@tc5953 Let's take a step back before proceeding... First, what are your intentions as far as the options your scan finds...??? Are you looking to scalp, day trade, swing trade, exercise the options to purchase underlying stock...??? This all makes a big difference when it comes to locating the right options...
Let me give you an overview of how I trade options... I scalp, day trade, and sometimes swing trade options... I never Sell/Write options and don't play complex strategies like straddles. spreads, strangles, etc... I trade options like they are penny stocks and am only concerned with short term gains... I know what Stocks and ETF's have the most volatility and trade the most options and only monitor a handful that has options within my trading comfort zone on an ongoing basis... My scans only look at my short watchlist of those symbols for options that fall within my criteria... That list only consists of about 25 Stocks and ETF's... From that list I mainly focus on about 8 of those at a given time due to how they are performing in the overall market on a given day... I am going to provide my symbol list as well as my two scans for Calls and Puts for your perusal and you can tweak from there or we'll try to assist you from there... Please note that I generally only trade options just in or just out of the money...
My current watchlist consists of: AAL, AAPL, AMD, BAC, COST, CSCO, EEM, GDX, GLD, MSFT, MU, NIO, PFE, SPY, SQQQ, TNA, TLT, TWTR, UNG, UVXY, VXX, WFC, WMT.
Edited to add: There are probably only about 80 - 100 symbols that I have ever and will ever trade options for...