SPX Trading Strategy for ThinkorSwim

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Updated...Win rate is improved dramatically for recent trades, but 6mo backtest is still around 60%.

side note: @babouin77 may I kindly ask you to keep the header comments and credits in place when you are making modifications. It's difficult to keep track of modifications when there is no revision history.

# SPX Strategy
# Strategy designed by Hypoluxa
# barbaros - v1 - 2021/02/25
# barbaros - v2 - 2021/02/25 - added warning arrows, alerts, statistics and non SPX trading option
# barbaros - v3 - 2021/02/26 - added SMA plots, chart type, and price plot
# barbaros - v4 - 2021/03/02 - added trade time limit and do not cross before start time

# Setup
# 10 Min chart
# Heikin Ashi candles
# SMA 3/9
# MACD Bollinger Bands (the one Ben has posted on here a while back) 8,16,36 and uncheck "show plot" on the BB upper, BB lower and BB mid line. You will only be using the zero line, MACD dots and MACD Line for entry purposes. The inputs of "b length" and "bb num dev" are irrelevant here since you will remove the the plots that I mentioned.
# ErgodicOsc 2,10,36 (changed the default negative to red)

# Option call logic:
# 1. The SMA's have to cross first.
# 2. For a call opportunity, you will then wait to see if the MACD dots cross above the MACD zero line. Its critical here to wait until one dot has cleared the zero line...you MUST see a gap....never enter with the dot on the line. Dots must be consistent as well...if its going up...then they must all be white...if a red dot populates between the time a white dot hits the zero line and the time one crosses clear....don't enter. I have a screenshot below showing this example - 13:00 a red dot appears.
# 3. The ErgodicOsc HAS to be green when the MACD dot crosses above the zero line. You can hold the trade most of the time until this turns from green to red....but I always set a sell limit just in case it whips back in the opposite direction.

# Option put logic:
# Obviously its the complete opposite of what I've described above for a call. BUT - the SMA's still have to cross first.

# Note:
# Historical price action testing shows that if the MACDBB crosses zerobase before 9:40 EST, do not take the trade. Also, there might be too much choppiness after 15:00 EST.

declare upper;

input price = close;
input SMAFastLength = 3;
input SMASlowLength = 9;
input BBlength = 30;
input BBNum_Dev = 0.8;
input BBCrossInBars = 3;
input BBCrossDistance = 1.0;
input MACDfastLength = 8;
input MACDslowLength = 16;
input MACDLength = 36;
input ERGODICLongLength = 2;
input ERGODICShortLength = 10;
input ERGODICSignalLength = 36;
input ERGODICAverageType = {"SIMPLE", default "EXPONENTIAL", "WEIGHTED", "WILDERS", "HULL"};
input ShowWarnArrows = no;
input ShowStatistics = no;
input ProfitDelta = 1.0;
input LimitTime = yes;
input StartTime = 940;
input EndTime = 1500;
input DoNotCrossBeforeStart = yes;
input AllowNonSPX = no;

# Check for 10min chart
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN, "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetSymbol() == "SPX", "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");

def MACD_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDfastLength, slowLength = MACDslowLength, MACDLength = MACDLength);
def MACD_Direction = if MACD_Data > MACD_Data[1] then 1 else -1;

# Ergodic
def Ergodic_Data = ErgodicOsc("long length" = ERGODICLongLength, "short length" = ERGODICShortLength, "signal length" = ERGODICSignalLength, "average type" = ERGODICAverageType).ErgodicOsc;

# SMAs
def SMA_Fast = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMAFastLength);
def SMA_Slow = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMASlowLength);

# Time Limit
def isTradeTime = if LimitTime then SecondsFromTime(StartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(EndTime) >= 0 else yes;
def isNotCrossBeforeStart = if DoNotCrossBeforeStart and SecondsFromTime(StartTime) == 0 then !((MACD_Data crosses above 0 within 2 bars) or (MACD_Data crosses below 0 within 2 bars)) else yes;

# Signals
def buySignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data >= BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def buyWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data <= -BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;

# Plots
plot buy = buySignal and !buySignal[1];

plot buyWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then buyWarnSignal and !buyWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot sell = sellSignal and !sellSignal[1];

plot sellWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then sellWarnSignal and !sellWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot lastPrice = price;

plot fast = SMA_Fast;

plot slow = SMA_Slow;


# Alerts
Alert(buy, "Buy", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(sell, "Sell", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(buyWarn, "Buy Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(sellWarn, "Sell Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

# PnL
def entryPrice = if (buySignal and !buySignal[1]) or (sellSignal and !sellSignal[1]) then close else entryPrice[1];
def profitTarget = if buySignal and !buySignal[1] then entryPrice + ProfitDelta else if sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then entryPrice - ProfitDelta else profitTarget[1];
def orderDir = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and buySignal and !buySignal[1] then 1
               else if orderDir[1] == 1 and (MACD_Direction != 1 or close crosses above profitTarget) then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then -1
               else if orderDir[1] == -1 and (MACD_Direction != -1 or close crosses below profitTarget) then 0
               else orderDir[1];

def isOrder = if IsNaN(orderDir) then no else orderDir crosses 0;
def orderCount = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then orderCount[1] + 1 else orderCount[1], 0);

def orderWinners = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if orderDir[1] == 1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close >= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
                    else if orderDir[1] == -1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close <= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
            else orderWinners[1];
def winRate = orderWinners / orderCount;

AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "SPX Strategy", Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "" + orderCount + " Trades | " + AsPercent(winRate), if winRate > 0.5 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
Updated...Win rate is improved dramatically for recent trades, but 6mo backtest is still around 60%.

side note: @babouin77 may I kindly ask you to keep the header comments and credits in place when you are making modifications. It's difficult to keep track of modifications when there is no revision history.

# SPX Strategy
# Strategy designed by Hypoluxa
# barbaros - v1 - 2021/02/25
# barbaros - v2 - 2021/02/25 - added warning arrows, alerts, statistics and non SPX trading option
# barbaros - v3 - 2021/02/26 - added SMA plots, chart type, and price plot
# barbaros - v4 - 2021/03/02 - added trade time limit and do not cross before start time

# Setup
# 10 Min chart
# Heikin Ashi candles
# SMA 3/9
# MACD Bollinger Bands (the one Ben has posted on here a while back) 8,16,36 and uncheck "show plot" on the BB upper, BB lower and BB mid line. You will only be using the zero line, MACD dots and MACD Line for entry purposes. The inputs of "b length" and "bb num dev" are irrelevant here since you will remove the the plots that I mentioned.
# ErgodicOsc 2,10,36 (changed the default negative to red)

# Option call logic:
# 1. The SMA's have to cross first.
# 2. For a call opportunity, you will then wait to see if the MACD dots cross above the MACD zero line. Its critical here to wait until one dot has cleared the zero line...you MUST see a gap....never enter with the dot on the line. Dots must be consistent as well...if its going up...then they must all be white...if a red dot populates between the time a white dot hits the zero line and the time one crosses clear....don't enter. I have a screenshot below showing this example - 13:00 a red dot appears.
# 3. The ErgodicOsc HAS to be green when the MACD dot crosses above the zero line. You can hold the trade most of the time until this turns from green to red....but I always set a sell limit just in case it whips back in the opposite direction.

# Option put logic:
# Obviously its the complete opposite of what I've described above for a call. BUT - the SMA's still have to cross first.

# Note:
# Historical price action testing shows that if the MACDBB crosses zerobase before 9:40 EST, do not take the trade. Also, there might be too much choppiness after 15:00 EST.

declare upper;

input price = close;
input SMAFastLength = 3;
input SMASlowLength = 9;
input BBlength = 30;
input BBNum_Dev = 0.8;
input BBCrossInBars = 3;
input BBCrossDistance = 1.0;
input MACDfastLength = 8;
input MACDslowLength = 16;
input MACDLength = 36;
input ERGODICLongLength = 2;
input ERGODICShortLength = 10;
input ERGODICSignalLength = 36;
input ERGODICAverageType = {"SIMPLE", default "EXPONENTIAL", "WEIGHTED", "WILDERS", "HULL"};
input ShowWarnArrows = no;
input ShowStatistics = no;
input ProfitDelta = 1.0;
input LimitTime = yes;
input StartTime = 940;
input EndTime = 1500;
input DoNotCrossBeforeStart = yes;
input AllowNonSPX = no;

# Check for 10min chart
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN, "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetSymbol() == "SPX", "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");

def MACD_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDfastLength, slowLength = MACDslowLength, MACDLength = MACDLength);
def MACD_Direction = if MACD_Data > MACD_Data[1] then 1 else -1;

# Ergodic
def Ergodic_Data = ErgodicOsc("long length" = ERGODICLongLength, "short length" = ERGODICShortLength, "signal length" = ERGODICSignalLength, "average type" = ERGODICAverageType).ErgodicOsc;

# SMAs
def SMA_Fast = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMAFastLength);
def SMA_Slow = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMASlowLength);

# Time Limit
def isTradeTime = if LimitTime then SecondsFromTime(StartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(EndTime) >= 0 else yes;
def isNotCrossBeforeStart = if DoNotCrossBeforeStart and SecondsFromTime(StartTime) == 0 then !((MACD_Data crosses above 0 within 2 bars) or (MACD_Data crosses below 0 within 2 bars)) else yes;

# Signals
def buySignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data >= BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def buyWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data <= -BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;

# Plots
plot buy = buySignal and !buySignal[1];

plot buyWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then buyWarnSignal and !buyWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot sell = sellSignal and !sellSignal[1];

plot sellWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then sellWarnSignal and !sellWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot lastPrice = price;

plot fast = SMA_Fast;

plot slow = SMA_Slow;


# Alerts
Alert(buy, "Buy", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(sell, "Sell", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(buyWarn, "Buy Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(sellWarn, "Sell Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

# PnL
def entryPrice = if (buySignal and !buySignal[1]) or (sellSignal and !sellSignal[1]) then close else entryPrice[1];
def profitTarget = if buySignal and !buySignal[1] then entryPrice + ProfitDelta else if sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then entryPrice - ProfitDelta else profitTarget[1];
def orderDir = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and buySignal and !buySignal[1] then 1
               else if orderDir[1] == 1 and (MACD_Direction != 1 or close crosses above profitTarget) then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then -1
               else if orderDir[1] == -1 and (MACD_Direction != -1 or close crosses below profitTarget) then 0
               else orderDir[1];

def isOrder = if IsNaN(orderDir) then no else orderDir crosses 0;
def orderCount = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then orderCount[1] + 1 else orderCount[1], 0);

def orderWinners = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if orderDir[1] == 1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close >= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
                    else if orderDir[1] == -1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close <= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
            else orderWinners[1];
def winRate = orderWinners / orderCount;

AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "SPX Strategy", Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "" + orderCount + " Trades | " + AsPercent(winRate), if winRate > 0.5 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
sure ... no problem.
Updated...Win rate is improved dramatically for recent trades, but 6mo backtest is still around 60%.

side note: @babouin77 may I kindly ask you to keep the header comments and credits in place when you are making modifications. It's difficult to keep track of modifications when there is no revision history.

# SPX Strategy
# Strategy designed by Hypoluxa
# barbaros - v1 - 2021/02/25
# barbaros - v2 - 2021/02/25 - added warning arrows, alerts, statistics and non SPX trading option
# barbaros - v3 - 2021/02/26 - added SMA plots, chart type, and price plot
# barbaros - v4 - 2021/03/02 - added trade time limit and do not cross before start time

# Setup
# 10 Min chart
# Heikin Ashi candles
# SMA 3/9
# MACD Bollinger Bands (the one Ben has posted on here a while back) 8,16,36 and uncheck "show plot" on the BB upper, BB lower and BB mid line. You will only be using the zero line, MACD dots and MACD Line for entry purposes. The inputs of "b length" and "bb num dev" are irrelevant here since you will remove the the plots that I mentioned.
# ErgodicOsc 2,10,36 (changed the default negative to red)

# Option call logic:
# 1. The SMA's have to cross first.
# 2. For a call opportunity, you will then wait to see if the MACD dots cross above the MACD zero line. Its critical here to wait until one dot has cleared the zero line...you MUST see a gap....never enter with the dot on the line. Dots must be consistent as well...if its going up...then they must all be white...if a red dot populates between the time a white dot hits the zero line and the time one crosses clear....don't enter. I have a screenshot below showing this example - 13:00 a red dot appears.
# 3. The ErgodicOsc HAS to be green when the MACD dot crosses above the zero line. You can hold the trade most of the time until this turns from green to red....but I always set a sell limit just in case it whips back in the opposite direction.

# Option put logic:
# Obviously its the complete opposite of what I've described above for a call. BUT - the SMA's still have to cross first.

# Note:
# Historical price action testing shows that if the MACDBB crosses zerobase before 9:40 EST, do not take the trade. Also, there might be too much choppiness after 15:00 EST.

declare upper;

input price = close;
input SMAFastLength = 3;
input SMASlowLength = 9;
input BBlength = 30;
input BBNum_Dev = 0.8;
input BBCrossInBars = 3;
input BBCrossDistance = 1.0;
input MACDfastLength = 8;
input MACDslowLength = 16;
input MACDLength = 36;
input ERGODICLongLength = 2;
input ERGODICShortLength = 10;
input ERGODICSignalLength = 36;
input ERGODICAverageType = {"SIMPLE", default "EXPONENTIAL", "WEIGHTED", "WILDERS", "HULL"};
input ShowWarnArrows = no;
input ShowStatistics = no;
input ProfitDelta = 1.0;
input LimitTime = yes;
input StartTime = 940;
input EndTime = 1500;
input DoNotCrossBeforeStart = yes;
input AllowNonSPX = no;

# Check for 10min chart
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN, "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");
Assert(AllowNonSPX or GetSymbol() == "SPX", "Incorrect Chart Time, use 10m");

def MACD_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDfastLength, slowLength = MACDslowLength, MACDLength = MACDLength);
def MACD_Direction = if MACD_Data > MACD_Data[1] then 1 else -1;

# Ergodic
def Ergodic_Data = ErgodicOsc("long length" = ERGODICLongLength, "short length" = ERGODICShortLength, "signal length" = ERGODICSignalLength, "average type" = ERGODICAverageType).ErgodicOsc;

# SMAs
def SMA_Fast = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMAFastLength);
def SMA_Slow = SimpleMovingAvg(price, SMASlowLength);

# Time Limit
def isTradeTime = if LimitTime then SecondsFromTime(StartTime) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(EndTime) >= 0 else yes;
def isNotCrossBeforeStart = if DoNotCrossBeforeStart and SecondsFromTime(StartTime) == 0 then !((MACD_Data crosses above 0 within 2 bars) or (MACD_Data crosses below 0 within 2 bars)) else yes;

# Signals
def buySignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data >= BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def buyWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast > SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data > 0 and MACD_Direction == 1 and MACD_Data crosses above 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data <= -BBCrossDistance and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;
def sellWarnSignal = isTradeTime and isNotCrossBeforeStart and SMA_Fast < SMA_Slow and Ergodic_Data < 0 and MACD_Direction == -1 and MACD_Data crosses below 0 within BBCrossInBars bars;

# Plots
plot buy = buySignal and !buySignal[1];

plot buyWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then buyWarnSignal and !buyWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot sell = sellSignal and !sellSignal[1];

plot sellWarn = if ShowWarnArrows then sellWarnSignal and !sellWarnSignal[1] else Double.NaN;

plot lastPrice = price;

plot fast = SMA_Fast;

plot slow = SMA_Slow;


# Alerts
Alert(buy, "Buy", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(sell, "Sell", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ring);
Alert(buyWarn, "Buy Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
Alert(sellWarn, "Sell Warning", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

# PnL
def entryPrice = if (buySignal and !buySignal[1]) or (sellSignal and !sellSignal[1]) then close else entryPrice[1];
def profitTarget = if buySignal and !buySignal[1] then entryPrice + ProfitDelta else if sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then entryPrice - ProfitDelta else profitTarget[1];
def orderDir = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and buySignal and !buySignal[1] then 1
               else if orderDir[1] == 1 and (MACD_Direction != 1 or close crosses above profitTarget) then 0
               else if orderDir[1] == 0 and sellSignal and !sellSignal[1] then -1
               else if orderDir[1] == -1 and (MACD_Direction != -1 or close crosses below profitTarget) then 0
               else orderDir[1];

def isOrder = if IsNaN(orderDir) then no else orderDir crosses 0;
def orderCount = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(isOrder) then 0 else if isOrder then orderCount[1] + 1 else orderCount[1], 0);

def orderWinners = if BarNumber() == 1 then 0
                    else if orderDir[1] == 1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close >= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
                    else if orderDir[1] == -1 and orderDir == 0 then
                        if close <= profitTarget[1] then orderWinners[1] + 1 else orderWinners[1]
            else orderWinners[1];
def winRate = orderWinners / orderCount;

AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "SPX Strategy", Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ShowStatistics, "" + orderCount + " Trades | " + AsPercent(winRate), if winRate > 0.5 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
did it still show the trade from this morning when you did the time limits?
the red dot crossed below at 9:30....not 9:40. Thats why there was a struggle...its best to only get in one if it breaks above or below at 9:40. Look back in time and you'll see what I'm speaking of. Its a rare successful trade if it breaks at 9:30.
Totally agree! I saw the initial cross @ 0930 but did waited until 0940 as per the guidelines you mentioned. Apologies for not being clear on the entry timeline. Just checked the trade log. Actually executed entry @ 0949. Thanks again for all the guidance!!
Yes, ToS internal script times are in EST.
Correct. Here is my chart with latest script. I took the warning arrow for 2pt scalp on /ES.

Totally agree! I saw the initial cross @ 0930 but did waited until 0940 as per the guidelines you mentioned. Apologies for not being clear on the entry timeline. Just checked the trade log. Actually executed entry @ 0949. Thanks again for all the guidance!!
Just so I'm being clear here:
If the dot breaks at 9:30 - I suggest that you do NOT enter the trade at all. I'm not saying wait till 9:40 if it breaks at 9:30.
ONLY enter at your will when it breaks at 9:40 EST
Just so I'm being clear here:
If the dot breaks at 9:30 - I suggest that you do NOT enter the trade at all. I'm not saying wait till 9:40 if it breaks at 9:30.
ONLY enter at your will when it breaks at 9:40 EST
That seems to qualify the 9:40 EST trade as a valid trade? It broke down the zero line at 9:30, then 9:40 continued down...but it reversed 9:50. I thought you were saying that anything that makes a break in the first 10 mins of open should not be considered.
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