PreMarket Gap from Previous Close for ThinkorSwim


Staff member
Here is a pre-market gap scanner for ThinkorSwim that looks for stocks with a 1% gap up or down from the previous close. Mobius shared this in the thinkScript lounge.

# Scan PreMarket: Scan for 1 Percent gap from Previous Close
# Scan at 5 min aggregation or less
# Mobius
# Chat Room Request

def PrevClose = if SecondsTillTime(1555) == 0 and
                   SecondsFromTime(1555) == 0
                then close
                else PrevClose[1];
def ScanActive = if SecondsTillTime(0930) >= 0 and
                    SecondsFromTime(0730) > 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
def ll = if ScanActive and !ScanActive[1]
         then low
         else if !ScanActive
         then double.nan
         else if ScanActive and low < ll[1]
         then low
         else ll[1];
def hh = if ScanActive and !ScanActive[1]
         then high
         else if !ScanActive
         then double.nan
         else if ScanActive and high > hh[1]
         then high
         else hh[1];
# Comment out (#) Plot NOT wanted
plot gapUP = if ScanActive and ll > PrevClose * 1.01
             then 1
             else 0;
#plot gapDN = if ScanActive and hh < PrevClose * .99
#             then 1
#             else 0;

Here is another one:

14:34 davidanderson: Hello guys, wondering if anyone here has the code for column that would show %gap pre market (like total, since yesterday's close at 4pm). it's (the number that corresponds to After_Hours_Percent_change. but I can't express it in a column. thank you
14:35 Mobius: sectors that are stable.. not out of favor with the general trading world.
14:35 bigworm: so not a sector that is really volatilie
14:42 AlphaInvestor: Column must be set to 1 minute, with Extended Hours Session turned on
14:42 AlphaInvestor: This isn't really a "gap" just a change after-hours or pre-market


# PM_AH_Chg

#09:26 GapnGo: This worked as a watchlist column until we had the last big TOS update.
#09:27 GapnGo: anyone know what the problem is with the script

#09:37 Mobius: Gap.. Since the introduction of GetTime(), watchlists and mobile applications seem to work more reliably using it rather than SecondsTillTime() or SecondsFromTime()

#09:52 Mobius: Gap.. I think this will get it going

def Post = getTime() > RegularTradingEnd(getYYYYMMDD());
def Pre = getTime() < RegularTradingStart(getYYYYMMDD());
def Closed  = Post or Pre;
def DayClose1 = if getTime() crosses RegularTradingEnd(getYYYYMMDD())
               then close
               else DayClose1[1];

#09:39 Mobius: Alpha.. I don't know why there'd be a difference but using cross vs crosses above does make a difference with some equities.

def DayClose2 = if getTime() crosses above RegularTradingEnd(getYYYYMMDD())
               then close
               else DayClose2[1];
#addLabel(1, "Prev Close = " + DayClose2);

def Change = Round((close - DayClose2), 2);
def Percent = Round(((close - DayClose2) / DayClose2) * 100, 2);

plot Xtended = If(Closed, Percent, 0);

Xtended.AssignValueColor(if !Closed then Color.YELLOW else if Percent > 0 then Color.GREEN else if Percent < 0 then Color.RED else color.gray);
I can't seem to get this ****er to work, are there any other configurations I need to set? I'm essentially just trying to create scans that show me premarket gap up, low float (outstanding shares), relative volume, and lower price.
No configurations needed. Pay attention to the following lines:

plot gapUP = if ScanActive and ll > PrevClose * 1.01
             then 1
             else 0;
#plot gapDN = if ScanActive and hh < PrevClose * .99
#             then 1
#             else 0;

By default this is scanning for gap ups. If you want to scan for gap downs then add # in front of the plot gapUp and remove the # for plot gapDN.

Something like this:

#plot gapUP = if ScanActive and ll > PrevClose * 1.01
#             then 1
#             else 0;
plot gapDN = if ScanActive and hh < PrevClose * .99
             then 1
             else 0;
How Add scan script to scan options on ThinkorSwim, thanks

# PreMarket Gap Down
 # Mobius
 # Scan Aggregation should be set to 5 min
def price = close;
 def last = if secondsFromTime(1600) == 0 and
               secondsTillTime(1600) == 0
            then price[1]
            else last[1];
 def LabelTime = if SecondsFromTime(0800) > 0 and
                    SecondsTillTime(1000) >= 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
 def isRollover = GetYYYYMMDD() != GetYYYYMMDD()[1];
 def beforeStart = GetTime() < RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
 def Highprice = if isRollover and beforeStart
               then price
                else if beforeStart and price > Highprice[1]
                     then price
                else Highprice[1];
 plot PreMarketGapDn = if highPrice < (last * .99) # 1% Gap Down
                       then 1
                       else 0;

# Premarket Gap-Up Scan
# Run Scan at premarket on one minute aggregation.
# Will not be accurate after hours or prior to midnight
# Mobius

def MarketClosePrice = if getTime() crosses RegularTradingEnd(getYYYYMMDD())
                       then close
                       else MarketClosePrice[1];
plot PreMarketScan = getTime() < RegularTradingStart(getYYYYMMDD()) and
close(priceType = "LAST") > MarketClosePrice * 1.01;
# End Scan Code
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@wilmanv Switch over to your Scanner tab, select a filter, under the thinkScript Editor, paste the code above in there.



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Just to be sure that EVERYONE understands how to interpret this, at the end of the scan there is a section of code like so:

# Comment out (#) the ONE not needed
plot BullScan = close crosses above SHigh;
#plot BearScan = close crosses below SLow;

Notice that there are some lines that are commented out with (#) - Those would be ignored by the scanner, only for human consumption
In the above example only the bullish scan is enabled.

In order to turn this into a bearish scan, just switch the commented lines like so

# Comment out (#) the ONE not needed
#plot BullScan = close crosses above SHigh;
plot BearScan = close crosses below SLow;

Compare those differences - it really is that simple.

Just REMEMBER that there can only be one active plot defined or the scanner would complain.

@BenTen many thanks
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@Trismagistus The scan code that @BenTen posted at the beginning of this thread does work
All you need to do is to run this before the market opens at aggregations of 5 minutes or less
Pay attention as to whether you want to scan for gap up or gap down
The code is configured for both.

Since the scanner only accepts a single plot statement you'll need to comment out the scan you do not wish
I have written some instructions on how to best manage this.
Read this for further info
Guys, I am having trouble getting this scanner to work. I tried during pre-mkt hours today, right after 7:30 but nothing was shown. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
@RPrado Try running the scan again tomorrow premarket hours
According to the notes in the scan code scan this at aggregation period of 5 min or less,
To add on to my 90/120/180 scalp strategy I'm looking to make a scanner that will scan for stocks that are up at least 80% from yesterday's close, which is pretty simple (, but I'm trying, I'm trying to find a way that it will scan during PM and AH, and for the life of me I can't think of anything I can add to it that will allow PM/AH scanning. Any ideas from any thinkscript wizards here?
@darkelvis Here is your pre market gap up scan that i have set at 80% above yesterday's close. Unless you are looking at penny stocks, chances of that happening on main board stocks in the S&P 500 or NASDAQ are pretty slim. I adjusted the percentage down to 5% and obtained 1 result - MS.

Here then is your scan code to be run pre market which is set to 80%. Make sure you set your aggregation period to 5 minutes or less. I set mine to 1 min.

# Pre Market Gap Up Scan
# tomsk
# 1.16.2020

# Run Scan at premarket on one minute aggregation.

def lastPrice = if getTime() crosses RegularTradingEnd(getYYYYMMDD()) then close else lastPrice[1];
plot scan = getTime() < RegularTradingStart(getYYYYMMDD()) and close > lastPrice * 1.8;
# Pre Market Gap Up Scan
I used this scanner this morning ( 1/21/2020). I had no issues finding stocks. In fact I had had to add market cap and price filters to reduce my list to less than 200. This morning was a big down day, and I was surprised that I saw so many stocks that had gapped up. When I charted them however, almost all of them except GOLD were lower than Mondays close. I made sure the last two lines of the code were commented out ( .99 or gap down). I also ended up commenting out the 1.02 lines and ran the scan for gap down. Still got all down stocks. I am using the exact same code as in the top of this post. Any advise would be appreciated.

Would this scan run using ON Demand?? I tried that but no results.
OK, OK, I am an OCD programmer. I modified it slightly to make it a bit more gooder and you don't have to delete anything. Just set the inputs in your scan.


input percentGap = 0.5;
input direction = {default Up, Down};

def dnColor = 5;    # red
def upColor = 6;    # green

def arrowColor;
def arrowDirection;

def marketOpen    = 0930;
def marketPreOpen = 0730;
def marketClose   = 1555;

def PrevClose = if SecondsTillTime(marketClose) == 0 and
                   SecondsFromTime(marketClose) == 0
                then close
                else PrevClose[1];
def ScanActive = if SecondsTillTime(marketOpen) >= 0 and
                    SecondsFromTime(marketPreOpen) > 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
def ll = if ScanActive and !ScanActive[1]
         then low
         else if !ScanActive
         then double.nan
         else if ScanActive and low < ll[1]
         then low
         else ll[1];
def hh = if ScanActive and !ScanActive[1]
         then high
         else if !ScanActive
         then double.nan
         else if ScanActive and high > hh[1]
         then high
         else hh[1];

def isPlot;
def gapChange;

switch (direction)
    case Up:
        arrowColor = upColor;
        arrowDirection = PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP;
        gapChange = 1.0 + (percentGap / 100.0);

        isPlot = if ScanActive and ll > PrevClose * gapChange
                 then 1
                 else 0;

    case Down:
        arrowColor = dnColor;
        arrowDirection = PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN;
        gapChange = 1.0 - (percentGap / 100.0);

        isPlot = if ScanActive and hh < PrevClose * gapChange
                 then 1
                 else 0;

plot GapPlot = (isPlot == 1);

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Greetings, Folks!

I'm not much of a programmer, but I noticed what appear to be time references in these lines:

def ScanActive = if SecondsTillTime(0930) >= 0 and
                    SecondsFromTime(0730) > 0

930 would refer to market open per Eastern time, correct? I'm on Pacific time, and my TOS is set to display time in PST. Do I need to change these lines to reflect the three hour time difference, or does ThinkScript always assume EST even if the interface is set to display a different time zone?


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