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I don't think we can do this in tosI don’t know how to do that
I would like to give this a try but dont know where to add it in a codesI was thinking “ if LongEntry[1] and high >= LongEntryLine then LongEntryLine else double.nan; that would be accurate because you should get that long entry line well in advance and I don’t think it goes away once there. Haven’t tried it though. Busy today.
It would be in the buy order. You would have to change the existing trigger and change the other line to ShortEntry and ShortEntryLine for the sell short portion.I would like to give this a try but dont know where to add it in a codes
if LongEntry[1] and high >= LongEntryLine then LongEntryLine else double.nan;
I don’t think this would affect any drawings. You may check if your drawings are drawn on default or under another user created name.Sorry, must be a TOS issue, some of the charts in the flexible grid are showing drawings and others are not, wasn't sure if a setting was preventing it in a setting. I was thinking around how when alerts happen the entire chart goes red maybe had an impact.
I would recommend to scale in percentage wise for option it moves very fast up and downI'm probably going to try to refine the sell triggers a little better tonight, stay tuned.
I have close to 50 stocks that I watch and am constantly refining. I will sort that throughout the day and find what I think is moving. I then plug those into the flex grid so I can get a quicker look at a glance. If you’ll notice most stocks move together so the outliers are good plays most times.@a1cturner, This is absolutely fantastic. I've only been getting into ThinkScript for a short time and this was exactly what I was looking to build for myself. At least very similar. Thank you for doing all the heavy lifting. I've been back testing this on a number of equities and futures with really great results. I do have a few questions.... You have a flex grid of 16 stocks and I was wondering 1) How you had settled on those for the grid and do you swap them with any others? 2) What others have you tried, and have you seen many that fail this strategy? 3) Any recommendations in terms of what you look for in expanding this list of 16, i.e. float, rel. volume, ect.?
It would be great if we could but I doubt it’s possible without tick by tick data from ToSCan we back test trail stop with percentage
If we put sell with 1% stop how many will trigger
Can you give some pictures or how you did the OXY 68 trade today ?. I don't know how to trade option using your strategy. ThanksVersion 10.4 is posted in Post #1 along with the updated link. No changes made to flex grid or watchlist indicator.
I honestly couldn't tell you exactly what I changed but I edited the sell signals to eliminate most of the "false" sell signals. (sell signals followed by a continuation of the trend). This will help you stay in much longer and you can now be confident that a sell signal is valid once the candle is closed. I traded OXY 68 Puts today from 1300 - 1500 for a nearly 200% gain. Worked out great.
Review the bottom of Post# 1 with step by step instructions. See if that helps.Can you give some pictures or how you did the OXY 68 trade today ?. I don't know how to trade option using your strategy. Thanks
Specifically on the options chart when the price crosses above the EMA it is a sign of strength. Same rules though. Don’t buy when it’s extended from the EMA. Don’t let it confuse you.So you buy option when it crosses above 5 ema
Usually i wait to go down 5 ema
I sow baba trending down today , i let it go
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