Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles For ThinkOrSwim


Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE - with custom color/transparency global options!

Hello all! I made this for myself and thought others might enjoy it as well. It includes options to turn any label or bubble on and off, and change custom colors and transparency (under Globals). Enjoy!



#Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE
#By Wiinii:
#(change color/transparency under Globals)

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel, Concat ("PCL=", Round(low[1])), GlobalColor("PCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel, Concat ("PCH=", Round(high[1])), GlobalColor("PCH_Label"));

#Current Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("CCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("CCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel, Concat ("CCL=", Round(low)), GlobalColor("CCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel, Concat ("CCH=", Round(high)), GlobalColor("CCH_Label"));

#Previous Candle High/Low Bubbles
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b  = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown   = 3;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Bubble", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Bubble", Color.PINK);
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), high[b1+1], "" +round(high[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCH_Bubble"));
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), low[b1+1], "" +round(low[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCL_Bubble"));
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Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

How hard would it be to have a label showing an average candle range say the last 5 or 10 or 15 candles? I was thinking about using set label to figure out an average possible StopLoss with that so If an average range is $1 I dont put 25 cent SL...... would be a great start????
How hard would it be to have a label showing an average candle range say the last 5 or 10 or 15 candles? I was thinking about using set label to figure out an average possible StopLoss with that so If an average range is $1 I dont put 25 cent SL...... would be a great start????

try this

input avg_len = 10;
def rng = high - low;
def rngavg = average(rng, avg_len);
addlabel(1, "range avg, for past " + avg_len + " bars :"  + rngavg, color.yellow);
try this

input avg_len = 10;
def rng = high - low;
def rngavg = average(rng, avg_len);
addlabel(1, "range avg, for past " + avg_len + " bars :"  + rngavg, color.yellow);
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! wow...that was fast and exactly what I was looking for.....
How hard would it be to have a label showing an average candle range say the last 5 or 10 or 15 candles? I was thinking about using set label to figure out an average possible StopLoss with that so If an average range is $1 I dont put 25 cent SL...... would be a great start????
I actually made one for myself a while back and use it, it's basically ATR on chart for any timeframe and you can choose the ATR period. So you could choose for example Period: 1Min and ATR period: 5 for last 5 candles.:

#Multi-option ATR on chart
#By Wiinii:
input ATRPeriod = 14;
input Period =;
def ATR = MovingAverage(AverageType.WILDERS, TrueRange(high(period = period), close(period = period), low(period = period)), ATRperiod);
DefineGlobalColor("ATR", Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(yes, "ATR" + ATRPeriod + ": " + round(ATR,2), GlobalColor("ATR"));
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Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE - with custom color/transparency global options!

Hello all! I made this for myself and thought others might enjoy it as well. It includes options to turn any label or bubble on and off, and change custom colors and transparency (under Globals). Enjoy!



#Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE
#By Wiinii:
#(change color/transparency under Globals)

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel, Concat ("PCL=", Round(low[1])), GlobalColor("PCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel, Concat ("PCH=", Round(high[1])), GlobalColor("PCH_Label"));

#Current Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("CCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("CCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel, Concat ("CCL=", Round(low)), GlobalColor("CCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel, Concat ("CCH=", Round(high)), GlobalColor("CCH_Label"));

#Previous Candle High/Low Bubbles
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b  = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown   = 3;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Bubble", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Bubble", Color.PINK);
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), high[b1+1], "" +round(high[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCH_Bubble"));
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), low[b1+1], "" +round(low[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCL_Bubble"));
Wiinii, great job and thank you so much for sharing this. Hate to ask but would it be possible to have the labels (and bubbles?) change color as current price goes above or below the prior price? Example: the CCH label would change from light green to dark if current price goes above the prior candle's high and for the CCL a darker shade of red as current price goes below prior candle's low.
This might be what you want.
@SleepyZ can you help me do the same thing with this? I tried changing the bubble script like you did with the zigzag above but it just takes out both the prior high price and bubble. All I want is the price. Oh and have not received a reply back from Wiinii and that's why I am asking you. Thanks

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE
#By Wiinii:
#(change color/transparency under Globals)

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel, Concat ("PCL=", Round(low[1])), GlobalColor("PCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel, Concat ("PCH=", Round(high[1])), GlobalColor("PCH_Label"));

#Current Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("CCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("CCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel, Concat ("CCL=", Round(low)), GlobalColor("CCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel, Concat ("CCH=", Round(high)), GlobalColor("CCH_Label"));

#Previous Candle High/Low Bubbles
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown = 3;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Bubble", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Bubble", Color.PINK);
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close), high[b1+1], "" +round(high[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCH_Bubble"));
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close), low[b1+1], "" +round(low[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCL_Bubble"));
Last edited by a moderator:
Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE - with custom color/transparency global options!

Hello all! I made this for myself and thought others might enjoy it as well. It includes options to turn any label or bubble on and off, and change custom colors and transparency (under Globals). Enjoy!



#Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE
#By Wiinii:
#(change color/transparency under Globals)

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel, Concat ("PCL=", Round(low[1])), GlobalColor("PCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel, Concat ("PCH=", Round(high[1])), GlobalColor("PCH_Label"));

#Current Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("CCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("CCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel, Concat ("CCL=", Round(low)), GlobalColor("CCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel, Concat ("CCH=", Round(high)), GlobalColor("CCH_Label"));

#Previous Candle High/Low Bubbles
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b  = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown   = 3;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Bubble", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Bubble", Color.PINK);
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), high[b1+1], "" +round(high[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCH_Bubble"));
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), low[b1+1], "" +round(low[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCL_Bubble"));
ANy way to make the current candle price a bubble?
Hello Wiinii is there a way for the bubbles to me placed further by the left side so that the bubbles don´t block the current candle?
@samer800 Could you adjust this code for MTF I think it would be great much appreciated

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels & Bubbles ALL IN ONE
#By Wiinii:
#(change color/transparency under Globals)

#Previous Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleLowLabel, Concat ("PCL=", Round(low[1])), GlobalColor("PCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowPreviousCandleHighLabel, Concat ("PCH=", Round(high[1])), GlobalColor("PCH_Label"));

#Current Candle High/Low Labels
Input ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel = yes;
Input ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("CCH_Label", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("CCL_Label", Color.PINK);
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleHighLabel, Concat ("CCL=", Round(low)), GlobalColor("CCL_Label"));
AddLabel(ShowCurrentCandleLowLabel, Concat ("CCH=", Round(high)), GlobalColor("CCH_Label"));

#Previous Candle High/Low Bubbles
Input ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble = yes;
Input ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble = yes;
input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown = 3;
DefineGlobalColor("PCH_Bubble", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("PCL_Bubble", Color.PINK);
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleHighBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close), high[b1+1], "" +round(high[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCH_Bubble"));
Addchartbubble(ShowPreviousCandleLowBubble and !isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close), low[b1+1], "" +round(low[b1+1]) + "", GlobalColor("PCL_Bubble"));

No, unfortunately, what you are looking for is not possible.

You are saying:
You are on the 2min chart. You want to look back 30 bars to retrieve the previous candle of the 30min chart
but you see, the problem?

Let's say that it is 10:02am, to get find the value of the previous 30min bar (9:30am) on the 2min chart
You would have to look back 16 of the 2min bars.

At 10:04 am, you would have to look back 17 of the 2min bars.


To do what you want you would need to program in every bar on the chart for the entire day and
then calculate the math for every timeframe.
its currently 11:32 AM EST, and I wanted to see the previous high of the 30-minute high and low which is the 11:00 AM high and low and be able to do this on a 1 or 2-minute time frame
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No, unfortunately, what you are looking for is not possible.

You are saying:
You are on the 2min chart. You want to look back 30 bars to retrieve the previous candle of the 30min chart
but you see, the problem?

Let's say that it is 10:02am, to get find the value of the previous 30min bar (9:30am) on the 2min chart
You would have to look back 16 of the 2min bars.

At 10:04 am, you would have to look back 17 of the 2min bars.


To do what you want you would need to program in every bar on the chart for the entire day and
then calculate the math for every timeframe.

Not the exact question you're looking for?

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