I would like to submit the following chart study code for intraday stock stats. I feel that this will be very helpful to investors as they can see the vital stock stats on the chart. Please pass this on! The code is attached below this.
I would like to submit the following chart study code for intraday stock stats. I feel that this will be very helpful to investors as they can see the vital stock stats on the chart. Please pass this on! The code is attached below this.
#Current Price
Addlabel (1, "Price: " + close, color.CYAN);
#Percent Change from yesterday close
def AP = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def Priorclose = close(period = AP)[1];
def PctChange = (close - Priorclose) / Priorclose;
def PC1 = Round(PctChange,3);
Addlabel(1, "Ch: " + AsPercent(PC1), if PctChange > 0 then Createcolor(238,210,238) else Color.LIGHT_RED);
#Prior Close
Addlabel (1, "YC: " + Round(Priorclose,2), color.LIGHT_GREEN);
#Open price
def open1 = open(period = AP);
Addlabel (1, "O: " + Round(open1,2), createcolor(254,216,177));
#High of Day
def high1 = Highest(high(period = AP),1);
Addlabel (1, "Hi: " + Round(high1,2), color.CYAN);
#Low of Day
def low1 = Lowest(low(period = AP),1);
Addlabel (1, "Lo: " + Round(low1,2), createcolor(178,255,102));
#Volume Today
def today = volume(period = "DAY");
def L1 = RoundDown(lg(today),0);
Addlabel (L1 < 5, "Vol: " + today, createcolor(206,177,128));
Addlabel (L1 between 4.5 and 5.5, "Vol: " + Round((today/1000),0) + "K", createcolor(206,177,128));
Addlabel (L1 between 5.5 and 10, "Vol: " + Round((today/1000000),1) + "M", createcolor(206,177,128));
#Change From Open
def CFO = (close / open1)-1;
def CFO1 = Round(CFO,3);
Addlabel(1, "CFO: " + AsPercent(CFO1), if CFO >0 then Createcolor(0,255,128) else createcolor(255,153,153));
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