Some Random Alien
New member
Mobius Squeeze and Custom Labels For ThinkOrSwim
A little gift for the group. This is my first indicator. I took Mobius' Squeeze and added a few things. There's about 30 line of code and 150 line of comments explaining what everything does. My background is data science as it pertains to advertising and a copywriter. I did some coding 2 centuries ago.
With the indicator, I can predict when a Squeeze will happen, as well as how likely a Squeeze is to happen. Bunch of other stuff, too. Provides about 6 items of direct metrics and another 6 of indirect metrics/indications. It is a pretty good tool for anticipating trends (if I say so myself)
Thanks to the group for answering all my questions and providing inspiration.
A little gift for the group. This is my first indicator. I took Mobius' Squeeze and added a few things. There's about 30 line of code and 150 line of comments explaining what everything does. My background is data science as it pertains to advertising and a copywriter. I did some coding 2 centuries ago.
With the indicator, I can predict when a Squeeze will happen, as well as how likely a Squeeze is to happen. Bunch of other stuff, too. Provides about 6 items of direct metrics and another 6 of indirect metrics/indications. It is a pretty good tool for anticipating trends (if I say so myself)
#--------------------- [ Care And Feeding Of Your New Indicator ] ---------------------
# In the 'SQUEEZE INDEX' display box, you'll find a bunch of predictive analytics.
# The numbers, left to right...
# 1. 'Squeeze Index' number
# 2. The previous SI number
# 3. The Percentage Difference between the current and previous SI
# 4. The current number of Squeeze Bars. If no Squeeze, then default is zero
# 5. The number of bars since a Squeeze
# 6. The lowest Percent Difference seen during the Squeeze. An indication of how
# deep the Squeeze was.
# Changed the sensitivity of the entrance and exit by just a couple of milliseconds. This was
# done to help smooth the Squeeze. The change is so small, the human eye cannot see a difference,
# but the smoothing prevents false entrances and premature exits. Once a Squeeze has been entered,
# it is less likely to quickly jump back out.
# Previously, the Squeeze indicator would light and then potentially immediately exit, only to jump back
# in again, or maybe not... kinda like how my mother used to drive... start, stop, mash the gas and slam the brakes.
# To her, a stop sign was merely a suggestion. That's LA driving :) How did I survive? Now, a Squeeze is
# 'more committed' (smooth and steady) before it is announced and 'minor' false signals are ignored.
# Also made the indicator change color... blue for when the stock is moving away (above SI 20) from a Squeeze,
# color.LIGHT_ORANGE when the Squeeze Index (SI) reaches <= 20. Blue was chosen while moving away
# from a Squeeze because for Squeeze Traders, moving away from a Squeeze is 'sad' :) The LIGHT_ORANGE
# alerts to a upcoming change as the SI reaches 20 and below.
# If a Squeeze reaches -20 or below (what I consider a Deep Squeeze) then the plot dot turns violet. Green for no # Squeeze, red for a Squeeze between zero (beginning) and -19, then violet for anything under -20. John Carter
# uses a black dot to signify something (for what, I do not know) so I chose violet for Deep Squeeze.
#-------------------------------------[ Disclaimer ] -------------------------------
# Because TOS is a scripting language (vs a complied language) AND because I am not a REAL programmer,
# there are a few things to consider. TOS has a ton of cool features (recursive) but it doesn't like
# to count numbers. Sometimes the counters (how many bars since a Squeeze) are a few bars off.
# Sometimes they are correct. Depends on the timing of the displaying of the bars. Sounds very British :)
# There area few known bugs in TOS that cause the simplest stuff to be difficult, but then again,
# TOS makes some really difficult stuff, easy. And, again... I am NOT a real programmer.
# Add those two ingredients and bad stuff can happen, quickly.
# As far as I can tell, the cool recursive features makes doing some of the easy stuff, difficult.
# If you know how to make the counters more accurate. then please... fix at will.
# The math (maths for all my British friends) is correct (double-check, please).
# The counters give a general idea, the math is more accurate.
# Some of the code was written by me, and some written by others. I credited code when the
# author was known. Everyone deserves a pat on the back :) Or, ala Moody Blues, Every Good Boy Deserves A Favour.
# Gals, too :)
#-------------------------------- [ What It All Means ] -----------------------------
# This is my first indicator mod... a Thank You gift to the group :) Forgive my crappy programming...
# fix if you wish.
# With this indicator, you can actually click the charts and predict when the next
# Squeeze will happen. Cool. How?
# The higher the SI (first number) the less likely (lower numbers means the event is near)
# a Squeeze event will happen. The Percent Difference (3rd number) tells you if the
# SI trend is up or down. An SI of 115 with a PD of -20% means the SI has been
# recently driving downwards at a rate of 20% (roughly) per bar. A consistent drop of 20% will
# mean the SI could reach zero in 5 bars, depending on Volume. Not likely, but you
# get the idea. If the SI is at 100 and the PD shows -.025% (a slow downward drop) then we
# know the Squeeze is a long way off. Time to look for another underlying. A positive number means the
# underlying is moving away from a Squeeze. A Percent Difference (or SI) rise or fall of 20+ points indicates
# a fast-moving stock, regardless of IV.
# More Examples:
# Nomenclature (In order, left to right):
# -------------------------------
# SI = Squeeze Index (Group 1 or G1)
# Past SI = PSI (G2)
# Percent Difference = PD (G3)
# Number Of Bars While In Squeeze = BIS (G4)
# Number Of Bars Since Squeeze = BSS (G5)
# Squeeze Depth (Lowest Percent Down While In Squeeze... variable 'historicalDifference') = SD (G6)
# 1. SI (G1) = 500; G5 = 2 == huge swing UP coming out of Squeeze
# IE: Only 2 bars out of Squeeze (G5) and already 500 Index Units UP
# 2. SI (G1) = 1000; G3= -5.00%; == huge swing DOWN towards Squeeze
# IE: A negative G3 indicates negative movement (towards a Squeeze). However, since G1 is a positive
# 1000 Units aways from a Squeeze(zero) then there is no immediate Squeeze. In fact, the trend
# could reverse... and probably will. If G1 was <20, then a Squeeze is nearing.
# 3. SI (G1) = 2000; G2 = 200; G5 = 100 == huge swing Up... moving away from Squeeze
# IE: Since G! is a big number and it is >G2, there is no Squeeze approaching. Time for lunch :)
# 4. SI (G1) = -1; G4 = 1 == Just started Squeeze
# IE: When in a Squeeze and G1 is increasing and/or G3 is increasing, then the Squeeze is reversing. Get ready :)
# 5. SI G(1) = 200; G2 = 100 == Moving fast towards (down) a Squeeze ( a 50% jump down)
# SI (G1) tells how far away (positive number) from a Squeeze
# G2 indicates direction. If G1 > G2 then UP. If G1 < G2 then DOWN
# G3 See G2 explanation
# G4 The Percent Difference between G1 and G2. A positive number indicates UP and negative numbers indicates DOWN
# G5 The number (always positive) of bars the Squeeze has occurred. Will be ZERO if not in a Squeeze
# G6 The lowest Percent Difference while in a Squeeze
# For example... an SI of 120 and a previous SI of 110 with a Percent Difference of 1.5(%...
# this indicate the underlying is moving very slowly away from a squeeze. An SI of 5 with a
# previous of 4 and a PD of -1% means the underlying is moving to a possible Squeeze...
# about 1-4 minutes to a Squeeze if the current conditions prevail...the bathroom can wait.
# An SI of 1,000 (group 1) and a previous of 1,500 (group 2) and a PD of -50% (group 3) means the stock
# is headed South towards a Squeeze, quickly.
# The relationship between the current and previous bar (Percent Difference) gives insight on direction,
# as well as overall market trend, at the moment. I successfully calculate all my clients' digital advertising
# based on 7 calculations. One of those predictive calculations is in this indicator.
# During testing, I have accurately predicted a Squeeze, with time to fetch coffee. I can
# even predict the intensity of action after the Squeeze, while still in the Squeeze. The direction
# of the Squeeze exit is shown visually via Bollinger Bands (not included).
# The number of bars during a Squeeze is the 4th group. In my testing, the more Squeeze bars
# does not indicate a better Squeeze. What more bars does measure is a lack of interest in the underlying.
# Low volume will drive a Squeeze to 10-20 bars in duration. Dreadfully painful. In my testing, a deeper Squeeze is
# more beneficial than a longer Squeeze, as it indicates a potentially more explosive exit.
# The SI will show you the depth of the Squeeze. I believe it's a valuable piece of previously missing information.
# Hope you find the SI informative and educational. I spent many years as a data scientist
# and copywriter in the advertising industry. I use data to drive all decisions for my
# FaceBook advertising clients, with impressive results. You can never have enough data,
# but feel free to mod this ****er any way you wish. One size does not fit all.
# Of course, don't use this thing, lose a bunch of money, and then blame me. Likewise, if make a ton of cash,
# I won't ask for a commission :) All indicators are for informational purposes only. Just because it works
# for my brain, doesn't mean it will work for you. I have a moderate brain injury from the military...
# I know I see things differently, but in some ways it has become an asset. Using different tools and
# seeing things differently than others is usually good. Some Data Scientists think my use of Percent Difference
# vs Percent Change or even just regular Percent is strange, but I see something in Percent Difference that they don't...
# a buffer. In my view, Percent Difference smooths calculations. A change from +10% to +20% would be seen as a 100% increase,
# but that's not correct. It is actually only a 66.66% Percent Difference. That's the buffer. In my world,
# Different or Unusual or Avantgarde > Normal. Do (and use) what works for your brain.
# Thank You
# David M. (Some Random Alien From Outer Space)
# PS: Generally speaking, scripting languages do not ignore comments. I don't know if TOS
# is negatively affected by comments... I am sure if you delete all the long comments, the code
# will run faster. Not sure... just a guess.
# Momentum Squeeze
# Mobius
# Added Squeeze Label with directional color
# Label is green when momentum is ascending, red when descending
# David changed the default Input to 21. After years of data scientist-ery, I have
# become fond of odd numbers. They do all sorts of cool stuff. Odd numbers smooth
# calculations and such. It seems the Universe can spilt the difference with even numbers
# (the dreaded 50/50 split), but must make a choice when presented with odd numbers. I chose '21'
# as a default because a lot of traders follow the 21 EMA or 21 SMA. A nod to those who travelled before me :)
# Now.... on with the show
# --------------------------- [ Mobius code below ] -------------------------------
declare lower; # Remark this out to allow placement on upper chart... or 'declare upper'
input length = 21; #hint length: Length for average calculation.
input price = close;
input SDmult = 2.0;
input ATRmult = 1.5;
def K = (Highest(high, length) + Lowest(low, length)) /
2 + ExpAverage(close, length);
plot Momo = Inertia(price - K / 2, length);
Momo.AssignValueColor(if Momo > Momo[1] and Momo > 0
then Color.CYAN
else if Momo > 0 and Momo < Momo[1]
then Color.BLUE
else if Momo < 0 and Momo < Momo[1]
then Color.RED
else Color.YELLOW);
#--------------- [ Metrics From Mobius ] ---------------
def SD = StDev(close, length);
def Avg = Average(close, length);
def ATR = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length);
def SDup = Avg + (SDmult * SD);
def ATRup = Avg + (ATRmult * ATR);
plot Squeeze = if SDup < ATRUp then 0 else Double.NaN;
# David M.(Some Random Alien) 10-6-2021
# Don't blame Mobius... I made this mess :)
# Code displays Squeeze Watch Prediction Index.
# Depending on volume, a score of less then 25 could signal an impeding Squeeze.
def squeezePrediction = ((SDup - ATRup) / (SDup + ATRup) / 2) * 100;
def squeezeIndex = Round(squeezePrediction * 10000, 0);
def squeezeIndexDifference = (squeezeIndex - squeezeIndex[1]) / (squeezeIndex + squeezeIndex[1]) / 2 * 100;
def squeezeProgress = Round((squeezePrediction - squeezePrediction[1]) * 10000, 2);
def squeezeIndexOn = squeezeIndex <= 0;
rec counter = if squeezeIndexOn then counter[1] + 1 else 0;
def deepSqueeze = squeezeIndex <= -20;
rec accumCounter = if squeezeIndex >= 0 then accumCounter[1] + 1 else 0;
rec historicalDifference = if squeezeIndexOn then Lowest(squeezeIndexDifference) else historicalDifference[1];
#---------------------------- [ Plots Some Dots ] -----------------------------
Squeeze.AssignValueColor( if deepSqueeze then CreateColor(185, 30, 249)else color.RED);
plot zero = if IsNaN(close) or !IsNaN(Squeeze) then Double.NaN else 0;
# Make the SI bar look pretty :)
AddLabel(yes, " SQUEEZE INDEX: " + squeezeIndex + " [" + squeezeIndex[1] + "] " + "[" + AsText(squeezeIndexDifference, NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES) + "%] " + "[" + (counter[1]) + "] | " + "[" + accumCounter + "] " + "[" + AsText(historicalDifference[1], NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES) + "%] ", if squeezeIndex > squeezeIndex[1] and squeezeIndex > 50 and squeezeIndexDifference > 0 then CreateColor(16, 198, 226) else color.LIGHT_ORANGE);
def fixBug = if squeezeIndex >= 0 then counter[1] == counter[1] == 0 else Double.NaN;
# I changed this Mobius code to show orange during initial squeeze
# and then turns to red if >5 squeeze bars. John Carter believes that a squeeze of 5 is better
# than a squeeze of 2 or 3. He is correct. However, during my initial testing, a squeeze of more
# than 5 is not better. During my testing, a squeeze substantially greater than 20 is worse than a 5.
# Your mileage may vary. Consult your owner's manual for more information. Hands and feet inside the ride
# at all times :) And because I am a self-taught coder, I messed up Mobius' pretty formatting to reflect
# my ignorance of the craft :)
AddLabel(!IsNaN(Squeeze), " >>> Squeeze <<< ", if IsAscending(Momo)
then Color.GREEN else if counter[1] >= 5 then Color.RED else CreateColor(16, 198, 226));
def cleanup = if IsNaN(Squeeze) then counter[1] == 0 else 0;
# End Code - Momentum Squeeze
Thanks to the group for answering all my questions and providing inspiration.
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