# TS_OptionVolumeHeatmap
# (c) 2013 ThinkScripter, LLC
[email protected]
# Last Update 23 April 2013
# Next3rdFriday code (c) thinkorswim
declare lower;
input period = 20;
input gain = 1.0;
input calculation_voodoo = {default a, b};
# Next3rdFriday excerpt
input series = 1;
input show_label = yes;
def CurrentYear = GetYear();
def CurrentMonth = GetMonth();
def CurrentDOM = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());
def Day1DOW1 = GetDayOfWeek(CurrentYear * 10000 + CurrentMonth * 100 + 1);
def FirstFridayDOM1 = if Day1DOW1 < 6
then 6 - Day1DOW1
else if Day1DOW1 == 6
then 7
else 6;
def RollDOM = FirstFridayDOM1 + 14;
def ExpMonth1 = if RollDOM > CurrentDOM
then CurrentMonth + series - 1
else CurrentMonth + series;
def ExpMonth2 = if ExpMonth1 > 12
then ExpMonth1 - 12
else ExpMonth1;
def ExpYear = if ExpMonth1 > 12
then CurrentYear + 1
else CurrentYear;
def Day1DOW = GetDayOfWeek(ExpYear * 10000 + ExpMonth2 * 100 + 1);
def FirstFridayDOM = if Day1DOW < 6
then 6 - Day1DOW
else if Day1DOW == 6
then 7
else 6;
def ExpDOM = FirstFridayDOM + 15;
def maxStrikeSpacing = 25;
def centerSpacingDenominator = if close > 150 then 10 else if close > 50 then 5 else 1;
def centerStrike = RoundDown(close / centerSpacingDenominator, 0) * centerSpacingDenominator;
def strikeSpacingC = fold i = 1 to maxStrikeSpacing with spacing = 0 do if !IsNaN( volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + (maxStrikeSpacing - i)))))) then maxStrikeSpacing - i else spacing;
def strikeSpacing = strikeSpacingC ;
AddLabel(show_label, Concat("Expiration: ", Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM))), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(show_label, Concat("Strike Spacing: ", strikeSpacing), Color.CYAN);
DefineGlobalColor("L10", CreateColor(255, 255, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L09", CreateColor(255, 204, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L08", CreateColor(255, 153, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L07", CreateColor(255, 102, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L06", CreateColor(255, 51, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L05", CreateColor(255, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L04", CreateColor(204, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L03", CreateColor(153, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L02", CreateColor( 51, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("L01", CreateColor( 0, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("H10", CreateColor(0, 255, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H09", CreateColor(0, 204, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H08", CreateColor(0, 153, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H07", CreateColor(0, 102, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H06", CreateColor(0, 51, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H05", CreateColor(0, 0, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("H04", CreateColor(0, 0, 204));
DefineGlobalColor("H03", CreateColor(0, 0, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("H02", CreateColor(0, 0, 51));
DefineGlobalColor("H01", CreateColor(0, 0, 0));
def barWeight = 5;
def c1_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike ))));
def c2_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing))));
def c3_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 2))));
def c4_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 3))));
def c5_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing))));
def c6_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 2))));
def c7_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 3))));
def c8_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 4))));
def c9_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 4))));
def c10_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 5))));
def c11_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 5))));
def c12_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 6))));
def c13_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 6))));
def c14_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 7))));
def c15_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 7))));
def c16_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 8))));
def c17_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 8))));
def c18_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 9))));
def c19_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("C", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 9))));
def p1_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike))));
def p2_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing))));
def p3_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 2))));
def p4_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 3))));
def p5_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing))));
def p6_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 2))));
def p7_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 3))));
def p8_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 4))));
def p9_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 4))));
def p10_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 5))));
def p11_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 5))));
def p12_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 6))));
def p13_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 6))));
def p14_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 7))));
def p15_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 7))));
def p16_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 8))));
def p17_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 8))));
def p18_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 9))));
def p19_V_d = volume(Concat(Concat(".", Concat(GetSymbolPart(), Concat(Concat(ExpYear - 2000, if ExpMonth2 <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpMonth2) else Concat("", ExpMonth2)), if ExpDOM <= 9 then Concat("0", ExpDOM) else Concat("", ExpDOM)))), Concat("P", AsPrice(centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 9))));
def c1_V = if !IsNaN(c1_V_d) then c1_V_d else 0;
def c2_V = if !IsNaN(c2_V_d) then c2_V_d else 0;
def c3_V = if !IsNaN(c3_V_d) then c3_V_d else 0;
def c4_V = if !IsNaN(c4_V_d) then c4_V_d else 0;
def c5_V = if !IsNaN(c5_V_d) then c5_V_d else 0;
def c6_V = if !IsNaN(c6_V_d) then c6_V_d else 0;
def c7_V = if !IsNaN(c7_V_d) then c7_V_d else 0;
def c8_V = if !IsNaN(c8_V_d) then c8_V_d else 0;
def c9_V = if !IsNaN(c9_V_d) then c9_V_d else 0;
def c10_V = if !IsNaN(c10_V_d) then c10_V_d else 0;
def c11_V = if !IsNaN(c11_V_d) then c11_V_d else 0;
def c12_V = if !IsNaN(c12_V_d) then c12_V_d else 0;
def c13_V = if !IsNaN(c13_V_d) then c13_V_d else 0;
def c14_V = if !IsNaN(c14_V_d) then c14_V_d else 0;
def c15_V = if !IsNaN(c15_V_d) then c15_V_d else 0;
def c16_V = if !IsNaN(c16_V_d) then c16_V_d else 0;
def c17_V = if !IsNaN(c17_V_d) then c17_V_d else 0;
def c18_V = if !IsNaN(c18_V_d) then c18_V_d else 0;
def c19_V = if !IsNaN(c19_V_d) then c19_V_d else 0;
def p1_V = if !IsNaN(p1_V_d) then p1_V_d else 0;
def p2_V = if !IsNaN(p2_V_d) then p2_V_d else 0;
def p3_V = if !IsNaN(p3_V_d) then p3_V_d else 0;
def p4_V = if !IsNaN(p4_V_d) then p4_V_d else 0;
def p5_V = if !IsNaN(p5_V_d) then p5_V_d else 0;
def p6_V = if !IsNaN(p6_V_d) then p6_V_d else 0;
def p7_V = if !IsNaN(p7_V_d) then p7_V_d else 0;
def p8_V = if !IsNaN(p8_V_d) then p8_V_d else 0;
def p9_V = if !IsNaN(p9_V_d) then p9_V_d else 0;
def p10_V = if !IsNaN(p10_V_d) then p10_V_d else 0;
def p11_V = if !IsNaN(p11_V_d) then p11_V_d else 0;
def p12_V = if !IsNaN(p12_V_d) then p12_V_d else 0;
def p13_V = if !IsNaN(p13_V_d) then p13_V_d else 0;
def p14_V = if !IsNaN(p14_V_d) then p14_V_d else 0;
def p15_V = if !IsNaN(p15_V_d) then p15_V_d else 0;
def p16_V = if !IsNaN(p16_V_d) then p16_V_d else 0;
def p17_V = if !IsNaN(p17_V_d) then p17_V_d else 0;
def p18_V = if !IsNaN(p18_V_d) then p18_V_d else 0;
def p19_V = if !IsNaN(p19_V_d) then p19_V_d else 0;
def c1t = Max(Max(Max(Max(c1_V, c2_V), c3_V), c4_V), c5_V);
def c2t = Max(Max(Max(Max(Max(c6_V, c7_V), c8_V), c9_V), c10_V), c11_V);
def c3t = Max(Max(Max(Max(Max(c12_V, c13_V), c14_V), c15_V), c16_V), c17_V);
def c4t = Max(c18_V, c19_V);
def p1t = Max(Max(Max(Max(p1_V, p2_V), p3_V), p4_V), p5_V);
def p2t = Max(Max(Max(Max(Max(p6_V, p7_V), p8_V), p9_V), p10_V), p11_V);
def p3t = Max(Max(Max(Max(Max(p12_V, p13_V), p14_V), p15_V), p16_V), p17_V);
def p4t = Max(p18_V, p19_V);
def c_V_max = Max(Max(Max(c1t, c2t), c3t), c4t);
def p_V_max = Max(Max(Max(p1t, p2t), p3t), p4t);
def V_max = c_V_max + p_V_max;
def cVT = c1_V + c2_V + c3_V + c4_V + c5_V + c6_V + c7_V + c8_V + c9_V + c10_V + c11_V + c12_V + c13_V + c14_V + c15_V + c16_V + c17_V + c18_V + c19_V;
def cVTt = c1_V + c2_V + c3_V + c4_V + c5_V + c6_V + c7_V + c8_V + c9_V;
def pVT = p1_V + p2_V + p3_V + p4_V + p5_V + p6_V + p7_V + p8_V + p9_V + p10_V + p11_V + p12_V + p13_V + p14_V + p15_V + p16_V + p17_V + p18_V + p19_V;
def tVT = cVT + pVT;
def oVT = if calculation_voodoo == calculation_voodoo.a then Average(V_max, period) else Average(tVT, period);
def c1RS = (c1_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c2RS = (c2_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c3RS = (c3_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c4RS = (c4_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c5RS = (c5_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c6RS = (c6_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c7RS = (c7_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c8RS = (c8_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c9RS = (c9_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c10RS = (c10_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c11RS = (c11_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c12RS = (c12_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c13RS = (c13_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c14RS = (c14_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c15RS = (c15_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c16RS = (c16_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c17RS = (c17_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c18RS = (c18_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def c19RS = (c19_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p1RS = (p1_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p2RS = (p2_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p3RS = (p3_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p4RS = (p4_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p5RS = (p5_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p6RS = (p6_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p7RS = (p7_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p8RS = (p8_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p9RS = (p9_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p10RS = (p10_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p11RS = (p11_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p12RS = (p12_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p13RS = (p13_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p14RS = (p14_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p15RS = (p15_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p16RS = (p16_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p17RS = (p17_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p18RS = (p18_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def p19RS = (p19_V / oVT) * 10.0 * gain;
def o1RS = Max(c1RS, p1RS);
def o1M = if c1RS > p1RS then 1 else 0;
def o2RS = Max(c2RS, p2RS);
def o2M = if c2RS > p2RS then 1 else 0;
def o3RS = Max(c3RS, p3RS);
def o3M = if c3RS > p3RS then 1 else 0;
def o4RS = Max(c4RS, p4RS);
def o4M = if c4RS > p4RS then 1 else 0;
def o5RS = Max(c5RS, p5RS);
def o5M = if c5RS > p5RS then 1 else 0;
def o6RS = Max(c6RS, p6RS);
def o6M = if c6RS > p6RS then 1 else 0;
def o7RS = Max(c7RS, p7RS);
def o7M = if c7RS > p7RS then 1 else 0;
def o8RS = Max(c8RS, p8RS);
def o8M = if c8RS > p8RS then 1 else 0;
def o9RS = Max(c9RS, p9RS);
def o9M = if c9RS > p9RS then 1 else 0;
def o10RS = Max(c10RS, p10RS);
def o10M = if c10RS > p10RS then 1 else 0;
def o11RS = Max(c11RS, p11RS);
def o11M = if c11RS > p11RS then 1 else 0;
def o12RS = Max(c12RS, p12RS);
def o12M = if c12RS > p12RS then 1 else 0;
def o13RS = Max(c13RS, p13RS);
def o13M = if c13RS > p13RS then 1 else 0;
def o14RS = Max(c14RS, p14RS);
def o14M = if c14RS > p14RS then 1 else 0;
def o15RS = Max(c15RS, p15RS);
def o15M = if c15RS > p15RS then 1 else 0;
def o16RS = Max(c16RS, p16RS);
def o16M = if c16RS > p16RS then 1 else 0;
def o17RS = Max(c17RS, p17RS);
def o17M = if c17RS > p17RS then 1 else 0;
def o18RS = Max(c18RS, p18RS);
def o18M = if c18RS > p18RS then 1 else 0;
def o19RS = Max(c19RS, p19RS);
def o19M = if c19RS > p19RS then 1 else 0;
plot price = close;
plot C1 = centerStrike ;
C1.AssignValueColor(if o1M == 1 then (if o1RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o1RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o1RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o1RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o1RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o1RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o1RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o1RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o1RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o1RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o1RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o1RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o1RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o1RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o1RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o1RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o1RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o1RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C2 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing;
C2.AssignValueColor(if o2M == 1 then (if o2RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o2RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o2RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o2RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o2RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o2RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o2RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o2RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o2RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o2RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o2RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o2RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o2RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o2RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o2RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o2RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o2RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o2RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C3 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 2;
C3.AssignValueColor(if o3M == 1 then (if o3RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o3RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o3RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o3RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o3RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o3RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o3RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o3RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o3RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o3RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o3RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o3RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o3RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o3RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o3RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o3RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o3RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o3RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C4 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 3;
C4.AssignValueColor(if o4M == 1 then (if o4RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o4RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o4RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o4RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o4RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o4RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o4RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o4RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o4RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o4RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o4RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o4RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o4RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o4RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o4RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o4RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o4RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o4RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C5 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing;
C5.AssignValueColor(if o5M == 1 then (if o5RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o5RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o5RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o5RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o5RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o5RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o5RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o5RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o5RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o5RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o5RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o5RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o5RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o5RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o5RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o5RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o5RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o5RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C6 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 2;
C6.AssignValueColor(if o6M == 1 then (if o6RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o6RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o6RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o6RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o6RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o6RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o6RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o6RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o6RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o6RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o6RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o6RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o6RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o6RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o6RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o6RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o6RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o6RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C7 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 3;
C7.AssignValueColor(if o7M == 1 then (if o7RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o7RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o7RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o7RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o7RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o7RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o7RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o7RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o7RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o7RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o7RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o7RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o7RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o7RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o7RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o7RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o7RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o7RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C8 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 4;
C8.AssignValueColor(if o8M == 1 then (if o8RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o8RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o8RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o8RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o8RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o8RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o8RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o8RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o8RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o8RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o8RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o8RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o8RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o8RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o8RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o8RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o8RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o8RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C9 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 4;
C9.AssignValueColor(if o9M == 1 then (if o9RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o9RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o9RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o9RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o9RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o9RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o9RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o9RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o9RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o9RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o9RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o9RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o9RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o9RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o9RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o9RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o9RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o9RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C10 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 5;
C10.AssignValueColor(if o10M == 1 then (if o10RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o10RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o10RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o10RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o10RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o10RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o10RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o10RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o10RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o10RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o10RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o10RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o10RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o10RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o10RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o10RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o10RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o10RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C11 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 4;
C11.AssignValueColor(if o11M == 1 then (if o11RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o11RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o11RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o11RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o11RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o11RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o11RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o11RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o11RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o11RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o11RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o11RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o11RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o11RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o11RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o11RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o11RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o11RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C12 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 6;
C12.AssignValueColor(if o12M == 1 then (if o12RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o12RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o12RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o12RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o12RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o12RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o12RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o12RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o12RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o12RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o12RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o12RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o12RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o12RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o12RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o12RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o12RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o12RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C13 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 6;
C13.AssignValueColor(if o13M == 1 then (if o13RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o13RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o13RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o13RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o13RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o13RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o13RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o13RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o13RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o13RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o13RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o13RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o13RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o13RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o13RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o13RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o13RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o13RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C14 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 7;
C14.AssignValueColor(if o14M == 1 then (if o14RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o14RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o14RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o14RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o14RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o14RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o14RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o14RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o14RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o14RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o14RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o14RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o14RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o14RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o14RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o14RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o14RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o14RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C15 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 7;
C15.AssignValueColor(if o15M == 1 then (if o15RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o15RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o15RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o15RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o15RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o15RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o15RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o15RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o15RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o15RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o15RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o15RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o15RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o15RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o15RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o15RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o15RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o15RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C16 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 8;
C16.AssignValueColor(if o16M == 1 then (if o16RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o16RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o16RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o16RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o16RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o16RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o16RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o16RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o16RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o16RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o16RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o16RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o16RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o16RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o16RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o16RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o16RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o16RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C17 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 8;
C17.AssignValueColor(if o17M == 1 then (if o17RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o17RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o17RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o17RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o17RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o17RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o17RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o17RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o17RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o17RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o17RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o17RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o17RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o17RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o17RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o17RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o17RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o17RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C18 = centerStrike - strikeSpacing * 9;
C18.AssignValueColor(if o18M == 1 then (if o18RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o18RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o18RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o18RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o18RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o18RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o18RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o18RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o18RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o18RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o18RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o18RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o18RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o18RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o18RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o18RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o18RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o18RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));
plot C19 = centerStrike + strikeSpacing * 9;
C19.AssignValueColor(if o19M == 1 then (if o19RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("L01") else if o19RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("L02") else if o19RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("L03") else if o19RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("L04") else if o19RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("L05") else if o19RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("L06") else if o19RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("L07") else if o19RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("L08") else if o19RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("L09") else GlobalColor("L10")) else
(if o19RS <= 1 then GlobalColor("H01") else if o19RS <= 2 then GlobalColor("H02") else if o19RS <= 3 then GlobalColor("H03") else if o19RS <= 4 then GlobalColor("H04") else if o19RS <= 5 then GlobalColor("H05") else if o19RS <= 6 then GlobalColor("H06") else if o19RS <= 7 then GlobalColor("H07") else if o19RS <= 8 then GlobalColor("H08") else if o19RS <= 9 then GlobalColor("H09") else GlobalColor("H10")));