Thanks @Joshua - couldn't you just use the SPX change from open, instead, for the weighted piece of the code, and leave the unweighted as-is?
That would help avoid you needing to update the weights every day/week.
What is Blake's Fibonacci?I agree with Joshua,
After watching Peter on his latest video, he is making the graphic fit his narrative. He didn't know the stock was going to follow that line of his it was just a line he drew after the fact. Much like Histograms do. Blake's Fibonacci graphics are a better predictor of direction.
I've tried all kinds of combinations of this graphic and none of them really do anything magical. You base your decision on the fixed percentage you entered that is compared to a market percentage that changes hourly.
This just seems to be a snake oil salesman talking. I have subscribed to Peter and I lost more than I gained in my experience with him.
I think you should just look for the whale bets on something like sweep cast or even TDA trade flash window and bet with them on your favorite stocks. You would do better betting on those directions than with this mumbo jumbo histogram. At least whale better would sway the market into thinking the stock is going to go their way.
Joshua, thank you for your input on this!!I also was experimenting with alternatives using the actual Equal Weight Sector Indexes and the Standard Indexes, so you wouldn't need the weighting tables. The code was a bit ripped up and I had to put it back. I've also cleaned it up for your guys and also changed it to use Script{} in case you want to experiment farther. It takes some time to put all this together.
Anyway, in order for it to “match”, the weighting tables need to be the same as what you're comparing it to. We basically have samples from the video, and the screen shot that strange posted. I set the weights back to what they were in the video for the best match.
Forgive the MSPAINT distortions from lining up the images in the thin gray line
Luckily, strange's post doesn't include any updates to the weighting tables either, so we can still use that as well. He also has the real code I believe, so go ahead and ask him if you have any doubts about my code.
However, its not actually supposed match anymore. Price is a factor in market capitalization, sector weighting is dynamic. You're going to need to go to this page and update them, or else you're dealing with weights that are months out of date. Check it fairly frequently, it changes every day. It actually changes moment to moment in live markets, but this snap shot from yesterday is the closest thing.
(XLP in the script is 5.8)
This part is important; Its also apparently using the close of the first bar to establish the zero line for each day. This is why the first bar always appears to be skipped. This is wrong and it really should be changed to measure from the actual open, but I left it as close because that's the match.
This line:
Should be:
Code:declare lower; script PC { input Sym = "SPY"; def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1; def O = if isFirstBar then close(Sym) else O[1]; def C = close(Sym); plot PC = (C - O) / O; } def cXLK = PC("XLK"); def cXLY = PC("XLY"); def cXLV = PC("XLV"); def cXLF = PC("XLF"); def cXLC = PC("XLC"); def cXLI = PC("XLI"); def cXLP = PC("XLP"); def cXLRE = PC("XLRE"); def cXLE = PC("XLE"); def cXLB = PC("XLB"); def cXLU = PC("XLU"); def wXLK = cXLK * 27.9; def wXLY = cXLY * 11.9; def wXLV = cXLV * 13.4; def wXLF = cXLF * 11.2; def wXLC = cXLC * 11.5; def wXLI = cXLI * 8.2; def wXLP = cXLP * 5.8; def wXLRE = cXLRE * 2.6; def wXLE = cXLE * 2.4; def wXLB = cXLB * 2.6; def wXLU = cXLU * 2.5; def wTotal = wXLK + wXLY + wXLV + wXLF + wXLC + wXLI + wXLP + wXLRE + wXLE + wXLB + wXLU ; def uTotal = cXLK + cXLY + cXLV + cXLF + cXLC + cXLI + cXLP + cXLRE + cXLE + cXLB + cXLU ; plot Histo = wtotal / 11; plot Line = utotal ; Line.setDefaultColor(color.gray); Line.setlineWeight(1); Histo.setpaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); Histo.assignvalueColor(if Histo > Histo[1] then color.plum else color.yellow); Histo.setlineWeight(1); plot z = 0;
Here are the Equal Weights if you want to experiment with those too:
This script seems to work faster than the later versions. Made some changes to adjust the Stocks and Percentages with GUIJoshua, thank you for your input on this!!
Code:declare lower; script PC { # get primary symbol input Sym = "/ESH22"; # onlyu plot during trading hours def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1; # get Opening unless this is the first bar of histogram to be drawn def O = if isFirstBar then open(Sym) else O[1]; # get the close of the symbol def C = close(Sym); # draw the histogram base on Close - Open / Open plot PC = (C - O) / O; } # Ask User input # for 11 stocks input Stock01A = "XLK"; input Stock01_Weight = 27.9;#AAPL input Stock02A = "XLY"; input Stock02_Weight = 11.9;#MSFT input Stock03A = "XLV"; input Stock03_Weight = 13.4; #AMZN input Stock04A = "XLF"; input Stock04_Weight = 11.2; #TSLA input Stock05A = "XLC"; input Stock05_Weight = 11.5; #GOOG input Stock06A = "XLI"; input Stock06_Weight = 8.2; #NVDA input Stock07A = "XLP"; input Stock07_Weight = 5.8; #GOOGL input Stock08A = "XLRE"; input Stock08_Weight = 2.6; #FB input Stock09A = "XLE"; input Stock09_Weight = 2.4; #Broadcom input Stock10A = "XLB"; input Stock10_Weight = 2.6; #CSCO input Stock11A = "XLU"; input Stock11_Weight = 2.5; #COST input StockDIV = 11; # Calculate each stock01_Weight open and close # def cXLK = PC(Stock01A); def cXLY = PC(Stock02A); def cXLV = PC(Stock03A); def cXLF = PC(Stock04A); def cXLC = PC(Stock05A); def cXLI = PC(Stock06A); def cXLP = PC(Stock07A); def cXLRE = PC(Stock08A); def cXLE = PC(Stock09A); def cXLB = PC(Stock10A); def cXLU = PC(Stock11A); # Now take closing value * weighted percentage # def wXLK = cXLK * Stock01_Weight; def wXLY = cXLY * Stock02_Weight; def wXLV = cXLV * Stock03_Weight; def wXLF = cXLF * Stock04_Weight; def wXLC = cXLC * Stock05_Weight; def wXLI = cXLI * Stock06_Weight; def wXLP = cXLP * Stock07_Weight; def wXLRE = cXLRE * Stock08_Weight; def wXLE = cXLE * Stock09_Weight; def wXLB = cXLB * Stock10_Weight; def wXLU = cXLU * Stock11_Weight; # Sum up to get total weighted value # def wTotal = wXLK + wXLY + wXLV + wXLF + wXLC + wXLI + wXLP + wXLRE + wXLE + wXLB + wXLU ; # Sum up to get toal unweighted value # def uTotal = cXLK + cXLY + cXLV + cXLF + cXLC + cXLI + cXLP + cXLRE + cXLE + cXLB + cXLU ; plot Histo = wTotal / StockDIV; plot Line = uTotal ; # draw the histogram first Histo.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); Histo.AssignValueColor(if Histo > Histo[1] then Color.PLUM else Color.YELLOW); Histo.SetLineWeight(1); # draw then unweighted value in light cyan on top of the histogram Line.SetDefaultColor(Color.CYAN); Line.SetLineWeight(2); # draw a center white line as reference plot z = 0;
# # Sources:
# best with 5 mins timeframe.
# concept from
# coded by TWOO
# sector-breakdown
declare lower;
input open_time = 930;
input xlpwt = 6.2; #ConsumerStaples
input xluwt = 2.6; #Utilities
input xlcwt = 9.6; #Communications
input xlfwt = 11.5; #Financials
input xlbwt = 2.6; #Materials
input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials
input xlewt = 3.7; #Energy
input xlrewt = 2.6; #RealEstate
input xlvwt = 13.3; #HealthCare
input xlkwt = 28.1; #InformationTechnology
input xlywt = 11.8; #ConsumerDiscretionary
def SectorCount = 11;
def Scale = 5000;
#SP500 ETF sectors percent change
script PC {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1];
def C = close(Symbol);
plot PctChg = (C - O) / O;
def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK");
def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY");
def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV");
def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF");
def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC");
def xliPctChg = PC("XLI");
def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP");
def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE");
def xlePctChg = PC("XLE");
def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB");
def xluPctChg = PC("XLU");
def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt;
def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt;
def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt;
def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt;
def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt;
def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt;
def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt;
def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt;
def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt;
def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt;
def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt;
def combinedSizing = Scale * (
xlkSizing +
xlvSizing +
xlySizing +
xlfSizing +
xlcSizing +
xliSizing +
xlpSizing +
xleSizing +
xlreSizing +
xlbSizing +
) / SectorCount;
# Weighted_AD
plot Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN;
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW);
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA);
Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher"));
plot zero = 0;
# SPX Non_Weighted_AD
def spxcombinedSizing = Scale *
(xlkPctChg +
xlvPctChg +
xlyPctChg +
xlfPctChg +
xlcPctChg +
xliPctChg +
xlpPctChg +
xlePctChg +
xlrePctChg +
xlbPctChg +
plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ;
# NDX Non_Weighted_AD
def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000;
plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ;
AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE
Script pct {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price;
def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ;
def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ;
def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ;
def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ;
def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ;
def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ;
def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ;
def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ;
def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ;
def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ;
def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ;
AddLabel(if xlk_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, "InfoTech " + xlkwt + "%: " + xlk_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlv_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Healthcare " + xlvwt + "%: " + xlv_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xly_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " ConsDisc " + xlywt + "%: " + xly_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlc_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Comms " + xlcwt + "%: " + xlc_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlf_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Financials " + xlfwt + "%: " + xlf_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xli_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Industrials " + xliwt + "%: " + xli_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlp_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " ConsStaples " + xlpwt + "%: " + xlp_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " RealEstate " + xlrewt + "%: " + xlre_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlb_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Materials " + xlbwt + "%: " + xlb_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xlu_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Utilities " + xluwt + "%: " + xlu_d_pct,
AddLabel(if xle_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Energy " + xlewt + "%: " + xle_d_pct,
Thanks for the update TWOthanks for scripts and input from "Tofu, mrkya253, Stitrader, Joshua " and shadowtrader youtube videos.
updated script to spx weighted-ad-line, SP500 sector green BUBBLE and ndx nonweighed line.
Code:# # Sources: # best with 5 mins timeframe. # concept from # coded by TWOO # # sector-breakdown declare lower; input open_time = 930; input xlpwt = 6.2; #ConsumerStaples input xluwt = 2.6; #Utilities input xlcwt = 9.6; #Communications input xlfwt = 11.5; #Financials input xlbwt = 2.6; #Materials input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials input xlewt = 3.7; #Energy input xlrewt = 2.6; #RealEstate input xlvwt = 13.3; #HealthCare input xlkwt = 28.1; #InformationTechnology input xlywt = 11.8; #ConsumerDiscretionary def SectorCount = 11; def Scale = 5000; #SP500 ETF sectors percent change script PC { input Symbol = "SPX"; def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1; def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1]; def C = close(Symbol); plot PctChg = (C - O) / O; } def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK"); def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY"); def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV"); def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF"); def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC"); def xliPctChg = PC("XLI"); def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP"); def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE"); def xlePctChg = PC("XLE"); def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB"); def xluPctChg = PC("XLU"); def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt; def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt; def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt; def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt; def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt; def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt; def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt; def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt; def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt; def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt; def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt; def combinedSizing = Scale * ( xlkSizing + xlvSizing + xlySizing + xlfSizing + xlcSizing + xliSizing + xlpSizing + xleSizing + xlreSizing + xlbSizing + xluSizing ) / SectorCount; # Weighted_AD plot Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN; Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW); Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA); Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher")); Weighted_AD.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM); #Zeroline plot zero = 0; zero.SetDefaultColor(Color.GRAY); zero.HideBubble(); zero.HideTitle(); # SPX Non_Weighted_AD def spxcombinedSizing = Scale * (xlkPctChg + xlvPctChg + xlyPctChg + xlfPctChg + xlcPctChg + xliPctChg + xlpPctChg + xlePctChg + xlrePctChg + xlbPctChg + xluPctChg); plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ; Non_Weighted_AD.SetDefaultColor(Color.WHITE); Non_Weighted_AD.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.LINE); # NDX Non_Weighted_AD def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000; plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ; Non_Weighted_NDX.SetDefaultColor(Color.CYAN); Non_Weighted_NDX.SetLineWeight(1); Non_Weighted_NDX.Hide(); Non_Weighted_NDX.HideBubble(); Non_Weighted_NDX.HideTitle(); AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH); #SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE Script pct { input Symbol = "SPX"; def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY; def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod); def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod); plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price; } def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ; def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ; def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ; def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ; def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ; def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ; def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ; def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ; def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ; def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ; def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ; AddLabel(if xlk_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, "InfoTech " + xlkwt + "%: " + xlk_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlv_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Healthcare " + xlvwt + "%: " + xlv_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xly_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " ConsDisc " + xlywt + "%: " + xly_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlc_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Comms " + xlcwt + "%: " + xlc_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlf_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Financials " + xlfwt + "%: " + xlf_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xli_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Industrials " + xliwt + "%: " + xli_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlp_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " ConsStaples " + xlpwt + "%: " + xlp_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " RealEstate " + xlrewt + "%: " + xlre_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlb_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Materials " + xlbwt + "%: " + xlb_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xlu_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Utilities " + xluwt + "%: " + xlu_d_pct, Color.GREEN); AddLabel(if xle_d_pct > 0 then 1 else 0, " Energy " + xlewt + "%: " + xle_d_pct, Color.GREEN);
@strange Can you please share the final script you have? TIAThanks to all!! I put twoo's script (love NDX line add) and used ion's tweek for bubble color. I made this all display in upper chart with $adspd as line chart for visual ease. After comparing to the weekend video I'm pleased with the outcome. Thanks again!
# # Sources:
# best with 5 mins timeframe.
# concept from
# coded by TWOO
# sector-breakdown
declare lower;
input open_time = 930;
input xlpwt = 6.2; #ConsumerStaples
input xluwt = 2.6; #Utilities
input xlcwt = 9.6; #Communications
input xlfwt = 11.5; #Financials
input xlbwt = 2.6; #Materials
input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials
input xlewt = 3.7; #Energy
input xlrewt = 2.6; #RealEstate
input xlvwt = 13.3; #HealthCare
input xlkwt = 28.1; #InformationTechnology
input xlywt = 11.8; #ConsumerDiscretionary
def SectorCount = 11;
def Scale = 5000;
#SP500 ETF sectors percent change
script PC {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1];
def C = close(Symbol);
plot PctChg = (C - O) / O;
def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK");
def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY");
def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV");
def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF");
def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC");
def xliPctChg = PC("XLI");
def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP");
def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE");
def xlePctChg = PC("XLE");
def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB");
def xluPctChg = PC("XLU");
def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt;
def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt;
def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt;
def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt;
def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt;
def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt;
def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt;
def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt;
def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt;
def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt;
def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt;
def combinedSizing = Scale * (
xlkSizing +
xlvSizing +
xlySizing +
xlfSizing +
xlcSizing +
xliSizing +
xlpSizing +
xleSizing +
xlreSizing +
xlbSizing +
) / SectorCount;
# Weighted_AD
plot Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN;
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW);
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA);
Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher"));
plot zero = 0;
# SPX Non_Weighted_AD
def spxcombinedSizing = Scale *
(xlkPctChg +
xlvPctChg +
xlyPctChg +
xlfPctChg +
xlcPctChg +
xliPctChg +
xlpPctChg +
xlePctChg +
xlrePctChg +
xlbPctChg +
plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ;
# NDX Non_Weighted_AD
def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000;
plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ;
AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE
Script pct {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price;
def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ;
def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ;
def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ;
def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ;
def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ;
def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ;
def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ;
def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ;
def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ;
def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ;
def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ;
AddLabel(yes, "InfoTech 29.2%: " + XLK_d_pct, (if xlk_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlk_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Healthcare 13.3%: " + XLV_d_pct, (if xlv_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlv_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsDisc 12.5%: " + XLY_d_pct, (if xly_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xly_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Comms 10.2%: " + XLC_d_pct, (if xlc_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlc_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Financials 10.7%: " + XLF_d_pct, (if xlf_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlf_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Industrials 7.8%: " + XLI_d_pct,(if xli_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xli_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsStaples 5.9%: " + XLP_d_pct, (if xlp_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlp_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "RealEstate 2.8%: " + XLRE_d_pct,(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlre_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Materials 2.6%: " + XLB_d_pct, (if xlb_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlb_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Utilities 2.5%: " + XLU_d_pct, (if xlu_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlu_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Energy 2.7%: " + XLE_d_pct,(if xle_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xle_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));plot Data = close
# # Sources:
# best with 5 mins timeframe.
# concept from
# coded by TWOO
# sector-breakdown
declare lower;
input open_time = 930;
input xlpwt = 6.8; #ConsumerStaples
input xluwt = 2.9; #Utilities
input xlcwt = 8.6; #Communications
input xlfwt = 11.0; #Financials
input xlbwt = 2.8; #Materials
input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials
input xlewt = 4.2; #Energy
input xlrewt = 2.9; #RealEstate
input xlvwt = 14.2; #HealthCare
input xlkwt = 27.2; #InformationTechnology
input xlywt = 11.5; #ConsumerDiscretionary
def SectorCount = 11;
def Scale = 5000;
#SP500 ETF sectors percent change
script PC {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1];
def C = close(Symbol);
plot PctChg = (C - O) / O;
def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK");
def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY");
def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV");
def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF");
def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC");
def xliPctChg = PC("XLI");
def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP");
def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE");
def xlePctChg = PC("XLE");
def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB");
def xluPctChg = PC("XLU");
def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt;
def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt;
def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt;
def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt;
def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt;
def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt;
def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt;
def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt;
def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt;
def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt;
def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt;
def combinedSizing = Scale * (
xlkSizing +
xlvSizing +
xlySizing +
xlfSizing +
xlcSizing +
xliSizing +
xlpSizing +
xleSizing +
xlreSizing +
xlbSizing +
) / SectorCount;
# Weighted_AD
plot Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN;
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW);
Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA);
Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher"));
plot zero = 0;
# SPX Non_Weighted_AD
def spxcombinedSizing = Scale *
(xlkPctChg +
xlvPctChg +
xlyPctChg +
xlfPctChg +
xlcPctChg +
xliPctChg +
xlpPctChg +
xlePctChg +
xlrePctChg +
xlbPctChg +
plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ;
# NDX Non_Weighted_AD
def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000;
plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ;
AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE
Script pct {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price;
def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ;
def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ;
def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ;
def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ;
def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ;
def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ;
def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ;
def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ;
def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ;
def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ;
def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ;
AddLabel(yes, "InfoTech 27.2%: " + XLK_d_pct, (if xlk_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlk_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Healthcare 14.2%: " + XLV_d_pct, (if xlv_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlv_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsDisc 11.5: " + XLY_d_pct, (if xly_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xly_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Comms 8.6%: " + XLC_d_pct, (if xlc_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlc_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Financials 11.0%: " + XLF_d_pct, (if xlf_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlf_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Industrials 8.0%: " + XLI_d_pct,(if xli_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xli_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsStaples 6.8%: " + XLP_d_pct, (if xlp_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlp_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "RealEstate 2.9%: " + XLRE_d_pct,(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlre_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Materials 2.8%: " + XLB_d_pct, (if xlb_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlb_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Utilities 2.9%: " + XLU_d_pct, (if xlu_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlu_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Energy 4.2%: " + XLE_d_pct,(if xle_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xle_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
# # Sources:
# best with 5 mins timeframe.
# concept from
# coded by TWOO
# sector-breakdown
# modified by CWPARKER23
declare lower;
input open_time = 930;
DEF displace = 0;
input length = 12;
input xlpwt = 6.8; #ConsumerStaples
input xluwt = 2.9; #Utilities
input xlcwt = 8.6; #Communications
input xlfwt = 11.0; #Financials
input xlbwt = 2.8; #Materials
input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials
input xlewt = 4.2; #Energy
input xlrewt = 2.9; #RealEstate
input xlvwt = 14.2; #HealthCare
input xlkwt = 27.2; #InformationTechnology
input xlywt = 11.5; #ConsumerDiscretionary
def SectorCount = 11;
def Scale = 5000;
#SP500 ETF sectors percent change
script PC {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1];
def C = close(Symbol);
plot PctChg = (C - O) / O;
def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK");
def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY");
def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV");
def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF");
def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC");
def xliPctChg = PC("XLI");
def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP");
def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE");
def xlePctChg = PC("XLE");
def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB");
def xluPctChg = PC("XLU");
def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt;
def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt;
def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt;
def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt;
def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt;
def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt;
def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt;
def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt;
def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt;
def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt;
def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt;
def combinedSizing = Scale * (
xlkSizing +
xlvSizing +
xlySizing +
xlfSizing +
xlcSizing +
xliSizing +
xlpSizing +
xleSizing +
xlreSizing +
xlbSizing +
) / SectorCount;
# Weighted_AD
DEF Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN;
#Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW);
#Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA);
#Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher"));
plot LowerBand = Lowest(Weighted_AD[-displace + 1], length);
plot UpperBand = Highest(Weighted_AD[-displace + 1], length);
PLOT MID = (UPPERBand + LOWErBand)/2;
plot Diff_Weighted_AD = Weighted_AD;
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Negative and Up",;
Diff_Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Diff_Weighted_AD >= 0 then if Diff_Weighted_AD > Diff_Weighted_AD[1] then Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Positive and Up") else Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Positive and Down") else if Diff_Weighted_AD < Diff_Weighted_AD[1] then Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Negative and Down") else Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Negative and Up"));
plot zero = 0;
# SPX Non_Weighted_AD
def spxcombinedSizing = Scale *
(xlkPctChg +
xlvPctChg +
xlyPctChg +
xlfPctChg +
xlcPctChg +
xliPctChg +
xlpPctChg +
xlePctChg +
xlrePctChg +
xlbPctChg +
plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.cyan);
AddCloud(Non_Weighted_AD, zero , globalColor("Bullish"), globalColor("Bearish"));
# NDX Non_Weighted_AD
def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000;
plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ;
def na = double.NaN ;
def isbulldiv = if (weighted_AD - weighted_AD[1] )>0 and (LOW[1] - LOW)>0 then 1 else 0;
def isbeardiv = if (weighted_AD[1] - weighted_AD )>0 and (HIGH - HIGH[1])>0 then 1 else 0;
DEF PositveDivergence = if
isbulldiv > 0 then
non_Weighted_AD else na;
plot PD = if PositveDivergence IS TRUE then non_Weighted_AD else Double.NaN;
DEF NegativeDivergence = if
isbeardiv > 0 then
non_Weighted_AD else na;
plot ND = if NEGativeDivergence IS TRUE then non_Weighted_AD else Double.NaN;
AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE
Script pct {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price;
def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ;
def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ;
def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ;
def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ;
def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ;
def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ;
def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ;
def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ;
def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ;
def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ;
def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ;
AddLabel(yes, "InfoTech 27.2%: " + XLK_d_pct, (if xlk_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlk_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Healthcare 14.2%: " + XLV_d_pct, (if xlv_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlv_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsDisc 11.5: " + XLY_d_pct, (if xly_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xly_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Comms 8.6%: " + XLC_d_pct, (if xlc_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlc_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Financials 11.0%: " + XLF_d_pct, (if xlf_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlf_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Industrials 8.0%: " + XLI_d_pct,(if xli_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xli_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsStaples 6.8%: " + XLP_d_pct, (if xlp_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlp_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "RealEstate 2.9%: " + XLRE_d_pct,(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlre_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Materials 2.8%: " + XLB_d_pct, (if xlb_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlb_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Utilities 2.9%: " + XLU_d_pct, (if xlu_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlu_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Energy 4.2%: " + XLE_d_pct,(if xle_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xle_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
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