Volume Price Analysis (VPA) Indicator for ThinkorSwim


Staff member
Here is the Volume Price indicator for ThinkorSwim converted from NinjaTrader's VPA. Since there are several differences between the two platforms, some features and labels might be different. Please read the whole log below before using it.

thinkScript Code

# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.  ToS does not support directional

# triangles and diamonds, so there are some differences.  The triangles are left as is, just

# not pointing a specific direction.  The diamonds have been replaced with circles.

# C_RP Original notes by cbritton are above. Changes made after 20100722 by Richard Paske are marked below by the C_RP comment tag. A few bugs were fixed. More significantly, the color scheme for symbols was changed radically in an attempt to map directional strength to hue based on the ROYGBIV color spectrum. In addition, a symbol's shape and its vertical position above or below a candle now imparts added meaning to it. In general, the strength of a symbol is assigned by its color and shape in that order. In certain circumstances a symbol's vertical offset from its candle's top or bottom strengthens the symbol's meaning. The symbol strength  hierarchy is defined as follows:

# 1. Color: Symbols below candles are assigned strength from weakest to strongest in this order: white (or grey), cyan (blue/green), green. A red symbol under a candle indicates the failure of the symbol attached below the candle immediately preceding it.

# Symbols above candles are assigned strength from weakest to strongest in this order: yellow, orange, red. A green symbol above a candle indicates the failure of a symbol attached above the candle immediately preceding it. A magenta (pinkish purple) square above a candle is a special case indicating Distribution. Another special case for testing purposes as of 20100830 is a white triangle high above a candle indicating a Gravestone Doji.

# Symbols drawn on the middle of a candle are of two types with one variation. A green circle indicates Effort to Move Up on up bars. A magenta (pinkish purple) circle indicates Effort to Move Down on down bars except for red down bars on which magenta displays poorly. In order to be seen easily, yellow circles indicate Effort to Move Down on red down bars.

# 2. Shape: A symbol of a given color is assigned increasing strength according to this hierarchy (from low to high): circle, square, triangle, downward or upward arrow. In certain circumstances two symbols of the same shape and color will be stacked vertically, adding strength through the combined symbols. Occasionally, two different symbols will be stacked vertically because that candle satisfies the criteria for two indications.

# Listed below are the symbols and their meanings. The original symbol chart can be found at the end of this study.

# ___Symbols Below Candles___

# White Square - Test for Supply

# Cyan Circle - No Supply

# Cyan Triangle - Successful Test for Supply

# 2 Cyan Triangles - Successful Test for Supply 2

# Grey Square - Test for Supply in Uptrend

# Green Circle - Stopping Volume

# Cyan Square - Strength in Downtrend

# Green Square - Strength in Downtrend 1

# Green Triangle - Strength in Downtrend 2

# Green UpArrow - Strength Confirmation Bar

# 2 Green UpArrows - Strength Confirmation Bar with High Close

# Red Square - Failed Strength Signal

# ___Symbols in the Middle of Candles___

# Green Circle - Effort to Move Up

# Magenta Circle - Effort to Move Down

# Yellow Circle - Effort to Move Down on Red Down Candles

# ___Symbols Above Candles___

# White Triangle - Gravestone Doji (included as an experiment as of 20100830 to test its usability in the UpThrust category)

# Yellow Triangle - Weakness

# Orange Circle - No Demand

# Orange Square - PseudoUpThrust

# Orange Triangle - PseudoUpThrust Confirmation

# Red Square - UpThrust

# Red Triangle - Confirmed UpThrust Condition 1

# Red DownArrow - Confirmed UpThrust Condition 2 or 3

# Green Square - Failed UpThrust or PseudoUpThrust Confirmation

# Red Circle - Reversal Likely

# Magenta Square - Distribution

# Magenta Triangle - Two or Three Period UpThrust


# C_RP The next two comments are from the original comments by cbritton.

# The NT version used a LinRegSlopeSFX indicator for determining trends. Those have been

# replaced in this ToS version with a call to the built in LinearRegressionSlope indicator.

# Changes made after 20120922 by Glenn Kaler are marked below by the C_GK comment tag.

# C_GK TOS removed AddChartLabel and replaced it with AddLabel. Rationale: Using "Chart" in AddChartLabel was unnecessary since this function only relates to charts.


# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;

input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;

input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;

input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;

input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;

input highCloseFactor = 0.70;

input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;

input GdojiFactor = 0.2; # C_RP

input WickFactor = 0.1; # C_RP

input shortTermLength = 5; #C_RP

input midTermLength = 15; #C_RP

input longTermLength = 40; #C_RP

input hwb = 0.0; #C_RP

input colorBars = {false, default true}; #C_RP

input trendText = {false, default true};

input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };

input alerts = { default false, true };


#C_RP Global Colors

DefineGlobalColor("symbolWhite", color.white);


# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;

def median = (high + low ) / 2;

rec avgVolume = compoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation

rec sAvgVolume =  compoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

def sAvgVolumeSTD = stdev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.

def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information

def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];

rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information

rec isUpBar = close > close[1];

rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.

# C_RP 20100809

# original code - def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def x1 = if (high==low) then 2.0 else if (close == low) then 2.65 else (spread / (close - low));

# C_RP try the line below with various divisors totalSum result in a minimum of 2.3 on a spread of 1 pip instead of using a fixed 2.3 as in the line above

# def x1 = if (high==low) then 2.0 else if (close == low) then (spread / 0.43 ) else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);

def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);

def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);

def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# C_RP 20100809 added isVeryLowCloseBar

def isVeryLowCloseBar = (x1 >= 2.65);

# Trend Definitions

rec fiveDaysSma = compoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);

def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = longTermLength)[0]; # 40

def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = midTermLength)[0]; # 15

def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = shortTermLength)[0]; # 5


#  VSA Definitions


# utbar

rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar &&  ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && middleTermTrendSlope > 0; #C_RP added positive middleTermTrendSlope requirement to filter out upThrusts in trends that are only short term. Consider adding longTermTrendSlope requirement as well.

# utcond1

def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);

# utcond2

def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);

# utcond3

def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);

# scond1

rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne OR upThrustConditionTwo OR upThrustConditionThree);

# scond

rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

# Two Period UpThrust Bar

rec isTwoPerUpT = isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] &&  isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0] && (absValue(open[1] - close[0]) < (GdojiFactor * spread[1])) ;

# Three Period UpThrust Bar

rec isThreePerUpT = isUpBar[2] && isWideSpreadBar[2] &&  isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0] && (absValue(open[2] - close[0]) < (GdojiFactor * spread[2])) ;

#  C_RP 20100816

# rec isGraveDojiBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (open == low) && (close == low); totally strict Gravestone Doji. Revised version below identifies a candle with above average spread, a real body smaller than 20% of the spread, and a lower wick less than 10% of the spread as a Gravestone Doji pictured as a white triangle above the candle.

rec isGraveDojiBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (absValue(open - close) < (GdojiFactor * spread)) &&  ((absValue(close - low) < (WickFactor * spread)) or (absValue(open - low) < (WickFactor * spread))); # less strict Gravestone Doji

rec isHammerBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (absValue(open - close) < (GdojiFactor * spread)) &&  ((absValue(close - high) < (WickFactor * spread)) or (absValue(open - high) < (WickFactor * spread))); # opposite of a less strict Gravestone Doji

#  trbar

def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);


# hutbar

rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# hutcond

def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# C_RP Failed UpThrustConfirmation or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation occurs when the close of bar following such confirmation is not lower than the close of the confirmation bar

rec isFailedUpThrustConfirmation = (isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[1] or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation[1]) && close[0] >= close[1];

# tcbar

def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2

def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);

def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);

def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);

def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend OR strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond

def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# bycond2 C_RP UpClose on higher volume with all slopes down adds extra strength

def isStrengthConfirmationBar2 = (isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar[0] && volume[0] > volume[1] && longtermtrendslope < 0 && bycond1[1]);

# Failed strength in downtrend signal force a follow-up bar that closes below mid-point of confirmaton bar C_RP

def isFailedStrengthSignal = (isStrengthConfirmationBar[1] or isStrengthConfirmationBar2[1] or strengthinDownTrend2[1])&& close[0] <= (close[1] - (spread[1]/2));

# stvol

def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# C_RP stvol at highs - the opposite of stvol

def stopVolBarHighs = high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && (isDownCloseBar OR isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0;

# ndbar, nsbar

def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# C_RP 20100809

# def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isUpCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2

rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);

def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && Low[0] < Low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);

def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);

def successfulSupplyTestBar2 = (successfulsupplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && x1 <= 2 && volume[0] > volume[1]); # C_RP x1 finds Mid and UpCloseBars


# dbar

def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn

def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && Close[0] > Close[1] && Close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] OR upThrustConditionOne OR upThrustConditionTwo OR upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = ( ((high[0] < high[1]) OR (isWideSpreadBar && volume[0] > 1.5 * sAvgVolume[0]))  && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && Close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

#C_RP old code - def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && Close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

def hwbReaction = (hwb != 0.0) ; #C_RP


# set the shapes on the graph

# hwbReaction - cyan arrow on bottom for longs. If input hwb = 0 then hwbReactionis false and plot does not draw.

plot hwbReactionPlot = if hwbReaction then (low - 7 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN; hwbReactionPlot.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP);




# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top

plot upThrustBarPlot = if isUpThrustBar[0] AND !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;






#  C_RP 20100816

# any instance of a Gravestone Doji - white triangle on top

plot GraveDojiBarPlot = if isGraveDojiBar[0] then (high +4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;






#  C_RP 20100816

# any instance of a Gravestone Doji - white triangle on top

plot HammerBarPlot = if isHammerBar[0] then (low -4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;






# C_RP

# Two Period UpThrust Plot - magenta triangle high on top

plot TwoPerUpTPlot = if isTwoPerUpT[0]  then (high + 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;






# C_RP

# Three Period UpThrust Plot - magenta triangle high on top

plot ThreePerUpTPlot = if isThreePerUpT[0]  then (high + 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;






# reversal likely - blue diamond on top C_RP red 6 * ticksize

plot reversalLikelyBarPlot = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 6 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top C_RP for upThrustConditionOne only

plot isNewConfirmedUpThrustBarPlot = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar && upThrustConditionOne then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top C_RP red arrow down at 4 * tickSize for conditions 2 and 3

plot isNewConfirmedUpThrustBarPlot23 = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar && (upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree) then (high + 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom C_RP cyan for weakest strengthInDownTrend

plot strengthInDownTrendPlot = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom C_RP for next-to-weakest strengthInDownTrend

plot strengthInDownTrend1Plot = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar C_RP grey

plot supplyTestInUpTrendBarPlot = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar C_RP cyan

plot successfulSupplyTestBarPlot = if successfulSupplyTestBar or successfulSupplyTestBar2 then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar C_RP cyan double triangle for strong follow-up bar

plot successfulSupplyTestBarPlot2 = if successfulSupplyTestBar2 then (low - 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar

plot stopVolBarPlot = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# stopping volume yellow (diamond) circle at top of bar

plot stopVolBarHighsPlot = if stopVolBarHighs then (high + 7 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# green triangle up at bottom of the bar C_RP Green arrow up 4 * tickSize for strong strength_In_DownTrend

plot isStrengthConfirmationBarPlot = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 4 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# green triangle up at bottom of the bar C_RP Green arrow up 7 * tickSize for strongest strength_In_DownTrend with isUpCloseBar

plot isStrengthConfirmationBarPlot2 = if isStrengthConfirmationBar2 then (low - 7 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# blue square at top of bar  C_RP orange

plot isPseudoUpThrustBarPlot = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# blue triangle (down) at top of bar  C_RP orange

plot pseudoUpThrustConfirmationPlot = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# Failed UpthrustBarPlot Confirmation plots a green square 2 * tickSize above the failed bar C_RP

plot FailedUpThrustConfirmationPlot = if isFailedUpthrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar

plot weaknessBarPlot = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar C_RP green triangle for next-to-strongest strengthInDownTrend

plot strengthInDownTrend2Plot = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;


strengthInDownTrend2Plot.SetDefaultColor(Color.green); # ????



# Failed strength in downtrend signal plots red square at candle's bottom. Under rare conditions a strengthinDownTrend2 green triangle can be overwritten by a successfulsupplyTest cyan triangle below the previous bar. If the bar following the cyan triangle is a FailedStrengthSignal a red square will be plotted on the following bar which is a desirable artifact of this coincidence. C_RP

plot failedstrengthsignalPlot = if isfailedstrengthsignal then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top C_RP magenta

plot distributionBarPlot = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;


distributionBarPlot.SetDefaultColor (Color.magenta);



# supply test bar - pink square on bottom C_RP white

plot supplyTestBarPlot = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# no demand bar - blue squre on top C_RP orange circle

plot noDemandBarPlot = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;





# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom C_RP turquoise

plot noSupplyBarPlot = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * tickSize()) else Double.NAN;


noSupplyBarPlot.SetDefaultColor (Color.cyan);



# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar C_RP green

plot effortToMoveUpBarPlot = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NAN;


effortToMoveUpBarPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 0));



# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar C_RP for all except red bars the circle's color is magenta

plot effortToMoveDownBarPlot = if effortToMoveDownBar && !(shortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && longTermTrendSlope < 0) then (median) else Double.NAN;





# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar C_RP yellow circle for  Red bars

plot effortToMoveDownBarPlotYel = if effortToMoveDownBar && shortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && longtermtrendslope < 0 then (median) else Double.NAN;






# Candle definitions

AssignPriceColor( if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then CreateColor(0, 255, 0) # UUU Green

else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Createcolor(153,255,102) # UUD Lime Green

else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Createcolor(153,255,255) # UDD Light Cyan

else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Color.red # DDD Red

else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then color.yellow # DUU Yellow

else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then color.orange # DDU Orange

else if colorBars then createcolor(153,153,153) else Color.CURRENT); # all other combinations are Light Gray


# Trend Text Definitions

# C_RP 20100722 edited by Richard Paske to shorten text

# C_RP some colors changed to match symbols with text backgrounds

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "VH"

    else if Volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "H"

    else if (Volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then ">Avg"

    else if (Volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && Volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "<Avg"

    else if (Volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "L"

    else ""), Color.white);

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Spr: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "W"

    else if (spread > avgSpread) then ">Avg"

    else "N"), Color.white);

# C_RP 20100809 added isVeryLowCloseBar and changed execution order so that both Verys and Mid execute first

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Cls: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "VH"

    else if (isVeryLowCloseBar) then "VL"

else if (isMidCloseBar) then "M"

    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "H"

    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "D"

    else "NC"), Color.white);

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Trd: ", concat("St-", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U"

    else "D")), Color.white);

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Mt-", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U" else "D"), Color.white);

AddLabel(trendText, concat("Lt-", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U" else "D"), Color.white);


# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "Weakness on UpThrust" #C_RP Red Square

    else if upThrustConditionOne then "Weakness confirmed on Downbar after UpThrust" #C_RP Red Triangle

    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "Weakness confirmed on High-volume Downbar after UpThrust" #C_RP Red DownArrow

    else if upThrustConditionThree then "Weakness confirmed on High-volume UpThrust" #C_RP Red DownArrow

else if isTwoPerUpT then "Weakness on 2-period UpThrust" #C_RP Magenta Triangle

else if isThreePerUpT then "Weakness on 3-period UpThrust" #C_RP Magenta Triangle

    else if isGraveDojiBar then "Reversal possible on Gravestone Doji" #C_RP White Triangle

    else if isHammerBar then "Reversal possible on Hammer Doji" #C_RP White Triangle

  else if strengthInDownTrend then "Strength returning in Downtrend" #C_RP Cyan Square

    else if strengthInDownTrend0  then "Strength returning in long Downtrend" #C_RP Cyan Square

    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength returning on High Volume in Downtrend" #C_RP Green Square

else if strengthInDownTrend2  then "Strength on High-volume UpBar closing on High" #C_RP Green Triangle

    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for Supply" #C_RP White Square

    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "Strength confirmed on UpBar closing Near High after Test" #C_RP Cyan Triangle

    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "Strength confirmed on UpBar" #C_RP Green UpArrow

else if isStrengthConfirmationBar2 then "Strength confirmed on UpBar closing Near High" #C_RP Two Green UpArrows

else if isfailedstrengthsignal then "Bearish on Failed Strength Confirmation in downtrend" #C_RP Red Square

    else if distributionBar then "Distribution on High-volume UpBar closing Down in Uptrend" #C_RP Magenta Square

    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Weakness on Pseudo-UpThrust." #C_RP Orange Square

    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "Weakness confirmed on DownBar closing Down after PseudoUpThrust" #C_RP Orange Triangle

else if isFailedUpthrustConfirmation then "Less Bearish on Failed UpThrust Confirmation" #C_RP Green Square

    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for Supply in Uptrend" #C_RP Gray Square

    else if weaknessBar then "Weakness on High-volume DownBar after High-volume UpMove" #C_RP Yellow Triangle

    else if noDemandBar then "Weakness on No Demand" #C_RP Orange Circle

    else if noSupplyBar then "Strength on No Supply" #C_RP Cyan Circle

    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Bullish on Effort-to-Rise" #C_RP Green Circle on middle of Bar

    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Bearish on Effort-to-Fall" #C_RP Magenta or Yellow Circle on middle of Bar

    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Bearish on Failed Effort-to-Rise" #C_RP no symbol for this indication

    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping Volume at Lows indicates Downtrend end likely" #C_RP Green Circle

    else if stopVolBarHighs then "Stopping Volume at Highs indicates Uptrend end likely" #C_RP Yellow Circle

    else "",

  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.Red

    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.red

    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.red

    else if upThrustConditionThree then Color.red

    else if isTwoPerUpT then Color.magenta

    else if isThreePerUpT then Color.magenta

    else if isGraveDojiBar or isHammerBar then CreateColor(255,255,255)

    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.green

    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.cyan

    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.cyan

else if isFailedStrengthSignal then Color.red

    else if supplyTestBar[0] then globalColor("symbolWhite")

    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then CreateColor(102,255,0)

    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.Green

    else if distributionBar then Color.magenta

    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then (CreateColor(255,102,102))

    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (CreateColor(255,102,102))

else if isFailedUpThrustConfirmation then (Color.green)

    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then CreateColor(153,153,153)

    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then Color.green

    else if weaknessBar then Color.Yellow

    else if noDemandBar then CreateColor(255,102,102)

    else if noSupplyBar then Color.cyan

    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then CreateColor(0, 255,0)

    else if effortToMoveDownBar then Color.magenta

    else if failedEffortUpMove then Color.Blue

    else if stopVolBar then Color.green

    else if stopVolBarHighs then Color.yellow

    else Color.black);


# Alerts

alert(if alerts and (isUpThrustBar[0]

     or upThrustConditionOne

     or (upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne)

     or upThrustConditionThree

     or strengthInDownTrend1

     or (strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend)

     or (strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1)

     or supplyTestBar[0]

     or successfulSupplyTestBar[0]

     or isStrengthConfirmationBar

     or distributionBar

     or isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]

     or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation

     or supplyTestInUpTrendBar

     or strengthInDownTrend2

     or weaknessBar

     or noDemandBar

     or noSupplyBar

     or effortToMoveUpBar[0]

     or effortToMoveDownBar

     or failedEffortUpMove

     or stopVolBar) then 1 else 0, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."

    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."

    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."

    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness."

    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "

    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."

    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."

    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."

    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."

    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."

    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."

    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."

    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."

    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."

    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."

    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."

    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."

    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."

    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."

    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."

    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."

    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."

    else "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

# Red Square           - UpThrust bar.

# Blue Diamond         - Reversal possible, yesterday was high volume wide spread up bar, but

#                        today we reached 10 days high with low close wide spread down bar.

# Red Triangle Down    - UpThrust confirmation.

# Lime Square          - Strength bar (either strength is showing in down trend or a supply

#                        test in up trend).

# Yellow Triangle Up   - An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength.

# Lime Diamond         - Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing

#                        /OR/ No supply.

# Lime Triangle Up     - The previous bar saw strength coming back, This upbar confirms strength.

# Blue Square          - Psuedo UpThrust, A Sign of Weakness /OR/ A High Volume Up Bar closing

#                        down in a uptrend shows Distribution /OR/ No Demand.

# Blue Triangle Down   - A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness.

# Yellow Triangle Down - High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness.

# Aqua Triangle Up     - High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength (in short

#                        term down trend).

# Deep Pink Square     - Test for supply.

# Turquoise Diamond    - Effort to Rise. Bullish sign.

# Yellow Diamond       - Effort to Fall. Bearish sign.

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Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

hey, does anyone know how to reduce it so it puts out less signals? what factors to change. only looking for red and green signals, reversal's basically, ideally volume profile fluctuations. volume anomolies
I second that request. Can anyone modify the code and only keep the red/green reversal signals?
@Afghan1 and @zeek Below is a modified VSA study. While the original Labels remain as is, I've reduced the chart signals to Red and Green as requested...


# VSA Modification
# original source: https://futures.io/thinkorswim-programming/3477-vsa-volume-spread-analysis-thinkorswim.html
# modified by: netarchitech
# 10.21.2019

# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.  TOS does not support directional
# triangles and diamonds, so there are some differences.  The triangles are left as is, just
# not pointing a specific direction.  The diamonds have been replaced with circles.

# C_RP Original notes by cbritton are above. Changes made after 20100722 by Richard Paske
# are marked below by the C_RP comment tag. A few bugs were fixed. More significantly, the color
# scheme for symbols was changed radically in an attempt to map directional strength to hue based
# on the ROYGBIV color spectrum. In addition, a symbol's shape and its vertical position above or
# below a candle now imparts added meaning to it. In general, the strength of a symbol is assigned
# by its color and shape in that order. In certain circumstances a symbol's vertical offset from
# its candle's top or bottom strengthens the symbol's meaning.


# C_RP The next two comments are from the original comments by cbritton.
# The NT version used a LinRegSlopeSFX indicator for determining trends. Those have been
# replaced in this TOS version with a call to the built in LinearRegressionSlope indicator.

# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input GdojiFactor = 0.2; # C_RP
input WickFactor = 0.1; # C_RP
input shortTermLength = 5; #C_RP
input midTermLength = 15; #C_RP
input longTermLength = 40; #C_RP
input hwb = 0.0; #C_RP
# input colorBars = {false, default true}; #C_RP
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };

#C_RP Global Colors
DefineGlobalColor("symbolWhite", Color.WHITE);

# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = compoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  compoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the volume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
# C_RP 20100809
# original code - def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));
def x1 = if (high == low) then 2.0 else if (close == low) then 2.65 else (spread / (close - low));
# C_RP try the line below with various divisors totalSum result in a minimum of 2.3 on a spread of 1 pip instead of using a fixed 2.3 as in the line above
# def x1 = if (high==low) then 2.0 else if (close == low) then (spread / 0.43 ) else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);
# C_RP 20100809 added isVeryLowCloseBar
def isVeryLowCloseBar = (x1 >= 2.65);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = compoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = longTermLength)[0]; # 40
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = midTermLength)[0]; # 15
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = shortTermLength)[0]; # 5

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar &&  ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0; #C_RP added positive middleTermTrendSlope requirement to filter out upThrusts in trends that are only short term. Consider adding longTermTrendSlope requirement as well.
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

# Two Period UpThrust Bar
rec isTwoPerUpT = isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] &&  isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0] && (AbsValue(open[1] - close[0]) < (GdojiFactor * spread[1])) ;

# Three Period UpThrust Bar
rec isThreePerUpT = isUpBar[2] && isWideSpreadBar[2] &&  isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0] && (AbsValue(open[2] - close[0]) < (GdojiFactor * spread[2])) ;

#  C_RP 20100816
# rec isGraveDojiBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (open == low) && (close == low); totally strict Gravestone Doji. Revised version below identifies a candle with above average spread, a real body smaller than 20% of the spread, and a lower wick less than 10% of the spread as a Gravestone Doji pictured as a white triangle above the candle.

rec isGraveDojiBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (AbsValue(open - close) < (GdojiFactor * spread)) &&  ((AbsValue(close - low) < (WickFactor * spread)) or (AbsValue(open - low) < (WickFactor * spread))); # less strict Gravestone Doji

rec isHammerBar = (spread > avgSpread) && (AbsValue(open - close) < (GdojiFactor * spread)) &&  ((AbsValue(close - high) < (WickFactor * spread)) or (AbsValue(open - high) < (WickFactor * spread))); # opposite of a less strict Gravestone Doji

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# C_RP Failed UpThrustConfirmation or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation occurs when the close of bar following such confirmation is not lower than the close of the confirmation bar

rec isFailedUpThrustConfirmation = (isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[1] or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation[1]) && close[0] >= close[1];

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# bycond2 C_RP UpClose on higher volume with all slopes down adds extra strength
def isStrengthConfirmationBar2 = (isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar[0] && volume[0] > volume[1] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0 && bycond1[1]);

# Failed strength in downtrend signal force a follow-up bar that closes below mid-point of confirmaton bar C_RP

def isFailedStrengthSignal = (isStrengthConfirmationBar[1] or isStrengthConfirmationBar2[1] or strengthInDownTrend2[1]) && close[0] <= (close[1] - (spread[1] / 2));

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# C_RP stvol at highs - the opposite of stvol
def stopVolBarHighs = high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
# C_RP 20100809
# def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isUpCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);

def successfulSupplyTestBar2 = (successfulSupplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && x1 <= 2 && volume[0] > volume[1]); # C_RP x1 finds Mid and UpCloseBars
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = ( ((high[0] < high[1]) or (isWideSpreadBar && volume[0] > 1.5 * sAvgVolume[0]))  && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

#C_RP old code - def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && Close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

def hwbReaction = (hwb != 0.0) ; #C_RP

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
plot upThrustBarPlot = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top C_RP for upThrustConditionOne only
plot isNewConfirmedUpThrustBarPlot = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar && upThrustConditionOne then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top C_RP red arrow down at 4 * tickSize for conditions 2 and 3
plot isNewConfirmedUpThrustBarPlot23 = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar && (upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree) then (high + 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - green square on bottom C_RP for next-to-weakest strengthInDownTrend
plot strengthInDownTrend1Plot = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar C_RP Green arrow up 4 * tickSize for strong strength_In_DownTrend
plot isStrengthConfirmationBarPlot = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar C_RP Green arrow up 7 * tickSize for strongest strength_In_DownTrend with isUpCloseBar
plot isStrengthConfirmationBarPlot2 = if isStrengthConfirmationBar2 then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# Failed UpthrustBarPlot Confirmation plots a green square 2 * tickSize above the failed bar C_RP
plot FailedUpThrustConfirmationPlot = if isFailedUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# Failed strength in downtrend signal plots red square at candle's bottom. Under rare conditions a strengthinDownTrend2 green triangle can be overwritten by a successfulsupplyTest cyan triangle below the previous bar. If the bar following the cyan triangle is a FailedStrengthSignal a red square will be plotted on the following bar which is a desirable artifact of this coincidence. C_RP
plot failedstrengthsignalPlot = if isFailedStrengthSignal then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - red circle in the median of the bar
plot effortToMoveUpBarPlot = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;
effortToMoveUpBarPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

# effort to move down - green circle in the median of the bar
plot effortToMoveDownBarPlot = if effortToMoveDownBar && !(ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0) then (median) else Double.NaN;
effortToMoveDownBarPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 0));

# effort to move down - green circle in the median of the bar
plot effortToMoveDownBarPlotYel = if effortToMoveDownBar && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0 then (median) else Double.NaN;
effortToMoveDownBarPlotYel.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 0));

# Candle definitions

# AssignPriceColor( if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then CreateColor(0, 255, 0) # UUU Green
# else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Createcolor(153,255,102) # UUD Lime Green
# else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope > 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Createcolor(153,255,255) # UDD Light Cyan
# else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope < 0 then Color.red # DDD Red
# else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then color.yellow # DUU Yellow
# else if colorBars and shortTermTrendSlope < 0 and MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 and longtermtrendslope > 0 then color.orange # DDU Orange
# else if colorBars then createcolor(153,153,153) else Color.CURRENT); # all other combinations are Light Gray

# Trend Text Definitions
# C_RP 20100722 edited by Richard Paske to shorten text
# C_RP some colors changed to match symbols with text backgrounds

#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "VH"
#    else if Volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "H"
#    else if (Volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then ">Avg"
#    else if (Volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && Volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "<Avg"
#    else if (Volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "L"
#    else ""), Color.white);
#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Spr: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "W"
#    else if (spread > avgSpread) then ">Avg"
#    else "N"), Color.white);

# C_RP 20100809 added isVeryLowCloseBar and changed execution order so that both Verys and Mid execute first
#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Cls: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "VH"
#    else if (isVeryLowCloseBar) then "VL"
#    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "M"
#    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "H"
#    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "D"
#    else "NC"), Color.white);

#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Trd: ", concat("St-", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U" else "D")), Color.white);

#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Mt-", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U" else "D"), Color.white);

#AddChartLabel(trendText, concat("Lt-", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "U" else "D"), Color.white);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "Weakness on UpThrust" #C_RP Red Square
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "Weakness confirmed on Downbar after UpThrust" #C_RP Red Triangle
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "Weakness confirmed on High-volume Downbar after UpThrust" #C_RP Red DownArrow
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "Weakness confirmed on High-volume UpThrust" #C_RP Red DownArrow
    else if isTwoPerUpT then "Weakness on 2-period UpThrust" #C_RP Magenta Triangle
    else if isThreePerUpT then "Weakness on 3-period UpThrust" #C_RP Magenta Triangle
    else if isGraveDojiBar then "Reversal possible on Gravestone Doji" #C_RP White Triangle
    else if isHammerBar then "Reversal possible on Hammer Doji" #C_RP White Triangle
    else if strengthInDownTrend then "Strength returning in Downtrend" #C_RP Cyan Square
    else if strengthInDownTrend0  then "Strength returning in long Downtrend" #C_RP Cyan Square
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength returning on High Volume in Downtrend" #C_RP Green Square
    else if strengthInDownTrend2  then "Strength on High-volume UpBar closing on High" #C_RP Green Triangle
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for Supply" #C_RP White Square
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "Strength confirmed on UpBar closing Near High after Test" #C_RP Cyan Triangle
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "Strength confirmed on UpBar" #C_RP Green UpArrow
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar2 then "Strength confirmed on UpBar closing Near High" #C_RP Two Green UpArrows
    else if isFailedStrengthSignal then "Bearish on Failed Strength Confirmation in downtrend" #C_RP Red Square
    else if distributionBar then "Distribution on High-volume UpBar closing Down in Uptrend" #C_RP Magenta Square
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Weakness on Pseudo-UpThrust." #C_RP Orange Square
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "Weakness confirmed on DownBar closing Down after PseudoUpThrust" #C_RP Orange Triangle
    else if isFailedUpThrustConfirmation then "Less Bearish on Failed UpThrust Confirmation" #C_RP Green Square
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for Supply in Uptrend" #C_RP Gray Square
    else if weaknessBar then "Weakness on High-volume DownBar after High-volume UpMove" #C_RP Yellow Triangle
    else if noDemandBar then "Weakness on No Demand" #C_RP Orange Circle
    else if noSupplyBar then "Strength on No Supply" #C_RP Cyan Circle
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Bullish on Effort-to-Rise" #C_RP Green Circle on middle of Bar
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Bearish on Effort-to-Fall" #C_RP Magenta or Yellow Circle on middle of Bar
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Bearish on Failed Effort-to-Rise" #C_RP no symbol for this indication
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping Volume at Lows indicates Downtrend end likely" #C_RP Green Circle
    else if stopVolBarHighs then "Stopping Volume at Highs indicates Uptrend end likely" #C_RP Yellow Circle
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionThree then Color.RED
    else if isTwoPerUpT then Color.MAGENTA
    else if isThreePerUpT then Color.MAGENTA
    else if isGraveDojiBar or isHammerBar then CreateColor(255, 255, 255)
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.CYAN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.CYAN
    else if isFailedStrengthSignal then Color.RED
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("symbolWhite")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then CreateColor(102, 255, 0)
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then Color.MAGENTA
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then (CreateColor(255, 102, 102))
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (CreateColor(255, 102, 102))
    else if isFailedUpThrustConfirmation then (Color.GREEN)
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then CreateColor(153, 153, 153)
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then Color.GREEN
    else if weaknessBar then Color.YELLOW
    else if noDemandBar then CreateColor(255, 102, 102)
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.CYAN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then CreateColor(0, 255, 0)
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then Color.MAGENTA
    else if failedEffortUpMove then Color.BLUE
    else if stopVolBar then Color.GREEN
    else if stopVolBarHighs then Color.YELLOW
    else Color.BLACK);

# Alerts

Alert(if alerts and (isUpThrustBar[0]
     or upThrustConditionOne
     or (upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne)
     or upThrustConditionThree
     or strengthInDownTrend1
     or (strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend)
     or (strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1)
     or supplyTestBar[0]
     or successfulSupplyTestBar[0]
     or isStrengthConfirmationBar
     or distributionBar
     or isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]
     or pseudoUpThrustConfirmation
     or supplyTestInUpTrendBar
     or strengthInDownTrend2
     or weaknessBar
     or noDemandBar
     or noSupplyBar
     or effortToMoveUpBar[0]
     or effortToMoveDownBar
     or failedEffortUpMove
     or stopVolBar) then 1 else 0, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness."
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

Hope this helps...

Good Luck and Good Trading :)
I'm using the Volume Price Analysis indicator, which paints a bunch of different symbols and colors above and below the candles. I was wondering if there is a way to move a symbol up or down in proximity to the candle. I guess it would be something like and "offset" command. I also use a trigger type indicator and I would like to move its symbols (arrows) further away from the candle so there will be less clutter. I'm not a programmer, but I can make basic changes when I have an example. Thanks!
@Charles I believe you use "space". Something like;
Input space = .5
Then you need to apply it to the plot as - or + space input.
Sorry never used it so cannot explain it very well.
@Charles Let's run through some very simple examples with a very simple condition.
Let's assume we want to to plot a WHITE dot under the candle whenever the bar closes LOWER than the previous bar
Here's a quick study to do that.

plot downBar = if close < close[1] then low else Double.NaN;
AssignPriceColor(if close > close[1] then Color.Green else if close < close[1] then Color.Red else Color.Yellow);

Now if the white dots are so close to the bar and you want to move it lower down, you can do this very easily with a small adjustment
Here's the modified code to do that

input factor = 0.996;
plot downBar = if close < close[1] then factor * low else Double.NaN;
AssignPriceColor(if close > close[1] then Color.Green else if close < close[1] then Color.Red else Color.Yellow);

Now load that study and see the dots plot lower. If it is now low enough for you, then adjust the value of the variable factor.
I believe this was what @horserider was conveying to you in the previous message
Mobius did a Thrust bar study. Not sure it is the same but you can look at it.
# Thrust Bars
# Mobius
# Plots Volume and True Range in the same scale. When price expands accompanied by higher volume a trend is typically ending or beginning. Defult ThrustLimit excludes 99% of bars. Plotting only the most recent of the top 1%.

input n = 20;
input ThrustLimit = .99; #hint ThrustLimit: Percentile of bar to exclude.

def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def v = volume;
def x = barNumber();
def TR = TrueRange(h, c, l);
def TRh = highest(TR, n);
def TRl = lowest(TR, n);
def TRm = (TR - TRl) / (TRh - TRl);
def Vh = highest(v, n);
def Vl = lowest(v, n);
def Vm = (v - Vl) / (Vh - Vl);
def T_Bar = if TRm >= ThrustLimit and
               Vm >= ThrustLimit
            then x
            else double.nan;
def T_h = if !isNaN(T_Bar)
          then h
          else T_h[1];
def T_l = if !isNaN(T_Bar)
          then l
          else t_l[1];
plot ThrustBar_h = if x >= HighestAll(T_Bar)
                   then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                   then T_h
                                   else double.nan)
                   else double.nan;
plot ThrustBar_l = if x >= HighestAll(T_Bar)
                   then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                   then T_l
                                   else double.nan)
                   else double.nan;
AddCloud(ThrustBar_l, ThrustBar_h, color.dark_gray, color.dark_gray);
# End Code
so I just imported the code but nothing came up. its like its not even there. Any idea why?

NVM......Im just an *****, lmao

@netarchitech i know this may be sorta knit picky but is there a way you can code the color of the signals from red and green to magenta and orange?? TIA

also, my labels are not coming up as well!
Last edited by a moderator:
@stockscouter87 You can change the color of the plots in the plot settings. There are quite a few plots so go thru them one by one till you find the one you want to change. If you're talking about the volume definition labels then those only show up if the current candle fulfills one of the conditions.
Volume alone doesn't tell much, I have had more losers than winners using this indicator, something is missing from this indicator, something important, just can't put my finger on it , yet!!!!!!!
Volume alone doesn't tell much, I have had more losers than winners using this indicator, something is missing from this indicator, something important, just can't put my finger on it , yet!!!!!!!
you can never go on just volume. just because volume is going up dosent mean price is going up. Maybe the company just got news that their credit rating was cat so investors felt like it was to much risk..........so out of the 1 million shares traded 745000 was selling. Volume is a good indicator, you just have to incorporate more into your strategy!
@Saylarr Volume drives price. The NinjaTrader VPA tells the story of what the volume is doing That story can be combined w/ almost any strategy as confirmation. You need to spend a lot of time w/ this indicator to see which of its many signals sync up w/ your strategy.

NinjaTrader Volume Price Analysis Labels

I pared down this study so as to just display the labels.
Here is a shared link: https://tos.mx/qglECOy

I found this explanation of the VPA labels:


And additionally, I found this listing of the multiple pop-up labels (these labels pop-up momentarily and at times, infrequently):


And if you google: Volume Spread Analysis, you will find more technical information about this indicator than you ever wanted.
# This is a conversion of the NinjaTrader VPA indicator.
#Displays LABELS only
# @MerryDay 12/2020 
# Arguments

input volumeEMALength = 30;
input narrowSpreadFactor = 0.7;
input wideSpreadFactor = 1.5;
input aboveAvgVolfactor = 1.5;
input ultraHighVolfactor = 2;
input highCloseFactor = 0.70;
input lowCloseFactor = 0.25;
input colorBars = {default false, true};
input trendText = {false, default true};
input volumeDefinitions = { false, default true };
input alerts = { default false, true };
DefineGlobalColor("Pre_Cyan", CreateColor(50, 200, 255)) ;
# Calculations

rec spread = high - low;
def median = (high + low ) / 2;
rec avgVolume = CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, ExpAverage(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);

# Calculate Volume moving average and it's standard deviation
rec sAvgVolume =  CompoundValue(volumeEMALength, Average(volume, volumeEMALength), Double.NaN);
def sAvgVolumeSTD = StDev(sAvgVolume, volumeEMALength);

# check if the vloume has been decreasing in the past two days.
def isTwoDaysLowVol = (volume < volume[1] && volume[0] < volume[2]);

# Calculate Range information
def avgSpread = WildersAverage(spread, volumeEMALength)[0];
rec isWideSpreadBar = (spread > (wideSpreadFactor * avgSpread));
rec isNarrowSpreadBar = (spread < (narrowSpreadFactor * avgSpread));

# Price information
rec isUpBar = close > close[1];
rec isDownBar = close < close[1];

# Check if the close is in the Highs/Lows/Middle of the bar.
def x1 = if (close == low) then avgSpread else (spread / (close - low));

def isUpCloseBar = (x1 < 2);
def isDownCloseBar = (x1 > 2);
def isMidCloseBar = (x1 < 2.2 && x1 > 1.8);
def isVeryHighCloseBar = (x1 < 1.35);

# Trend Definitions
rec fiveDaysSma = CompoundValue(5, Average(close, 5)[0], Double.NaN);
def LongTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 40)[0];
def MiddleTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 15)[0];
def ShortTermTrendSlope = LinearRegressionSlope(price = fiveDaysSma, length = 5)[0];

#  VSA Definitions
# utbar
rec isUpThrustBar = isWideSpreadBar && isDownCloseBar && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0;
# utcond1
def upThrustConditionOne = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar);
# utcond2
def upThrustConditionTwo = (isUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && volume > volume[1]);
# utcond3
def upThrustConditionThree = (isUpThrustBar[0] && volume > 2 * sAvgVolume[0]);
# scond1
rec isConfirmedUpThrustBar = (upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree);
# scond
rec isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar = (isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[1]);

#  trbar
def reversalLikelyBar = (volume[1] > sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[1] && isWideSpreadBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && isWideSpreadBar[0] && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && high == Highest(high, 10)[0]);
# hutbar
rec isPseudoUpThrustBar = (isUpBar[1] && (volume[1] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0]) && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);
# hutcond
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmation = (isPseudoUpThrustBar[1] && isDownBar[0] && isDownCloseBar && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# tcbar
def weaknessBar = (isUpBar[1] && high[0] == Highest(high, 5)[0] && isDownBar[0] && (isDownCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && !isWideSpreadBar[0] && !isPseudoUpThrustBar[0]);

# stdn, stdn0, stdn1, stdn2
def strengthInDownTrend =  (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend0 = (volume[0] > volume[1] && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend1 = (volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] * aboveAvgVolfactor) && isDownBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope < 0 && LongTermTrendSlope < 0);
def strengthInDownTrend2 = (volume[1] < sAvgVolume[0] && isUpBar[0] && isVeryHighCloseBar && volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope < 0);

rec bycond1 = (strengthInDownTrend or strengthInDownTrend1);

# bycond
def isStrengthConfirmationBar = (isUpBar[0] && bycond1[1]);

# stvol
def stopVolBar = low[0] == Lowest(low, 5)[0] && (isUpCloseBar or isMidCloseBar) && volume[0] > aboveAvgVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && LongTermTrendSlope < 0;

# ndbar, nsbar
def noDemandBar = (isUpBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);
def noSupplyBar = (isDownBar[0] && isNarrowSpreadBar[0] && isTwoDaysLowVol && isDownCloseBar);

# lvtbar, lvtbar1, lvtbar2
rec supplyTestBar = (isTwoDaysLowVol && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar);
def supplyTestInUpTrendBar = (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && low[0] < low[1] && isUpCloseBar && LongTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && isWideSpreadBar[0]);
def successfulSupplyTestBar = (supplyTestBar[1] && isUpBar[0] && isUpCloseBar);
# dbar
def distributionBar = (volume[0] > ultraHighVolfactor * sAvgVolume[0] && isDownCloseBar && isUpBar[0] && ShortTermTrendSlope > 0 && MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0 && !isConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] && !isUpThrustBar[0]);

# eftup, eftupfl, eftdn
def effortToMoveUpBar = (high[0] > high[1] && low[0] > low[1] && close[0] > close[1] && close[0] >= ((high[0] - low[0]) * highCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);
def failedEffortUpMove = (effortToMoveUpBar[1] && (isUpThrustBar[0] or upThrustConditionOne or upThrustConditionTwo or upThrustConditionThree));

def effortToMoveDownBar = (high[0] < high[1] && low[0] < low[1] && close[0] < close[1] && close[0] <= ((high[0] - low[0]) * lowCloseFactor + low[0]) && spread[0] > avgSpread && volume[0] > volume[1]);

# set the shapes on the graph

# upthurst and NOT confirmed - red square on top
def upThrustBardef = if isUpThrustBar[0] and !isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar[0] then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# reversal likely - blue diamond on top
def reversalLikelyBardef = if reversalLikelyBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# new confirmed upthrust bar - red triangle (down) on top
def isNewConfirmedUpThrustBardef = if isNewConfirmedUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrenddef = if strengthInDownTrend then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# strength in down trend - lime square on bottom
def strengthInDownTrend1def = if strengthInDownTrend1 then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test in up trend - lime square on bottom of the bar
def supplyTestInUpTrendBardef = if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then (low - 4 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# successful test for supply - yellow triangle up on bottom of the bar
def successfulSupplyTestBardef = if successfulSupplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# stopping volume green (diamond) circle at bottom of bar
def stopVolBardef = if stopVolBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# green triangle up at bottom of the bar
def isStrengthConfirmationBardef = if isStrengthConfirmationBar then (low - 7 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue square at top of bar
def isPseudoUpThrustBardef = if isPseudoUpThrustBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# blue triangle (down) at top of bar
def pseudoUpThrustConfirmationdef = if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# yellow triangle (down) at top of bar
def weaknessBardef = if weaknessBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# aqua triangle up at bottom of bar
def strengthInDownTrend2def = if strengthInDownTrend2 then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# distribution at end of uptrend - blue square on top
def distributionBardef = if distributionBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# supply test bar - pink square on bottom
def supplyTestBardef = if supplyTestBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no demand bar - blue squre on top
def noDemandBardef = if noDemandBar then (high + 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# no supply bar - lime diamond on bottom
def noSupplyBardef = if noSupplyBar then (low - 2 * TickSize()) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move up - turquoise diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveUpBardef = if effortToMoveUpBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# effort to move down - yellow diamond in the median of the bar
def effortToMoveDownBardef = if effortToMoveDownBar then (median) else Double.NaN;

# Trend Text Definitions

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Vol: ", if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then "Very High"
    else if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then "High"
    else if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then "Above Average"
    else if (volume[0] < sAvgVolume[0] && volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Less Than Average"
    else if (volume[0] < (sAvgVolume[0] - 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD)) then "Low      "
    else ""), color.blue);

Plot VolumeBuy = if volume > sAvgVolume[0] + 2.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD then 1 else
                 if volume[0] > (sAvgVolume[0] + 1.0 * sAvgVolumeSTD) then 1 else
                 if (volume[0] > sAvgVolume[0]) then 1 else 0 ;
AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Spread: ", if (spread > (avgSpread * 2.0)) then "Wide"
    else if (spread > avgSpread) then "Above Average"
    else "Narrow"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Close: ", if (isVeryHighCloseBar) then "Very High"
    else if (isUpCloseBar) then "High"
    else if (isMidCloseBar) then "Mid"
    else if (isDownCloseBar) then "Down"
    else "Very Low"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Trend: ", Concat("Short Term ", if (ShortTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up"
    else "Down")), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Mid Term ", if (MiddleTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

AddLabel(trendText, Concat("Long Term ", if (LongTermTrendSlope > 0) then "Up" else "Down"), color.blue);

# Volume Bar Definitions

AddLabel(volumeDefinitions, if isUpThrustBar[0] then "An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionOne then "A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then "A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness."
    else if upThrustConditionThree then "This upthrust at very High Volume, Confirms weakness"
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. "
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then "Strength seen returning after a down trend."
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then "Strength seen returning after a long down trend."
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then "Test for supply."
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength."
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength."
    else if distributionBar then "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution."
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then "Psuedo UpThrust.  A Sign of Weakness."
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness."
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength."
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength."
    else if weaknessBar then "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness."
    else if noDemandBar then "No Demand. A sign of Weakness."
    else if noSupplyBar then "No Supply. A sign of Strength."
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign."
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign."
    else if failedEffortUpMove then "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign."
    else if stopVolBar then "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing."
    else "",
  if isUpThrustBar[0] then Color.RED
    else if upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionTwo && !upThrustConditionOne then Color.GREEN
    else if upThrustConditionThree then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend1 then color.dark_orange
    else if strengthInDownTrend0 && !strengthInDownTrend then Color.GREEN
    else if strengthInDownTrend && !strengthInDownTrend1 then Color.GREEN
    else if supplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if successfulSupplyTestBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if isStrengthConfirmationBar then Color.GREEN
    else if distributionBar then color.dark_orange
    else if isPseudoUpThrustBar[0] then Color.GREEN
    else if pseudoUpThrustConfirmation then color.blue
    else if supplyTestInUpTrendBar then color.blue
    else if strengthInDownTrend2 then color.dark_orange
    else if weaknessBar then color.blue
    else if noDemandBar then color.dark_orange
    else if noSupplyBar then Color.GREEN
    else if effortToMoveUpBar[0] then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else if effortToMoveDownBar then color.blue
    else if failedEffortUpMove then color.blue
    else if stopVolBar then GlobalColor("Pre_Cyan")
    else Color.BLACK);
Last edited:
@Chuckie I didn't write the original code. The VPA is a Richard Wyckoff conception and the code was actualized by Tom Williams. Perhaps researching their writings will provide you w/ what you are looking for.
@Chuck Are your having issues w/ the NinjaTrader Volume Price Analysis Labels in post#17?

You will need to be more specific or provide pictures of what issues you are having before anyone will be able to assist.
Last edited:

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What are the benefits of VIP Membership?
VIP members get exclusive access to these proven and tested premium indicators: Buy the Dip, Advanced Market Moves 2.0, Take Profit, and Volatility Trading Range. In addition, VIP members get access to over 50 VIP-only custom indicators, add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private Discord channel to discuss trades and strategies in real-time, customer support, trade alerts, and much more. Learn all about VIP membership here.
How can I access the premium indicators?
To access the premium indicators, which are plug and play ready, sign up for VIP membership here.