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I put it in a watch list criteria $20.00 stock with a volume at or above 250,000. then I add the Bullflag Bearflag into my watchlist . I just go through the watchlist seeing where the MA's are and where the candle is in relation to the BB whether they are pointed up, down or flat . Thats what dictates if I get into trade or not
Have you guys compared the two to see what one is more accurate ?
I have heard references about Mobius on this site so many times, who is he/she?@Buckbull A bull flag is usually described with the notion of a flag pole. Mobius incorporates that in his code while in Ken Rose's study he does not.
Kens Alerts you after it breaks out of the Flag@Buckbull A bull flag is usually described with the notion of a flag pole. Mobius incorporates that in his code while in Ken Rose's study he does not.
Does He have one for a Bear Flag as well ?@Buckbull per your request here is Mobius Bull Flag scan
# Bull Flag on Pole - SCAN
# Mobius
# V01.02.2014
# Price trend - Upward leading to the pattern.
# Shape - A consolidation pattern forms.
# Volume - Recedes for best performance
# Confirmation - The pattern confirms as valid when price closes above the highest peak in the pattern.
input n = 21;
def upward = IsAscending(HL2, 65);
def p = (highest(high, 21) / close[65]) > 1.1;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def FE = (Log(Sum(TrueRange(h, c, l), n) /
(Highest(h, n) - Lowest(l, n))) /
Log) > .68;
def LowVol = volume < Average(volume, 50);
plot Flag = upward and p and FE and LowVol;
# Bear Flag on Pole - SCAN
# Mobius
# V01.02.2014
# Price trend - Downward leading to the pattern. The price should fall for at least 2 months.
# Shape - A consolidation pattern forms. It usually doesn't look like a flag or pennant, just a pause in the price decline.
# Volume - Recedes for best performance
# Confirmation - The pattern confirms as valid when price closes below the lowest trough in the pattern.
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def BBl = BollingerBands().LowerBand;
def KCl = KeltnerChannels().Lower_Band;
def downward = isDescending(close, 42);
def p = (c[42] / lowest(l, 21)) > 1.2;
def squeezeLow = if BBl < KCl
then squeezeLow[1]
else if BBl crosses above KCl
then l
else if BBl > KCl and l < squeezeLow[1]
then l
else squeezeLow[1];
def NotSqueeze = BBl < KCl;
plot Flag = if downward and
p and
NotSqueeze and
close crosses below squeezeLow
then 1
else Double.NaN;
# End Code Bear Flag
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