Nirvana Holy Grail Inside Bar Outside Bar For ThinkOrSwim


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This looks for 4 patterns,
. Nirvana - cyan , 3 bars, middle bar is smaller
. HolyGrail - magenta , 3 bars, middle bar is bigger
. Inside bar - yellow , 2 bars , right bar is smaller
. Outside bar - white , 2 bars , right bar is bigger

each pattern is drawn in a different color.
a colored label is shown for each pattern that is turned on.

the last bar in a pattern has a different color, i left it that way from the original.
the high and low of the last bar in a pattern, are the levels that are compared to price.
up arrow , when price is above a high.
down arrow , when price is below a low.

setting this to yes, will plot only the arrows that change direction. when an arrow is different that the last one.
input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

the arrows for the 4 patterns are drawn at different distances from the candles, so if all 4 are drawn, they are visible and stacked, not covered up.
there are 3 variables that affect how the arrows are placed.
def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

can show horizontal lines from the high and low.
can turn any of the 4 patterns on or off.

 #Nirvana Holy Grail Inside Bar Outside Bar For ThinkOrSwim
#@halcyonguy 2/2022
# hilite_bars_higherlower_02

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

input show_Nirvana = yes;
input show_HolyGrail = yes;
input show_Inside_bar = yes;
input show_Outside_bar = yes;

# Nirvana - color.CYAN
# HolyGrail - color.magenta
# Inside bar   - color.yellow
# Outside bar  - color.WHITE

input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

input show_bar_level_lines = yes;

def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

# ----------------------------------------------
##NIRVANA - Color.cyan

#def nirvana = low[1] > low[2] and low < low[1] and high[1] < high[2] and high > high[1];
def nirvana = if !show_Nirvana then 0 else
 high[2] > high[1] and high[1] < high[0]
 low[2] < low[1]  and low[1] > low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def nirvana_hi = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then high else nirvana_hi[1];
def nirvana_lo = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then low else nirvana_lo[1];

plot z1 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_hi;
plot z2 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_lo;

def narrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if nirvana then 0
  else if close > nirvana_hi then 1
  else if close < nirvana_lo then -1
  else narrows[1];

def nuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > nirvana_hi and narrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > nirvana_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def ndwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < nirvana_lo and narrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < nirvana_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 1 of arrows
plot nirup = if (show_NIRVANA and nuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

plot nirdwn = if (show_NIRVANA and ndwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

addchartbubble(0, low*0.997,
bn + "\n" +
nirvana + " n\n" +
nirvana_hi + " hi\n" +
nirvana_lo + " lo\n" +
narrows + " arr\n" +
nuparrow_en + " up\n" +
ndwnarrow_en + " dwn"
, color.yellow, no);

# ----------------------------------------------
# HolyGrail - magenta

#plot holyGrail = low[1] < low[2] and high[1] > high[2] and low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def holyGrail = if !show_holygrail then 0 else
 high[2] < high[1] and high[1] > high[0]
 low[2] > low[1] and low[1] < low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def holygrail_hi = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then high else holygrail_hi[1];
def holygrail_lo = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then low else holygrail_lo[1];

plot z3 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_hi;
plot z4 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_lo;

def harrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if holygrail then 0
  else if close > holygrail_hi then 1
  else if close < holygrail_lo then -1
  else harrows[1];

def huparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > holygrail_hi and harrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > holygrail_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def hdwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < holygrail_lo and harrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < holygrail_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 2 of arrows
plot holup = if (show_holygrail and huparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

plot holdwn = if (show_holygrail and hdwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac* (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Inside_bar - yellow

#plot inBar = low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def inBar2 = if !show_inside_bar then 0 else
low[1] < low[0] and high[1] > high[0];

# insidebar is same as 2nd half of  HolyGrail
# if bar is a HolyGrail , then disable insidebar
def inside_bar = if HolyGrail then 0 else inbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def inside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then high else inside_bar_hi[1];
def inside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then low else inside_bar_lo[1];

plot z5 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_hi;
plot z6 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_lo;

def iarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if inside_bar then 0
  else if close > inside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < inside_bar_lo then -1
  else iarrows[1];

def iuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > inside_bar_hi and iarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > inside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def idwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < inside_bar_lo and iarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < inside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 3 of arrows
plot insup = if (show_inside_bar and iuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

plot insdwn = if (show_inside_bar and idwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Outside_Bar - white

#plot outBar2 = low < low[1] and high > high[1];
def outBar2 = if !show_outside_bar then 0 else
  low[1] > low[0] and high[1] < high[0];

# outsidebar is same as 2nd half of nirvana
# if bar is a nirvana , then disable outsidebar
def outside_bar = if nirvana then 0 else outbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def outside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then high else outside_bar_hi[1];
def outside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then low else outside_bar_lo[1];

plot z7 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_hi;
plot z8 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_lo;

def oarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if outside_bar then 0
  else if close > outside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < outside_bar_lo then -1
  else oarrows[1];

def ouparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > outside_bar_hi and oarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > outside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def odwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < outside_bar_lo and oarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < outside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 4 of arrows
plot outsup = if (show_outside_bar and ouparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

plot outsdwn = if (show_outside_bar and odwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------

addlabel(show_NIRVANA, "Nirvana", Color.CYAN);
addlabel(show_HolyGrail, "HolyGrail", color.magenta);
addlabel(show_Inside_bar, "Inside bar", Color.yellow);
addlabel(show_Outside_bar, "Outside bar", Color.WHITE);

 if Nirvana then Color.CYAN
 else if HolyGrail then color.magenta
 else if inside_bar then Color.yellow
 else if outside_Bar then Color.WHITE
 else Color.CURRENT);


nirvana - zoomed in , first changed arrows

nirvana - zoom out, multiple triggers

all 4 signals - all arrows
each signal arrow has a different price factor, so they appear stacked, not on top of each other.
Last edited by a moderator:

Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

Is there anyway we could get an addition to this script that highlights both of the candles that make up the Holygrail and Nirvana pattern? As of right now I have all the lines and arrows turned so just the candle highlights are showing. With that, I would like for the new script to color BOTH candles that make up the "holygrail" and "nirvana" instead of just the one. Thanks in advance. Love this script. Been having fantastic results recently with the Nirvana and Holygrails!
Is there anyway we could get an addition to this script that highlights both of the candles that make up the Holygrail and Nirvana pattern? As of right now I have all the lines and arrows turned so just the candle highlights are showing. With that, I would like for the new script to color BOTH candles that make up the "holygrail" and "nirvana" instead of just the one. Thanks in advance. Love this script. Been having fantastic results recently with the Nirvana and Holygrails!
Sorry, no idea what you are asking.
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Last edited:
This looks for 4 patterns,
. Nirvana - cyan , 3 bars, middle bar is smaller
. HolyGrail - magenta , 3 bars, middle bar is bigger
. Inside bar - yellow , 2 bars , right bar is smaller
. Outside bar - white , 2 bars , right bar is bigger

each pattern is drawn in a different color.
a colored label is shown for each pattern that is turned on.

the last bar in a pattern has a different color, i left it that way from the original.
the high and low of the last bar in a pattern, are the levels that are compared to price.
up arrow , when price is above a high.
down arrow , when price is below a low.

setting this to yes, will plot only the arrows that change direction. when an arrow is different that the last one.
input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

the arrows for the 4 patterns are drawn at different distances from the candles, so if all 4 are drawn, they are visible and stacked, not covered up.
there are 3 variables that affect how the arrows are placed.
def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

can show horizontal lines from the high and low.
can turn any of the 4 patterns on or off.

 #Nirvana Holy Grail Inside Bar Outside Bar For ThinkOrSwim
#@halcyonguy 2/2022
# hilite_bars_higherlower_02

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

input show_Nirvana = yes;
input show_HolyGrail = yes;
input show_Inside_bar = yes;
input show_Outside_bar = yes;

# Nirvana - color.CYAN
# HolyGrail - color.magenta
# Inside bar   - color.yellow
# Outside bar  - color.WHITE

input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

input show_bar_level_lines = yes;

def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

# ----------------------------------------------
##NIRVANA - Color.cyan

#def nirvana = low[1] > low[2] and low < low[1] and high[1] < high[2] and high > high[1];
def nirvana = if !show_Nirvana then 0 else
 high[2] > high[1] and high[1] < high[0]
 low[2] < low[1]  and low[1] > low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def nirvana_hi = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then high else nirvana_hi[1];
def nirvana_lo = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then low else nirvana_lo[1];

plot z1 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_hi;
plot z2 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_lo;

def narrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if nirvana then 0
  else if close > nirvana_hi then 1
  else if close < nirvana_lo then -1
  else narrows[1];

def nuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > nirvana_hi and narrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > nirvana_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def ndwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < nirvana_lo and narrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < nirvana_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 1 of arrows
plot nirup = if (show_NIRVANA and nuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

plot nirdwn = if (show_NIRVANA and ndwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

addchartbubble(0, low*0.997,
bn + "\n" +
nirvana + " n\n" +
nirvana_hi + " hi\n" +
nirvana_lo + " lo\n" +
narrows + " arr\n" +
nuparrow_en + " up\n" +
ndwnarrow_en + " dwn"
, color.yellow, no);

# ----------------------------------------------
# HolyGrail - magenta

#plot holyGrail = low[1] < low[2] and high[1] > high[2] and low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def holyGrail = if !show_holygrail then 0 else
 high[2] < high[1] and high[1] > high[0]
 low[2] > low[1] and low[1] < low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def holygrail_hi = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then high else holygrail_hi[1];
def holygrail_lo = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then low else holygrail_lo[1];

plot z3 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_hi;
plot z4 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_lo;

def harrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if holygrail then 0
  else if close > holygrail_hi then 1
  else if close < holygrail_lo then -1
  else harrows[1];

def huparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > holygrail_hi and harrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > holygrail_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def hdwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < holygrail_lo and harrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < holygrail_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 2 of arrows
plot holup = if (show_holygrail and huparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

plot holdwn = if (show_holygrail and hdwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac* (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Inside_bar - yellow

#plot inBar = low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def inBar2 = if !show_inside_bar then 0 else
low[1] < low[0] and high[1] > high[0];

# insidebar is same as 2nd half of  HolyGrail
# if bar is a HolyGrail , then disable insidebar
def inside_bar = if HolyGrail then 0 else inbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def inside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then high else inside_bar_hi[1];
def inside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then low else inside_bar_lo[1];

plot z5 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_hi;
plot z6 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_lo;

def iarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if inside_bar then 0
  else if close > inside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < inside_bar_lo then -1
  else iarrows[1];

def iuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > inside_bar_hi and iarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > inside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def idwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < inside_bar_lo and iarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < inside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 3 of arrows
plot insup = if (show_inside_bar and iuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

plot insdwn = if (show_inside_bar and idwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Outside_Bar - white

#plot outBar2 = low < low[1] and high > high[1];
def outBar2 = if !show_outside_bar then 0 else
  low[1] > low[0] and high[1] < high[0];

# outsidebar is same as 2nd half of nirvana
# if bar is a nirvana , then disable outsidebar
def outside_bar = if nirvana then 0 else outbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def outside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then high else outside_bar_hi[1];
def outside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then low else outside_bar_lo[1];

plot z7 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_hi;
plot z8 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_lo;

def oarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if outside_bar then 0
  else if close > outside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < outside_bar_lo then -1
  else oarrows[1];

def ouparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > outside_bar_hi and oarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > outside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def odwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < outside_bar_lo and oarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < outside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 4 of arrows
plot outsup = if (show_outside_bar and ouparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

plot outsdwn = if (show_outside_bar and odwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------

addlabel(show_NIRVANA, "Nirvana", Color.CYAN);
addlabel(show_HolyGrail, "HolyGrail", color.magenta);
addlabel(show_Inside_bar, "Inside bar", Color.yellow);
addlabel(show_Outside_bar, "Outside bar", Color.WHITE);

 if Nirvana then Color.CYAN
 else if HolyGrail then color.magenta
 else if inside_bar then Color.yellow
 else if outside_Bar then Color.WHITE
 else Color.CURRENT);


nirvana - zoomed in , first changed arrows

nirvana - zoom out, multiple triggers

all 4 signals - all arrows
each signal arrow has a different price factor, so they appear stacked, not on top of each other.
Nirvana pattern is an outside bar after one inside bar
This looks for 4 patterns,
. Nirvana - cyan , 3 bars, middle bar is smaller
. HolyGrail - magenta , 3 bars, middle bar is bigger
. Inside bar - yellow , 2 bars , right bar is smaller
. Outside bar - white , 2 bars , right bar is bigger

each pattern is drawn in a different color.
a colored label is shown for each pattern that is turned on.

the last bar in a pattern has a different color, i left it that way from the original.
the high and low of the last bar in a pattern, are the levels that are compared to price.
up arrow , when price is above a high.
down arrow , when price is below a low.

setting this to yes, will plot only the arrows that change direction. when an arrow is different that the last one.
input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

the arrows for the 4 patterns are drawn at different distances from the candles, so if all 4 are drawn, they are visible and stacked, not covered up.
there are 3 variables that affect how the arrows are placed.
def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

can show horizontal lines from the high and low.
can turn any of the 4 patterns on or off.

 #Nirvana Holy Grail Inside Bar Outside Bar For ThinkOrSwim
#@halcyonguy 2/2022
# hilite_bars_higherlower_02

def na = double.nan;
def bn = barnumber();

input show_Nirvana = yes;
input show_HolyGrail = yes;
input show_Inside_bar = yes;
input show_Outside_bar = yes;

# Nirvana - color.CYAN
# HolyGrail - color.magenta
# Inside bar   - color.yellow
# Outside bar  - color.WHITE

input show_only_first_changed_arrows = yes;

input show_bar_level_lines = yes;

def arrow_size = 1;
def arrow_sp_fac = 0.1;
def sizex = 0.8;

# ----------------------------------------------
##NIRVANA - Color.cyan

#def nirvana = low[1] > low[2] and low < low[1] and high[1] < high[2] and high > high[1];
def nirvana = if !show_Nirvana then 0 else
 high[2] > high[1] and high[1] < high[0]
 low[2] < low[1]  and low[1] > low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def nirvana_hi = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then high else nirvana_hi[1];
def nirvana_lo = if bn == 1 or nirvana[-1] then na else if nirvana then low else nirvana_lo[1];

plot z1 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_hi;
plot z2 = if (!show_NIRVANA or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else nirvana_lo;

def narrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if nirvana then 0
  else if close > nirvana_hi then 1
  else if close < nirvana_lo then -1
  else narrows[1];

def nuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > nirvana_hi and narrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > nirvana_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def ndwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < nirvana_lo and narrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < nirvana_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 1 of arrows
plot nirup = if (show_NIRVANA and nuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

plot nirdwn = if (show_NIRVANA and ndwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 0)) else na;

addchartbubble(0, low*0.997,
bn + "\n" +
nirvana + " n\n" +
nirvana_hi + " hi\n" +
nirvana_lo + " lo\n" +
narrows + " arr\n" +
nuparrow_en + " up\n" +
ndwnarrow_en + " dwn"
, color.yellow, no);

# ----------------------------------------------
# HolyGrail - magenta

#plot holyGrail = low[1] < low[2] and high[1] > high[2] and low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def holyGrail = if !show_holygrail then 0 else
 high[2] < high[1] and high[1] > high[0]
 low[2] > low[1] and low[1] < low[0];

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def holygrail_hi = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then high else holygrail_hi[1];
def holygrail_lo = if bn == 1 or holygrail[-1] then na else if holygrail then low else holygrail_lo[1];

plot z3 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_hi;
plot z4 = if (!show_holygrail or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else holygrail_lo;

def harrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if holygrail then 0
  else if close > holygrail_hi then 1
  else if close < holygrail_lo then -1
  else harrows[1];

def huparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > holygrail_hi and harrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > holygrail_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def hdwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < holygrail_lo and harrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < holygrail_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 2 of arrows
plot holup = if (show_holygrail and huparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

plot holdwn = if (show_holygrail and hdwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac* (arrow_size * sizex) * 1)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Inside_bar - yellow

#plot inBar = low > low[1] and high < high[1];
def inBar2 = if !show_inside_bar then 0 else
low[1] < low[0] and high[1] > high[0];

# insidebar is same as 2nd half of  HolyGrail
# if bar is a HolyGrail , then disable insidebar
def inside_bar = if HolyGrail then 0 else inbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def inside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then high else inside_bar_hi[1];
def inside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or inside_bar[-1] then na else if inside_bar then low else inside_bar_lo[1];

plot z5 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_hi;
plot z6 = if (!show_inside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else inside_bar_lo;

def iarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if inside_bar then 0
  else if close > inside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < inside_bar_lo then -1
  else iarrows[1];

def iuparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > inside_bar_hi and iarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > inside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def idwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < inside_bar_lo and iarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < inside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 3 of arrows
plot insup = if (show_inside_bar and iuparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

plot insdwn = if (show_inside_bar and idwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 2)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------
# Outside_Bar - white

#plot outBar2 = low < low[1] and high > high[1];
def outBar2 = if !show_outside_bar then 0 else
  low[1] > low[0] and high[1] < high[0];

# outsidebar is same as 2nd half of nirvana
# if bar is a nirvana , then disable outsidebar
def outside_bar = if nirvana then 0 else outbar2;

# keep hi/lo of last signal bar
def outside_bar_hi = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then high else outside_bar_hi[1];
def outside_bar_lo = if bn == 1 or outside_bar[-1] then na else if outside_bar then low else outside_bar_lo[1];

plot z7 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_hi;
plot z8 = if (!show_outside_bar or !show_bar_level_lines) then na else outside_bar_lo;

def oarrows = if bn == 1 then 0
  else if outside_bar then 0
  else if close > outside_bar_hi then 1
  else if close < outside_bar_lo then -1
  else oarrows[1];

def ouparrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close > outside_bar_hi and oarrows[1] <> 1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close > outside_bar_hi) then 1
  else 0;

def odwnarrow_en = if (show_only_first_changed_arrows and (close < outside_bar_lo and oarrows[1] <> -1)) then 1
 else if (!show_only_first_changed_arrows and close < outside_bar_lo) then 1
  else 0;

# row 4 of arrows
plot outsup = if (show_outside_bar and ouparrow_en) then (low - (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

plot outsdwn = if (show_outside_bar and odwnarrow_en) then (high + (arrow_sp_fac * (arrow_size * sizex) * 3)) else na;

# ----------------------------------------------

addlabel(show_NIRVANA, "Nirvana", Color.CYAN);
addlabel(show_HolyGrail, "HolyGrail", color.magenta);
addlabel(show_Inside_bar, "Inside bar", Color.yellow);
addlabel(show_Outside_bar, "Outside bar", Color.WHITE);

 if Nirvana then Color.CYAN
 else if HolyGrail then color.magenta
 else if inside_bar then Color.yellow
 else if outside_Bar then Color.WHITE
 else Color.CURRENT);


nirvana - zoomed in , first changed arrows

nirvana - zoom out, multiple triggers

all 4 signals - all arrows
each signal arrow has a different price factor, so they appear stacked, not on top of each other.

Thanks for this, its been really helpful. I've been trying to learn some coding by taking apart and scavenging bits of code. I like how you have the breakout lines but was wondering what part of the code determines how long they are? If I only wanted to extend the lines for say 6 candles would it be possible?

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