph on your chart and display the volume as a label. This is real simple. To disable the volume subgraph on your chart, go to Chart Settings > Equities. Then unclick the checkbox "Show volume subgraoh" Here is a very simple label that displays the volume as a chart label

addLabel(1, "Volume = " + volume, color.Yellow);
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My first ever post ever. I am trying to improve this script and include, rVolume as well in the labels. Intended changes are listed.
  • Change the number of days for average calculation to be an input, instead of fixed 30 days.
  • Include rVolume Label.
While at it tried to fold Pre-Market, 1H Market and Post-Market volumes added to the labels, must work Equity, if not with futures.

# Box Volume Stats
# Version 1.2
# Created by: Enigma
# Created: 05/18/17
# Modified by: Surya Kiran C ## Included rVolume label and Changed length as input. ## Additionally Pre-Market, 1Hr Volume, AfterHour Volume labels are added.

declare on_volume;

input length = 30;
input ShowDayAvg = yes;
input ShowTodayVolume = yes;
input ShowPercentOfDayAvg = yes;
input UnusualVolumePercent = 200;
input ShowBarAvg = yes;
input ShowCurrentBar = yes;

input PreMktVol = yes;
input RTH1HrVol = yes;
input PostMktVol = yes;

def VolDayAvg = (fold index = 1 to length + 1  with Avg = 0 do (Avg + volume(period = "DAY")[index])) / length;
def AvgBars = (fold index2 = 1 to length + 1 with Bar = 0  do (Bar + volume[index2])) / length;

def Today = volume(period =  "DAY");
def PercentOfDayAvg = Round((Today / VolDayAvg) * 100, 0);

def CurVol = volume;

def offset = 1;
def ADV = Average(volume, length)[offset];
def rVol = volume / ADV;

# Labels

#if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if 1HrRTHVol then 1 else 0,

AddLabel(ShowDayAvg, length + "Day Avg: " + Round(VolDayAvg, 0) + "  ", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowTodayVolume, "Today: " + Today + " ", (if PercentOfDayAvg >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOfDayAvg >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
AddLabel(ShowPercentOfDayAvg, PercentOfDayAvg + "%", (if PercentOfDayAvg >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOfDayAvg >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.WHITE) );
AddLabel(ShowBarAvg, "Avg" + length  + "Bars: " + Round(AvgBars, 0) + " ", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentBar, "Cur Bar: " + CurVol + " ", (if CurVol >= AvgBars then Color.GREEN else Color.ORANGE));

AddLabel(yes, "rVol :" + Round(rVol, 2));
#AddLabel(yes, "ADV :" + ADV);
#AddLabel(yes, asPercent(rVol)); # remove "#" infront of Addlabels to select prefer choice
#AssignPriceColor(if rVol >= 1 then color.dark_red else if rVol <=.5 then Color.black else color.Gray);

#Pre, 1Hr RTH, AfterHours Volumes.
##if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if PreMktVol then 1 else 0

input PrestartTime = 0400;
input PreendTime = 0929;

def PreMkt = SecondsFromTime(PrestartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(PreendTime) >= 0;
def PreVolMins = if PreMkt and !PreMkt[1] then volume
                else if PreMkt then PreVolMins[1] + volume
                else PreVolMins[1];
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if PreMktVol then 1 else 0, "PreMktVol = " + PreVolMins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume PreMarket

input RTH1HrstartTime = 0930;
input RTH1HrendTime = 1029;

def RTH1Hr = SecondsFromTime(RTH1HrstartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(RTH1HrendTime) >= 0;
def RTH1HrMins = if RTH1Hr and !RTH1Hr[1] then volume
                else if RTH1Hr then RTH1HrMins[1] + volume
                else RTH1HrMins[1];
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if RTH1HrVol then 1 else 0, "RTH1HrVol = " + RTH1HrMins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
#End Volume RTH First 60 Mins

input PoststartTime = 1600;
input PostendTime = 1959;

def PostMkt = SecondsFromTime(PoststartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(PostendTime) >= 0;
def PostVolMins = if PostMkt and !PostMkt[1] then volume
                else if PostMkt then PostVolMins[1] + volume
                else PostVolMins[1];
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if PostMktVol then 1 else 0, "PostMktVol = " + PostVolMins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume PostMarket
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Hey @SuryaKiranC - A couple quick asks if you don't mind.

- On the PreMkt label, it seems to be adding the premarket volume to the 1st bar volume.
-- I can get it to show the correct PreMkt volume if I change the end time to 929. But the moment I turn off premarket in the settings, the label then shows 0. I want it to stay there permanently, regardless of whether or not Premarket is selected.

- I like how you have the 1st Hour label.
-- Would there be a way to do two labels for: Candle/Bar 1 Volume, Candle/Bar 2 Volume (based on current timeframe)?

I am very willing to help with this and be a tester, but I am not much of a thinkscripter. Any help would be terrific!!!

Essentially, I am looking for three labels:

1. Premarket Volume (Sum of volume from 4am to 930am, but NOT inclusive of the 930 bar
2. Bar 1 Volume - Displays the volume of the 1st candle, based on timeframe (if 15m, then the volume of the first 15 min bar)
3. Bar 2 Volume - Same as bar 1, except for the second bar based on timeframe selected

The one other piece I'd love to accomplish would be to compare those three volumes to the Average Volume over the last 30 days, as a percentage. So if Daily Avg over the last 30 days is 1,000,000 and Bar 1 is 300,000, then the % would be 30%. I would add it to the label so it's easy to see.

I have been working on a very solid strategy, but it is reliant on this information.

Please help so I can share the strategy lol !!!
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Hey @SuryaKiranC - A couple quick asks if you don't mind.

- On the PreMkt label, it seems to be adding the premarket volume to the 1st bar volume.
-- I can get it to show the correct PreMkt volume if I change the end time to 929. But the moment I turn off premarket in the settings, the label then shows 0. I want it to stay there permanently, regardless of whether or not Premarket is selected.

Are you using the updated code? if you turn off pre-market Volume, label itself will disappear. If I understand your Bar 1 Volume and Bar 2 Volume requirement correct, both of them should be based on the timeframe selected, Am I right?

% if the 1st Bar, based on the time frame can be added should be a problem. Just like average total volume. Let me know a time and date we can work out the requirement and further customize the script.

Are you using the updated code? if you turn off pre-market Volume, label itself will disappear. If I understand your Bar 1 Volume and Bar 2 Volume requirement correct, both of them should be based on the timeframe selected, Am I right?

% if the 1st Bar, based on the time frame can be added should be a problem. Just like average total volume. Let me know a time and date we can work out the requirement and further customize the script.


Yep, using the updated code. But when I manually total the volume premarket and compare to label, it still looks like it then adds the 930am volume. Would love to find a way for it to "stop counting" at 9:29:59 and then the label stay visible throughout the day.

In tinkering, I also realized the Bar % would be hard. I think a good compromise would be to just hard-code it.
  • Input a start time and end time: Example would be Bar 1 0930-0945 and Bar 2 0945-1000
  • Then compare each total against the average daily volume
  • End up with a label for each like:

[PreMkt = 456,789 :: 10% of Daily Avg.] [First 15 = 1,234,567 :: 20% of Daily Avg.] [Second 15 = 2,345,678 :: 40% of Daily Avg.]

Having these as a visual guide to placing day trades will be extremely helpful.
The setting is in 'Chart Settings' under the gear icon. I go to the 'Equities' tab in there and check or uncheck 'Show Extended Hours Trading Session' to turn off premarket. I usually do that at the start of the day.

As for the Pre-Market Volume going to zero, it's a result of me tinkering to try and get it to work.

  • In your code, I change the PreMarket Stop time to 0929
  • This gives me a perfectly accurate label of PreMkt Volume and does NOT include volume from regular hours
  • But, once I turn off premarket when the day starts, the label shows zero.

Using MRNA today as the example...

Extended Hours ON, Code set to 0929 - Label shows 510,917 (which is correct)
Extended Hours OFF, Code set to 0929 - Label shows 0 (which is incorrect)

Any thoughts?

PS - I am having trouble again with screenshots...
I was of the opinion, you were referring to turning off Pre/Post Volume at the indicator level, Looks like you are taking away Extended Hours all together from the chart settings. What we do with the indicator is calculate we the data what we see on the chart. Turning this off, I would expect the calculations to return 0. @C4men
I was of the opinion, you were referring to turning off Pre/Post Volume at the indicator level, Looks like you are taking away Extended Hours all together from the chart settings. What we do with the indicator is calculate we the data what we see on the chart. Turning this off, I would expect the calculations to return 0. @C4men

Darn - I need to figure out how to keep that PreMkt label populated with extended off/unchecked.
Hi @SuryaKiranC, great script! I'm looking for a running total of volume from the last 30 minutes that includes both pre-market and market volume depending on the time. For example, if at 9:48am, the script captures the sum of 18 minutes of market volume data and the last 12 minutes of pre-market volume data. How would I do this? Thanks!
Hi @SuryaKiranC, great script! I'm looking for a running total of volume from the last 30 minutes that includes both pre-market and market volume depending on the time. For example, if at 9:48am, the script captures the sum of 18 minutes of market volume data and the last 12 minutes of pre-market volume data. How would I do this? Thanks!

Thanks. Not my original script though just made few modifications and the original author is credited for the idea and original code.

For 30 mins running volume Avg we have the Bar30Avg already in place, that should give your what you are looking for on a 1m charts. But if you need a total of 30 mins volume, its a quick formula change there.

Hi guys. Great work on those volume stats. So i like the one that shows premarket open and post market volume however that one doesn't show buys vs sales in each bar shown in green as buys and red as sales. That give me idea of buyers vs sellers but i also know volume stats. Any way to combine those two? I found another one but it's weirdly colored with some blues and i have no idea how to use that one. Too much noise in it. Thoughts? Thank you in advance.

Here is my favorite one
# Box Volume Stats
# Version 1.2
# Created by: Enigma
# Created: 05/18/17
# Modified by: Surya Kiran C ## Included rVolume label and Changed length as input. ## Additionally Pre-Market, 1Hr Volume, AfterHour Volume labels are added.

declare on_volume;

input length = 30;
input ShowDayAvg = yes;
input ShowTodayVolume = yes;
input ShowPercentOfDayAvg = yes;
input UnusualVolumePercent = 200;
input ShowBarAvg = yes;
input ShowCurrentBar = yes;

def VolDayAvg = (fold index = 1 to length + 1  with Avg = 0 do (Avg + volume(period = "DAY")[index])) / length;
def AvgBars = (fold index2 = 1 to length + 1 with Bar = 0  do (Bar + volume[index2])) / length;

def Today = volume(period =  "DAY");
def PercentOfDayAvg = Round((Today / VolDayAvg) * 100, 0);

def CurVol = volume;

def offset = 1;
def ADV = Average(volume, length)[offset];
def rVol = volume / ADV;

# Labels

AddLabel(ShowDayAvg, length + "Day Avg: " + Round(VolDayAvg, 0) + "  ", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowTodayVolume, "Today: " + Today + " ", (if PercentOfDayAvg >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOfDayAvg >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
AddLabel(ShowPercentOfDayAvg, PercentOfDayAvg + "%", (if PercentOfDayAvg >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOfDayAvg >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.WHITE) );
AddLabel(ShowBarAvg, "Avg" + length  + "Bars: " + Round(AvgBars, 0) + " ", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentBar, "Cur Bar: " + CurVol + " ", (if CurVol >= AvgBars then Color.GREEN else Color.ORANGE));

AddLabel(yes, "rVol :" + Round(rVol, 2));
AddLabel(yes, "ADV :" + ADV);
#AddLabel(yes, asPercent(rVol)); # remove "#" infront of Addlabels to select prefer choice
#AssignPriceColor(if rVol >= 1 then color.dark_red else if rVol <=.5 then Color.black else color.Gray);

declare hide_on_daily;
input PrestartTime = 0400;
input PreendTime = 0930;

def PreMkt = SecondsFromTime(PrestartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(PreendTime) >= 0;
def PreVolMins = if PreMkt and !PreMkt[1] then volume
                else if PreMkt then PreVolMins[1] + volume
                else PreVolMins[1];
AddLabel(1, "PreMktVol = " + PreVolMins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume PreMarket

input startTime = 0930;
input endTime = 1030;

def Active = SecondsFromTime(startTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(endTime) >= 0;
def Vol60Mins = if Active and !Active[1] then volume
                else if Active then Vol60Mins[1] + volume
                else Vol60Mins[1];
AddLabel(1, "Open1HrVol = " + Vol60Mins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume RTH First 60 Mins

input PoststartTime = 1600;
input PostendTime = 1900;

def PostMkt = SecondsFromTime(PoststartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(PostendTime) >= 0;
def PostVolMins = if PostMkt and !PostMkt[1] then volume
                else if PostMkt then PostVolMins[1] + volume
                else PostVolMins[1];
AddLabel(1, "PostMktVol = " + PostVolMins + "  ", Color.YELLOW);
# End Volume PostMarket

I would like to add buys (green color) and sales (red color) volume shown per candle in this code.

# Original author: Unknown
# Modified by 7of9

declare lower;


input Show30DayAvg = yes;
input ShowTodayVolume = yes;
input ShowPercentOf30DayAvg = yes;
input UnusualVolumePercent = 200;
input Show30BarAvg = yes;
input ShowCurrentBar = yes;
input ShowPercentOf30BarAvg = yes;
input ShowSellVolumePercent = yes;

def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
def buying = V*(C-L)/(H-L);
def selling = V*(H-C)/(H-L);

# Selling Volume

Plot SellVol = selling;

# Total Volume

Plot BuyVol = volume;

#Volume Data

def volLast30DayAvg = (volume(period = "DAY")[1] + volume(period = "DAY")[2] + volume(period = "DAY")[3] + volume(period = "DAY")[4] + volume(period = "DAY")[5] + volume(period = "DAY")[6] + volume(period = "DAY")[7] + volume(period = "DAY")[8] + volume(period = "DAY")[9] + volume(period = "DAY")[10] + volume(period = "DAY")[11] + volume(period = "DAY")[12] + volume(period = "DAY")[13] + volume(period = "DAY")[14] + volume(period = "DAY")[15] + volume(period = "DAY")[16] + volume(period = "DAY")[17] + volume(period = "DAY")[18] + volume(period = "DAY")[19] + volume(period = "DAY")[20] + volume(period = "DAY")[21] + volume(period = "DAY")[22] + volume(period = "DAY")[23] + volume(period = "DAY")[24] + volume(period = "DAY")[25] + volume(period = "DAY")[26] + volume(period = "DAY")[27] + volume(period = "DAY")[28] + volume(period = "DAY")[29] + volume(period = "DAY")[30]) / 30;
def today = volume(period = "DAY");
def percentOf30Day = Round((today / volLast30DayAvg) * 100, 0);
def avg30Bars = (volume[1] + volume[2] + volume[3] + volume[4] + volume[5] + volume[6] + volume[7] + volume[8] + volume[9] + volume[10] + volume[11] + volume[12] + volume[13] + volume[14] + volume[15] + volume[16] + volume[17] + volume[18] + volume[19] + volume[20] + volume[21] + volume[22] + volume[23] + volume[24] + volume[25] + volume[26] + volume[27] + volume[28] + volume[29] + volume[30]) / 30;
def curVolume = volume;
def percentOf30Bar = Round((curVolume / avg30Bars) * 100, 0);
def SellVolPercent = Round((Selling / Volume) * 100, 0);

# Labels

AddLabel(Show30DayAvg, "Avg 30 Days: " + Round(volLast30DayAvg, 0), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

AddLabel(ShowTodayVolume, "Today: " + today, (if percentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if percentOf30Day >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));

AddLabel(ShowPercentOf30DayAvg, percentOf30Day + "%", (if percentOf30Day >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if percentOf30Day >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.WHITE) );

AddLabel(Show30BarAvg, "Avg 30 Bars: " + Round(avg30Bars, 0), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

AddLabel(ShowCurrentBar, "Cur Bar: " + curVolume, (if percentOf30Bar >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOf30Bar >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.LIGHT_GRAY));

AddLabel(ShowPercentOf30BarAvg, PercentOf30Bar + "%", (if PercentOf30Bar >= UnusualVolumePercent then Color.GREEN else if PercentOf30Bar >= 100 then Color.ORANGE else Color.WHITE) );

AddLabel(ShowSellVolumePercent, "Cur Bar Sell %: " + SellVolPercent, (if SellVolPercent > 51 then Color.RED else if SellVolPercent < 49 then Color.GREEN else Color.ORANGE));

input length = 50;

plot Vol = volume;
plot VolAvg = Average(volume, length);

Vol.DefineColor("Up", Color.UPTICK);
Vol.DefineColor("Down", Color.DOWNTICK);
Vol.AssignValueColor(if close > close[1] then Vol.color("Up") else if close < close[1] then Vol.color("Down") else GetColor(1));
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I have some thing similar, instead of histogram it labels, I only changed the labels to be on volume. I use it along side the Box Stats Volume. Was debating about integrating it. Look at the code below.

reason I was debating is, the deviation_length in Buy_vs_Sell Volume and the Length I use in Box Volume Stats are different and if it should be the same, if I were to put these two together.

#Author Unkown

declare on_volume;

input Audible_Alert = yes;
def Deviation_Length = 60;
def Deviate = 2;
def volumestdev = RelativeVolumeStDev(length = Deviation_Length);
def abovedev = volumestdev >= Deviate;
def belowdev = volumestdev <= Deviate;

def increase = volume > volume[1];
def devincrease = increase and abovedev;
def decrease = volume < volume[1];
def devdecrease = decrease and abovedev;

def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
def Buying = V * (C - L) / (H - L);
def Selling = V * (H - C) / (H - L);

# Selling Volume #
plot SV = Selling;
SV.DefineColor("Decrease", Color.DARK_RED);
SV.DefineColor("DevDecrease", Color.LIGHT_RED);
SV.AssignValueColor(if devdecrease then SV.Color("DevDecrease") else SV.Color("Decrease"));

# Buying Volume #
plot BV = Buying;
BV.DefineColor("Increase", Color.DARK_GREEN);
BV.DefineColor("DevIncrease", Color.GREEN);
BV.AssignValueColor(if devincrease then BV.Color("DevIncrease") else BV.Color("Increase"));

#  Volume %     #

def totVol = Round(Buying, 0) + Round(Selling, 0) ;
def buyPercent  = ( Round(Buying, 0)  / totVol ) * 100;
def sellPercent = ( Round(Selling, 0) / totVol ) * 100;

# Adding Volume Labels #

input Show_Labels = yes;
AddLabel(Show_Labels, "Buy: " + Round(Buying, 0)+" ( "+Round(buyPercent,2)+ " %)", if Buying > Selling then color.green else color.red);
#AddLabel(Show_Labels, "Buy% = " + Round(buyPercent,2)+ " %", if Buying > Selling then color.green else color.red);
AddLabel(Show_Labels, "Sell: " + Round(Selling, 0)+" ( "+Round(sellPercent,2)+ " %)", if Selling > Buying then color.green else color.red);
#AddLabel(Show_Labels, "Sell% = " + Round(sellPercent,2)+ " %", if Selling > Buying then color.green else color.red);
This is the most advanced one I've seen but i can not make it to paint green and red without this werid patterns. I want it to be clean. Take a look. Maybe it will help you.

#Advanced Volume Study
#[email protected]
declare on_volume;
input ShowVolumeAsCandlesticks = no;
input ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars = no;
input ShowBuySellStrength2ndAgg = no;
input AvgDayVolLength = 5;
input AvgVolLength = 20;
input ShowDayVolLabel = yes;
input ShowBarVolLabel = yes;
input ShowEthTotalVol = no;
input ShowBuySellStrength = yes;
input BuySellStrAgg2 = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN;
def BuySellStrAggregation2 = if GetAggregationPeriod() < BuySellStrAgg2 then BuySellStrAgg2 else GetAggregationPeriod();
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() < BuySellStrAgg2 then 0 else 1, "Adjust BuySellStrAgg2 in Study Settings", Color.YELLOW);
input VolAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
#if ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars is toggled on then the following volume bar paint options will not show, only the VolSignal Triangle set at the top of the bars will be painting according to volume average levels.
input PaintAboveAvgVolBars = yes;
input PaintAccordingToRelPrevVol = yes;
input RelativetoPrevVolTolerance = 1.25; #if volume is 1.25x greater than previous bar it will paint even if it is still below the average/sigma2/sigma3
input PaintBelowAvgVol = yes;
input PaintPriceAsVol = no;
input ShowVerticalTickLines = yes;
def ShowVertLines = if ShowVerticalTickLines and GetAggregationPeriod() < AggregationPeriod.DAY then 1 else 0;
input TickLevel = 1000;
input ShowTickLabel = yes;

def NA = Double.NaN;
def PriceRange = high - low;
def TopShadowRange = if open >= close then high - open else high - close;
def BottomShadowRange = if open <= close then open - low else close - low;
def BodyRange = PriceRange - (TopShadowRange + BottomShadowRange);
def VolumeTopShadowValue = (1 - (TopShadowRange / PriceRange)) * volume;
def VolumeBottomShadowValue = ((BottomShadowRange / PriceRange) * volume);
def BodyRangeVolValue = ((BodyRange + BottomShadowRange) / PriceRange) * volume;
#def DayVolAgg = if GetAggregationPeriod() < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.WEEK else GetAggregationPeriod();
def DayVolAgg = if GetAggregationPeriod() < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else GetAggregationPeriod();
def DayVol = volume("period" = DayVolAgg);
def AvgDayVol = Average(DayVol, AvgDayVolLength);
def Start = 0930;
def End = 1600;
def conf = SecondsFromTime(Start) >= 0 and SecondsFromTime(End) <= 0;

plot VolColor = NA;
VolColor.DefineColor("Bullish", Color.GREEN);
VolColor.DefineColor("Bearish", Color.RED);
VolColor.DefineColor("VolAvg", CreateColor(0, 100, 200));
VolColor.DefineColor("VolSigma2", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
VolColor.DefineColor("VolSigma3", Color.MAGENTA);
VolColor.DefineColor("Relative to Prev", Color.YELLOW);
VolColor.DefineColor("Below Average", Color.GRAY);
VolColor.DefineColor("ETH TVOL", Color.GRAY);
VolColor.DefineColor("TICK Vert", Color.GRAY);

#Current Candle Buy and Sell Strength
def BuyStr = ((close - low) / PriceRange) * 100;
def SellStr = ((high - close) / PriceRange) * 100;

def BuyStr2 = ((close("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2) - low("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2)) / (high("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2) - low("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2))) * 100;
def SellStr2 = ((high("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2) - close("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2)) / (high("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2) - low("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2))) * 100;

plot BuyVol = if ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars then (BuyStr/100)*volume else NA;
def SellVol = (SellStr/100)*volume;
def BuyVol2 = (BuyStr2/100)*volume("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2);
def SellVol2 = (SellStr2/100)*volume("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2);
AddCloud(if ShowBuySellStrength2ndAgg then BuyVol2 else NA, 0, VolColor.Color("Bullish"), VolColor.Color("Bullish"), yes);
AddCloud(if ShowBuySellStrength2ndAgg then volume("period" = BuySellStrAggregation2) else NA, BuyVol2, VolColor.Color("Bearish"), VolColor.Color("Bearish"), yes);


plot Vol = volume;
plot VolumeBottom = if !ShowVolumeAsCandlesticks or ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars then NA else VolumeBottomShadowValue;
plot VolumeBody = if !ShowVolumeAsCandlesticks or ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars then NA else BodyRangeVolValue;


plot VolAvg = MovingAverage(VolAverageType, volume, AvgVolLength);

#2Sigma and 3Sigma Vol Filter
def Num_Dev1 = 2.0;
def Num_Dev2 = 3.0;
def averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def sDev = StDev(data = Vol, length = AvgVolLength);

plot VolSigma2 = VolAvg + Num_Dev1 * sDev;
plot VolSigma3 = VolAvg + Num_Dev2 * sDev;

def RelDayVol = DayVol / AvgDayVol[1];
def RelPrevDayVol = DayVol / volume("period" = DayVolAgg)[1];
#Daily aggregation volume labels
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else if ShowDayVolLabel then 1 else 0, "DayVol: " + DayVol + " / " + Round(RelDayVol, 2) + "x Avg(" + AvgDayVolLength + ") / " + Round(RelPrevDayVol, 2) + "x Prev", if DayVol > AvgDayVol then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else VolColor.Color("Below Average"));

def RelVol = Vol / VolAvg[1];
def RelPrevVol = volume / volume[1];

#Triangle Vol Signal
plot VolSignal = if Vol > VolSigma3 then volume else if Vol > VolSigma2 then volume else if Vol > VolAvg then volume else if RelPrevVol >= RelativetoPrevVolTolerance then volume else NA;

#current aggregation's volume labels
AddLabel(ShowBarVolLabel, "Vol: " + volume + " / " + Round(RelVol, 2) + "x Avg(" + AvgVolLength + ") / " + Round(RelPrevVol, 2) + "x Prev",  if Vol > VolSigma3 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma3") else if Vol > VolSigma2 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma2") else if Vol > VolAvg then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else VolColor.Color("Below Average"));

#ETH Total Vol Label
def ETH_VOL = if !conf and conf[1] then volume else if !conf then CompoundValue(1, ETH_VOL[1] + volume, volume) else ETH_VOL[1];

AddLabel(if !ShowEthTotalVol then 0 else if GetAggregationPeriod() >= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 0 else 1, "ETH TVOL: " + ETH_VOL, VolColor.Color("ETH TVOL"));

#$TICK Vertical Lines
def tickc = close("$TICK");
def tickh = high("$TICK");
def tickl = low("$TICK");

AddVerticalLine(if ShowVertLines and (tickh > TickLevel) or ShowVertLines and (tickl < -TickLevel) then 1 else 0, if (tickh > TickLevel) then tickh else if (tickl < -TickLevel) then tickl else Double.NaN, VolColor.Color("TICK Vert"));

#$TICK Label
AddLabel(if ShowTickLabel then 1 else 0,"$TICK: " + tickc, if tickc > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#current candle Buy/Sell strength labels
AddLabel(if ShowBuySellStrength then 1 else 0, " ", Color.BLACK);
AddLabel(if ShowBuySellStrength then 1 else 0, "1", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(if ShowBuySellStrength then 1 else 0, "Sell " + Round(SellStr, 2) + "%", if SellStr > BuyStr then Color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);
AddLabel(if ShowBuySellStrength then 1 else 0, "Buy " + Round(BuyStr, 2) + "%", if BuyStr > SellStr then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN);

#2nd Aggregation Buy/Sell strength labels
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= BuySellStrAggregation2 and ShowBuySellStrength then 1 else 0,"Check BuySellAgg2 > Current Agg", Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= BuySellStrAggregation2 or !ShowBuySellStrength then 0 else 1, " ", Color.BLACK);
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= BuySellStrAggregation2 or !ShowBuySellStrength then 0 else 1, "2", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= BuySellStrAggregation2 or !ShowBuySellStrength then 0 else 1, "Sell " + Round(SellStr2, 2) + "%", if SellStr2 > BuyStr2 then Color.RED else Color.DARK_RED);
AddLabel(if GetAggregationPeriod() >= BuySellStrAggregation2 or !ShowBuySellStrength then 0 else 1, "Buy " + Round(BuyStr2, 2) + "%", if BuyStr2 > SellStr2 then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN);


VolumeBody.AssignValueColor(if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and Vol > VolSigma3 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma3") else if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and Vol > VolSigma2 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma2") else if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and Vol > VolAvg then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else if PaintAccordingToRelPrevVol and RelPrevVol >= RelativetoPrevVolTolerance then VolColor.Color("Relative to Prev") else if  PaintBelowAvgVol and Vol < VolAvg then VolColor.Color("Below Average") else if close > open then VolColor.Color("Bullish") else VolColor.Color("Bearish"));
#VolumeTop.AssignValueColor(if close > open then Color.Black else Color.Black);


Vol.SetPaintingStrategy(if !ShowVolumeAsCandlesticks or ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars then PaintingStrategy.SQUARED_HISTOGRAM else PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);

Vol.AssignValueColor(if ShowBuySellStrengthOnVolumeBars then VolColor.Color("Bearish") else if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolSigma3 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma3") else if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolSigma2 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma2") else if PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolAvg then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else if PaintAccordingToRelPrevVol and RelPrevVol >= RelativetoPrevVolTolerance then VolColor.Color("Relative to Prev") else if PaintBelowAvgVol and volume < VolAvg then VolColor.Color("Below Average") else if close > open then VolColor.Color("Bullish") else VolColor.Color("Bearish"));

AssignPriceColor(if PaintPriceAsVol and PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolSigma3 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma3") else if PaintPriceAsVol and PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolSigma2 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma2") else if PaintPriceAsVol and PaintAboveAvgVolBars and volume > VolAvg then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else if PaintPriceAsVol and PaintAccordingToRelPrevVol and RelPrevVol >= RelativetoPrevVolTolerance then VolColor.Color("Relative to Prev") else if PaintPriceAsVol and PaintBelowAvgVol and volume < VolAvg then VolColor.Color("Below Average") else Color.CURRENT);

VolSignal.AssignValueColor(if Vol > VolSigma3 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma3") else if Vol > VolSigma2 then VolColor.Color("VolSigma2") else if Vol > VolAvg then VolColor.Color("VolAvg") else if RelPrevVol >= RelativetoPrevVolTolerance then VolColor.Color("Relative to Prev") else VolColor.Color("Below Average"));
This is what i'm referring to adding to your code but maybe with neon green paint or lighter green paint and your daily stats.

BTW i see code has 0930 to 1600. I am in central time zone so i changed it to 0830 to 1500 ...same for first hour and post hour trading as my TOS platform has those hours as trading hours. I think that's correct but i'm not 100% sure.


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