Volume Price Analysis (VPA) Indicator for ThinkorSwim


input iShowColorBars = yes;
input iShowLabels = yes;
input iUseAvg = no;
input avgType = averageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input volumeLength = 30;

def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;

# Volume
def SV = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
def BV = V * (C - L) / (H - L);

rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeLength, MovingAverage(avgType, v, volumeLength), Double.NaN);

# Spread

rec spread = H - L;
def avgSpread = MovingAverage(avgType,spread, volumeLength)[0];

def VPAvol = if V > (if iUseAvg then avgVolume else V[1]) then 1 else 0;
def VPASpread = if spread > (if iUseAvg then avgSpread else spread[1]) then 1 else 0;

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "Spread: " + if iUseAvg then avgSpread else spread[1], Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (iShowLabels,"Vol: " + Round((if iUseAvg then avgVolume else V[1])* .000001 , 1) + " M",COLOR.LIGHT_GRAY);

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "Buy Vol:" , Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);
AddLabel(iShowLabels,if BV / v >  BV[1] / v[1] then "Increased" else if  BV / v <  BV[1] / v[1] then "Reduced" else "",
if BV / v >  BV[1] / v[1] then Color.Green else if  BV / v <  BV[1] / v[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.Gray);

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "VPA:", Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);

     if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then "HIGH VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD. "
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then "HIGH VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  "LOW VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then "LOW VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then "LOW VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD; ANOMALY; Check Vol! "
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then "HIGH VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD; ANOMALY; Check Vol! "
else "",
     if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then CreateColor(127, 255, 212)        # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.RED          # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  Color.WHITE     # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.DARK_RED   # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then Color.YELLOW                  # BAD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then CreateColor(29,41,81)       # GOOD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else Color.BLACK);

AssignPriceColor( if iShowColorBars then (
if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then CreateColor(127, 255, 212) #GOOD VOLUME,GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.RED          # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  Color.WHITE     # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.DARK_RED   # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then Color.YELLOW                  # BAD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then CreateColor(29,41,81)       # GOOD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else Color.YELLOW) else Color.CURRENT);

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@Chuck Are your having issues w/ the NinjaTrader Volume Price Analysis Labels in post#17?

You will need to be more specific or provide pictures of what issues you are having before anyone will be able to assist.
How do I make my study look like yours ? Thanks.
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The assignment of candle color was incorporated into the labels. There was no coding changes.
If you are experiencing something different, provide a screen grab. Make sure to grab the whole chart so we can see the aggregations, what stock, and all your settings so we can try to replicate your results.
Unsure of how to upload screenshots to the forum, Here are directions.
Candle Color Output

I see the issue. Post #20 screenshot is what I am looking for. However, the code I copy and pasted (multiple attempts) does not print the last portion as we see in #20. I've tried multiple stocks over multiple time frames. Attached link is my output. Also, the share link for the code in Post 17 produces the same result. The issue may be printing of the candle color label may be tied with an action (e.g. Bullish effort to rise etc.) wherein I would like an always running candle color label.
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Candle Color Output

I see the issue. Post #20 screenshot is what I am looking for. However, the code I copy and pasted (multiple attempts) does not print the last portion as we see in #20. I've tried multiple stocks over multiple time frames. Attached link is my output. Also, the share link for the code in Post 17 produces the same result. The issue may be printing of the candle color label may be tied with an action (e.g. Bullish effort to rise etc.) wherein I would like an always running candle color label.
As was stated in post #17, the labels in question do not appear often and then disappear
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input iShowColorBars = yes;
input iShowLabels = yes;
input iUseAvg = no;
input avgType = averageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input volumeLength = 30;

def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;

# Volume
def SV = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
def BV = V * (C - L) / (H - L);

rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeLength, MovingAverage(avgType, v, volumeLength), Double.NaN);

# Spread

rec spread = H - L;
def avgSpread = MovingAverage(avgType,spread, volumeLength)[0];

def VPAvol = if V > (if iUseAvg then avgVolume else V[1]) then 1 else 0;
def VPASpread = if spread > (if iUseAvg then avgSpread else spread[1]) then 1 else 0;

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "Spread: " + if iUseAvg then avgSpread else spread[1], Color.WHITE);
AddLabel (iShowLabels,"Vol: " + Round((if iUseAvg then avgVolume else V[1])* .000001 , 1) + " M",COLOR.LIGHT_GRAY);

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "Buy Vol:" , Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);
AddLabel(iShowLabels,if BV / v >  BV[1] / v[1] then "Increased" else if  BV / v <  BV[1] / v[1] then "Reduced" else "",
if BV / v >  BV[1] / v[1] then Color.Green else if  BV / v <  BV[1] / v[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.Gray);

AddLabel(iShowLabels, "VPA:", Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);

     if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then "HIGH VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD. "
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then "HIGH VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  "LOW VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then "LOW VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD. "
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then "LOW VOLUME, WIDE SPREAD; ANOMALY; Check Vol! "
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then "HIGH VOLUME, NARROW SPREAD; ANOMALY; Check Vol! "
else "",
     if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then CreateColor(127, 255, 212)        # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.RED          # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  Color.WHITE     # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.DARK_RED   # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then Color.YELLOW                  # BAD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then CreateColor(29,41,81)       # GOOD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else Color.BLACK);

AssignPriceColor( if iShowColorBars then (
if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV > SV then CreateColor(127, 255, 212) #GOOD VOLUME,GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.RED          # GOOD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV > SV then  Color.WHITE     # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and !VPASpread and BV < SV then Color.DARK_RED   # BAD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else if !VPAvol and VPASpread then Color.YELLOW                  # BAD VOLUME, GOOD SPREAD
else if VPAvol and !VPASpread then CreateColor(29,41,81)       # GOOD VOLUME, BAD SPREAD
else Color.YELLOW) else Color.CURRENT);


@Binu Thanks for sharing the VBA Label code. Your Chart setup has lot of interesting indicators like Support Resistance and Trend line etc. VolumeBuySell looks interesting too Would you be able to share link to your chart setup ? Thanks in anticipation.
@Binu Thanks for sharing the VBA Label code. Your Chart setup has lot of interesting indicators like Support Resistance and Trend line etc. VolumeBuySell looks interesting too Would you be able to share link to your chart setup ? Thanks in anticipation.
Did you know that clicking on a member's avatar will allow you to see when a member was last seen on the uTS forum? @Binu has not been seen in a while. :(

The Support Resistance looks to be Projection Pivots:
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Man, I was hard at work modifying this thing to my liking before I noticed a premium VPA/VSA premium-locked indicator. So I took a chance and finally went VIP. If this is your thing like mine, it was worth every penny!
I agree - worth every penny! BTW, how did you get Thor Young's book? Amazon has the release date as October 28th.
Hi, im new to this forum. Found this indicator: Would love some help to change the code to the following:

I would like to change the bubbles/info text above price to make all bullish messages GREEN and all bearish messages RED, and like picture, when settings does not meet criteria i want it to be gray like picture below:


# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.
#Displays LABELS only
# @MerryDay 12/2020
# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input colorBars = {default false, true};
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };
DefineGlobalColor("Pre_Cyan", CreateColor(50, 200, 255)) ;
# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = CompoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 40)[0];
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 15)[0];
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 5)[0];

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0;
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
def upThrustBardef = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# reversal likely - blue diamond on top
def reversalLikelyBardef = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top
def isNewConfirmedUpThrustBardef = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrenddef = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrend1def = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar
def supplyTestInUpTrendBardef = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar
def successfulSupplyTestBardef = if successfulSupplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar
def stopVolBardef = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar
def isStrengthConfirmationBardef = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue square at top of bar
def isPseudoUpThrustBardef = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue triangle (down) at top of bar
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmationdef = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar
def weaknessBardef = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar
def strengthInDownTrend2def = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top
def distributionBardef = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test bar - pink square on bottom
def supplyTestBardef = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no demand bar - blue squre on top
def noDemandBardef = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom
def noSupplyBardef = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveUpBardef = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveDownBardef = if effortToMoveDownBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# Trend Text Definitions

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "Very High"
    else if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "High"
    else if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then "Above Average"
    else if (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Less Than Average"
    else if (volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Low      "
    else ""), color.blue);

Plot VolumeBuy = if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then 1 else
                 if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then 1 else
                 if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Spread: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "Wide"
    else if (spread > avgSpread) then "Above Average"
    else "Narrow"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Close: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "Very High"
    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "High"
    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "Mid"
    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "Down"
    else "Very Low"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
    else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness"
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionThree then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then color.dark_orange
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then color.dark_orange
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then Color.GREEN
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then color.blue
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then color.dark_orange
    else if weaknessBar then color.blue
    else if noDemandBar then color.dark_orange
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.GREEN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then color.blue
    else if failedEffortUpMove then color.blue
    else if stopVolBar then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else Color.BLACK);
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Hi, im new to this forum. Found this indicator: Would love some help to change the code to the following:

I would like to change the bubbles/info text above price to make all bullish messages GREEN and all bearish messages RED, and like picture, when settings does not meet criteria i want it to be gray like picture below:


# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.
#Displays LABELS only
# @MerryDay 12/2020
# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input colorBars = {default false, true};
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };
DefineGlobalColor("Pre_Cyan", CreateColor(50, 200, 255)) ;
# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = CompoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 40)[0];
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 15)[0];
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 5)[0];

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0;
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
def upThrustBardef = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# reversal likely - blue diamond on top
def reversalLikelyBardef = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top
def isNewConfirmedUpThrustBardef = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrenddef = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrend1def = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar
def supplyTestInUpTrendBardef = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar
def successfulSupplyTestBardef = if successfulSupplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar
def stopVolBardef = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar
def isStrengthConfirmationBardef = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue square at top of bar
def isPseudoUpThrustBardef = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue triangle (down) at top of bar
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmationdef = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar
def weaknessBardef = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar
def strengthInDownTrend2def = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top
def distributionBardef = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test bar - pink square on bottom
def supplyTestBardef = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no demand bar - blue squre on top
def noDemandBardef = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom
def noSupplyBardef = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveUpBardef = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveDownBardef = if effortToMoveDownBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# Trend Text Definitions

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "Very High"
    else if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "High"
    else if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then "Above Average"
    else if (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Less Than Average"
    else if (volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Low      "
    else ""), color.blue);

Plot VolumeBuy = if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then 1 else
                 if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then 1 else
                 if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Spread: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "Wide"
    else if (spread > avgSpread) then "Above Average"
    else "Narrow"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Close: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "Very High"
    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "High"
    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "Mid"
    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "Down"
    else "Very Low"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
    else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness"
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionThree then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then color.dark_orange
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then color.dark_orange
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then Color.GREEN
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then color.blue
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then color.dark_orange
    else if weaknessBar then color.blue
    else if noDemandBar then color.dark_orange
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.GREEN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then color.blue
    else if failedEffortUpMove then color.blue
    else if stopVolBar then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else Color.BLACK);
You can change the colors to anything. Start with changing every line with "orange" to "gray"

NinjaTrader Volume Price Analysis Labels

I pared down this study so as to just display the labels.
Here is a shared link: https://tos.mx/qglECOy
View attachment 1085

I found this explanation of the VPA labels:


And additionally, I found this listing of the multiple pop-up labels (these labels pop-up momentarily and at times, infrequently):


And if you google: Volume Spread Analysis, you will find more technical information about this indicator than you ever wanted.
# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.
#Displays LABELS only
# @MerryDay 12/2020
# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input colorBars = {default false, true};
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };
DefineGlobalColor("Pre_Cyan", CreateColor(50, 200, 255)) ;
# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = CompoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 40)[0];
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 15)[0];
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 5)[0];

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0;
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
def upThrustBardef = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# reversal likely - blue diamond on top
def reversalLikelyBardef = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top
def isNewConfirmedUpThrustBardef = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrenddef = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrend1def = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar
def supplyTestInUpTrendBardef = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar
def successfulSupplyTestBardef = if successfulSupplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar
def stopVolBardef = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar
def isStrengthConfirmationBardef = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue square at top of bar
def isPseudoUpThrustBardef = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue triangle (down) at top of bar
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmationdef = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar
def weaknessBardef = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar
def strengthInDownTrend2def = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top
def distributionBardef = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test bar - pink square on bottom
def supplyTestBardef = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no demand bar - blue squre on top
def noDemandBardef = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom
def noSupplyBardef = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveUpBardef = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveDownBardef = if effortToMoveDownBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# Trend Text Definitions

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "Very High"
    else if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "High"
    else if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then "Above Average"
    else if (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Less Than Average"
    else if (volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Low      "
    else ""), color.blue);

Plot VolumeBuy = if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then 1 else
                 if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then 1 else
                 if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Spread: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "Wide"
    else if (spread > avgSpread) then "Above Average"
    else "Narrow"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Close: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "Very High"
    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "High"
    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "Mid"
    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "Down"
    else "Very Low"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
    else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness"
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionThree then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then color.dark_orange
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then color.dark_orange
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then Color.GREEN
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then color.blue
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then color.dark_orange
    else if weaknessBar then color.blue
    else if noDemandBar then color.dark_orange
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.GREEN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then color.blue
    else if failedEffortUpMove then color.blue
    else if stopVolBar then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else Color.BLACK);

I assume there was/is no updated version of this? I thought I had seen all the scripts here but apparently, I haven't lol. This looks to be useful.
Last edited:
Hi, im new to this forum. Found this indicator: Would love some help to change the code to the following:

I would like to change the bubbles/info text above price to make all bullish messages GREEN and all bearish messages RED, and like picture, when settings does not meet criteria i want it to be gray like picture below:

View attachment 3650

# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.
#Displays LABELS only
# @MerryDay 12/2020
# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input colorBars = {default false, true};
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };
DefineGlobalColor("Pre_Cyan", CreateColor(50, 200, 255)) ;
# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = CompoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 40)[0];
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 15)[0];
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 5)[0];

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0;
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
def upThrustBardef = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# reversal likely - blue diamond on top
def reversalLikelyBardef = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top
def isNewConfirmedUpThrustBardef = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrenddef = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrend1def = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar
def supplyTestInUpTrendBardef = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar
def successfulSupplyTestBardef = if successfulSupplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar
def stopVolBardef = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar
def isStrengthConfirmationBardef = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue square at top of bar
def isPseudoUpThrustBardef = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue triangle (down) at top of bar
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmationdef = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar
def weaknessBardef = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar
def strengthInDownTrend2def = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top
def distributionBardef = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test bar - pink square on bottom
def supplyTestBardef = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no demand bar - blue squre on top
def noDemandBardef = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom
def noSupplyBardef = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveUpBardef = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveDownBardef = if effortToMoveDownBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# Trend Text Definitions

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "Very High"
    else if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "High"
    else if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then "Above Average"
    else if (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Less Than Average"
    else if (volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Low      "
    else ""), color.blue);

Plot VolumeBuy = if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then 1 else
                 if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then 1 else
                 if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Spread: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "Wide"
    else if (spread > avgSpread) then "Above Average"
    else "Narrow"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Close: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "Very High"
    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "High"
    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "Mid"
    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "Down"
    else "Very Low"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
    else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness"
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionThree then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then color.dark_orange
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then color.dark_orange
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then Color.GREEN
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then color.blue
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then color.dark_orange
    else if weaknessBar then color.blue
    else if noDemandBar then color.dark_orange
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.GREEN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then color.blue
    else if failedEffortUpMove then color.blue
    else if stopVolBar then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else Color.BLACK);
What needs to change in this part of the code to make the labels be Green when Up and Red when down:

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);
What needs to change in this part of the code to make the labels be Green when Up and Red when down:

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

Replace this:
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

With this:
AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Short Term "+
if ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);

AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Mid Term "+
if MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);

AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Long Term "+
if LongTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if LongTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);
Replace this:

With this:
AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Short Term "+
if ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);

AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Mid Term "+
if MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);

AddLabel(yes, "Trend: Long Term "+
if LongTermTrendSlope > 0 then "Up" else "Down",
if LongTermTrendSlope > 0 then color.green else color.red);
This looks like a great indicator. I do have a question: how long are the periods for the "Short Term", "Mid
Term", and the "Long Term"?

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