Options Scan Hacker in ThinkorSwim


Well-known member
Does anybody have the code for an options scanner that can implement P/C ratio or sizzle? I wanted to use a scan like this to confirm options plays that I was thinking of doing. This could save a lot of time from going into options statistics if I'm looking through a lot of stocks. Thank you.
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The ToS Options Hacker Module doesn't allow the using of custom studies to scan against options related data. The Options Scanner cannot be customized, it utilizes pre-defined filters.


Here is an example of the 'native filters' available in the Options Hacker Scanner which are limited to the use of minimum / maximum

@cooldyood @huab @joetimismith @huab
@Ogaili @varsity125lb @us3r001 @Shooters_Gotta_Shoot @Infb11
@cloudspotter @jackroot @grapetux
@Optionsguy @vivekshahi @BobCrandall...
@rad14733 Thanks for your help on this. I am not actually trying to scan for a specific type of option (delta, days to exp etc) I have a custom built scanner on another platform that I use to scan for specific things...This scanner I am requesting is more so I can get a list of tickers that are pretty fluid with options volume so I do not waste my other scanner on things that are not liquid (can only load about 200ish tickers in it at once) I truly do not care if they are puts or calls and I don't care if it is a long term move or a short term move (I am like you I do scalp trading, day trading and swing) I am mainly just looking for something that will give me a list of liquid tickers on the options side so I don't waste energy scanning non-liquid stuff
Reading through threads,... try this.... https://tos.mx/LnmTUvP It looks for stocks using the Stock Scan Hacker:
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Part of my criteria for scanning options is using the following code, however, I still see options that are below 0.50, can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?

def condition =(close - close[5])/close[5];
def bullMove = Round(condition*100,0);
plot upConditions = bullMove > 0.5;

I do have a condition that net change >= 0.10 and that shows on the ones that have a negative option percentage (see below)

See result here:

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Part of my criteria for scanning options is using the following code, however, I still see options that are below 0.50, can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?

def condition =(close - close[5])/close[5];
def bullMove = Round(condition*100,0);
plot upConditions = bullMove > 0.5;

I do have a condition that net change >= 0.10 and that shows on the ones that have a negative option percentage (see below)

See result here:

As custom scripts do not work in the OPTIONS scan hacker, I am assuming that you are running your scan in the STOCK scan hacker against the equity itself and hoping to get the results for the underlying options. Unfortunately, that won't work.
% Volume Increase on Options,

I'm trying to make a simple script that compares the volume of options today that are X% higher than the 5 day average volume but it won't show up on my scanner unless I give it volume restriction filter as well.

volume/Average("data" = volume, "length" = 5)>2

Is there something I'm missing for why it won't show up unless I add a volume filter?
Not sure if this helps. It is what I use to identify the tickers with higher than normal options volume.
The issue I find is that the move has usually already happened and it results as actual strikes vs ticker.
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Hi All,

I know you can scan in the options hacker for certain criteria (open interest, volume, etc.), but is there a way to scan for rsi, moving averages of the options contracts themselves rather than just the underlying?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Is it possible to make scanner based on option weekly or monthly range.For example this week NVDA open at 195 and 29 April expiry option showed a price change of +- $16.633 movement.

So is it possible to have scanner which look for stocks moving towards its lower and higher range i.e. $180 and 212 respectively? Can we add close price both in percent and dollar price wrt to option upper and lower price in the watchlist as well.

Please let me know if there is already a script for this.

Thank you
Interesting, Ideally I'd like to be able to sum the total exposure across all strikes and expiries like squeezemetrics, but I think that is beyond the capabilities of the platform. (or it would take like 3 days to run) I can do that easily in a full programming language ... alas the issue is getting reliable historical options data ... that is not cheap :cool:
Slightly off topic, but do you think it’s possible to scan for options whose volume spike >1000 in the first or more importantly last 5, 10,…,30minutes of trading? Like those times specifically? Or just a reliable options volume rate of change scan that shows high volume spikes down to the minute? I can’t seem to make it work but maybe it’s because it’s after hours..
Is there any scanner option?
we can use with thinkorswim platform to get the result for an intrinsic value of option premium is less than the premium asking price to strike the price
(strike + ask (option premium) < (less than) underline stock price)

for example
underline stock price is at $100
strike call of $90 asking price is $8.00
the difference is $2 where we can make some profit.
Is there any scanner option?
we can use with thinkorswim platform to get the result for an intrinsic value of option premium is less than the premium asking price to strike the price
(strike + ask (option premium) < (less than) underline stock price)

for example
underline stock price is at $100
strike call of $90 asking price is $8.00
the difference is $2 where we can make some profit.
There is an option chain column you can search this site for that shows the intrinsic, extrinsic, and ratio (i think??) in one column (but still not a scan)
I am trying to use TOS Option Scanner to locate options with certain strike prices. I want the strike price to be based on a study/function; like based on the underlines' 52-wk high, the cross of SMA or Bollinger band. So far I have seen some scripts where you can put in multiple values for the strick price but this would not work with each stock, too static, need it to be dynamic. I would like to scan my watchlist for options for multiple strike prices based on key levels like SMA, Bollinger band cross etc. Thanks.

If the TOS does not allow custom filters for option scanner, there could still be a work around to getting the information for specific strike prices / ranges, like a custom watch list that only shows certain strike prices / ranges.
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If the TOS does not allow custom filters for option scanner, there could still be a work around to getting the information for specific strike prices / ranges, like a custom watch list that only shows certain strike prices / ranges.
The ToS charts and watchlists are designed to provide data for a specific ticker or specific option.
If your question is does the ToS platform allow you to list SPECIFIC options in a watchlist and have BollingerBand, SMA cross columns populate?
The answer is yes.
Here is a BB column watchlist that you can modify to your needs:
and a moving average:
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I trade options on equities on Thinkorswim. I am looking to have a custom strategy created that will scan for specific combinations of option
price and stock price. Once identified, the strategy will place a order to enter.
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I'm attempting to write a options study scan, but I'm having difficulty referencing option prices (ask, bid, mark, or whatever). Also, the GetNextOTMOption() seems like it may be defunct, or maybe I'm using it improperly.

def delClose= 18;
def delFar= 14;

def strikeClose= getStrike();
def nextStrike= GetNextOTMOption(GetUnderlyingSymbol());
def strikeFar= getStrike(nextStrike);

def inRange= AbsValue(Delta())>= delFar/100 and AbsValue(Delta())<= delClose/100;
plot x=1;

Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated.
So is there a scan where I can punch in a ticker and find out what strike option for that particular stock has the highest Open interest and volume instead of going through every wkly and monthly and checking them ? Im sure there is an easier way to do it that I am doing . Thanks

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