@Jonessw1 I have been running AHK very successfully since January. My setup uses many of the ideas from
@Svanoy with the AHK and TOS. I have spent numerous hours coding my strategies, but finally have a solid system that has been averaging over 100% gains per month using a MACD strategy on a 5 min chart from Jan - Mar. This is using live paper trades (not backtesting results). I finally went live with it this month, using real money. Much of the concepts have already been discussed, but some things I like to mention are;
1. I use two Virtual Machines running windows server 2019 Trial. Both are running on a cheap Beelink box I got from Amazon. It has an intel i5 Processor, 16GB of ram. This allows me to run my tests and real trades on two instruments at a time (eg: MES and MNQ). It was a little over $400 when I bought it, and since it's dedicated to my algo, I don't have to worry about accidental interruptions because I'm using it for other work. Also, before using a dedicated PC, I was getting resource errors, etc.... now nothing.
@Svanoy mentioned in an earlier response to me, recognizing the labels can be tricky for AHK, so see our discussion above on how to properly crop the images, or it will drive you mad
3. Build in safety measures. Use TRG/W bracket order to set an automatic stop when taking a trade, this should be set far enough away to never trigger, unless there's an error and your trade goes against you without stopping out. Additionally, I had some issues in the beginning where some trades got caught in a loop so I built into AHK where it will not take more than 4 trades in x number of minutes, or it will pause for an hour.
4. If you trade this live, and you're away from home, make sure you have a way to stop your algo. I have an app on my phone that allows me to connect to my home VPN, then to the machine running my algo.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them