Thanks for sharing. Is it possible to add bullish/bearish arrows each time PPO (1) crosses above/below EMA (2) or when PPOH1 changes color from Down to UP (bullish) or from UP to Down (Bearish)? essentially , there will be two different set of arrows. (PPO/EMA) and PPOH1 UP/DOWN color change. Thanks again. Here is the shared link that indicator: @wpwright I did was a simple google search, I am assuming that you did also and already saw this Easycator PPO w/ fast and slow lines and it wasn't what you wanted.
However here it is for anyone in the future that has this request:
View attachment 2001Code:# # TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2016 # ## created by North Vanhooser declare lower; input fastPeriod = 12; input slowPeriod = 26; input signalPeriod = 9; input price = close; def fastEma = ExpAverage( price, fastPeriod ); def slowEma = ExpAverage( price, slowPeriod ); def periodOK = fastPeriod < slowPeriod; AddLabel( !periodOK, "ERROR: fastPeriod MUST be less than slowPeriod" ); def _ppo = if periodOK then ((fastEma - slowEma) / slowEma) * 100 else 0; def _signal = ExpAverage( _ppo, signalPeriod ); plot Ppo = _ppo; Ppo.SetDefaultColor( Color.BLUE ); Ppo.HideBubble(); plot PpoEma = _signal; PpoEma.SetDefaultColor( Color.CYAN ); PpoEma.HideBubble(); plot zeroLine = 0; zeroLine.HideBubble(); zeroLine.AssignValueColor( Color.BLACK ); plot PpoH1 = _ppo - _signal; PpoH1.SetPaintingStrategy( PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM ); PpoH1.DefineColor("Up", Color.UPTICK); PpoH1.DefineColor("Down", Color.DOWNTICK); PpoH1.DefineColor("Flat", Color.GRAY); PpoH1.AssignValueColor( if PpoH1 > PpoH1[1] then PpoH1.Color("Up") else if PpoH1 < PpoH1[1] then PpoH1.Color("Down") else PpoH1.Color("Flat")); PpoH1.HideBubble(); PpoH1.SetLineWeight( 3 );
Here is the shared link:
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