Not really. The Mobius Volume Wave has recursion, the Trend Pivots and RSI are complex.Thank you, very promising to see comments from Mobius. Is there any way to combine all three into one strategy that can be backtested and later converted into Conditional Order?
@MerryDay I know this is an old post. I am new here and in the learning phase. I am sort of lost as I cannot find the script that goes with this thread. One member said he was using it for scalping, but I couldn't find it. If you have a sec and can point me to the script, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Find out more about these indicators:
Mobius Trend Pivots:
Mobius Volume Waves:
RSI Laguerre:
Hello @MerryDay !This is how Mobius uses this strategy. It has excellent results for swing traders. Can be combined with the Buy The Dip or (whatever significant bottom-finding indicator of your choice).
I gather my favorite stocks that have had the best dips (OMG so many of them this week!) and I watch my 1hr chart (or whatever is your favorite middle time-frame)... It gives me a heads up that there is a good reversal setting up. Once the setup, is a go on my 4hr chart. I look to my shortest time-frame to come into line.
An argument can be made to filter your corral of potential commodities to meet your highest timeframe first. This helps limit the number of potential plays that you have to review on the middle timeframe.Hello @MerryDay !
To elaborate, you would try to find plays on the middle time frame first? Then go to the highest time frame to confirm. And finally go to the smallest time frame for entries? The way that mobius worded it seems like he's going from the lowest to the highest time frame to find plays, which felt so backwards to me lol. Thanks in advance for whenever you answer this post!
The dashed lines warn of proximity to the pivot linesI have read this thread several times. But I still do not know what is the purpose of the white dash lines, the Risk Off Line. What we should do if the bar crosses above or crosses below them?
def baseTF = GetAggregationPeriod();
def agg;
if baseTF == AggregationPeriod.MIN
agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
else if baseTF == AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN
agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
else if baseTF == AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN
agg = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;
else if baseTF == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_MIN
agg = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;
else if baseTF == AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN
agg = AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN;
agg = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
########################## Mobuis VolumeWaves -- begin
input n = 6;
def v = volume;
def accumulation = IsAscending(HL2, n);
def distribution = IsDescending(HL2, n);
def w_volWave = if accumulation and !accumulation[1]
then v
else if distribution and !distribution[1]
then v
else w_volWave[1] + v;
def isVolumeWavesBuy = accumulation;
def isVolumeWavesSell = distribution;
#AddChartBubble(isVolumeWavesSell && baseTF == AggregationPeriod.MIN, low, "r" , Color.WHITE, no);
#### ---- #### highTF
def highTF_v = volume(period = agg);
def highTF_accumulation = IsAscending(HL2(symbol = getSymbol(), period = agg), n);
def highTF_distribution = IsDescending(HL2(symbol = getSymbol(), period = agg), n);
def highTF_w_volWave = if highTF_accumulation and !highTF_accumulation[1]
then highTF_v
else if highTF_distribution and !highTF_distribution[1]
then highTF_v
else highTF_w_volWave[1] + highTF_v;
def highTF_isVolumeWavesBuy = highTF_accumulation;
def highTF_isVolumeWavesSell = highTF_distribution;
########################## Mobuis VolumeWaves -- end
AddChartBubble(highTF_isVolumeWavesBuy && baseTF == AggregationPeriod.MIN, high, "g" , Color.YELLOW, no);
Could you please mark up your 1 min /MYM explaining what you said above? Thank youWhich indicators are working well for this strategy? THanks
Could you please show me what you mean on a marked-up chart? Thank youI've been using this as a scalping strategy on /YM the past couple weeks on a 1-min chart. I know that isn't it's 100% intended purpose, but it works so well. I've never been more consistent with my trades. Just 1 mini contract at a time, entering if the previous bar closes within the shaded region AND when price breaches the STO/BTO levels, taking profits at the STO_RO and BTO_RO levels has been doing wonders for me. The second part of the strategy (letting another contract ride) is a little too fast-paced for me to set up the risk management appropriately on a 1-min chart so I'll be looking at higher timeframes for that. Just shooting from the hip, but I'd say I'm hitting about 75-80% of all the trades.
# Mobius Supertrend Volume Waves
# V01.2020
# Plots Volume Waves based on trend.
# CHETRON 01082023
#declare lower;
input n = 6;
input AvgType = AverageType.HULL;
input ATRmult = .7;
input ColorCandles = NO;
INPUT VT = AGGregationPeriod.MIN ;
def o = open(PERIOD=VT);
def h = high(PERIOD=VT);
def l = low(PERIOD=VT);
def c = close(PERIOD=VT);
def v = volume(PERIOD=VT);
def ATR = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(h, c, l), n);
def DN = HL2(PERIOD=VT)+ (AtrMult * ATR);
def UP = HL2(PERIOD=VT) + (-AtrMult * ATR);
def cond = if c < cond[1]
then DN
else UP;
def accumulation = cond == UP;
def distribution = cond == DN;
def w1 = if accumulation and !accumulation[1]
then v
else if accumulation
then w1[1] + v
else Double.NaN;
def w2 = if distribution and !distribution[1]
then v
else if distribution
then w2[1] + v
else Double.NaN;
DEF waves1 = w1;
DEF waves2 = w2;
def SD = StDevAll(v);
DEF avg = (HighestAll(w1/2)+highestAll(w2/2))/n ;
#AssignPriceColor(if ColorCandles and cond == dn
# then
# else;
# End Code
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