Auto Trade (ALGO) in TOS

@aCuddlyTurtle Put '^9::' below '^0:: Pause'.
^0:: Pause

i am using SciTE for my autohotkey
Why? You have AutoHotKey installed.
Open Notepad past in your code and save with .ahk extension, then just right click on the file with your code in it and select run as administrator.
Looks like you've have set crtl+9 as key combination to start the script
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@Svanoy Ok i'll try that and see what happens. Im also going to remove SciTE, I added it because when writing code with it, it color codes stuff and is easier to see what im doing.
I tested your code with my labels and it worked.

Look back at an earlier post of mine about making the image files AHK references, post #63. Specifically the part about making your reference images smaller than the on screen label.

Also double check your file directory where you have the image files saved, make sure it matches the directory defined in your ImageSearch.
Lastly, I find images saved as .tiff work generally work better
@Svanoy i'll check because Im not sure about the ahk references. I read that post about that image a few times. what i did was take a picture of the spot where all my labels are, then I opened up paind 3d and cropped out a buy label and a sell label, and i cropped the image to where it was solid green or red. i'll go back and read it again and see if im missed something.

edit: when i cropped the image i also made the image 24x24 and added that to my code
@aCuddlyTurtle You can't resize the cropped image. By doing that you are telling AHK to look for an image that is bigger than what is being displayed on screen. Use the pixel size of the cropped image, whatever it may be.
@Svanoy Im sorry thats what I did, I used the size of the new cropped image. I actually just went and made all new images and still no luck. maybe im naming the image wrong? I tried saving the .tiff file as "BuyLabel" and "BuyLabel.tiff"
@aCuddlyTurtle. Max height of a label is 19 pixels and that is including the border pixels that wont be an exact match, so you reference image has to be less than 19 pixels in height to remove the border pixels. Same goes for the width, reference image has to be narrower than actual label.
Open the image files you made in paint 3D and post a screen shot of them


  • example1.png
    87.6 KB · Views: 284
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yep, I was wrong about max pixel size,
With the amount of room you have to work with, go ahead and crop down to a 20 by 20. That way you know the border pixels are not going to cause an issue.

Also I notice the file path you are using in your image search is exactly the same as mine. I find this odd.
@Svanoy Well the file path is the same as yours because I copied the path from your orginal script. I figured since I saved the images in a folder on my desktop that we would have the same path. But after looking my path is different, But it still does not work. i'll try the 20x20 I think I may be messing up somehow on the file path..
Using a 20 by 20 pixel image and your file path, you ImageSearch code should look like this:

ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 25, 226, 239, 272, *w20 *h20 C:\Users\bqe27\OneDrive\Desktop\AutoHotKey Images\SellLabel.tiff
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance [Forced]

CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
Delay = 10000

^0:: Pause


;Watch for Buy Signal
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 27, 230, 161, 269, *w20 *h20 C:\Users\bqe27\OneDrive\Desktop\AutoHotKey Images\BuyLabel.tiff

;If found click mouse on random screen location, send ctrl + f key combo, send ctrl + b key combo.
    If (ErrorLevel = 0)
        MouseClick, Left, 1747, 248, 1, 0
        delay = 10
        Send ^{f}
        delay = 10
        Send ^{b}
;If not found do nothing
    Else If (ErrorLevel = 1)
;Watch for Sell Signal
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 27, 230, 161, 269, *w20 *h20 C:\Users\bqe27\OneDrive\Desktop\AutoHotKey Images\SellLabel.tiff

;If found click mouse on random screen location, send ctrl + f key combo, send ctrl + s key combo.
    If (ErrorLevel = 0)
        MouseClick, Left, 1747, 248, 1, 0
        delay = 10
        Send ^{f}
        delay = 10
        Send ^{s}
;If not found do nothing
    Else If (ErrorLevel = 1)

You removed the ctrl+9 key combo to start the script running. It does not start on it own.
Put it below the Pause and above the Loop statement.
After you run the script file, press ctrl + 9 to start it.

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