hmmmmm. still can't get AH to work on a daily chart. when you change to daily, it's working properly?
@floydddd not sure what else I can do. It works for me. Maybe someone else can take the code and add the label to confirm.
#Start code
# PM info
def AP = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def Priorclose = close(period = AP)[1];
def PctChange = (close - Priorclose) / Priorclose;
def PMGapUP = Round(close - Priorclose, 2);
def PC1 = Round(PctChange, 2);
AddLabel (1, "PM Gap Up/Down $: " + PMGapUP +" | " + AsPercent(PC1),
if Priorclose < close then color.light_green else CreateColor(255, 153, 153));
AddLabel (1, "Prior Close Price $: " + Round(Priorclose, 2),
if Priorclose < close then color.light_green else CreateColor(255, 153, 153));
# AH info
def close1 = if SecondsFromTime(0930) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(1600) < 0 then close else close1[1];
def change = (close / close1) - 1;
def AH = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def INTclose = close(period = AH);
def AHGapUP = Round(close - INTclose, 2);
def PctChange2= (close - Intclose) / Intclose;
def PC2 = Round(PctChange2, 2);
AddLabel(ah, "AH Gap Up/Down: " + AHGapUP + " | " + AsPercent(PC2), if change < 0 then CreateColor(255, 153, 153) else CreateColor(197, 239, 161));
#End code