Confirmation Candles Indicator For ThinkorSwim

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the link provided for the lower study ( does not look anything like the lower study shown above. Can you please share the code for the above lower study?
Hi @majidg,
All of my codes are available on pg.1 of this thread. The lower study you are referring to is the EMAD_Range indicator. That code is toward the end of my codes posted on pg.1 of this thread. I have done my best to label them. Hope this helps!

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Hi @Christopher84, can you provide the code fro lower study for the daily time frame?
All studies are on Pg 1 - everything that you are requesting is there. There are several studies so read through the thread and make sure you select the one you want. The current version is CMAX. He just uploaded the lower indicator study EMAD as well. Copy the code and save it as a new study. Please stop asking for people to provide the code.
Hi @8Nick8!
I just posted the code for C3_Max_v2 SPX_Forex on pg.1 of the thread. Hope you find it helpful! The lower indicator is a divergence indicator that I created called EMAD. It helps assess overall trend as well as potential reversals where price divergence from the ema is high (compared to its history). I have been considering releasing EMAD soon (if there's an interest in the study). I personally have found it very useful at times, in helping to anticipate where pullbacks may occur.
Thank you very much for sharing! Looking forward to EMAD indicator too!!
This is a nice example of C3_Max working with EMAD_Range confirming trend. Watching for the pullback.

Last edited:
So this might sound like a really stupid question but I am somebody who likes to keep my chart completely zoomed out to see the bigger picture and I noticed with the new version of the confirmation candles it keeps bringing everything smooshed together. I would lie to know if there is a solution to fix that issue.( Look below at link)
So this might sound like a really stupid question but I am somebody who likes to keep my chart completely zoomed out to see the bigger picture and I noticed with the new version of the confirmation candles it keeps bringing everything smooshed together. I would lie to know if there is a solution to fix that issue.( Look below at link)
Hi @ibenjamin305,
Your chart settings need to be changed. Please see the post by @Falout on pg.53 of this thread. The chart settings shown there should help get your chart looking right. Happy trading!
Awesome @Christopher84 ! I'll load it up and keep you posted! Thank you!
Hi @Christopher84. Just wanted to share some quick observations with the EMAD Range Code. I wasn't able to fully trade today, but went back to review my charts and looked for some divergent setups. Working with ES on a 2000t chart and using Central Time, I found several areas that setup today with price and EMAD divergence. I'll be looking for these again moving forward when conditions are right.

Thank you again for the outstanding work on these indicators!!

BTW, Tried uploading a chart image, but the Imgur link wasn't accepted by UTS. I'll try again later or tomorrow, time permitting.
Hi @Beltaco!
Start a 10 on agperiod1 and then gradually increase through agperiod6 and you should be in good s
Hey @Falout!
It appears that the default time frames have to be changed in the code to get the floating PL study to work. I have put together 3 different versions. Please be cautious that these strategies can repaint until all time frames in the calculation have closed. Here's the Scalper strategy for 3 min chart.
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", "2 min", default "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min",default "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", default "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", default "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

Here's the strategy for the 1 min chart.
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", default "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", default "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", default "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", default "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

And finally, here's the code for 1 hour charts. Hope you find these useful!
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", default "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", default "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", default "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", default "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING)

Hey @Falout!
It appears that the default time frames have to be changed in the code to get the floating PL study to work. I have put together 3 different versions. Please be cautious that these strategies can repaint until all time frames in the calculation have closed. Here's the Scalper strategy for 3 min chart.
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", "2 min", default "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min",default "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", default "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", default "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

Here's the strategy for the 1 min chart.
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", default "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", default "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", default "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", default "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

And finally, here's the code for 1 hour charts. Hope you find these useful!
#Scalper Upper v2 Strategy Created 03/16/2022 by Christopher84

declare upper;

input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", default "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", default "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", default "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", default "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod6 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", default "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;

#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];

plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];

def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;

def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);

def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];

def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];

def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;

def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];

def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];

def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];

def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;

def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];

def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];

def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];

def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;

def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];

def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];

def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];

def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;

def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];

def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];

def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];

def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;

def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];

def avg11 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length);
def height11 = avg11 - avg11[length];

def avg12 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod6), length2);
def height12 = avg12 - avg12[length2];

def UP6 = avg11 > avg12;
def DOWN6 = avg11 < avg12;

def R11UP = avg11 > avg11[1];
def R11DN = avg11 < avg11[1];
def R12UP = avg12 > avg12[1];
def R12DN = avg12 < avg12[1];

def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5 + UP6;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5 + DOWN6;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;

def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP + R11UP + R12UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN + R11DN + R12DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;

script WMA_Smooth {
    input price = hl2;
    plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;

script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
    input price = hl2;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec Period;
    rec Q1;
    rec I1;
    rec I1p;
    rec Q1p;
    rec Phase1;
    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase1;
    rec InstPeriod1;
    rec InstPeriod;
    def CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Period = 0;
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;
        CorrectionFactor = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1p = 0;
        I1p = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        Phase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase1 = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        InstPeriod = 0;
        InstPeriod1 = 0;
    } else {
        CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;

# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
        Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1p = Detrender[3];

# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
        I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
        Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];

# Determine Phase
        if I1 != 0
        then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi

            if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
            then { # Quarant 1
                Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 2
                Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
            then { # Quadrant 3
                Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
            } else { # Quadrant 4
                Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
            Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
            Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
            Phase1 = 0;

# Convert phase to degrees
        Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;

        if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
        then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
            DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;

# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
        if DeltaPhase1 < 7
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 7;
        } else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 60;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;

# Determine Instantaneous period:
        InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)

        if InstPeriod1 <= 0
        then {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
        } else {
            InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;

        Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
    plot DC = Period;

script Ehler_MAMA {
    input price = hl2;
    input FastLimit = 0.5;
    input SlowLimit = 0.05;

    rec Period;
    rec Period_raw;
    rec Period_cap;
    rec Period_lim;

    rec Smooth;
    rec Detrender;
    rec I1;
    rec Q1;
    rec jI;
    rec jQ;
    rec I2;
    rec Q2;
    rec I2_raw;
    rec Q2_raw;

    rec Phase;
    rec DeltaPhase;
    rec DeltaPhase_raw;
    rec alpha;
    rec alpha_raw;

    rec Re;
    rec Im;
    rec Re_raw;
    rec Im_raw;

    rec SmoothPeriod;
    rec vmama;
    rec vfama;

    def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;

    if BarNumber() <= 5
    then {
        Smooth = 0;
        Detrender = 0;

        Period = 0;
        Period_raw = 0;
        Period_cap = 0;
        Period_lim = 0;
        I1 = 0;
        Q1 = 0;
        I2 = 0;
        Q2 = 0;
        jI = 0;
        jQ = 0;
        I2_raw = 0;
        Q2_raw = 0;
        Re = 0;
        Im = 0;
        Re_raw = 0;
        Im_raw = 0;
        SmoothPeriod = 0;
        Phase = 0;
        DeltaPhase = 0;
        DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
        alpha = 0;
        alpha_raw = 0;
        vmama = 0;
        vfama = 0;
    } else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
        Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
        Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
        I1 = Detrender[3];

        jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

        jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;

# This is the complex conjugate
        I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
        Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;

        I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
        Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];

        Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
        Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];

        Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
        Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];

# Compute the phase
        if Re != 0 and Im != 0
        then {
            Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
        } else {
            Period_raw = 0;

        if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
        then {
            Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
        } else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
            Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
        } else {
            Period_cap = Period_raw;

        if Period_cap < 6
        then {
            Period_lim = 6;
        } else if Period_cap > 50
        then {
            Period_lim = 50;
        } else {
            Period_lim = Period_cap;

        Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
        SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];

        if I1 != 0
        then {
            Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
        } else if Q1 > 0
        then { # Quadrant 1:
            Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
        } else if Q1 < 0
        then { # Quadrant 4:
            Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
        } else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
            Phase = 0;

        DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
        if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
        then {
            DeltaPhase = 1;
        } else {
            DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;

        alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
        if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
        then {
            alpha = SlowLimit;
        } else {
            alpha = alpha_raw;
        vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
        vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];

    plot MAMA = vmama;
    plot FAMA = vfama;

input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;

def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;

def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);

def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);

AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),

if MAMA > FAMA then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;

def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

plot buy = AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2;#direction crosses above 0;

plot sell = AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2;#direction crosses below 0;
sell.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );

AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then  "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then Color.GREEN else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if ((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP6 == 1)) then Color.GREEN else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN6 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then  " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then Color.GREEN else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

Alert(direction crosses above 0, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(direction crosses below 0, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

def Long_Entry =  (ConsensusR crosses above Consensus_Bias);
def Long_Exit =  (ConsensusR crosses below Consensus_Bias);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, condition = Long_Entry, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "LE");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_AUTO, condition = Long_Exit, price = open[-1], 1, tickcolor = GetColor(2), arrowcolor = Color.LIME, name = "SE");

Alert(Long_Entry, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(Long_Exit, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);

May have to take a second look - back testing these, they not aggregating well - meaning it's not painting like original post. @Christopher84
May have to take a second look - back testing these, they not aggregating well - meaning it's not painting like original post. @Christopher84
Hi @Beltaco,
The codes are working properly. Please read carefully. The strategies posted here on pg.55 have been altered from the default settings in order to get the floating PL study to work properly for each strategy. However, the 1 min strategy posted here on pg.55 will paint EXACTLY like the Scalper Upper posted on pg.1 of this thread. I hope this helps!
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