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Smart Money Interest Index indicator, designed meticulously by AlgoAlpha to revolutionize the way you trade! This indicator is engineered to decipher the activities of smart money investors relative to the less informed (dumb money) and dynamically display their dominance in the trading landscape through a sophisticated visual index.
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#// Indicator for TOS
#// © AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Smart Money Interest Index [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - ? Smart Money", explicit_plot_zorder = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 04/2024
declare zerobase;
declare lower;
input colorBars = yes;
input IndexPeriod = 25; # "Index Period", minval = 1)
input VolumeFlowPeriod = 14; # "Volume Flow Period", minval = 1)
input NormalizationPeriod = 500; # "Normalization Period", minval = 1)
input HighInteresThreshold = 0.9; #, "High Interes Threshold", minval = 0.01, maxval = 0.99)
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
DefineGlobalColor("green", CreateColor(0,255,187));
DefineGlobalColor("red", CreateColor(100, 0, 0));
#// Positive Volume Index
#// the same on pine
Script f_pvi {
input src = close;
input vol = volume;
def last = isNaN(close);
def nzSrc = if(isNaN(src), 0.0, src);
def nzSrc1 = if(isNaN(src[1]), 0.0, src[1]);
def nzVol = if(isNaN(vol), 0.0, vol);
def nzVol1 = if(isNaN(vol[1]), 0.0, vol[1]);
def ta_pvi;
def prevPvi = if (if(isNaN(ta_pvi[1]), 0.0, ta_pvi[1]) == 0.0) then 1.0 else ta_pvi[1];
if nzSrc == 0.0 or nzSrc1 == 0.0 {
ta_pvi = prevPvi;
} else {
ta_pvi = if nzVol > nzVol1 then prevPvi + ((nzSrc - nzSrc1) / nzSrc1) * prevPvi else prevPvi;
plot f_pvi = if last then Double.NaN else if ta_pvi<=0 then 1 else ta_pvi;
#// Negative Volume Index
Script f_nvi {
input src = close;
input vol = volume;
def last = isNaN(close);
def nzSrc = if(isNaN(src), 0.0, src);
def nzSrc1 = if(isNaN(src[1]), 0.0, src[1]);
def nzVol = if(isNaN(vol), 0.0, vol);
def nzVol1 = if(isNaN(vol[1]), 0.0, vol[1]);
def ta_nvi;
def prevNvi = if (if(isNaN(ta_nvi[1]), 0.0, ta_nvi[1]) == 0.0) then 1.0 else ta_nvi[1];
if nzSrc == 0.0 or nzSrc1 == 0.0 {
ta_nvi = prevNvi;
} else {
ta_nvi = if nzVol < nzVol1 then prevNvi + ((nzSrc - nzSrc1) / nzSrc1) * prevNvi else prevNvi;
plot f_nvi = if last then Double.NaN else if ta_nvi <=0 then 1 else ta_nvi;
def pvi = f_pvi();
def nvi = f_nvi();
def dumb = pvi - ExpAverage(pvi, 255);
def smart = nvi - ExpAverage(nvi, 255);
def drsi = rsi(Price = dumb, Length = VolumeFlowPeriod);
def srsi = rsi(Price = smart, Length = VolumeFlowPeriod);
#//ratio shows if smart money is buying from dumb money selling and vice versa
def r = srsi / drsi;
def sums = sum(r, IndexPeriod);
def peak = highest(sums, NormalizationPeriod);
def index = sums / peak;
def bottom = if last then na else 0;
def top = if last then na else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def thresh = if last then na else HighInteresThreshold;
def SMII = index; # Smart Money Interest Index
def lvl1 = thresh * 3/4;
def lvl2 = thresh / 2;
def lvl3 = thresh / 4;
#-- Cloud and bar color
AddCloud(top, thresh, Color.DARK_ORANGE, Color.DARK_ORANGE, yes);
AddCloud(thresh, SMII, GlobalColor("red")); #, GlobalColor("red"), yes);
AddCloud(lvl1, SMII, GlobalColor("red"));#, GlobalColor("red"), yes);
AddCloud(lvl2, SMII, GlobalColor("red")); #, GlobalColor("red"), yes);
AddCloud(lvl3, SMII, GlobalColor("red")); #, GlobalColor("red"), yes);
AddCloud(SMII, bottom, GlobalColor("green"), GlobalColor("green"), yes);
AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else if SMII > thresh then Color.CYAN else Color.CURRENT);
#-- END of CODE
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