NQ 1 minute Scalping Indicator For ThinkOrSwim

Sure. I assume
Could you explain further as to what this is showing and what you expect to see? Hard to tell from this what is "wrong". Thanks
Sure. I assume that the outcome should have picked the buy and sell locations at each point or is this more of a long term strategy. I may have expected something different.

Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

@JoeDV Thanks for providing this. I am pretty new at this stuff. I just tested this on todays stock EFOI. This is a 1min chart. Either I am missing something or it isn't working for me.

You have Heiken candles. They gotta be regular ones to see real price action!
I recently came upon a nice scalping strategy:
. I coded it for thinkscript and figured I should share it with all you wonderful people here. Designed for NQ 1m, but I see good, bigger trades on 2m as well (I have only traded it on sim thus far). On the 2m, it basically functions as a nice pullback entry in a trend. While the strat creator's only requirement is being above/below 10 ema, I decided to use a 10-20-50 ema filter to get rid of bad signals in chop. There is likely a better trend filter but this gets the job done. I prefer to use my own judgment on whether we're trending or not; the filter merely serves to clean up unnecessary arrows on my chart.

Enjoy, and I look forward to your feedback.

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;
Have you tried this with QQQ? I day trade QQQ options several times in the 1st 90 minutes.
can you share this latest code with me...I downloaded earlier and not working....looking for help thx
  1. "not working" does not provide enough information to say where you went astray.
  2. there in no "lastest" code. There is the basic code in the first post. And then members provided their various flavors. No flavor is better than another, just various styles of trading.
Recommend that you copy & paste the script in the first post.
Here are directions on how to copy & paste:
Then watch the video again.

If you have any problems, come back with an image of your chart, an explanation of what you expected to see, and a description of what you think you are seeing.

# # # # #
The best way to learn to read charts and indicators is to apply them. Recommend you put it on your chart. Nothing beats personal experience ;) The only way you will know what the plots are doing, is to observe them on your charts and how they inter-relate with your other indicators.

Most indicators need tweaking depending on the timeframe, the market, the ticker.

No one can possibly know what tweaks will work best for you. It is up to you to play with the settings and see how the indicator line up w/ your strategy and with your other indicators.

To determine if this chart setup brings value, analyze it over different timeframes, across history and with multiple instruments.
# # # # #
Hello all,

@JoeDV , would it be possible to create a scan for this? The code you gave in the original post (post #8) works well for me. I'd just like to be able to scan for Buy Signals. Thanks so much
Hello all,

@JoeDV , would it be possible to create a scan for this? The code you gave in the original post (post #8) works well for me. I'd just like to be able to scan for Buy Signals. Thanks so much
# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;

Shared Scanner link: http://tos.mx/mZwdQx2 Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links
I recently came upon a nice scalping strategy:
. I coded it for thinkscript and figured I should share it with all you wonderful people here. Designed for NQ 1m, but I see good, bigger trades on 2m as well (I have only traded it on sim thus far). On the 2m, it basically functions as a nice pullback entry in a trend. While the strat creator's only requirement is being above/below 10 ema, I decided to use a 10-20-50 ema filter to get rid of bad signals in chop. There is likely a better trend filter but this gets the job done. I prefer to use my own judgment on whether we're trending or not; the filter merely serves to clean up unnecessary arrows on my chart.

Enjoy, and I look forward to your feedback.

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;

Are you still using this successfully?
I recently came upon a nice scalping strategy:
. I coded it for thinkscript and figured I should share it with all you wonderful people here. Designed for NQ 1m, but I see good, bigger trades on 2m as well (I have only traded it on sim thus far). On the 2m, it basically functions as a nice pullback entry in a trend. While the strat creator's only requirement is being above/below 10 ema, I decided to use a 10-20-50 ema filter to get rid of bad signals in chop. There is likely a better trend filter but this gets the job done. I prefer to use my own judgment on whether we're trending or not; the filter merely serves to clean up unnecessary arrows on my chart.

Enjoy, and I look forward to your feedback.

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;
Thanks for your work - on the QTE source video, he talks about using an ATR above 15. When I plot the ATR on TOS, I see good signals in the chart but the ATR is in the 2-4 range. What am I missing?
Thanks for your work - on the QTE source video, he talks about using an ATR above 15. When I plot the ATR on TOS, I see good signals in the chart but the ATR is in the 2-4 range. What am I missing?

I hope you don't mind I made some changes to the study to turn it into a strategy for backtesting with a Gandalf Pattern.
Works on all time frames, take a look at the 3m MNQ

input EnableStrategy = yes;
input UseMarketTime = no; #hint UseMarketTime: Use Trading hours?
input TradeTimeStart = 0930;
input TradeTimeEnd = 1555;
input UseTradeOffTradeTime = no;
input UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions = no; #hint UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions: Exit/Close open trades based on the market hours selected
input UseDateRange = no; #hint UseDateRange: Trade Signals within the date range specified
input ActiveStartDate = 20230101;
input ActiveEndDate = 20240101;

def activedaterange = GetYYYYMMDD() >= ActiveStartDate and GetYYYYMMDD() <= ActiveEndDate;
def activerange = if UseDateRange then  activedaterange else 1;
AddLabel(UseDateRange, if activerange then "Range " + AsPrice(ActiveStartDate) + " - " + AsPrice(ActiveEndDate) else ""  , Color.WHITE );

def Active = if GetDay() != GetDay()[1]
          then 0
          else if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0
            then 1
            else 0;

def ActiveTradeTime = if UseTradeOffTradeTime then !Active else if UseMarketTime then if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                           SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0  then 1 else 0
                    else 1;
def closeallmarket =   ( if UseMarketTime and UseTradeOffTradeTime then Active and !Active[1] and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions else  !ActiveTradeTime and ActiveTradeTime[1])  and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions;
input ShowTime = yes;

input TimeZone = 10.5;
def Hours = Floor(TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(0930) / 60 / 60) - 1;
def Minutes = ((TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(930) / 60 / 60) % 1) * 60;

AddLabel(ShowTime, " Market Time:  " + GetMonth() + "/" +  GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()) + "/"  + (AsPrice(GetYear()))  + ":" + Hours + ":" + Minutes ,
             if !IsNaN(GetTime())
             then Color.LIME
             else if IsNaN(GetTime())
                  then Color.PINK
                  else Color.WHITE);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxEdt@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxEdt" + open[-1]);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxSession@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxSession@" + open[-1]);

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;

def averagePrice = ohlc4;
def medianPrice = hl2;
def medianBodyPrice = MidBodyVal();

def entryGandaldfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] <= averagePrice[1] and
    medianBodyPrice[2] <= averagePrice[3]) or
    (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice < medianPrice[2] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[2]);

def exitGandalfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] == medianBodyPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= medianBodyPrice[4]) or
    (averagePrice[2] < medianBodyPrice and
    medianPrice[4] <= averagePrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= averagePrice[1]);

def wiz_buy = bull or (entryGandaldfPattern) ;
def wiz_sell = ( bear ) and (exitGandalfPattern or !entryGandaldfPattern);

input useAutoOrderswiz = yes;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_buy, name =  "B(w>)@ "  + open[-1], price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1));
AddOrder(OrderType.sell_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_sell, name =   "S(<w)@ "  + open[-1],  price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(4), arrowcolor = GetColor(4));

##  START of Strategies DashBoard
addOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, no);
input enableDashBoard = yes;
input ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlBubble = no;
input ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlVertical = no;
Input ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels = yes;
def fpl = FPL();
def StrategyEntryprice = if IsNaN(EntryPrice())  then 0 else EntryPrice();
def ep = entryprice();
def poschange = ( StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice == 0 ) or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] == 0  )   or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] > 0   and StrategyEntryprice[0] > 0 );
def pnlentry =  if  poschange  then  fpl[1] else pnlentry[1];
def currentprofit = fpl() - pnlentry[1];
def pnlprofit =  if pnlentry <> pnlentry[1] then  fpl()[1] - pnlentry[1] else 0  ;
def entryprofit = (if pnlprofit> 0 then 1 else -1 )  * absValue( if  poschange  then if StrategyEntryprice == 0 then open[0] - ep[1] else ep-ep[1] else 0) ;
def dollarentryprofitloss = Round(((entryprofit ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange and absValue(dollarentryprofitloss  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(dollarentryprofitloss[0]), if dollarentryprofitloss[0] > 0 then Color.light_GREEN else if  dollarentryprofitloss[0] < 0 then Color.pink else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + dollarentryprofitloss + ")" ,  if dollarentryprofitloss > 0 then Color.GREEN else if dollarentryprofitloss < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def fplpnlprofit = pnlprofit;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange[0] and absValue(fplpnlprofit  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(fplpnlprofit[0]), if fplpnlprofit[0] > 0 then Color.GREEN else if  fplpnlprofit[0] < 0 then Color.RED else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + pnlprofit + ")" ,  if pnlprofit > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pnlprofit < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def lastentry =if isnan( entryprice()) then lastentry[1] else entryprice() ;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble  and !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close [-1] ) and HighestAll(BarNumber()) and absValue(currentprofit)> 0, lastentry, AsDollars(currentprofit[0]), if currentprofit[0] > 0 then Color.green else if  currentprofit[0] < 0 then Color.red else Color.BLUE);

def pl = if ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble then if isnan( dollarentryprofitloss) then 0 else dollarentryprofitloss else if isnan(fplpnlprofit) then 0 else fplpnlprofit;
def StrategyLongprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyShortprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyProfittradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyProfittradecnt[1] + 1 else StrategyProfittradecnt[1] ;
def Strategylosstradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then Strategylosstradecnt[1] + 1 else Strategylosstradecnt[1] ;
def Strategytradecnt = StrategyProfittradecnt + Strategylosstradecnt;
# What percent were winners
def StrategyPCTWin = Round(((StrategyProfittradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTLoss = Round(((Strategylosstradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTWinamt = Round(((absValue(StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
def PCTLossamt =  Round(((absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategylosstradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
plot PltEntryPrice = if enableDashBoard then  ep else double.nan;
PltEntryPrice.assignValueColor(if currentprofit then color.green else
if entryprofit < 0 then color.red else color.cyan );

def Strategylowestdrawdown =  min(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,Strategylowestdrawdown[1]);
def StrategyHigestdrawUp =  max(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,StrategyHigestdrawUp[1]);
def Strategylowestloss = min(pl,Strategylowestloss[1]);
def highestwin = max(pl,highestwin[1]);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels,"Last Entry: "+lastentry +"("+currentprofit +")" ,if currentprofit > 0 then color.light_green else if currentprofit < 0 then color.light_red else color.cyan );
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PNL: " + (FPL()), if FPL() > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Winners: " + StrategyPCTWin + "%", if StrategyPCTWin > 50 then Color.GREEN else if StrategyPCTWin > 40 then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ProfitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum), if (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum) > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ShortprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyShortprofitLossSum), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "LongprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Trades: " + (Strategytradecnt), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Trades: " + (StrategyProfittradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt > Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Loss Trades: " + (Strategylosstradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt < Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Factor: " +round(absvalue (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyShortprofitLossSum)),color.cyan);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest Loss: " + (Strategylowestloss), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest DrawDown: " + (Strategylowestdrawdown), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest DrawUp: " + (StrategyHigestdrawUp), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest Win: " + (highestwin), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Trades: " + (StrategyPCTWin), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Trades: " + (StrategyPCTLoss), Color.PINK);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Amount: " + (StrategyPCTWinamt), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Amount: " + (PCTLossamt), Color.PINK);
def firstentry = if Strategytradecnt ==1 then close[1] else firstentry[1];
def buyandhold = Round(((close - firstentry ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Buy&Hold: " + (buyandhold), if buyandhold > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
##  END of Strategy DashBoard
I hope you don't mind I made some changes to the study to turn it into a strategy for backtesting with a Gandalf Pattern.
Works on all time frames, take a look at the 3m MNQ

input EnableStrategy = yes;
input UseMarketTime = no; #hint UseMarketTime: Use Trading hours?
input TradeTimeStart = 0930;
input TradeTimeEnd = 1555;
input UseTradeOffTradeTime = no;
input UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions = no; #hint UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions: Exit/Close open trades based on the market hours selected
input UseDateRange = no; #hint UseDateRange: Trade Signals within the date range specified
input ActiveStartDate = 20230101;
input ActiveEndDate = 20240101;

def activedaterange = GetYYYYMMDD() >= ActiveStartDate and GetYYYYMMDD() <= ActiveEndDate;
def activerange = if UseDateRange then  activedaterange else 1;
AddLabel(UseDateRange, if activerange then "Range " + AsPrice(ActiveStartDate) + " - " + AsPrice(ActiveEndDate) else ""  , Color.WHITE );

def Active = if GetDay() != GetDay()[1]
          then 0
          else if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0
            then 1
            else 0;

def ActiveTradeTime = if UseTradeOffTradeTime then !Active else if UseMarketTime then if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                           SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0  then 1 else 0
                    else 1;
def closeallmarket =   ( if UseMarketTime and UseTradeOffTradeTime then Active and !Active[1] and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions else  !ActiveTradeTime and ActiveTradeTime[1])  and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions;
input ShowTime = yes;

input TimeZone = 10.5;
def Hours = Floor(TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(0930) / 60 / 60) - 1;
def Minutes = ((TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(930) / 60 / 60) % 1) * 60;

AddLabel(ShowTime, " Market Time:  " + GetMonth() + "/" +  GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()) + "/"  + (AsPrice(GetYear()))  + ":" + Hours + ":" + Minutes ,
             if !IsNaN(GetTime())
             then Color.LIME
             else if IsNaN(GetTime())
                  then Color.PINK
                  else Color.WHITE);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxEdt@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxEdt" + open[-1]);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxSession@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxSession@" + open[-1]);

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;

def averagePrice = ohlc4;
def medianPrice = hl2;
def medianBodyPrice = MidBodyVal();

def entryGandaldfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] <= averagePrice[1] and
    medianBodyPrice[2] <= averagePrice[3]) or
    (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice < medianPrice[2] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[2]);

def exitGandalfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] == medianBodyPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= medianBodyPrice[4]) or
    (averagePrice[2] < medianBodyPrice and
    medianPrice[4] <= averagePrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= averagePrice[1]);

def wiz_buy = bull or (entryGandaldfPattern) ;
def wiz_sell = ( bear ) and (exitGandalfPattern or !entryGandaldfPattern);

input useAutoOrderswiz = yes;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_buy, name =  "B(w>)@ "  + open[-1], price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1));
AddOrder(OrderType.sell_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_sell, name =   "S(<w)@ "  + open[-1],  price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(4), arrowcolor = GetColor(4));

##  START of Strategies DashBoard
addOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, no);
input enableDashBoard = yes;
input ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlBubble = no;
input ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlVertical = no;
Input ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels = yes;
def fpl = FPL();
def StrategyEntryprice = if IsNaN(EntryPrice())  then 0 else EntryPrice();
def ep = entryprice();
def poschange = ( StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice == 0 ) or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] == 0  )   or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] > 0   and StrategyEntryprice[0] > 0 );
def pnlentry =  if  poschange  then  fpl[1] else pnlentry[1];
def currentprofit = fpl() - pnlentry[1];
def pnlprofit =  if pnlentry <> pnlentry[1] then  fpl()[1] - pnlentry[1] else 0  ;
def entryprofit = (if pnlprofit> 0 then 1 else -1 )  * absValue( if  poschange  then if StrategyEntryprice == 0 then open[0] - ep[1] else ep-ep[1] else 0) ;
def dollarentryprofitloss = Round(((entryprofit ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange and absValue(dollarentryprofitloss  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(dollarentryprofitloss[0]), if dollarentryprofitloss[0] > 0 then Color.light_GREEN else if  dollarentryprofitloss[0] < 0 then Color.pink else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + dollarentryprofitloss + ")" ,  if dollarentryprofitloss > 0 then Color.GREEN else if dollarentryprofitloss < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def fplpnlprofit = pnlprofit;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange[0] and absValue(fplpnlprofit  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(fplpnlprofit[0]), if fplpnlprofit[0] > 0 then Color.GREEN else if  fplpnlprofit[0] < 0 then Color.RED else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + pnlprofit + ")" ,  if pnlprofit > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pnlprofit < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def lastentry =if isnan( entryprice()) then lastentry[1] else entryprice() ;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble  and !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close [-1] ) and HighestAll(BarNumber()) and absValue(currentprofit)> 0, lastentry, AsDollars(currentprofit[0]), if currentprofit[0] > 0 then Color.green else if  currentprofit[0] < 0 then Color.red else Color.BLUE);

def pl = if ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble then if isnan( dollarentryprofitloss) then 0 else dollarentryprofitloss else if isnan(fplpnlprofit) then 0 else fplpnlprofit;
def StrategyLongprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyShortprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyProfittradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyProfittradecnt[1] + 1 else StrategyProfittradecnt[1] ;
def Strategylosstradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then Strategylosstradecnt[1] + 1 else Strategylosstradecnt[1] ;
def Strategytradecnt = StrategyProfittradecnt + Strategylosstradecnt;
# What percent were winners
def StrategyPCTWin = Round(((StrategyProfittradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTLoss = Round(((Strategylosstradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTWinamt = Round(((absValue(StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
def PCTLossamt =  Round(((absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategylosstradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
plot PltEntryPrice = if enableDashBoard then  ep else double.nan;
PltEntryPrice.assignValueColor(if currentprofit then color.green else
if entryprofit < 0 then color.red else color.cyan );

def Strategylowestdrawdown =  min(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,Strategylowestdrawdown[1]);
def StrategyHigestdrawUp =  max(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,StrategyHigestdrawUp[1]);
def Strategylowestloss = min(pl,Strategylowestloss[1]);
def highestwin = max(pl,highestwin[1]);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels,"Last Entry: "+lastentry +"("+currentprofit +")" ,if currentprofit > 0 then color.light_green else if currentprofit < 0 then color.light_red else color.cyan );
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PNL: " + (FPL()), if FPL() > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Winners: " + StrategyPCTWin + "%", if StrategyPCTWin > 50 then Color.GREEN else if StrategyPCTWin > 40 then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ProfitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum), if (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum) > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ShortprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyShortprofitLossSum), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "LongprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Trades: " + (Strategytradecnt), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Trades: " + (StrategyProfittradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt > Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Loss Trades: " + (Strategylosstradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt < Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Factor: " +round(absvalue (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyShortprofitLossSum)),color.cyan);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest Loss: " + (Strategylowestloss), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest DrawDown: " + (Strategylowestdrawdown), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest DrawUp: " + (StrategyHigestdrawUp), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest Win: " + (highestwin), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Trades: " + (StrategyPCTWin), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Trades: " + (StrategyPCTLoss), Color.PINK);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Amount: " + (StrategyPCTWinamt), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Amount: " + (PCTLossamt), Color.PINK);
def firstentry = if Strategytradecnt ==1 then close[1] else firstentry[1];
def buyandhold = Round(((close - firstentry ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Buy&Hold: " + (buyandhold), if buyandhold > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
##  END of Strategy DashBoard
I am not seeing anything on my chart?
using regular candles. What is wrong?
I hope you don't mind I made some changes to the study to turn it into a strategy for backtesting with a Gandalf Pattern.
Works on all time frames, take a look at the 3m MNQ

input EnableStrategy = yes;
input UseMarketTime = no; #hint UseMarketTime: Use Trading hours?
input TradeTimeStart = 0930;
input TradeTimeEnd = 1555;
input UseTradeOffTradeTime = no;
input UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions = no; #hint UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions: Exit/Close open trades based on the market hours selected
input UseDateRange = no; #hint UseDateRange: Trade Signals within the date range specified
input ActiveStartDate = 20230101;
input ActiveEndDate = 20240101;

def activedaterange = GetYYYYMMDD() >= ActiveStartDate and GetYYYYMMDD() <= ActiveEndDate;
def activerange = if UseDateRange then  activedaterange else 1;
AddLabel(UseDateRange, if activerange then "Range " + AsPrice(ActiveStartDate) + " - " + AsPrice(ActiveEndDate) else ""  , Color.WHITE );

def Active = if GetDay() != GetDay()[1]
          then 0
          else if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                  SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0
            then 1
            else 0;

def ActiveTradeTime = if UseTradeOffTradeTime then !Active else if UseMarketTime then if SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeStart) <= 0 and
                           SecondsTillTime(TradeTimeEnd) >= 0  then 1 else 0
                    else 1;
def closeallmarket =   ( if UseMarketTime and UseTradeOffTradeTime then Active and !Active[1] and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions else  !ActiveTradeTime and ActiveTradeTime[1])  and UseMarketTradeTimeToExitPositions;
input ShowTime = yes;

input TimeZone = 10.5;
def Hours = Floor(TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(0930) / 60 / 60) - 1;
def Minutes = ((TimeZone + SecondsFromTime(930) / 60 / 60) % 1) * 60;

AddLabel(ShowTime, " Market Time:  " + GetMonth() + "/" +  GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()) + "/"  + (AsPrice(GetYear()))  + ":" + Hours + ":" + Minutes ,
             if !IsNaN(GetTime())
             then Color.LIME
             else if IsNaN(GetTime())
                  then Color.PINK
                  else Color.WHITE);

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxEdt@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  closeallmarket, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxEdt" + open[-1]);
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy  and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "BxSession@ " + open[-1]) ;
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, EnableStrategy and  !activerange, tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1), name = "SxSession@" + open[-1]);

# Shimi's Scalp Pro Elite Platinum Extreme; Deluxe Edition.
# Based on Quant Trade Edge's Strategy in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhW5czmfc14
# Original Strategy is for NQ 1 minute chart, long only above 10ema and short only below 10ema, risking 1 ATR for .5 ATR target.

# Start EMA
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input displace = 0;

def ema = expAverage(price[-displace], length);
def ema20 = expAverage (price, length=20);
def ema50 = expAverage (price, length=50);

def bull = close > open and low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close > ema and ema > ema20 and ema20 > ema50;
def bear = close < open and low > low[1] and high > high[1] and close < ema and ema < ema20 and ema20 < ema50;

plot upsignal = bull;
plot downsignal = bear;

def averagePrice = ohlc4;
def medianPrice = hl2;
def medianBodyPrice = MidBodyVal();

def entryGandaldfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] <= averagePrice[1] and
    medianBodyPrice[2] <= averagePrice[3]) or
    (averagePrice[1] < medianPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice < medianPrice[2] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[2]);

def exitGandalfPattern = (averagePrice[1] < medianBodyPrice[1] and
    medianPrice[2] == medianBodyPrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= medianBodyPrice[4]) or
    (averagePrice[2] < medianBodyPrice and
    medianPrice[4] <= averagePrice[3] and
    medianBodyPrice[1] <= averagePrice[1]);

def wiz_buy = bull or (entryGandaldfPattern) ;
def wiz_sell = ( bear ) and (exitGandalfPattern or !entryGandaldfPattern);

input useAutoOrderswiz = yes;

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_buy, name =  "B(w>)@ "  + open[-1], price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(1), arrowcolor = GetColor(1));
AddOrder(OrderType.sell_auto, EnableStrategy and activerange and ActiveTradeTime  and useAutoOrderswiz and wiz_sell, name =   "S(<w)@ "  + open[-1],  price = open[-1], tickcolor = GetColor(4), arrowcolor = GetColor(4));

##  START of Strategies DashBoard
addOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, no);
input enableDashBoard = yes;
input ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlBubble = no;
input ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble = yes;
input ShowStrategyPnlVertical = no;
Input ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels = yes;
def fpl = FPL();
def StrategyEntryprice = if IsNaN(EntryPrice())  then 0 else EntryPrice();
def ep = entryprice();
def poschange = ( StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice == 0 ) or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] == 0  )   or (  StrategyEntryprice <> StrategyEntryprice[1] and StrategyEntryprice[1] > 0   and StrategyEntryprice[0] > 0 );
def pnlentry =  if  poschange  then  fpl[1] else pnlentry[1];
def currentprofit = fpl() - pnlentry[1];
def pnlprofit =  if pnlentry <> pnlentry[1] then  fpl()[1] - pnlentry[1] else 0  ;
def entryprofit = (if pnlprofit> 0 then 1 else -1 )  * absValue( if  poschange  then if StrategyEntryprice == 0 then open[0] - ep[1] else ep-ep[1] else 0) ;
def dollarentryprofitloss = Round(((entryprofit ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange and absValue(dollarentryprofitloss  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(dollarentryprofitloss[0]), if dollarentryprofitloss[0] > 0 then Color.light_GREEN else if  dollarentryprofitloss[0] < 0 then Color.pink else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + dollarentryprofitloss + ")" ,  if dollarentryprofitloss > 0 then Color.GREEN else if dollarentryprofitloss < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def fplpnlprofit = pnlprofit;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange[0] and absValue(fplpnlprofit  )>0, open[0], AsDollars(fplpnlprofit[0]), if fplpnlprofit[0] > 0 then Color.GREEN else if  fplpnlprofit[0] < 0 then Color.RED else Color.BLUE);
AddVerticalLine(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyPnlVertical and ShowStrategyPnlBubble and poschange, AsDollars(fpl) + " (" + pnlprofit + ")" ,  if pnlprofit > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pnlprofit < 0 then Color.RED else if pnlentry == 0 then Color.WHITE else Color.CYAN);
def lastentry =if isnan( entryprice()) then lastentry[1] else entryprice() ;
AddChartBubble(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyCurrentPnlBubble  and !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close [-1] ) and HighestAll(BarNumber()) and absValue(currentprofit)> 0, lastentry, AsDollars(currentprofit[0]), if currentprofit[0] > 0 then Color.green else if  currentprofit[0] < 0 then Color.red else Color.BLUE);

def pl = if ShowStrategyPnlEntryBubble then if isnan( dollarentryprofitloss) then 0 else dollarentryprofitloss else if isnan(fplpnlprofit) then 0 else fplpnlprofit;
def StrategyLongprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyLongprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyShortprofitLossSum = CompoundValue(1, if BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1] + pl[0] else StrategyShortprofitLossSum[1], 0);
def StrategyProfittradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl > 0 then StrategyProfittradecnt[1] + 1 else StrategyProfittradecnt[1] ;
def Strategylosstradecnt = if  BarNumber() == 1 then 0 else if pl < 0 then Strategylosstradecnt[1] + 1 else Strategylosstradecnt[1] ;
def Strategytradecnt = StrategyProfittradecnt + Strategylosstradecnt;
# What percent were winners
def StrategyPCTWin = Round(((StrategyProfittradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTLoss = Round(((Strategylosstradecnt) / (Strategytradecnt)) * 100, 2) ;
def StrategyPCTWinamt = Round(((absValue(StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
def PCTLossamt =  Round(((absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategylosstradecnt)) /absValue( (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyProfittradecnt) + absValue(StrategyShortprofitLossSum/Strategytradecnt))) * 1, 2) ;
plot PltEntryPrice = if enableDashBoard then  ep else double.nan;
PltEntryPrice.assignValueColor(if currentprofit then color.green else
if entryprofit < 0 then color.red else color.cyan );

def Strategylowestdrawdown =  min(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,Strategylowestdrawdown[1]);
def StrategyHigestdrawUp =  max(if isnan(currentprofit) then 0 else currentprofit,StrategyHigestdrawUp[1]);
def Strategylowestloss = min(pl,Strategylowestloss[1]);
def highestwin = max(pl,highestwin[1]);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels,"Last Entry: "+lastentry +"("+currentprofit +")" ,if currentprofit > 0 then color.light_green else if currentprofit < 0 then color.light_red else color.cyan );
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PNL: " + (FPL()), if FPL() > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Winners: " + StrategyPCTWin + "%", if StrategyPCTWin > 50 then Color.GREEN else if StrategyPCTWin > 40 then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ProfitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum), if (StrategyLongprofitLossSum + StrategyShortprofitLossSum) > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "ShortprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyShortprofitLossSum), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "LongprofitLossSum: " + (StrategyLongprofitLossSum), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Trades: " + (Strategytradecnt), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Trades: " + (StrategyProfittradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt > Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Loss Trades: " + (Strategylosstradecnt), if StrategyProfittradecnt < Strategylosstradecnt then Color.LIME else Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Profit Factor: " +round(absvalue (StrategyLongprofitLossSum/StrategyShortprofitLossSum)),color.cyan);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest Loss: " + (Strategylowestloss), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Lowest DrawDown: " + (Strategylowestdrawdown), Color.pink);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest DrawUp: " + (StrategyHigestdrawUp), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Highest Win: " + (highestwin), Color.LIME);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Trades: " + (StrategyPCTWin), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Trades: " + (StrategyPCTLoss), Color.PINK);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTWin Amount: " + (StrategyPCTWinamt), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "PCTLoss Amount: " + (PCTLossamt), Color.PINK);
def firstentry = if Strategytradecnt ==1 then close[1] else firstentry[1];
def buyandhold = Round(((close - firstentry ) / TickSize()) * TickValue());
AddLabel(enableDashBoard and ShowStrategyProfitLossLabels, "Buy&Hold: " + (buyandhold), if buyandhold > 0 then Color.LIME else Color.RED);
##  END of Strategy DashBoard
@Ramisegal Could you help me with part of the logic in this strategy? Where in this strategy causes the scalping piece? When looking at the logic I don't see how buys and sells more frequently. On another platform trying to create this, it doesn't show as frequent buy/sells.
@Ramisegal Could you help me with part of the logic in this strategy? Where in this strategy causes the scalping piece? When looking at the logic I don't see how buys and sells more frequently. On another platform trying to create this, it doesn't show as frequent buy/sells.View attachment 21143
I did not name this strategy only included the Gandalf pattern in its entry logic.
I did not name this strategy only included the Gandalf pattern in its entry logic.
@Ramisegal I'm aware, but you did add the wizbuy/wizsell at the bottom it looks like. I just wanted to see if the logic is buy when bull or entrygandald and sell when bear and exitgandal or not entrygandal or was there some kind of trailing stop/price target that I'm missing in the logic?

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