Williams’ VIX Fix Indicator for ThinkorSwim

@diazlaz Thanks for posting the code!

I'm wondering if someone knows how to scan for when the vixfix turns grey from yellow? that seems to do well at finding the bottom and the beginning of the next uptrend. Would appreciate it then we could go ahead and backtest. I've only been able to figure out how to scan for when it turns Yellow but that just signifies the beginning of the down trend, rather, I'm looking for the beginning of the next bull run. Would be great, thanks again.
@diazlaz Thanks for posting the code!

I'm wondering if someone knows how to scan for when the vixfix turns grey from yellow? that seems to do well at finding the bottom and the beginning of the next uptrend. Would appreciate it then we could go ahead and backtest. I've only been able to figure out how to scan for when it turns Yellow but that just signifies the beginning of the down trend, rather, I'm looking for the beginning of the next bull run. Would be great, thanks again.
It would seem that the scan is the same for both tops and bottoms.
But when scanning for bottoms, make sure to set :
input plotBottoms = yes; #hint Plot Bottoms if yes or Plots Tops if no.
def wvf = if plotBottoms then ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100 else
((Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd))) * 100;

if set to no, it flips the logic and highlights potential tops.
# VIX_FIX v3 Major Update
# Based on Larry Williams' Vix Fix
# Assembled by BenTen at useThinkScript.com
# Converted from https://www.tradingview.com/script/pJpXG5JH-CM-Williams-Vix-Fix-V3-Ultimate-Filtered-Alerts/
# Video intro: https://vimeopro.com/user32804960/tradingview-indicators/video/115973132

# Discussion: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/williams’-vix-fix-indicator-for-thinkorswim.145/post-5467

input pd = 22;
input bbl = 20;
input mult = 2.0;
input lb = 50;
input ph = 0.85;
input pl = 1.01;

# Downtrend Criterias
input ltLB = 40;
input mtLB = 14;
input str = 3;

# Williams Vix Fix Formula
def wvf = ((highest(close, pd) - low) / (highest(close, pd))) * 100;
def sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, bbl);
def midLine = SimpleMovingAvg(wvf, bbl);
def lowerBand = midLine - sDev;
def upperBand = midLine + sDev;
def rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph;

# Filtered Bar Criteria
def upRange = low > low[1] and close > high[1];
def upRange_Aggr = close > close[1] and close > open[1];
# Filtered Criteria
def filtered = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and(wvf<upperBand and wvf<rangeHigh));
def filtered_Aggr = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]);

# Alerts Criteria
def alert1 = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh;
def alert2 = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh);
def alert3 = upRange and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered;
def alert4 = upRange_Aggr and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered_Aggr;

plot signal1 = alert4;

plot signal2 = alert3;

plot signal3 = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh));

plot signal4 = (wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh);
The blue Arrow Signal #2 doesn't appear for any stocks or futures is there an error with this code? Can someone clarify?
# VIX_FIX v3 Major Update
# Based on Larry Williams' Vix Fix
# Assembled by BenTen at useThinkScript.com
# Converted from https://www.tradingview.com/script/pJpXG5JH-CM-Williams-Vix-Fix-V3-Ultimate-Filtered-Alerts/
# Video intro: https://vimeopro.com/user32804960/tradingview-indicators/video/115973132

# Discussion: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/williams’-vix-fix-indicator-for-thinkorswim.145/post-5467

input pd = 22;
input bbl = 20;
input mult = 2.0;
input lb = 50;
input ph = 0.85;
input pl = 1.01;

# Downtrend Criterias
input ltLB = 40;
input mtLB = 14;
input str = 3;

# Williams Vix Fix Formula
def wvf = ((highest(close, pd) - low) / (highest(close, pd))) * 100;
def sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, bbl);
def midLine = SimpleMovingAvg(wvf, bbl);
def lowerBand = midLine - sDev;
def upperBand = midLine + sDev;
def rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph;

# Filtered Bar Criteria
def upRange = low > low[1] and close > high[1];
def upRange_Aggr = close > close[1] and close > open[1];
# Filtered Criteria
def filtered = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and(wvf<upperBand and wvf<rangeHigh));
def filtered_Aggr = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]);

# Alerts Criteria
def alert1 = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh;
def alert2 = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh);
def alert3 = upRange and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered;
def alert4 = upRange_Aggr and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered_Aggr;

plot signal1 = alert4;

plot signal2 = alert3;

plot signal3 = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh));

plot signal4 = (wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh);

Post #4 has this code for grabbing the tops could someone confirm that this is accurate I had to add a (1) to def wvf1 could you please verify?

This doesn't work
input plotBottoms = no; #hint Plot Bottoms if yes or Plots Tops if no.
def wvf = if plotBottoms then ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100 else
((Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd))) * 100;

This works ??
input plotBottoms = no; #hint Plot Bottoms if yes or Plots Tops if no.
def wvf1 = if plotBottoms then ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100 else
((Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd))) * 100;
The Williams’ VIX Fix indicator helps to measure volatility for individual stocks, similar to how the VIX does for the S&P 500 Index. Williams Vix Fix also includes a 20 Bollinger Bands indicating extremes in the signal line.

Some traders believe the Vix Fix indicator can find market bottoms in all instruments.


thinkScript Code

Rich (BB code):
# V1.0  - 052816 - Dilbert - 1st code cut
# VixFix is a pretty close approximation to the standard VIX or implied volatility.  It can be used on intraday chart aggregations, and on symbols that do not have options.  When VixFIX spikes high it provides some pretty good buy signals.
input OverSold = .1;  # .1 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input OverBought = .01;  # .01 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input LengthVF = 22;
input LengthMA = 20;
declare lower;
def C = close;
def L = low;
plot VixFix = (Highest (C, LengthVF) - L) / (Highest (C, LengthVF)) * 100;
plot OS = OverSold;
plot OB = OverBought;
Alert(VixFix crosses above OverSold, "VixFIX crosses above OverSold", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
#Alert(VixFix > OverSold, "VixFIX > OverSold", Alert.TICK, Sound.Ring);

# BollingerBands code

input ShowBollingerBands = No;
input displace = 0;
input BBlength = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.Simple;

def sDev = stdev(data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);
def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);

def LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
plot LB = if ShowBollingerBands then LowerBand else Double.NaN;
plot UB = if ShowBollingerBands then UpperBand else Double.NaN;

VixFix.AssignValueColor(if VixFix > UpperBand then Color.Green else Color.Red);

input corrLength = 20;
def correlationWith = ImpVolatility();

plot CorrelationIV = correlation(VixFix, correlationWith, corrLength);
addlabel(yes, "Correlation w IV: "+ correlationIV,color.light_gray);

Shareable Link


thinkScript Code (Mobius)

Rich (BB code):
# Williams_Vix_Fix
# Mobius
# Addition of mean for easier reading.
# V01.2016
declare lower;

input n = 22;
plot WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;

plot mean = inertiaAll(WVF);

addCloud(mean, WVF, color.green, color.red);

# End Code Williams Vix Fix

Shareable Link

great indicator i just love it, thank you very much!! a quick question, in this script i think is missing the ORANGE candle, we have the cyan entry, the magenta entry, lime bottom, but we are missing the ORANGE candle entry. can someone check if is just me? thanks in advance
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great indicator i just love it, thank you very much!! a quick question, in this script i think is missing the ORANGE candle, we have the cyan entry, the magenta entry, lime bottom, but we are missing the ORANGE candle entry. can someone check if is just me? thanks in advance
@BenTen could you update us on this
great indicator i just love it, thank you very much!! a quick question, in this script i think is missing the ORANGE candle, we have the cyan entry, the magenta entry, lime bottom, but we are missing the ORANGE candle entry. can someone check if is just me? thanks in advance
@BenTen could you update us on this
There is no "orange candle" in the post @FOTM_8888 referenced.
Post #4 has this code for grabbing the tops could someone confirm that this is accurate I had to add a (1) to def wvf1 could you please verify?
You added the definition for wvf to a script that already had a definition of wvf. Which gave you an error.
Your workaround is valid. By adding wvf1, you avoided the duplicate statement error.
What you should have done:

Replace this:
Rich (BB code):
# Williams Vix Fix Formula
def wvf = ((highest(close, pd) - low) / (highest(close, pd))) * 100;

With this:
Rich (BB code):
# Williams Vix Fix Formula
input plotBottoms = no; #hint Plot Bottoms if yes or Plots Tops if no.
def wvf = if plotBottoms then ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100 else
                              ((Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd))) * 100;
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You added the definition for wvf to a script that already had a definition of wvf. Which gave you an error.
Your workaround is valid. By adding wvf1, you avoided the duplicate statement error.
What you should have done:

Replace this:
Rich (BB code):
# Williams Vix Fix Formula
def wvf = ((highest(close, pd) - low) / (highest(close, pd))) * 100;

With this:
Rich (BB code):
# Williams Vix Fix Formula
input plotBottoms = no; #hint Plot Bottoms if yes or Plots Tops if no.
def wvf = if plotBottoms then ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100 else
                              ((Lowest(close, pd) - high) / (Lowest(close, pd))) * 100;
Great Job.. a quick question.. it is possible create this indicator for a TOP? thanks in advance
Great Job.. a quick question.. it is possible create this indicator for a TOP? thanks in advance
I have played around with this to see if the Code has worked for tops as Post#4 @diazlaz suggested he says it does a great job please post the code ? that you have used the current condition added as you suggested has not resulted in the same setups as buying the dips.

I am trying to make an upper chart label but it fails. What am I missing here? Thanks

input fastLength = 9;
input slowLength = 21;
def fastEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def slowEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

input n = 22;
def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
def mean = inertiaAll(WVF);

def vix_bull = WVF crosses below mean;
def vix_bear = WVF crosses above mean;

AddLabel(yes, "Put", if  fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddLabel(yes, "Call", if fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
I am trying to make an upper chart label but it fails. What am I missing here? Thanks
The inertiaAll function is the problem.
When a length is not provided for this function the plot calculation assumes the length of the chart.
When you attempt to use the inertiaAll function in a label, a watchlist, or a scan there is no 'plot'. So there is no "length of the chart" to assume.

Providing a length for ToS 'full range' functions when they are used in a label, a watchlist, or a scan, 'usually' resolves the issue.
Reading through this thread, the mean length for the inertiaAll that members find favorable seems to be 50 for the daily chart.

You must adjust THESE settings to match your strategy:
input gotarrows = yes ; turn on / off to your preference
input meanlength = 50 ; set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.

EMA VIX Label ver 2.0
FYI: inertiaAll has other problems that will lag with your results.
read more here: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/...-range-lagging-issues-due-to-tos-update.8794/

# EMA VIX Label ver 2.0
# @tradelex20  5/22/2022

input gotarrows = yes ;  # turn on /off  to your preference
input fastLength = 9;
input slowLength = 21;
def fastEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def slowEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

input n = 20;
input meanlength = 50 ;  # set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.  default of 50 works for daily

def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
def mean = inertiaAll(WVF,meanlength);

def vix_bull =  WVF crosses below mean ;
def vix_bear = WVF crosses above mean;
#Charting and Formatting
AddLabel(yes, "Put", if  fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Call", if fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
plot put_arrow = if  gotarrows and fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then low else double.NaN ;
     put_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.blue) ;

plot call_arrow = if gotarrows and fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then high else double.NaN ;
     call_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.magenta) ;

plot scan_bear = fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear  ;
plot scan_bull = fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull  ;
Chart Share Link: http://tos.mx/JWnZmSG Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links

Call Scan: http://tos.mx/00gFlAl
Put Scan: http://tos.mx/QDe6WVs
Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links

providing a length for ToS 'full range' functions
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The inertiaAll function is the problem.
When a length is not provided for this function the plot calculation assumes the length of the chart.
When you attempt to use the inertiaAll function in a label, a watchlist, or a scan there is no 'plot'. So there is no "length of the chart" to assume.

Providing a length for ToS 'full range' functions when they are used in a label, a watchlist, or a scan, 'usually' resolves the issue.
Reading through this thread, the mean length for the inertiaAll that members find favorable seems to be 50 for the daily chart.

You must adjust THESE settings to match your strategy:
input gotarrows = yes ; turn on / off to your preference
input meanlength = 50 ; set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.

EMA VIX Label ver 2.0
FYI: inertiaAll has other problems that will lag with your results.
read more here: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/...-range-lagging-issues-due-to-tos-update.8794/

# EMA VIX Label ver 2.0
# @tradelex20  5/22/2022

input gotarrows = yes ;  # turn on /off  to your preference
input fastLength = 9;
input slowLength = 21;
def fastEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def slowEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

input n = 20;
input meanlength = 50 ;  # set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.  default of 50 works for daily

def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
def mean = inertiaAll(WVF,meanlength);

def vix_bull =  WVF crosses below mean ;
def vix_bear = WVF crosses above mean;
#Charting and Formatting
AddLabel(yes, "Put", if  fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Call", if fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
plot put_arrow = if  gotarrows and fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then low else double.NaN ;
     put_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.blue) ;

plot call_arrow = if gotarrows and fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then high else double.NaN ;
     call_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.magenta) ;

plot scan_bear = fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear  ;
plot scan_bull = fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull  ;
Chart Share Link: http://tos.mx/JWnZmSG Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links

Call Scan: http://tos.mx/00gFlAl
Put Scan: http://tos.mx/QDe6WVs
Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links

providing a length for ToS 'full range' functions
Thanks for the details answer MD. I was interested to use it for intraday scalp strategy but for some reason it is not working on short time intervals like 3min or 5min. I really appreciate your help.
Thanks for the details answer MD. I was interested to use it for intraday scalp strategy but for some reason it is not working on short time intervals like 3min or 5min. I really appreciate your help.
You must adjust THESE settings to match your strategy:
input gotarrows = yes ; turn on / off to your preference
input meanlength= set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.

A VERY RUDIMENTARY review of online VIX scalping strategies suggest a meanlength = 10 ** might be a good place to start refining your length. You need to adjust the meanlength to each aggregation that you trade. The meanlength of 10 on the 5 minute seems to fire a little early and still needs adjusting. This is just an EXAMPLE to illustrate that your study does work on lower timeframes.

If you are able to optimize this to your strategy and you want to give back to the community; come back and report what lengths work best and how you are using it.


**does not constitute trading advice
# EMA VIX Label ver 2.0
# @tradelex20  5/22/2022

input gotarrows = yes ;  # turn on /off  to your preference
input fastLength = 9;
input slowLength = 21;
def fastEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, fastLength);
def slowEMAOne = ExpAverage(close, slowLength);

input n = 20;
input meanlength = 10 ;  # set to the best length for the aggregation that you are using.  default of 50 works for daily

def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
def mean = inertiaAll(WVF,meanlength);

def vix_bull =  WVF crosses below mean ;
def vix_bear = WVF crosses above mean;
#Charting and Formatting
AddLabel(yes, "Put", if  fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Call", if fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
plot put_arrow = if  gotarrows and fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear then low else double.NaN ;
     put_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.blue) ;

plot call_arrow = if gotarrows and fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull then high else double.NaN ;
     call_arrow.SetDefaultColor(color.magenta) ;

plot scan_bear = fastEMAOne < slowEMAOne and vix_bear  ;
plot scan_bull = fastEMAOne > slowEMAOne and vix_bull  ;
I plan on releasing this sometime next week, but @diazlaz was kind enough to port the first version to ThinkorSwim yesterday so I thought it would be fair to share this now, so there is no delay on the development of this indicator.

I recommend watching this video before using the indicator: http://vimeopro.com/user32804960/tradingview-indicators/video/115973132

thinkScript Code

# VIX_FIX v3 Major Update
# Based on Larry Williams' Vix Fix
# Assembled by BenTen at useThinkScript.com
# Converted from https://www.tradingview.com/script/pJpXG5JH-CM-Williams-Vix-Fix-V3-Ultimate-Filtered-Alerts/
# Video intro: https://vimeopro.com/user32804960/tradingview-indicators/video/115973132

# Discussion: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/williams%E2%80%99-vix-fix-indicator-for-thinkorswim.145/post-5467

input pd = 22;
input bbl = 20;
input mult = 2.0;
input lb = 50;
input ph = 0.85;
input pl = 1.01;

# Downtrend Criterias
input ltLB = 40;
input mtLB = 14;
input str = 3;

# Williams Vix Fix Formula
def wvf = ((highest(close, pd) - low) / (highest(close, pd))) * 100;
def sDev = mult * stdev(wvf, bbl);
def midLine = SimpleMovingAvg(wvf, bbl);
def lowerBand = midLine - sDev;
def upperBand = midLine + sDev;
def rangeHigh = (highest(wvf, lb)) * ph;

#  Filtered Bar Criteria
def upRange = low > low[1] and close > high[1];
def upRange_Aggr = close > close[1] and close > open[1];
#  Filtered Criteria
def filtered = ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and(wvf<upperBand and wvf<rangeHigh));
def filtered_Aggr = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]);

# Alerts Criteria
def alert1 = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh;
def alert2 = (wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh);
def alert3 = upRange and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered;
def alert4 = upRange_Aggr and close > close[str] and (close < close[ltLB] or close < close[mtLB]) and filtered_Aggr;

AssignPriceColor(if alert4 then color.magenta else if alert3 then color.orange else if ((wvf[1] >= upperBand[1] or wvf[1] >= rangeHigh[1]) and (wvf < upperBand and wvf < rangeHigh)) then color.cyan else if (wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh) then color.lime else color.white);
When was the last update? could you include date to the script?
@skynetgen Added Vix Fix to 2000t. Starting to look like a clean addition to the setup.

View attachment 6049
Is there a way to scan when WVF1 is true and the bar prints?
seems to be a good bottoming point when it (lime)ends or stops,

#Lime stops buy buy _TV_WILLIAM_VIX_FIX

declare lower;
input pd = 22; #title="LookBack Period Standard Deviation High"
input bbl = 20; #title="Bolinger Band Length"
input mult = 2.0;   # minval=1, maxval=5, title="Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up"
input lb = 50; #title="Look Back Period Percentile High")
input ph = .85; #title="Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
input pl = 1.01; #title="Lowest Percentile - 1.10=90%, 1.05=95%, 1.01=99%")
input hp = {default "No", "Yes"}; #input(false, title="Show High Range - Based on Percentile and LookBack Period?")
input sd = {default "No", "Yes"}; #input(false, title="Show Standard Deviation Line?")
def wvf = ((Highest(close, pd) - low) / (Highest(close, pd))) * 100;
def sDev = mult * StDev(wvf, bbl);
def midLine = SimpleMovingAvg(wvf, bbl);
def lowerBand = midLine - sDev;
def upperBand = midLine + sDev;
def rangeHigh = (Highest(wvf, lb)) * ph;
def rangeLow = (Lowest(wvf, lb)) * pl;

#col = wvf >= upperBand or wvf >= rangeHigh ? lime : gray
#plot(sd and upperBand ? upperBand : na, title="Upper Band", style=line, linewidth = 3, color=aqua)

plot up = upperBand;
up.setHiding(if sd then 0 else 1);

#plot(hp and rangeHigh ? rangeHigh : na, title="Range High Percentile", style=line, linewidth=4, color=orange)
plot rh = rangeHigh;
rh.setHiding(if hp then 0 else 1);
#plot(hp and rangeLow ? rangeLow : na, title="Range High Percentile", style=line, linewidth=4, color=orange)
plot rl = rangeLow;
rl.setHiding(if hp then 0 else 1);
#plot(wvf, title="Williams Vix Fix", style=histogram, linewidth = 4, color=col)
plot wvf1 = wvf * 1;# wvf1 = wvf*-1; upside
wvf1.AssignValueColor(if wvf >= upperBand  or wvf >= rangeHigh then Color.LIME else Color.black);
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I like both the Dilbert and the Mobius models, so I combined them together and changed to a colored histogram, so you can detect each candle better. Cyan and magenta are extreme levels. The very small red bars are good sell signals.


# V1.0  - 052816 - Dilbert - 1st code cut
# VixFix is a pretty close approximation to the standard VIX or implied volatility.  It can be used on intraday chart aggregations, and on symbols that do not have options.  When VixFIX spikes high it provides some pretty good buy signals.
input OverSold = 1.0;  # .1 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input OversoldX = 1.5;  # .01 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input Overbought = 0.05;
input LengthVF = 22;
input LengthMA = 20;
declare lower;
def C = close;
def L = low;
plot VixFix = (Highest (C, LengthVF) - L) / (Highest (C, LengthVF)) * 100;
def OB = overbought;
plot OS = OverSold;
plot OSX = OversoldX;

# BollingerBands code

input ShowBollingerBands = No;
input displace = 0;
input BBlength = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.Simple;

def sDev = stdev(data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);
def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);

def LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
plot LB = if ShowBollingerBands then LowerBand else Double.NaN;
plot UB = if ShowBollingerBands then UpperBand else Double.NaN;

input n = 22;
def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
    # WVF.SetDefaultColor(Color.Cyan);

def mean = inertiaAll(WVF);
    # mean.SetDefaultColor(Color.Gray);

#addCloud(mean, WVF, color.green, color.red);

VixFix.AssignValueColor(if VIXFIX > OSX then color.magenta else if VIXFIX > OS then color.cyan else if VIXFIX < OB then color.red else if VixFix > UpperBand then Color.Green else if WVF > mean and VIXFIX < VIXFIX[1] then color.dark_orange else if WVF > mean then color.dark_red else if WVF < mean then color.dark_green else Color.DARK_GRAY);

#input corrLength = 20;
#def correlationWith = ImpVolatility();

#plot CorrelationIV = correlation(VixFix, correlationWith, corrLength); CorrelationIV.SetDefaultColor(color.light_gray);
#addlabel(yes, "Correlation w IV: "+ correlationIV,color.light_gray);
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I like both the Dilbert and the Mobius models, so I combined them together and changed to a colored histogram, so you can detect each candle better. Cyan and magenta are extreme levels. The very small red bars are good sell signals.

View attachment 24079

# V1.0  - 052816 - Dilbert - 1st code cut
# VixFix is a pretty close approximation to the standard VIX or implied volatility.  It can be used on intraday chart aggregations, and on symbols that do not have options.  When VixFIX spikes high it provides some pretty good buy signals.
input OverSold = 1.0;  # .1 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input OversoldX = 1.5;  # .01 good for SPY 1 day 1 minute chart
input Overbought = 0.05;
input LengthVF = 22;
input LengthMA = 20;
declare lower;
def C = close;
def L = low;
plot VixFix = (Highest (C, LengthVF) - L) / (Highest (C, LengthVF)) * 100;
def OB = overbought;
plot OS = OverSold;
plot OSX = OversoldX;

# BollingerBands code

input ShowBollingerBands = No;
input displace = 0;
input BBlength = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.Simple;

def sDev = stdev(data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);
def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = VixFix[-displace], length = BBlength);

def LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
plot LB = if ShowBollingerBands then LowerBand else Double.NaN;
plot UB = if ShowBollingerBands then UpperBand else Double.NaN;

input n = 22;
def WVF = (Highest (Close, n) - Low) / (Highest(Close, n)) * 100;
    # WVF.SetDefaultColor(Color.Cyan);

def mean = inertiaAll(WVF);
    # mean.SetDefaultColor(Color.Gray);

#addCloud(mean, WVF, color.green, color.red);

VixFix.AssignValueColor(if VIXFIX > OSX then color.magenta else if VIXFIX > OS then color.cyan else if VIXFIX < OB then color.red else if VixFix > UpperBand then Color.Green else if WVF > mean and VIXFIX < VIXFIX[1] then color.dark_orange else if WVF > mean then color.dark_red else if WVF < mean then color.dark_green else Color.DARK_GRAY);

#input corrLength = 20;
#def correlationWith = ImpVolatility();

#plot CorrelationIV = correlation(VixFix, correlationWith, corrLength); CorrelationIV.SetDefaultColor(color.light_gray);
#addlabel(yes, "Correlation w IV: "+ correlationIV,color.light_gray);
Could you add alarm when the 1 is crossed? Tick is my primary but I have time in the background. I like the work on this time frame.
Could you add alarm when the 1 is crossed? Tick is my primary but I have time in the background. I like the work on this time frame.
Add this code to it.

Alert(VixFix crosses above OS, "VixFIX crosses above OverSold", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);

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