Auto Fib (Fibonacci) Levels Indicator for ThinkorSwim

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@BLT is there a way to make it mobile friendly I dont want the fib levels just want the High Low . When i put study in it squishes the candles together hard to see and when study isnt used candles are normal . Thanks


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Been looking all over for an combined fibonacci level study...saw one that only printed two levels of support and resistance within a specific price range and updated these when the candles broke through. Any help would be really declutters the chart and was very accurate in predicting bullish and bearish moves.
Added a scanning capability for retracements as described in the header of the following study. Please save the study as: SwingHL_Fibs_v14 to use the study in the scanner
#v1    - 01.19.2020 - BLT - Swing High/Low with options to show all swings or last swing, fib levels, number of swings to display fib levels, and chart bubbles identifying swings and fib levels. The fib bubbles can be moved left/right in the expansion by the number of bars at the input: bubble_mover
#v1.2  - 01.19.2020 - BLT - Made fib bubbles automatically reflect fib level inputs, which were hard coded in v1
#v1.3  - 01.20.2020 - BLT - Added more fib lines, adjusted fib levels based upon whether r2 is 100%, and extended fib lines into all of expansion
#v1.4  - 01.20.2020 - BLT - Added a scan capability for fib retracement levels. The plot: lastswing determines by being 1 or 0 the fib percentage levels as in the following Table

#Table to determine retracement fib levels for scan purposes
#lastswing ==   1 (100%)     0  (0%)  Upper Level of most recent swing
#fib1      ==   23.6%        76.4%
#fib2      ==   38.2%        61.8%
#fibm      ==   50.0%        50.0%
#fib3      ==   61.8%        38.2%
#fib4      ==   76.4%        23.6%

#Example Scan #1 requested where close > 61.8% and lastswing = 1 (100%) with this studies name saved as: SwingHL_Fibs_v14
  #In Scanner enter: close > SwingHL_Fibs_v14().fib3 and SwingHL_Fibs_v14().lastswing is equal to 1

#Example Scan #2 where close crosses above 61.8% within "x" bars and lastswing = 1 (100%) with this studies name saved as: SwingHL_Fibs_v14
  #In Scanner enter: close crosses above SwingHL_Fibs_v14().fib3 within 3 bars and SwingHL_Fibs_v14().lastswing is equal to 1

input showlastswing = yes;
input swing_back1 = 5;
input swing_forward1 = 5;
input maxbars1 = 30;

def na = Double.NaN;
def bn = barnumber();
def sb1 = swing_back1;
def sf1 = swing_forward1;
def lfor1 = Lowest(low, sf1)[-sf1];
def lback1 = Lowest(low, sb1)[1];
def swinglow1 = if low < lfor1 and low < lback1 then 1 else 0;
def swinglowbar = if low < lfor1 and low < lback1 then bn else na;
def hfor1  = Highest(high, sf1)[-sf1];
def hback1 = Highest(high, sb1)[1];
def swinghigh1   = if high > hfor1 and high > hback1 then 1 else 0;
def swinghighbar = if high > hfor1 and high > hback1 then bn else na;
plot lastswing    = highestall(swinghighbar)>highestall(swinglowbar);

#Swings identifed as points
plot r2 = if showlastswing ==yes and bn==highestall(swinghighbar) then high else if showlastswing == no and swinghigh1 then high else na;
plot s2 = if showlastswing == yes and bn==highestall(swinglowbar) then low else if showlastswing == no and swinglow1 then low else na;


input bubbleoffsetfactor  = 3;
input showbubbles_r2s2    = yes;
AddChartBubble(showbubbles_r2s2 and r2, high + TickSize() * bubbleoffsetfactor, "R2", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles_r2s2 and s2, low - TickSize() * bubbleoffsetfactor, "S2", Color.RED, no);

#Store Previous Data
def r2save = if !IsNaN(r2) then r2 else r2save[1];
def s2save = if !IsNaN(s2) then s2 else s2save[1];


input numberfibstoshow = 1;

#Retracement Fibonacci Levels
input fib1level           = .236;
input fib2level           = .382;
input fibMlevel           = .500;
input fib3level           = .618;
input fib4level           = .764;

#Extended Fibonacci Levels - These will create complementary extensions below zero as well as those inputs below which are over 1

input fib5extlevel        = 1.272;
input fib6extlevel        = 1.618;
input fib7extlevel        = 2.618;
input fib8extlevel        = 4.236;

#Fibonacci Lines
def fibh  = r2save;
def fibl  = s2save;
def range = if isnan(close) then range[1] else fibh - fibl;
def data  = CompoundValue(1, if (r2save == high) and range<0 or (s2save == low) and range>0 then data[1] + 1 else data[1], 0);
def datacount = if isnan(close) then datacount[1] else (HighestAll(data) - data[1]) + 1;

input showfiblines = yes;

plot fibHp = r2save;
plot fibLp = s2save;
def fibmext=if !isnan(fibl + range * fibMlevel) then fibmext[1] else fibl + range * fibMlevel;
plot fibM  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fibMlevel else na;
plot fib1  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib1level else na;
plot fib2  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib2level else na;
plot fib3  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib3level else na;
plot fib4  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib4level else na;

plot fib5  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib5extlevel else na;
plot fib6  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib6extlevel else na;
plot fib7  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib7extlevel else na;
plot fib8  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibl + range * fib8extlevel else na;

plot fib5a  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibh + range * -fib5extlevel else na;
plot fib6a  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibh + range * -fib6extlevel else na;
plot fib7a  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibh + range * -fib7extlevel else na;
plot fib8a  = if showfiblines == no then na else if datacount <= numberfibstoshow then fibh + range * -fib8extlevel else na;


#To Hide Price Bubbles on Right Axis, remove the "#" sign on the following HideBubble() code

input showfib_bubbles = yes;
input bubble_mover    = 5; #Moves bubbles left/right then number of bars input here
def   n               = bubble_mover;
def   n1              = n +1;
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fibh[n1],  aspercent(if !lastswing then 1 else 0),, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fibl[n1],  aspercent(if !lastswing then 0 else 1),, yes);

#Fib Retracement Level Chart Bubbles
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib1[n1],  if !lastswing then aspercent(fib1level) else aspercent(1-fib1level), Color.cyan, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib2[n1],  if !lastswing then aspercent(fib2level) else aspercent(1-fib2level), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib3[n1],  if !lastswing then aspercent(fib3level) else aspercent(1-fib3level), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib4[n1],  if !lastswing then aspercent(fib4level) else aspercent(1-fib4level), Color.cyan, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fibm[n1],  if !lastswing then aspercent(fibmlevel) else aspercent(1-fibmlevel), Color.white, yes);

#Fib Extension Levels Chart Bubbles
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib5[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(1-fib5extlevel) else aspercent(fib5extlevel) , Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib6[n1], if lastswing then  aspercent(1-fib6extlevel) else aspercent(fib6extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib7[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(1-fib7extlevel) else aspercent(fib7extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib8[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(1-fib8extlevel) else aspercent(fib8extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);

AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib5a[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(fib5extlevel) else aspercent(1-fib5extlevel) , Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib6a[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(fib6extlevel) else aspercent(1-fib6extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib7a[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(fib7extlevel) else aspercent(1-fib7extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);
AddChartBubble(showfib_bubbles and !IsNaN(close[n1]) and IsNaN(close[n]), fib8a[n1], if lastswing then aspercent(fib8extlevel) else aspercent(1-fib8extlevel), Color.yellow, yes);

if i want to use the scanner to scan for fib extension at 0 which is the last line to try to catch a trend reversal
would the code be this?

#In Scanner enter: close > SwingHL_Fibs_v14().fib1 and SwingHL_Fibs_v14().lastswing is equal to 1
Hi, Can someone suggest Fib Retracement indicator that can auto plot lines based on the input time range(D,W,M etc)? I found few posts related to what I am looking for but would like to take inputs based on what most of you all have tested already. Thx.
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even I am not seeing price on web as well.

If you add fibonacci can price on right hand side. if you can add something like that it will be great
ever since i started "trading" i.e. gambling lol 2 months ago i always wondered about an automatic support and resistance tool and just yesterday i learned that thats what people use Fibo retracements for 😆 was literally about to buy ProRealTrend
ever since i started "trading" i.e. gambling lol 2 months ago i always wondered about an automatic support and resistance tool and just yesterday i learned that thats what people use Fibo retracements for 😆 was literally about to buy ProRealTrend
I am also doing everything possible to avoid a "Gambling" mindset. Following strict rules instead of desiring more is the way
Hello Everyone,
Trying to figure out how to make this Fibonacci. Start from first bar to forth bar, Fibonacci creates pullback on between 50% to 61.8%. Price Target at -23.6% and -61.8%. Tried to make an adjust on Fibonacci Properties and it seems that it doesn't do it what I want. Anyone know how ?

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Can someone add the label for this fib lines script. It's better to have the fib lines next to all the chart candle so it can clear up the look. Thank you

# autofib - show fib-retracements between chart high/low

input sideline = no;

def f11 = 0.236;
def f12 = 0.382;
def f13 = 0.50;
def f14 = 0.618;
def f15 = 0.786;
def hh = HighestAll(high);
def ll = LowestAll(low);
plot H =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
plot L =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
plot P236 =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f11)
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f11)
plot P382 =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f12)
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f12)
plot P50 =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f13)
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f13)
plot P618 =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f14)
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f14)
plot P781 =
  if isnaN(close) && sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f15)
  else if !isnaN(close) && !sideline then
    hh - ((hh - ll) * f15)
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@BLT @BenTen Need your help on this scanner, i'm looking for a condition where the candle closes above S2 & below R2, can you share what is the code i can use in scanner?

i tried "close crosses above SwingHL_Fibs_v14()."s2"" but no luck.
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@tomsk I was trying to use this to scan, but I ran into some issue not sure how to set the filters. Would you please help me. I'm not sure how to share the image as I'm new user. I selected, plot, scan and crosses above but I can't find retracement2 and upward
Would you please share the screen shot how to use your script scan? Thank you and much appreciated.

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